Available at http://pvamu.edu/aam Appl. Appl. Math. ISSN: 1932-9466 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012), pp. 672 - 690 Study of Reliability with Mixed Standby Components M. A. El-Damcese and A. N. Helmy Department of Mathematics Tanta University, Egypt meldamcese@yahoo.com Received: June 23, 2011; Accepted: September 7, 2012 Abstract This paper deals with the reliability characteristics of two different series system configurations with mixed standby (include cold and warm standby) components. The failure rates of the primary and warm standby components are assumed to follow the Weibull distribution. The repair time distribution of each server is exponentially distributed. Moreover, we will derive the mean time-to-failure, and the steady-state availability for a special case of a serial system of two primary components, two warm standby components, and one cold standby component, when the failure and repair rate are constant. Keywords: Reliability, Availability, Time varying failure, standby components, Markov Method MSC 2010 No.: 60K10; 62P30; 60J28 1. Introduction System reliability and system availability have widely been studied because of their prevalence in power plants, manufacturing systems, and industrial systems. Maintaining a high or required level of reliability and/or availability is often an essential request. In this paper, we consider the manufacturing system or the power plant to be series system with mixed standby (include cold and worm standby) components. A standby component is called a 'cold standby' if its failure rate is zero. The standby component is referred as 'warm standby' when the failure rate is nonzero and 672 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) 673 is less than the failure rate of a primary component. Primary, warm, and cold components can be considered to be repairable. The present study is differs from past work in that it presents a novel methodology to design a system configuration involving series and mixed standby components. The reliability characteristics of a system with M operating machines, S warm standby spares and R repairmen with exponential failure and exponential repair time distributions was investigated by Wang and Sivazlian (1989). Srinivasan and Gopalan (1973) studied one on-line unit (operating machine) with general lifetime distribution, w Warm standbys with exponential failure and exponential repair time distributions based on only one assumption, namely, the system fails when no spares are available to replace the failed operating machine. Studies have been focused on assuming that the time-to-repair follows an exponential distribution [see Yadavalli et al. (2002); Chien et al. (2006)]. The reliability and availability characteristics of two different series system configurations studied by [El-Said and El-Sherbeny (2007)]. El-Sherbeny et al. (2009) derived the reliability and availability characteristics of three different series system configurations with warm standby components and a repairable service station. El-Sherbeny (2010) discussed the optimal system for series systems with mixed standby components. In this paper, we are going to study three different system configurations of series and mixed standby components. Configurations 1,2 are compared based on their reliability. In addition, for configuration 3, which is a special case, we are going to develop the explicit expressions for the mean time-to-failure MTTF and the steady-state availability AT ( ) , and to calculate the cost/benefit ratio (C / B ) based on assumed numerical values given to the system parameters, as well as to the costs components. 