General Arts and Science Diploma 2015-2016 Student Handbook Program # 0089

General Arts and Science
2015-2016 Student Handbook
Program # 0089
Conestoga College Institute of Technology and
Advanced Learning
Note: This is a companion document to the current
Conestoga College Student Guide.
1) WELCOME ...................................................................................................................... 4
Conestoga Mission ............................................................................................................ 4
Program Handbook Guidelines.......................................................................................... 4
2) PROGRAM ACADEMIC TEAM ........................................................................................ 5
2.1 Program Faculty ......................................................................................................... 5
3) PROGRAM OVERVIEW................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Program Description ................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Program Learning Outcomes...................................................................................... 6
3.2 Program Curriculum Sequence/Design ...................................................................... 7
4) STUDENT SERVICES INFORMATION ........................................................................... 8
4.1 Career Services – Program Specific........................................................................... 8
4.2 Co-Curricular Record – Program Specific .................................................................. 8
4.3 Co-op Services – Program Specific ............................................................................ 8
4.5 Orientation – Program Specific ................................................................................... 8
5) PROGRAM INFORMATION & PROTOCOLS................................................................... 9
5.1 Academic Assistance ................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Academic Dates ......................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Academic Probation – Program Protocols .................................................................. 9
5.4 Academic Standing and Promotion Requirements – Program Protocols.................... 9
5.5 Attendance – Program Protocols ................................................................................ 9
5.6 Awards – Program Specific ........................................................................................ 9
5.7 Clearance of Academic Deficiency – Program Protocols ......................................... 10
5.8 Communication – Program Standard & Emailing Protocols ..................................... 10
5.9 Eligibility- Program Protocols .................................................................................... 10
5.10 Course Add/Drop Program ..................................................................................... 10
5.11 Program Completion Policies ................................................................................. 11
5.12 Deferral, Discontinuance, or Probation ................................................................... 11
5.13 Evaluations (deadlines, tests and assignments) – Program Protocols ................... 11
5.14 Graduation .............................................................................................................. 11
5.15 Program Transfer Protocols.................................................................................... 12
5.16 Program Progression .............................................................................................. 12
5.17 Program Advisory Committee (PAC) ...................................................................... 12
5.18 Student Feedback .................................................................................................. 12
5.19 Key Performance Indicators ................................................................................... 12
5.20 Student Appraisal of Teaching................................................................................ 13
5.21 Student Representatives – Program Protocols ....................................................... 13
6) FACILITY INFORMATION – PROGRAM PROTOCOLS ............................................... 13
7) SAFETY INFORMATION – PROGRAM PROTOCOLS ................................................. 13
7.1 Basic Safety.............................................................................................................. 13
7.2 Emergency Program Protocols ................................................................................. 13
8) CONESTOGA POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ............................................................ 14
9) Program Handbook Revision Log .................................................................................. 14
Welcome to Conestoga College, the next step in your pursuit of post-secondary learning.
The School of Liberal Studies is your gateway to a variety of other college programs in
the fields of Health Sciences, Community Services, Business, Information Technology,
Engineering, and Media and Design. It can also be your gateway to degree-level
academic learning at either colleges or universities, if that is your goal. In particular, the
General Arts and Sciences programs are designed to help you define your academic or
career path by discovering your passion, developing your creativity, enhancing your
professionalism, and augmenting your post-secondary academic achievements.
The purpose of this guide is to provide students with program-specific details and other
important information needed, while studying in the School of Liberal Studies. The
material in this guide is accurate at the date of posting, and is applicable for the current
academic year. Students will be informed of changes as required through the
Conestoga email system. Program handbooks are updated yearly and students must
check their program handbook for the current edition.
This guide must be read in conjunction with general information about Conestoga
College found on the website and in the student guide. The information in the Student
Guide and on the college website applies to all students, regardless of program, and will
be referred to in Phase II Orientation at the beginning of the first semester in a program.
It is the responsibility of each student to review and understand this document. The
School of Liberal Studies is here to educate students on how to manage their college
experience, navigate the college systems, make informed decisions, and assume
responsibility for their academic success. If there are any questions or concerns
regarding the content of this document, please contact the Program Coordinator.
Conestoga Mission
To CHAMPION innovation and excellence in the development and delivery of education and
To SERVE responsibly the diverse and ever-changing needs of the community.
