Sponsored by: UNCW Watson College of Education SouthEast Education Alliance North Carolina Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Center Center for Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Greetings STEM Education Friends and colleagues Welcome to the 1st (who knows? maybe annual) PreK-12 STEM Education Conference on the beautiful coastal campus of the University of North Carolina Wilmington! We are excited to host a STEM-infused professional development opportunity for our Southeastern North Carolina regional educational partners. We encourage all attendees to network with both old and new colleagues from across multiple disciplines and grade levels. We have made great efforts to compile a diverse program serving different grade levels with unique STEM themes. Be sure to visit the variety of exhibitor tables in between sessions and please support the folks that support STEM education efforts. We want to officially thank each of them for their ongoing support. We are so fortunate and completely delighted to have Ms. Tina Marcus, STEM Project Manager, NC Department of Public Instruction, providing our morning keynote presentation and charge. We look forward to learning more about our state’s STEM strategic plan, and the continued efforts to raise awareness and participation in the application process as we look to recognize exemplar model STEM schools and programs. We are especially privileged and honored to host our lunch keynote speaker, Dr. Sam Houston, President and CEO of the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center. The Center is dedicated to the advancement of science, mathematics, and technology in the schools of North Carolina and around the nation. We owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Houston and his office for providing the financial funding to make this STEM professional development day happen! And, we look forward to hearing from a panel of distinguished speakers assembled to convey the importance and value of STEM education across our great state. A heartfelt, “Thank you!” is offered to each and every one of our presenters who have taken their valuable time to share their ideas with us today. These individuals represent a broad spectrum of community partners, including business leaders, informal scientists and educators, school teachers and administrators, and university faculty, staff and graduate students. We are sincerely indebted to each presenter for their willingness to share their expertise with us. It takes a village to plan and integrate such a monumental effort as an engaging STEM Conference. I’d like to recognize the efforts of our relentless partners: the Watson College of Education for providing the venue and the in-kind resources for us to lead this effort today; Linda Lowe and the Southeast Education Alliance (www.southeasteducationalliance.org/) for their collaboration and professional leadership; Ms. Somer Lewis, Director of UNCW’s Professional Development System, for her guidance and organizational leadership; and Mr. Chris Gordon, Ms. A.C. Hosea, Ms. Lindsey Baker, Ms. Dani Pollard and Ms. Cheyenne Felkel, UNCW’s Center for Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (CESTEM) team for their energy, effort and persistence. Sincerely, Dr. Dennis S. Kubasko, Jr. CESTEM Director and Associate Professor of Science Education K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Conference Overview Schedule for Friday, January 9, 2015 Registration & Breakfast .................................................................8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Morning Keynote Speaker ...............................................................8:30 AM - 9:15 AM Session I ..........................................................................................9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session II .......................................................................................10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Lunch & Keynote Speaker ..............................................................12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Session III ..........................................................................................1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Session IV .........................................................................................2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Reflections & Informal Conversations .......................................... 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Conference Reminders • Parking is free and available in the deck across from the Watson College of Education building • Please check in with the Registration table in the morning and throughout the day if you have any questions, comments, or concerns • **Please be sure to fill out the survey card you received this morning and turn back into the Registration table at 3:30 PM. This is how you will receive your Certificate for attending the STEM Conference! K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Building Map K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Building Map K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Building Map K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Morning Keynote Speaker 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM Tina Marcus Project Management, STEM Education and Leadership NC Department of Public Instruction STEM Education has been involved in North Carolina education for over 17 years. Since 2011, she has served the state’s STEM Education Initiative. Advancements in STEM