2. Estimation of the 2-parameter Weibull distribution The hazard function of a component following a 2-parameter Weibull distribution can be described by: t 1 h(t ) , (1) where θ is a scale parameter, and η is a shape parameter. The likelihood function for m items begin test at the same time by Farnum and Booth (1997) is: L i 1 m f (ti ) * R (ti ) i 1 ti ti m [ t i 1 e ] * e . i 1 i 1 674 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy m t lnL ln ln ( 1) lnti i . i1 i1 The partial derivatives of the natural log of the likelihood function are: m ln L t ln ln ti i [ln ti ln ] 0 , i 1 i 1 ln L 1 m ti i 1 m t i 1 i (2) 0, 1 , (3) and 1 m ln ln ti ln . i1 (4) Substituting the results from equations (3), (4) into (2), then we have: m t 1 m ln L m ln ti ln ln ti mi ln ti ln ti ln , i1 i 1 i 1 i 1 ti i1 m t i ln t i , 0 ln t i m i 1 i 1 ti i 1 m t ln t i i ln t i , m i 1 i 1 ti i 1 and m i 1 t i ln t i m ti i 1 1 i 1 ln t i 1 h ( ) 1 . (5) For censoring, ti is a recorded failure time for i and ti ts for 1 i m , where t s is the maximum test time for censoring, is the number of items that fail before ts . When all AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) 675 ti ( i 1, 2 ,3,..., m ) are available, the data are complete; complete data are a special case of right concerning for . Our empirical investigations suggest that choosing: v lim h( ) . Compute estimate of the parameters θ and η for number of failures times . The proofs of the following results are presented in the appendix. 3. Description of the system For the sake of discussion, we consider the requirements of a 10MW power plant. We also assume that generators are available in units of both 10 and 5 MW. Standby generators are always necessary in case of failure. We assume that the switch is perfect (Wang and Kuo, 2000). We also assume that the switchover time from warm standby component to primary component, from cold standby component to warm standby component, from failure to repair, or from repair to cold standby component (or primary component if the system is short) is instantaneous. Primary components and warm standby components can be considered to be repairable by Wang et al. (2006) and Xie et al. (2004). Each of the primary components fails independently of the state of the others and has time-dependent failure rate with parameters . Whenever one of the primary components fails, a warm standby moves into operation if any is available, and a cold standby is put on warm standby state if any is available, we now assume that when a warm standby moves into a primary component state, its failure characteristic will be that of the primary component, and when a cold standby moves into a warm standby state, its failure characteristic will be that of a warm standby. We assume that each of the available warm standby components fails independently of the state of all the others and has time-dependent with parameters . Whenever a primary component or a warm standby failure rate component fails, it is immediately repaired in the order of breakdowns with a time-to-repair, which is exponentially distributed with parameter . Once a component is repaired, it is "as good as new", notice that a failed system is never repaired. The following configurations are considered: The first configuration is a serial system of one primary 10MW component, one warm standby 10MW component, and one cold standby 10MW component. The second configuration is a serial system of two primary 5MW components, one warm standby 5MW component, and one cold standby 5MW component. The third configuration (a special case): of two primary 5MW components, two warm stand by 5MW components, and one cold standby 5MW component, with constant failure rate 1 , 2 ,and