BACH GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA October 2015 Towards a more harmonized and friendly database… 1 OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.1 Description of BACH database 1.2 National databases 1.3 Reference year 1.4 Profitability 1.5 Financing 2 KNOWING MORE 2.1 Outlook #3: Developments in the leveraging process of European companies: Some effects on the asset side 2.2. ECB Statistics Paper Series (SPS): The Bank for the Accounts of Companies Harmonized (BACH) database 3 PUBLICATIONS AND BACH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 3.1. National publications 3.2. BACH products and services 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.1. DESCRIPTION OF BACH DATABASE Description of Bank for the Accounts of Companies Harmonized (BACH) database Definition: BACH is a free database with aggregated and relatively harmonized annual accounting data of non financial enterprises Size class: 4 size classes (SME, small, medium and large) Countries: 11 European countries Samples: Variable and sliding samples AT NACE industry: 17 sections and about 80 divisions Time span: from 2000 onward Outputs (number of items): Balance sheet items (41), income statement (22), items from the notes (3) and economic and financial ratios (29) BE CZ DE ES FR IT NL PL PT SK Four more countries in a near future: DN LX RO TR Statistical measures: coverages, some absloute values, number of companies and employees, weighted mean and quartiles (first, median and third) Warning: Substantial data harmonization efforts have been realized in order to increase the reliability of cross-country comparisons. However, differences in accounting standards and national sample characteristics persist which might impact on the results provided in this document. Information on the accounting deviations and the sample characteristics in each country are available on the BACH website. GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 2 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.2. NATIONAL DATABASES Weight of each national sample in the total population (Total companies) | Coverage 56% 54% ES PL DE 89% 75% 10% 43% 55% 69% 81% 100% 100% (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701, 0 - All sizes) AT CZ Number of corporations NL BE Number of employees FR IT PT SK Turnover Note: For Poland note that data is exhaustive in the case of companies with more than 9 employees that deliver full balance sheet statement. GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 3 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.2. NATIONAL DATABASES Distribution of each national sample by business sectors (Turnover) | Structure by sector (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701, 0 – All sizes, Turnover) Manufacturing (NACE B,C) Electricity and water supply (NACE D,E) Others (NACE A,H,J,I,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S) Trade (NACE G) Construction (NACE F) Maximum 100% 73% Manufactuting + Trade in BACH 31% 60% 32% 37% 39% 27% FR 34% 53% 42% 30% 40% 21% 32% ES Minimum 16% BE 28% AT 29% 26% 20% 27% 39% 40% 44% 27% 33% 60% 41% 80% 0% CZ DE IT NL PL PT SK GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 4 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.2. NATIONAL DATABASES Distribution of each national sample by technological intensity (Manufacturing GVA) | Structure by technological intensity (BACH nomenclature: C - Manufacturing, 0 – All sizes, Gross value added, WM – weighted mean) High-technology (NACE 21,26) Medium-high-technology (NACE 20,27-30) Medium-low-technology (NACE 19,22-25,33) Low-technology (NACE 10-18,31-32) Maximum 75% 26% 27% 24% 32% 40% 11% 10% 5% 4% 5% 19% 5% 30% 7% 37% 30% 17% 37% 49% 7% 35% 48% 32% AT BE CZ DE ES FR IT NL PL PT SK Note: ‘Technological intensity’ defined according to Eurostat and OECD criteria. Medium technology Manufacturing In BACH Minimum 28% 16% 31% 26% 7% 34% 35% 38% 27% 59% 14% GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 5 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.3. DESCRIPTION AND REFERENCE YEAR Reference Year The “Overview on the BACH database”, presented in the next points, is based on the following data (the latest available data in BACH database): Provisional (Next updates: final data for 2013): DE (Germany) ES (Spain) FR (France) NL (the Netherlands) Final (Next updates: provisional data for 2014): AT (Austria) BE (Belgium) CZ (Czech Republic) PL (Poland) PT (Portugal) SK (Slovakia) IT (Italy) GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 6 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.4. PROFITABILITY R33 - EBITDA on Net turnover (Total companies) | Activity and technical ratios (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701, 0 – All sizes, WM – weighted mean) 20% 18,1% 18% 16% Maximum Minimum 8,1% 6,9% 8,3% BE 7,3% AT 6% 10,5% 8% 7,5% 10% 10,8% Manufacturing+ Trade in BACH 9,1% 12% 10,2% 18,1% 10,3% 14% 6,9% 4% 2% 0% CZ DE ES FR IT NL PL PT SK GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 7 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.4. PROFITABILITY R42 - Staff costs on Gross value added (Total companies and Manufacturing) | Activity and technical ratios (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701 