To INSPIRE students and employees to strive toward their highest potential.
Program Handbook Guidelines
The purpose of this handbook is to provide students with program specific details and
other important information. The material in this handbook is accurate at the date of
posting, and is applicable for the current academic year. Students will be informed of
handbook changes that occur, if any, through college email. Program handbooks are
updated yearly and students must check their program handbook for the current edition.
Chris Buuck
Dean – School of Liberal Studies and School of Language and Communications
(519) 748 - 5220 ext. 3675
Mary-Lynn Dedels
Administrative Assistant to Dean
(519) 748 - 5220 ext. 2307
Andrew Schmitz Ph.D.
Academic Chair
Mary-Lynn Dedels
Administrative Assistant to Academic Chair
(519) 748-5220 ext. 3265
Dr. Laura Quirk Program
(519) 748-5220 ext. 3291
2.1 Program Faculty
Deb Cox
Barry Cull
Therese Morgan
Laura McAlister
Other Faculty
In addition to the core complement of your full-time program faculty, other faculty will
work with you for the duration of this program. These include faculty from other
schools for breadth and /or/general education courses, as well as faculty with
particular expertise in specific areas of program focus. Contact information for this
faculty will typically be provided on the first day of related courses.
3.0 Program Description
This two-year program is designed for students who wish to acquire a general education
in the arts and sciences while exploring their educational or vocational options within the
college or other institutions. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in three major
disciplines: humanities, applied mathematics and science, and social and behavioural
In the second-year the opportunity exists for students, in consultation with the program
coordinator, to select vocational courses in the major discipline of their choice. In this
way, a program is constructed to meet each student's goals.
During this program, students will participate in a course on career options.
Students can find their program design on the Student Portal by following the steps
1. Log in to Student Portal
2. Click on ‘My Courses’ tab
3. Select ‘View Progress Report’ button
Courses are listed by level/semester. Students can also view courses for the most
current program design for this academic year on the Conestoga College website. To
find these courses, students need to scroll down the page to the ‘Program Courses’.
Academic assistance is available to students through a variety of avenues. The program
coordinator/academic advisor and faculty can advise students on specific program and
course information such as adding/dropping courses, special timetabling, etc. Access
the Conestoga website for assistance provided through Accessibility Services. Access
the Learning Commons website for detailed information on the academic services they
provide, including Learning Skills, Peer Services, Math and Writing assistance.
Program start and end dates, holidays and deadlines for course add/drop and
withdrawal are located in the Student Guide. Course changes (add/dropping) may also
be made through the Student Portal under the “My Courses” tab.
3.1 Program Learning Outcomes
Successful completion of this program will enable the graduate to:
1. Develop insight into both self and society through general knowledge gained in a
wide range of subjects.
2. Develop flexibility and clarity of both thought and expression in order that he/she
may develop communication competence to a level required by business and
3. Understand and utilize critical thinking processes and problem-solving techniques.
4. Examine and evaluate various aspects of our changing society to assist in
developing a sense of personal and social responsibility as a citizen in society.
3.2 Program Curriculum Sequence/Design
The following is the anticipated sequence of the program over its two years of
implementation beginning in September 2014. Occasionally, minor program design
changes do occur and students are notified of these changes.
Level One:
CDEV1121 Career Options
COMM1085 College Reading and Writing Skills
COMP1076 Computer Software Applications
LIBS1540 Student Success for Higher Learning
MATH1400 Essential Mathematics
General Education Elective (minimum 42 hours)
Level Two:
BUS1070 Introduction to Human Relations
LIBS1520 Introduction to Social Sciences
LIBS1560 Our Domain: Introduction to World Geography
SCIE1060 Understanding Science
General Education Elective x 2 (minimum 84 hours)
Level Three:
BIOL1010 Biological Sciences
COMM1855 Business Communications 2
PSYC1010 Psychology: Basic Processes of Behaviour
General Education Elective x 3 (minimum 126 hours)
Level Four:
LIBS1160 Essentials of Canadian History
SCIE1050 Introduction to Physical Sciences
General Education Elective x 4 (168 hours)
Refer to your Student Guide for Conestoga’s student services information.
4.1 Career Services – Program Specific
Some students seek admission to more specific vocational/educational programs at
Conestoga College or elsewhere following completion of one, two or three semesters.