constant repair rate µ. 676 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy 4. The Reliability of the System The state probability P j (t ) ,for j=0,1,2,3 can be viewed as a result of solving a set of four first order linear differential equations given by the following identity: d P j dt where (t ) 3 3 i0 i j i0 i j P j (t ) P j (t ) a j i P i (t ) a i (6) j is the transition rate from state j to state i. 4.1. Calculations for Configuration 1 For configuration 1, let P3 (t ) be the probability that exactly 3 components are working at time t, (t 0) . If we let P (t ) denote the probability row vector at time t, then the initial conditions for this problem are: P (0) P3 (0), P2 (0), P1 (0), P0 (0) 1,0,0,0 . (7) The system-state equations for a Markov model which is the set of the first-order linear differential equations given by P QP . The transition rate matrix Q for reliability according to configuration 1 is given by: (t) (t) 2 1 1 (t) 2 (t) Q 0 0 1 (t) 2 (t) 1 (t) 2 (t) 0 0 2 1 (t) 2 1 (t) 0 0 0 0 We will take the matrix Q and delete the rows and columns for the absorbing state. The new matrix is called (t ) . AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) (t) (t) 2 1 (t) 1 (t) 2 (t) 0 677 . 2 1 (t) 2 0 1 (t) 2 (t) 1 (t) 2 (t) We can write the system in the form: P ( t ). P ( t ) , (8) P3 (t ) where, P(t ) P2 (t ) . P1 (t ) To solve equation (8) with the initial condition P3 (0) 1 P (t 0) P2 (0) 0 . P1 (0) 0 (9) t Multiplying both sides of equation (8) by e ( s ) ds 0 then we have: d 0 ( s ) ds e . P (t ) 0 , dt t (10) And, hence, t ( s ) ds P(t ) e 0 . P(t 0) . (11) t ( s ) ds Our problem now is how to determine the value of e 0 . So assume that t D ( s ) ds 0 where , (12) 678 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy H1 (t) H2 (t) t D (s) ds H1 (t) H2 (t) 0 0 , 2 t H1 (t) H2 (t) t H1 (t) H2 (t) H1 (t) 2 t t 0 and t H 1 (t ) t 1 , H 2 (t ) ( x ) dx 0 2 ( x ) dx . 0 The method of solving we follow gives us the value of e D by the following relation e D 0 I 1 D 2 D 2 , (13) where I is the identity matrix of rank 3 and 0 , 1 , 2 are the parameters obtained from the solution of the following system: e S1 0 1S1 2 S12 , (14) e 0 1S2 S , (15) e S3 0 1S3 2 S32 , (16) S2 2 2 2 where S 1 , S 2 , S 3 are the characteristic roots of the matrix D. these roots are obtained from the characteristic equation g(s) of the matrix D given by: H1(t) H2 (t) s t 0 . g(s) H1(t) H2 (t) H1(t) H2 (t) t s 2 t H1(t) H2 (t) H1(t) 2 t s 0 (17) By solving equations (14) – (16), we have S 2 S 3 (S 2 S 3 )e S1 S1 S 3 (S 3 S1 )e S2 S1 S 2 (S1 S 2 )e S3 0 , (S1 S 2 )(S1 S 3 )(S 2 S 3 ) 1 (S32 S 22 )e S1 (S12 S32 )e S2 (S 22 S12 )e S3 , (S1 S 2 )(S1 S3 )(S 2 S3 ) (18) (19) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) 679 ( S 2 S3 )e S1 ( S3 S1 )e S2 ( S1 S 2 )e S3 . 2 ( S1 S 2 )(S1 S3 )(S 2 S3 ) (20) Now we can obtain the value of e D from equation (13) and obtain the values of required states probabilities from equation (11) which are: P3 (t) 0 1 H1 (t) H2 (t) 2 H1 (t) H2 (t) tH1 (t) H2 (t) 2 P2 (t) 1 H1 (t) H2 (t) 2 H1 (t) H2 (t) H1 (t) H2 (t) H1 (t) H2 (t) t 2 , P1 (t) 2 (H1 (t) H2 (t)) where t H i (t ) i i , i 1,2 . The system reliability function of configuration 1 is: 3 R1 (t ) Pi (t ) 0 . i 1 Since from equation (18), one can obtain R1 (t ) S 2 S3 (S 2 S3 )e S1 S1S3 (S3 S1 )e S2 S1S 2 (S1 S 2 )e S3 , (S1 S 2 )(S1 S3 )(S 2 S3 ) (21) where 1 1 1 / 6 (36 ab 108 c 8 a 3 12 12 b 3 3b 2 a 2 54 bac 81c 2 12 ca 3 ) 1 / 3 6 b a 2 9 3 s1 1/ 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 36 ba 108 c 8 a 12 12 b 3b a 54 bac 81c 12 ca a 3 s 2 , s3 1 1 1 (36ab 108c 8a 3 12 12b 3 3b 2 a 2 54bac 81c 2 12ca 3 )1 / 3 3 b a 2 12 3 9 1/ 3 1 36ba 108c 8a 3 12 12b 3 3b 2 a 2 54bac 81c 2 12ca 3 a 3 680 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy 1 1 1 ( 36 ab 108 c 8 a 3 12 12 b 3 3b 2 a 2 54 bac 81 c 2 12 ca 3 ) 1 / 3 6 b a 2 1 6 3 9 i 3 1/3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 36 ba 108 c 8 a 12 12 b 3b a 54 bac 81 c 12 ca and a 3 H (t ) 1 2 H 2 (t ) 3 t b 3H 1 (t ) H 2 (t ) 4 H 1 (t ).H 2 (t ) 3 t H 1 (t ) 2 t H 2 (t ) 2 2 t 2 2 2 c H 1 (t ) 2 H 1 (t ) .H 2 (t ) H 1 (t ).H 2 (t ) 3 2 2 for t H 1 (t ) 97.22 2.12 1.79 t , H 2 (t ) 111.66 , 0.05 . 