education include project work developing the state’s STEM Strategic Plan that defined a STEM vision for the state, identifying the 11 essential STEM Attributes critical for a quality education for leading and learning, developing a STEM Attribute Implementation Rubric that further define key elements and quality indicators of STEM, and creating an application process to recognize exemplar model STEM schools and programs. STEM Education provides principals, teachers, and students with the tools and resources to lead with a vision to empower knowledge, skills, and the opportunities to express keen creative thinking, reasoning, and collaborative teamwork; the underpinnings of 21 Century Skills needed to be successful and competitive in today’s society. Prior to Tina’s educational alliance with the state, she worked with firms in New Jersey and North Carolina as a business development consultant focusing on Strategic Planagement. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session I 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Grades: K-8 Room: 214 Presenter: Megan Ennes Sea Turtles and STEM Join me for a fun-filled, hands-on workshop that is sure to be “fin-tastic”! Learn how to use sea turtles to teach STEM. I’ll share hands-on activities and lesson plans you can implement easily. We will explore all of the resources available to you. Visit www.seaturtleexploration.com for more information. Grades: K-5 Room: 387 Presenter: Alisa Wickliff Engage your students using Engineering is Elementary (EIE) Engineering is Elementary supports educators and children with curricula and professional development that develop engineering literacy.—www.eie.org. Haven’t heard of this program? Come and learn about EiE’s potential and why the “E” in STEM is exciting. Grades: 4-12 Room: 335 Presenters: Dr. Sridhar Narayan and Dr. Gene Tagliarini E-toys in the Classroom *This Presentation spans Sessions I & II (9:30 AM – 11:45 AM) Squeak E-toys is a free, open-source programming environment that allows novice users to easily model media-rich worlds, using an intuitive user interface that supports visual programming. An excellent modeling environment for both young learners and educators alike, the Squeak E-toys environment can be used to model and study subjects as diverse as music, biology, mathematics, physics, and engineering, in contexts ranging from elementary school to high school. Grades: K-5 Room: 223 Presenter: Dr. Susan Catapano NSTA’s Position Statement on Early Childhood Science Education Review the new position statement from NSTA, crafted by a panel of experts in science and early childhood education. Apply the principles of the statement to what happens in the classroom. Learn strategies to build foundational skills in science that will support academic learning in K-12 classrooms. This session will include hands-on activities. Grades: 6-8 Room: 235 Presenters: Erika Merriman and Dennis Kubasko After School STEM Camp for Children with Autism This presentation describes theory, strategies and curricular efforts in leading an effective ‘after school middle school STEM club’ for children with Autism. It is a unique offering and partners a STEM subject specialist with an autism specialist. Enrolled students engage in motivating activities that promote higher order thinking skills across the STEM fields while coupled with the development of effective socialization strategies. OASIS NC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to providing Outstanding Autism Support and Instructional Services for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families in North Carolina. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session I 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Grades: 6-12 Room: 306 Presenter: Dr. Alison Taylor Through the Lens-How the Microscope Transformed Biological Science The ability to visualize and explore the surface and internal structure of organisms, tissues and cells is arguably one of the most powerful experiences we can provide students as they are challenged to connect biological concepts to cellular life. A brief history of microscope optics, including the development of the electron microscope, will be given before highlighting the resources available at the UNCW Microscopy Facility for all levels of student study and outreach. Grades: K-12 Room: 246 Presenter: Dr. Daniel Johnson Music and Content Integration In this session, participants will experience the synergy of infusing music and the other arts into non-arts classrooms. Commonly known as STEAM, including the arts in STEM allows students to experience concepts and express themselves in a variety of enriching and engaging activities. By honoring diverse ways of knowing, the arts provide powerful STEAM: Strategies To Engage All Minds. Session content will include both theoretical foundations of arts integration and practical examples of infusing music and other art forms into the K-12 classroom. Grades: K-12 Room: 226 Presenter: Dr. Rob Morgan The Full Belly Project: Agricultural Engineers The Full Belly Project addresses the critical issue of poverty eradication with simple agricultural technologies. Our vision is to support the improvement of economic possibilities for people in global communities. We develop and distribute agricultural devices that help people help themselves, around the world. Our technology can be found in 41 countries and counting. Stop by to visit with us and learn more about how your classroom can get involved. Grades: K-12 Room: 266 Presenters: Bill Sterrett, Scott Imig, and Michael MacGovern US Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) - Lessons on Leadership, Innovation, and Collaboration This presentation will provide an overview of ED-GRS schools and districts across the nation that are leading the way with sustainable learning environments, health and wellness, and STEM & outdoor education. This session will highlight short video testimonials from site visits, provide insights from a recent survey of ED-GRS leaders, and foster a discussion of recommendations for leadership development related to green school efforts. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session II 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Grades: 9-12 Room: 223 Presenter: Roger D. Shew Coastal Vulnerability in North Carolina: Sea Level and More “One of the most vulnerable states and more than half of NC’s shoreline is at a high risk” are how the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the United States Geological Society described the issue of sea level rise (SLR) in North Carolina. However, SLR is not uniform from north to south and we must also consider other issues such as storm surge when determining coastal vulnerability. We will look at past and current sea level trends along with future projections in the context of coastal economies, ecosystem health, and politics. Possible studies/lesson plans will be discussed. Grades: 6-12 Room: 266 Presenter: Lucas Gillispie Minecraft: The Ultimate Digital MakerSpace Build, test, fail, re-design, build, test... Design is an iterative process and a way of thinking. The maker movement is in full swing and many of our schools are setting aside space for this sort of learning. However, there’s a digital alternative and your kids are probably already there! Minecraft. Minecraft is the ultimate, digital maker space. Join Lucas Gillispie as he shares how students are engaged in open-ended, challengebased learning in the virtual world of Minecraft! Grades: K-5 Room: 226 Presenters: Dr. Laura Bottomley and Dr. Amy Craig Reamer The North Carolina K-5 Engineering Standards: An Activity-Based Introduction Why do most STEM educational efforts exclude engineering, when in fact, teachers already use engineering? Through an activity-based introduction to the K-5 engineering standards adopted by the state of North Carolina in 2012, in this session we will explore how engineering can act as an integrator that provides relevance and rigor to the study of virtually any subject. Grades: K-12 Room: 235 Presenters: Dr. Amy Moody and Dr. Terri Collins Adapting Mathematics content for Students Diagnosed with Disabilities This workshop will focus on supporting teachers who aim to meet the needs of students diagnosed with disabilities so they can gain greater understanding of math concepts. Strategies taught will include mnemonic strategies, graphic organizers, manipulatives and the use of assistive technology devices and products to support students with disabilities. Participants will walk away with handouts and websites to support their students along with basic understanding of differentiating instruction in the classroom. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session II 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Grades: K-5 Room: 214 Presenter: Michael Lanier Old River Farms Agricultural Education Programs Our program explores the importance of small farms through hands on activities while aligning to the K-5 Standards. We are a real working family farm. Learning stations change throughout the seasons and harvests so no two field trips are exactly the same. There are always new things to learn and see with every visit! We will demonstrate some of the hands on activities students will experience when they visit in the springtime. Grades: 6-12 Room: 306 Presenters: David Glenn and Joseph Neal MindStormin’ with LEGO EV3 Robots Come get some hands-on experience using and programming LEGO MindStorms EV3 Robots for problem solving in the classroom. Dave and Joe will also share their experiences using LEGO Robotics in the classroom and share how you can get the EV3 into your classroom through the CESTEM Technology Loan Program. Grades: K-5 Room: 387 Presenter: Alisa Wickliff Elementary GLOBE: Introducing K-4 students to the study of Earth System Science Elementary GLOBE includes: • Science-based storybooks designed to introduce students to key concepts in water, soil, clouds, seasons and Earth system studies. • Classroom learning activities complementing the science content covered in each storybook that are designed to further engage students in GLOBE’s 5 investigation areas. Grades: K-5 Room: 246 Presenters: Dr. Michaela Howells and Katherine Culley Understanding Humans: Using an Anthropological Approach in STEM Classrooms Anthropology, the study of humans past and present, is commonly treated as an advanced discipline decentralized from primary-level STEM curriculum. However, at the elementary level anthropology can use the intuitive developmental capacities of children to introduce concepts fundamental to a pluralistic world. In this workshop, anthropologists from UNCW and the University of Alabama provide hands on teaching opportunities fueled by the natural enthusiasm and curiosity of elementary students. This workshop incorporates evolution, primates, human adaptation, genetics, fossils, forensics, and archaeology to helps teachers connect their students with science and the world around them. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Lunch, Keynote Speaker with Panel Discussion 12 PM - 1 PM Dr. Samuel Houston, Jr., Ed.D., President and CEO North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center Samuel H. Houston, Jr., Ed.D., is President and Chief Executive Officer of the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center. The Center is dedicated to the advancement of science, mathematics, and technology in the schools of North Carolina and around the nation. The NC STEM Learning Network operates out of the SMT Center. Prior to this appointment Dr. Houston served as Vice President for Program and Policy of EdGate, Inc. and was the first executive director of the University of North Carolina Center for School Leadership Development. A former public school teacher and veteran educational administrator, Dr. Houston also previously served as executive director of the North Carolina Education Standards and Accountability Commission at the invitation of Governor James B. Hunt Jr. The commission was charged with defining the skills that North Carolina’s students must master to compete successfully in the information economy. In 2007, Dr. Houston chaired the North Carolina State Board of Education’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Testing and Accountability. Dr. Houston holds undergraduate and Master’s degrees from Appalachian State University, an Educational Specialist Degree for East Carolina University, and his Doctorate in Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. After four years as an elementary school teacher, he began a career in administration, serving as an assistant principal and principal at the junior high and high school levels. In 1983, he was named superintendent of the Mooresville City Schools, a post he held for a decade. Dr. Houston also has held adjunct professorships at ASU and UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. Houston has written and lectured widely on such topics as strategic planning, student performance and accountability, meeting the needs of the 21st century work force, skills for the 21st STEM world, social promotion and building educational partnerships. Dr. Houston earned the RJR-Nabisco Foundation’s China Breaker Award for implementing educational change and was named North Carolina’s Outstanding Community Educator. He currently serves on the National Science Resources Center Advisory Board and has served on the Microsoft School of the Future World Summit Advisory Board and Microsoft World Wide Innovative Schools Working Group. Dr. Houston serves on the James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Board of Directors and recently was presented a Distinguished Career Award from the University of North Carolina – Greensboro School of Education. He currently serves as advisor to the JOBS Commission (Joining Our Businesses and Schools) chaired by Lt. Governor Walter Dalton. In addition, he was awarded the Jay Robinson Leadership Award as an Exemplary Educator for his outstanding contributions to statewide public K-12 education. As of June 2012, Dr. Houston will be inducted into the Appalachian State University Reich College of Education’s Rhododendron Society which, established in 1999, is the highest honor given by the Reich College of Education. Panelists include: Lisa Rhoades- Senior Program Officer of the NC SMT Center; Steve Saucier, M.Ed, Executive Director of the NC Grassroots Science Museum Collaborative; and Todd Boyette, Ph. D, Director of the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session III 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Grades: K-12 Room: 162 Presenters: Dr. Sam Houston and Panel Discussion STEM: The NC Landscape Join the continued discussion from lunch with Keynote speaker, Dr. Sam Houston and his panel of STEM experts as they talk through STEM across North Carolina. Panelists include Lisa Rhoades- Senior Program Officer of the NC SMT Center; Steve Saucier, M.Ed, Executive Director of the NC Grassroots Science Museum Collaborative; and Todd Boyette, Ph. D, Director of the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center. Grades: 9-12 Room: 223 Presenter: Dr. Ralph Reda Nuclear Technology Kit for the Science Classroom The local section of the American Nuclear Society worked with UNCW CESTEM and local business to develop a nuclear science and technology kit. The kit contains all of the equipment necessary to conduct four sophisticated experiments including half-life, distance, shielding, and a cloud chamber. All of the experiments in the kit were used during the nuclear technology teacher’s workshop held at UNCW in July 2014 and can be geared for middle or high school students. The kit is available to borrow through the CESTEM Technology Loan Program. Grades: 6-8 Room: 226 Presenters: Dr. Ginger Rhodes and Dr. Shelby Morge Math Habits of Mind Do your students look for patterns, make and explore conjectures, and justify their reasoning? In our session we will examine ways to develop productive mathematical habits of mind and how these habits are related to the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices. Grades: K-12 Room: 235 Presenter: Keith Holland 3D Printing: What Can It Do for You? During our sessions we’ll explore the basics of 3D printing and give a tour of the MakerBot printer lineup. MakerBot is the leader of 3D printing in education. We will also demonstrate what 3D printing can do for you, your students and in you schools. We’ll also discuss some of the real world applications for 3D printers. We will have our MakerBot Replicator printer during all of the sessions as well. Grades: K-12 Room: 214 Presenter: Pepper Hill Inspiring STEM through Cape Fear Museum Programs Inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to be curious about the natural and human-made world around them is to promote active citizenship. Through programs, events, and