Those graduating after the fourth semester often find employment relating to their
choice of vocational discipline. Some graduates continue their education at university.
4.2 Co-Curricular Record – Program Specific
The CCR is an official document, complementary to your academic transcript, which
recognizes and records learning that you have achieved through approved co-curricular
experiences at Conestoga College. For more information and how to be involved with
the CCR, please email
Several General Arts and Science students participate in the annual College Fair to
develop their CCR.
4.3 Co-op Services – Program Specific
Not required for this program
Some students seek admission to more specific vocational/educational programs at
Conestoga College or elsewhere following completion of one, two or three semesters.
Those graduating after the fourth semester often find employment relating to their
choice of vocational discipline. Some graduates continue their education at university.
4.5 Orientation – Program Specific
Program orientation activities are conducted at Conestoga College
5.1 Academic Assistance
Academic assistance is available to students through a variety of avenues. The
program coordinator and faculty can advise students on specific program and course
information. Access the Conestoga website for assistance provided through
Accessibility Services. Access the Learning Commons website for detailed information
on the academic services they provide, including Learning Skills, Peer Services, Math
and Writing assistance.
5.2 Academic Dates
Refer to your Student Guide for academic dates.
5.3 Academic Probation – Program Protocols
Academic probation could occur in the following circumstances:
one or more cited instances of plagiarism (See Academic Integrity Policy)
lack of attendance/lack of effort in more than one course which results in multiple
failures within a year
5.4 Academic Standing and Promotion Requirements – Program Protocols
In order to graduate, all academic requirements for the program must be
completed. Unless otherwise stated, students registered in non-cohort delivered
programs must complete the program of study within seven years of being
admitted to the program.
5.5 Attendance – Program Protocols
Regular attendance by each student is essential for successful timely completion of the
5.6 Awards – Program Specific
Conestoga has more than 400 awards, bursaries, scholarships and academic grants
available to Conestoga students. These funds are made available to our students
through the partnerships we have established with local business and industry leaders.
To be considered for an award, complete the General Application available through your
Student Portal. Notifications and instructions to complete the application are sent to all
full-time students’ email accounts in the fall semester (Deadline: First Friday in October)
and winter semester (Deadline: First Friday in February). Visit the Financial Aid and
Student Awards Office on Conestoga’s website for more information.
5.7 Clearance of Academic Deficiency – Program Protocols
The following policy is in addition to the college-wide policy for the Clearance of
Academic Deficiencies.
In order to qualify for a supplemental exam or for supplemental work, a student must:
1. Have achieved no less than 50% as a final grade for a diploma-level course
2. Have completed all scheduled tests/in-class assignments and handed in all other
assignments during the semester.
In addition, the student’s work must be free of plagiarism and other forms of academic
In order to write a supplemental, students must apply at the Registrar’s Office and pay
the required fee. This must be done within 5 business days after the final grade is
posted. The student must complete the supplemental evaluation within 15 business
days after the final grade for the course is posted.
5.8 Communication – Program Standard & Emailing Protocols
Conestoga College student email accounts are used to communicate with students.
Students are expected to regularly check their student email accounts. Faculty will not
respond to emails from non-Conestoga email addresses.
5.9 Eligibility- Program Protocols
This program does not have a Co-op option.
5.10 Course Add/Drop Program
You can add, change and drop courses from your portal depending on the dates and
which program you are in:
1. Log in to the Student Portal
2. Click on the “My Courses” tab
3. Scroll over the icons to the right of individual course listing.
It is strongly recommended that students consult their program coordinator/academic
advisor prior to dropping a course.
Visit the Credit Transfer Office for information on credit transfers and exemptions.
5.11 Program Completion Policies
Conestoga’s General Arts and Science Diploma has pathways opportunities to:
Wilfrid Laurier University (Brantford, Ontario)
University of Waterloo (Waterloo)
University of Guelph-Humber (Toronto, Ontario)
Griffith University (Australia)
Davenport University (Michigan, USA)
There are a number of different opportunities available to students who want to continue
studying at Conestoga. Whether you wish to transfer to another program or apply to a new
program after graduation, Conestoga has established pathways to help you meet your
goals. Conestoga Pathways information is available on Conestoga’s website.