4.2. Calculations for Configuration 2 Let P3 ( t ) be the probability that exactly 4 components are working at time t, (t 0) . If we let P(t ) denote the probability row vector at time t, then the initial conditions for this problem are: P (0) P3 (0), P2 (0), P1 (0), P0 (0) 1,0,0,0 . (22) The transition rate matrix Q for reliability according to configuration 2 is given by: 2 (t) (t) 1 2 21 (t) 2 (t) Q 0 0 21 (t) 2 (t) 21 (t) 2 (t) 0 0 2 21 (t) 2 21 (t) 0 0 . 0 0 We will take the matrix Q and delete the rows and columns for the absorbing state. The new matrix is called (t ) . AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) 2 (t) (t) 1 2 (t) 21 (t) 2 (t) 0 681 . 2 21 (t) 2 0 21 (t) 2 (t) 21 (t) 2 (t) We can write the system in the form: P ( t ). P ( t ) , (23) where, P3 (t ) P(t ) P2 (t ) . P1 (t ) To solve equation (23) with the initial condition P3 (0) 1 P(t 0) P2 (0) 0 . P1 (0) 0 (24) We will solve equation (23) with the aid of the method used in the previous section and hence: 2H (t) H (t) t 0 1 2 D (s) ds 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2 t 2H1 (t) H2 (t) t 0 0 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2H1 (t) 2 t t and t H 1 (t ) 1 ( x ) dx t , H 2 (t ) 0 Here, the value of e D 2 ( x ) dx . 0 will be given by the same relation, which is: e D 0 I 1 D 2 D 2 , (25) 682 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy where I is the identity matrix of rank 3 and 0 , 1 , 2 are the parameters obtained from the solution of the following system: e r1 0 1r1 2 r12 , (26) e r2 0 1r2 2 r22 , (27) e r3 0 1r3 2 r32 , (28) where r1 , r2 , r3 are the characteristic roots of the matrix D. these roots are obtained from the characteristic equation g(r) of the matrix D given by: 2H (t) H (t) r t 0 1 2 . 2 t g(r) 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2H1 (t) H2 (t) t r 0 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2H1 (t) 2 t r (29) By solving equations (26) – (28), we have r2 r3 (r2 r3 )e r1 r1r3 (r3 r1 )e r2 r1r2 (r1 r2 )e r3 0 , (r1 r2 )(r1 r3 )(r2 r3 ) (30) (r32 r22 )e r1 (r12 r32 )e r2 (r22 r12 )e r3 1 , (r1 r2 )(r1 r3 )(r2 r3 ) (31) (r2 r3 )e r1 (r3 r1 )e r2 (r1 r2 )e r3 2 . (r1 r2 )(r1 r3 )(r2 r3 ) (32) and D Now we can obtain the value of e from equation (25) and obtain the values of required states probabilities from equation (23) which are: P3 (t) 0 1 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2 2H1 (t) H2 (t) t2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2 P2 (t) 1 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2H1 (t) H2 (t) 2H1 (t) H2 (t) t P1 (t) 2 (2H1 (t) H2 (t)) 2 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) 683 where i , i 1,2 . t H i (t ) i The system reliability function of configuration 2 is: 3 R2 (t ) Pi (t ) 0 . i 1 Since from equation (30), one can obtain R 2 (t ) r2 r3 (r2 r3 )e r1 r1r3 (r3 r1 )e r2 r1r2 (r1 r2 )e r3 , (r1 r2 )(r1 r3 )(r2 r3 ) (33) where 1 1 1 / 6(36ab 108c 8a 3 12 12b 3 3b 2 a 2 54bac 81c 2 12ca 3 )1 / 3 6 b a 2 9 3 r1 1/ 3 1 36ba 108c 8a 3 12 12b 3 3b 2 a 2 54bac 81c 2 12ca 3 a 3 r2 , r3 1 1 1 (36ab 108c 8a 3 12 12b 3 3b 2 a 2 54bac 81c 2 12ca 3 )1 / 3 3 b a 2 12 9 3 1/ 3 1 36ba 108c 8a 3 12 12b 3 3b 2 a 2 54bac 81c 2 12ca 3 a 3 1 1 1 ( 36 ab 108 c 8 a 3 12 12 b 3 3b 2 a 2 54 bac 81 c 2 12 ca 3 ) 1 / 3 6 b a 2 1 6 9 3 i 3 1/ 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 36 ba 108 c 8 a 12 12 b 3b a 54 bac 81 c 12 ca and a 6 H ( t )1 2 H 2 (t ) 3 t b 12H 1 (t ) H 2 (t ) 8 H 1 (t ).H 2 (t ) 6 t H 1 (t ) 2 t H 2 (t ) 2 2 t 2 2 2 c 8H 1 (t ) 8 H 1 (t ) .H 2 (t ) 2 H 1 (t ).H 2 (t ) 3 for 2 2 684 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy t H 1 (t ) 97.22 2.12 1.79 t , H 2 (t ) 111.66 , 0.05 . 