RESOLUTION To: From: Subject: Date: UNCW Faculty Senate UNCW Senate Faculty Welfare Committee Faculty Teaching Load 09/02/2014 Whereas the UNC General Administration (GA) Policy 400.3.4 section 5 on Monitoring Faculty Teaching Workloads specifies that faculty in Masters Comprehensive I institutions have an assigned load of six (6) classes per academic year; and Whereas UNCW has had a classification of Masters Comprehensive I status since 2000; and Whereas the current Academic Affairs Faculty Workload Policy (indicating eight three-credit courses per academic year) is inconsistent with the GA policy, Resolved that the Academic Affairs policy be edited to comply with section 5 the UNC GA Policy Faculty Teaching Workloads as follows: A full workload for UNCW faculty is considered to be a teaching assignment of four three, three-credit hour courses per semester (including credit hour equivalencies-CHEs), but that three four, three-credit hour courses may be assigned to faculty without researchactive status, based on their involvement with research, scholarship, and/or artistic or creative activities. Respectfully submitted, UNCW Faculty Welfare Committee