5.12 Deferral, Discontinuance, or Probation
Academic probation is a term used when a student's academic progress is being
monitored. Academic decisions are based on a student's academic achievement and
follows the promotion guidelines of the program. An academic decision is assigned to the
student record indicating progress/promotion at the end of each unit/module/semester or
at the end of the academic year.
5.13 Evaluations (deadlines, tests and assignments) – Program Protocols
Prior notification of absences for tests or assignments is required and must be approved
with your professor in advance of the test date or due date. Late submission of
assignments will receive a late penalty of 10% per day.
5.14 Graduation
Students are eligible to graduate upon completion of all academic requirements in their
program of study, including co-op placements if applicable. Students are expected to
respond to their invitation through their Student Portal. Convocation ceremonies are held in
the spring and fall of each academic year. Students, who take longer than the advertised
program length, are responsible for completing any new or additional courses due to a
program design change. Students who complete their program after the scheduled
completion date are required to fill out an Application to Graduate form and submit it with
payment to the registrar’s office. Students who are discontinued or have withdrawn and
then return to the college will be placed in the current program design and must meet all
requirements to graduate.
5.15 Program Transfer Protocols
Prior to transferring to another program, it is recommended that the student meet with the
program coordinator or academic advisor. Students who decide to change programs may
do so by completing and submitting a Program Application Form to the registrar’s office. If
considering transferring to a program outside the school in which they are currently
enrolled, students may want to discuss options with a career advisor. When a student
moves from one Conestoga program to another and where courses numbers/codes are
identical or equivalent, automatic transfer credit is given if passing grades are met.
5.16 Program Progression
Students actively registered in cohort delivered programs who take longer than the
designed program length of time to complete their studies are accountable for completing
any new or additional courses that may result due to changes in the program of study.
Unless otherwise stated, students registered in non-cohort delivered programs must
complete the program of study within seven years of being admitted to the program.
5.17 Program Advisory Committee (PAC)
Each program at Conestoga has a Program Advisory Committee (PAC), which is made up
of industry and academic representatives, as well as current students. They meet several
times a year to discuss the direction in which that industry is heading and any
improvements that can be made to keep the program current. This helps to ensure that
students are learning material that is relevant to their industry.
At the beginning of each year, the coordinator of the program will ask for student
volunteers. The coordinator will decide which students will represent years one and two.
The student representatives are expected to attend PAC meetings. Students must prepare
and submit a report based on guidelines provided by the Program
Chair/Coordinator which will be presented at the meetings. Students are expected to be
professional, dress in business attire and engage in discussions.
5.18 Student Feedback
Student feedback is an essential component of our continuous improvement process. Our
opportunities for student feedback include:
5.19 Key Performance Indicators
All college programs in the province are evaluated using Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. This survey is
each academic year. Strategic goals to improve the programs are developed from these
results. This data and other data specific to the campus and the program/school are
collected so that Conestoga College can continually improve quality.
5.20 Student Appraisal of Teaching
The Student Appraisal of Teaching (SAT) allows direct feedback from students on
teaching for a particular course. Completion of the SAT form gives teachers and
academic managers valuable information, to use for improving teaching at Conestoga.
The SAT process occurs near semester-end. One-quarter of the faculty is appraised per
term, and each has two courses selected by their academic managers for appraisal. All
full- time professors have a SAT review at least once every two years. A similar process is
also undertaken for part-time instructors. Students complete either an electronic or paper
copy of the SAT. A summary of results is prepared by Institutional Research. The report is
sent to the Academic Manager who shares the report with the faculty member AFTER all marks
for the semester have been collected.
5.21 Student Representatives – Program Protocols
CSI and Conestoga agree that a student has the right to invite a member of CSI to a
student/faculty meeting, provided that 24 hours advance notice is given to faculty. This
advance notice will ensure that all parties will have an opportunity to adequately prepare for
the meeting.
Refer to the Student Guide for information on after-hours access, parking, and classroom &
computer labs.
7.1 Basic Safety
Refer to your Student Guide for Conestoga’s Safety and Security services and
Note: Students are required to sign a CCITAL Acknowledgment of Safety Training and
Responsibilities Form (if applicable to program).
7.2 Emergency Program Protocols
Refer to your Student Guide for Conestoga’s Safety and Security services and
For a complete listing of Conestoga’s academic policies and procedures, see the Student
9) Program Handbook Revision Log
Revised Spring 2014
Revised Spring 2015