4.3. Calculations for Configuration 3: Mean time to failure of the system: For configuration 3, let P4 (t ) be the probability that exactly 5 components are working at time t, (t 0) . If we let P (t ) denote the probability row vector at time t, then the initial conditions for this problem are: P(0) P4 (0), P3 (0), P2 (0), P1 (0), P0 (0) 1,0,0,0,0, (34) where the transition rate matrix Q for reliability according to configuration 3 is given by: 0 0 21 22 2 2 21 22 2 0 2 1 21 2 2 Q 0 21 22 3 21 3 0 0 21 2 0 0 0 21 0 . 0 4 4 0 To evaluate the transient solution is too complex. Therefore, we will restrict ourselves in calculating the MTTF. Therefore, we will take the transpose matrix of Q and delete the rows and columns for the absorbing state. The new matrix is called A. 2 2 1 2 A 0 0 21 22 21 22 0 21 22 2 21 2 2 0 3 0 . 21 2 21 3 0 The expected time to reach an absorbing state is calculated from: (35) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) E TP ( 0)P ( absorbing ) 685 1 1 P(0)( A1 ) , 1 1 (36) E TP ( 0 )P ( absorbing ) MTTF3 (37) 1 3 3 6 2 2 8 2 1 (6 42 )22 (18 242 )2 1 (12 362 161 )12 . 8(1 2 )3 Availability Analysis of the System: For the availability case of configuration 3, we will use the initial condition initial conditions for this problem from equation (34): The differential equations form can be expressed as: 21 22 0 P4 (t) 2 P3 (t) 21 22 21 22 P (t) 21 2 2 0 21 22 2 P (t) 0 0 21 2 1 0 0 0 P0 (t) 0 P4 (t) 0 0 (t) P3 . 3 0 . P2 (t) 21 3 4 P1 (t) (t) 4 P0 21 0 The steady state availability can be obtained using the following procedure. In the steady state, the derivatives of the state probabilities become zero. That allows us to calculate the steady state probabilities with: AT ( ) 1 P0 ( ) , and, QP() 0 , or, in the matrix form: (38) 686 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy 0 21 22 2 2 21 22 2 2 1 21 2 2 0 21 22 0 0 21 2 0 0 0 P4 () 0 0 0 () P3 0 3 0 . P2 () 0 0 ( ) 21 3 4 P1 0 () 21 4 P0 0 0 . (39) Using the following normalization condition: 4 P ( ) 1 . i 0 (40) i We substitute (40) in any one of the redundant rows in (39) to yield 2 2 0 0 2 1 21 22 21 22 2 0 0 21 22 21 2 2 3 0 0 21 2 21 3 1 1 1 1 0 P4 () 1 0 () P3 0 . 0 . P2 () 0 0 4 P1 () () 0 1 P0 (41) Solution of (41) provides the steady-state probabilities in the availability case. The explicit expression for A T ( ) is given by: AT () [ 2 1 (3 3 (6 2 2 (6 22 )22 (6 2 (12 82 )2 (6 102 41 )1 )] /[6 4 12 32 (12 2 2 )22 12 31 24 2 2 1 (10 22 ) 12 (17 82 ) (8 102 41 ) ] 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 (42) . Cost/Benefit Ratio: The notion of cost-benefit analysis is simple in principle. We assume the size-proportional cost for the primary components, warm standby components, and cold standby components, respectively, shown in table (2) with this we calculate the costs for configuration 3. It utilizes the cost/benefit ratio (C / B) as a means to rank alternatives, let: C = the cost for the configuration3, B 1 = the MTTF of configuration 3, AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) 687 or B 2 = the AT ( ) of configuration 3. Table 1. The size-proportional cost for the components Component Cost (in $) Primary 