and C - Manufacturing, 0 – All sizes, Q1 – Quartile 1, Q2 – Median, Q3 - Quartile 3) (No quartiles available for CZ) 80% 60% 40% 20% (No quartiles available for CZ) 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 0% AT BE CZ DE ES FR IT NL PL PT SK Total companies In most cases, the median for the total is equal or below the median for the manufacturing sector AT BE CZ DE ES FR IT NL PL PT SK Manufacturing - NACE C In general, the interquartile range for manufacturing sector is lower when compared to the total of companies GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 8 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.4. PROFITABILITY R31 – Gross value added on Net turnover (Trade and Manufacturing) | Profitability ratios (BACH nomenclature: G – Wholesale and retail trade and C - Manufacturing, 0 – All sizes, R31 – Gross value added on Net turnover, WM – weighted mean) 17% 15% ES NL AT Trade 13% PT 11% FR SK IT BE DE 9% PL CZ 7% 5% 15% 17% 19% 21% 23% 25% 27% 29% 31% Manufacturing For most countries, R31 for manufacturing and trade sector is between 19% and 23%, and 7% and 13%, respectively GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 9 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.4. PROFITABILITY R38 –Net profit or loss for the period on Total equity (Manufacturing) | Profitability ratios (BACH nomenclature: C - Manufacturing, 0 – All sizes, WM – weighted mean) ] 12%; 18%] ] 6%; 12%] ] 1%; 6%] Besides Belgium and Slovakia, Southern Europe countries present the lowest results for R38 in the Manufacturing sector GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 10 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.5. FINANCING E - Total equity on total balance sheet by enterprise size (Total companies) | Equity and Liabilities (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701 , 0 – All sizes, 1 – SMEs (turnover < 50 M€), 2 – Large companies (turnover ≥ 50 M€), WM – weighted mean) Countries All sizes SMEs Large companies AT 32% 32% 33% BE 47% 48% 45% CZ 46% 41% 48% DE 34% 37% 33% ES 42% 48% 38% FR 32% 34% 31% IT 32% 32% 32% NL 57% 60% 50% PL 51% 52% 51% PT 30% 29% 32% SK (2012) 32% 29% 41% There is a diversity in relation to financial autonomy ratio in BACH countries (in the range of 30% to 57% for the total) GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 11 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.5. FINANCING Weight of each source of financing on total liabilities (Total companies) | Equity and Liabilities (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701, 0 – All sizes, WM – Weighted mean) 100% 80% 60% 33% 40% 20% 32% 31% 31% 39% 25% 19% 15% BE CZ DE 28% 23% 3% 25% 22% 0% 15% 32% 17% 21% 27% 20% FR IT NL PL PT SK 0% 0% AT Credit Institutions (BACH item L2) Trade payables (BACH item L4) ES Other financial creditors (BACH item L31) Others (BACH item L1,L5,L6) Other non-financial creditors (BACH item L32) Provisions (BACH item Lp) Other creditors (BACH item L3=L31+L32) Notes: For a complete analysis of the differences in source of financing of the countries the consultation of the BACH Userguide is imperative. In particular, it is important to know that neither the other financial creditors component nor the other non-financial creditors component is available for Austria; the BACH item L3 “other creditors” is provided instead. All values are expressed in terms of total liabilities (BACH item L). With some exceptions, “L2+L31” represents the most important source of financing in BACH countries GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 12 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.5. FINANCING R22 - EBITDA on interest on financial debt by enterprise size | Financial and debt service ratios (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701 , 0 – All sizes, 1 – SMEs (turnover < 50 M€), 2 – Large companies (turnover ≥ 50 M€), WM – weighted mean) 800% 700% PL FR SMEs 600% BE DE AT IT 500% NL ES SK 400% 300% PT Not available for CZ 200% 200% 400% 600% 800% 1000% 1200% 1400% 1600% 1800% 2000% Large companies With some exceptions, R22 is in the range of 500% to 800%, regardless of size class Notes: The size of the bubble corresponds to the value for total companies (Zc) GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 13 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.5. FINANCING R16 - Current debt on Total assets by Enterprise size | Financial structure ratios (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701, 1 – SMEs (turnover < 50 M€), 2 – Large companies (turnover ≥ 50 M€), WM – Weighted mean) 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% (Not available for CZ) 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% AT BE CZ DE ES FR IT Large companies NL PL PT SK SMEs Notes: In what concerns AT data, items L311 and L312 are not available. In that sense, for AT, the numerator of R16 includes only items L11, L21, L4 and L5. For more information, please consult the BACH Userguide (Deviations file). With some exceptions, SMEs present higher figures than large companies for R16 GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 14 1. OVERVIEW ON THE BACH DATABASE 1.5. FINANCING R53-R52 - Difference between Trade payables (R53) and Trade receivables (R52) on Net