5MW Warm standby 5MW Cold standby 5MW 5E+6 3E+6 2E+6 The cost for configuration 3 (where there is two primary components, two warm standby components, and one cold standby component= $18E+6). A numerical illustration is provided by considering the following parameters: 1 0.6, 2 0.05, 1.0 . Given these values, we can calculate for configuration 3: 1) cost/MTTF=1.39E+6 2) cos t / AT () =18.5E+6 5. Conclusion We have provided in this paper, the reliability of two configurations, when the components have time-dependent failure rate and a constant repair rate. By comparing the R(t) in both configurations, we can see that in the first configuration the reliability is higher than reliability in second configuration as shown in Figure 1. Moreover, from numerical results for the cost/benefit measure have been obtained for configuration 3 (special case), we have provided a systematic methodology to develop the mean time to system failure and the steady-state availability of series system with mixed standby components. By comparing the MTTF and the AT () , we can draw a conclusion that the mean time to system failure and the steady-state availability are significantly improved by adding cold standby components. Numerical results for the cost /benefit measure have been obtained for the configuration 3 gives smallest cost/MTTF than the cost/MTTF by configuration (two primary 5MW components, one warm standby 5MW component, and one cold standby 5MW component), and the configuration 3 gives smallest cos t / AT () than cos t / AT () by configurations (one primary 10MW component, one warm standby 10MW component, and one cold standby 10MW component), (one primary 10MW component, one warm standby 10MW component, and two cold standby 688 M. El-Damcese and A. Helmy 10MW components), and (one primary 10MW component, two warm standby 10MW components, and one cold standby 10MW component). R1(t) R2(t) 1 0.8 R(t) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 t 300 350 400 450 500 Figure 1: Relationships between R(t) and Time (hr.) in Configuration 1, 2 Appendix Then from equation (4), we have: v ln t s 1 ln t i 1 (A.1) i and lim h( ) 0 ln t i 1 i (m ) ln t s m 1 m ln t i 1 i 1 m 1 ln ts ti ln ts ti i1 m i1 v v 1 v . m m (A.2) Using equations (A.1) and (A.2) to obtain : v (1 / m)v 2 1 2 . v (2 / m) (A.3) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December 2012) 689 2 This approximation simplifies to . Equation (A.3) provides a quick approximation to v can be used as an initial estimate of for iterative MLE routines. and Table 2. Computing estimate of the parameters and for number of failures times . Order failures times 1/ 10 t For i=1,2,…,10 i 2/V v i1 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 37 31 27 24 18 58 43 35 32 26 72 88 56 65 66 83 41 66 39 53 115 73 96 79 77 136 82 101 89 93 152 96 131 98 108 165 101 145 120 135 185 111 199 180 220 213 135 222 235 253 0.682 0.948 0.884 1.117 1.216 2.933 2.12 2.26 1.79 1.64 138.07 97.22 128.41 111.66 118.84 References Chien, Y. H., Ke, J. C., and Lee, S. L. (2006). Asymptotic confidence limits for performance measures of repairable system with imperfect service station, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 35(3): 813-830. El-Said, K. M., and El-Sherbeny M. S. (2007). On the evaluation of reliability and availability characteristics of two different systems, Information and Management Sciences, 18(1): 8190. Sherbeny M. S., Rashad, A. M., and Gharib, D. M. (2009). The optimal system for series systems with warm standby components a repairable service station, Pakistan Journal of Statistics Operations Research, 5(1): 1-17. Sherbeny M. S. 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