turnover (Net trade credit financing) | Working capital ratios (BACH nomenclature: Zc - Total NACE without K642 and M701 , C - Manufacturing and G – Wholesale and retail trade, 0 – All sizes, WM – weighted mean) 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% -6% AT BE CZ DE ES Total companies FR IT Manufacturing NL PL PT SK Trade The difference between R53-R52 for manufacturing and for total companies is negative for most countries GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 15 2. KNOWING MORE 2.1. OUTLOOK #3: DEVELOPMENTS IN THE LEVERAGING PROCESS OF EUROPEAN COMPANIES: SOME EFFECTS ON THE ASSET SIDE The Outlook #3, entitled “Developments in the leveraging process of European companies: Some effects on the asset side” uses BACH data to compare recent trends in non-financial corporation performance in the following nine European economies: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. In particular, indicators on the financial structure of non-financial corporations, their debt and financial services as well as the structure of the asset side are presented. The analysis includes an assessment of the recent situation in the countries under study and analyses the effects of the economic and financial crisis as well as the evolution of non-financial corporation financing between 2008 and 2013. The main attention is dedicated to the analysis of deleveraging effect during the financial crisis. Particular attention is given to the role of firm size and industry affiliation and to measures of dispersion. 2.2. ECB STATISTICS PAPER SERIES (SPS): THE BANK FOR THE ACCOUNTS OF COMPANIES HARMONIZED (BACH) DATABASE [Available at https://] The Bank for the Accounts of Companies Harmonized (BACH) is a free-of-charge database containing the aggregated accounting data of non-financial incorporated enterprises for, so far, 11 European countries. While the individual accounts feeding the database were originally prepared in line with national accounting standards consistent with European Accounting Directives, they have been harmonised with a view to preserving, to the greatest extent possible, the cross-country comparability of the resulting data. This article presents the methodology underpinning BACH, including the content of the database. It describes the characteristics of national samples and outlines the harmonisation process. BACH is a unique tool for analysing and comparing the financial structure and performance of firms across European countries. A simple case study is also presented in support. GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 16 3. PUBLICATIONS AND BACH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 3.1. NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS: Knowing the most recent publications using the BACH Database Gibt es Anzeichen für eine Bilanzrezession in Österreich? – Daten und Analysen – Q4/13 (DE version) ---Daten-und-Analysen/2013/Statistiken---Daten-und-AnalysenQ4-13/chapters/stat_2013_q4_11_analyse_konczer.pdf Central Balance Sheet Data Office. Annual results of nonfinancial corporations (EN version) (See chapter 5. International comparisons. BACH database) Central_de_Balan/anoactual/ Central Balance Sheet Data Office. Results of non-financial corporations to 2014 Q3 (EN version) letin_Economic/Informes_trimest/ Les PME en Europe : disparités entre pays et secteurs (FR version) Les-PME-en-Europe.pdf Consolidated financial statement statistics as a contribution to the extended corporate analysis: approach and initial results (EN version) ics/publications_corporate_financial_statements.html Strategie kapitału pracującego w Europie – analiza prawidłowości w krajach i grupach wielkościowych przedsiębiorstw (PL version) Struktura kapitałowa przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych w Polsce, Niemczech i Portugalii (PL version);41&qt=CHILDRENSTATELESS 22 | Análise das Empresas do Setor Exportador em Portugal (PT version) Balancos/Biblioteca%20de%20Tumbnails/Estudos%20da%20CB_2 2_2015.pdf BACH Database and its Possible Use (EN version) ok2015/01-2015/03_biatec_01_15_BACH_Database_and_i ts_possible_use.pdf European Central Bank - Statistics Paper Series - The Bank for the Accounts of Companies Harmonized (BACH) database GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 17 3. PUBLICATIONS AND BACH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 3.2. BACH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES [Available at] Outlook #3: Developments in the leveraging process of European companies: Some effects on the asset side Outlook booklets: compares recent trends in economic and financial issues of the European companies making use of the information available within the BACH database Yearly Get Insights: 2013 Yearly Get Insights: yearly portfolio of selected economic and financial indicators enabling to get easily a picture of the most recent situation of European companies Userguide: 2013 data Userguide: covers the methodology underpinning the data following a user-friendly approach. It supports the process of observing variables to obtain the extra information needed to compare data GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA | 18 GET INSIGHTS INTO 2013 DATA HOW TO CONTACT BACH WG? | Next update: October 2016