exhibits, Cape Fear Museum offers STEM-based exploration and discovery to students, families, and adults. The Museum fosters familiarity in scientific settings through our hands-on, inquiry-based methods that give the learner ownership of the experiment, promoting confidence and excitement for the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session III 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Grades: 4-12 Room: 335 Presenter: David Harmon ALICE: A Programming Wonderland *This Presentation spans Sessions III & IV (1:15 PM – 3:30 PM) Alice is an innovative computing language set in a 3-Dimensional world filled with thousands of objects that can interact with each to create animations, interactive games, or presentations. Students get introduced to computer programming logic, with easy to use drop menus, with results and progress that can be seen quickly. I have taught Alice, in public schools and summer camps, and have seen students develop a great sense of logic and problem-solving skills. This workshop will show you various resources and an interactive lesson to help you incorporate Alice with your students. Grades: K-5 Room: 306 Presenter: Caroline Courter STEM in the K-5 Classroom Participants will try out some activities used in K-5 classrooms and see how to plan and implement STEM effectively. This session includes active engagement and time to collaborate for implementation! Grades: K-8 Room: 387 Presenter: Betty Bigney Laser Technology Participants will learn how lasers were invented, how lasers work and some of their many uses. They will have the opportunity to try several experiments with reflection, refraction, and absorption of light. Other activities with lasers will include viewing the imperfections in ice cubes and how to create special effects with the ice cubes. Participants will also experiment with creating special effects for laser light shows and create their own laser light show to music. Handouts will be available for all these activities and more. Directions will also be provided for building a laser special effects machine using a small $3 laser and a couple small mirrors and motors. Grades: K-12 Room: 266 Presenter: Laura Kline Beyond an Hour of Code Come to this session to learn how to get your students involved in coding in the classroom. Code is an internationally recognized leader in increasing the number and diversity of students who pursue computer science activities. Learn how your students can explore the world of computer programming by using our tested, effective, and fun resources. Information on how your students can code beyond the Hour of Code will also be provided. Grades: K-8 Room: 246 Presenters: Jennifer Micovic, Rachel Sturges, and Lindsey Baker Rockin’ the Elementary Grades This presentation will explore the geology and geography of our state using Rock Giveaway samples! Come join us to learn about N.C.’s vast geologic characteristics and about what really lies beneath our feet. Participants will join in a mapping activity using rock samples collected from across the State. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session IV 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Grades: 5-8 Room: 223 Presenter: Dr. Amy Taylor Bumpy, Sticky, and Shaky: Nanoscale Science and the Curriculum Whether we are imagining microbes or mammoths, dinosaurs or diatoms, stars or molecules, people of all ages are fascinated with the very large and the very small. New tools of science have enabled scientists to investigate extremes of science previously unknown. At the small scale, new advances in microscopy now enable us to manipulate and experiment with individual atoms and molecules. Some of the most striking new developments in science occur at the extreme ranges of scale—the very large (cosmic) and the very small (nanoscale). Discover the bumpy, sticky, shaky behavior of molecules at the nanoscale and the implications for engineering. Grades: K-12 Room: 266 Presenter: NASA Educator NASA DLN in Your Classroom! Join this interactive videoconferencing event showcasing the NASA Digital Learning Network. Did you know that NASA Education Specialists are available to videoconference with your students on a variety of topics? These events allow students to experience NASA first-hand. This session will walk teachers through a sample DLN event and provide teachers with an opportunity to engage with a NASA Education Specialist. Grades: K-5 Room: 226 Presenters: Michelle Alford Math Talk, Language is Not JUST for Reading Anymore The 8 Mathematical Practices, when utilized with fidelity, can lead a class from simply covering topics, to diving deeper and understanding the WHY of math. Students are expected to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. The language they utilize to do this can make or break a student’s path to mathematical success. Misunderstandings within mathematics can happen when we are not precise with our words. This workshop is created as a way to ensure you have the tools necessary to increase the language in any classroom. Language is not just for reading anymore! Grades: K-5 Room: 235 Presenters: Kathryn Batten Literacy Live from the Orchestra! Learn how to make music leap off the pages of a book in this integrated science and literacy learning station. Participants will use recycled materials to create percussion, string, and horn instruments while learning about the science behind how music is made. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Session IV 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Grades: K-12 Room: 214 Presenters: Dr. Pat Curley Citizen Science in the STEM Classroom Dr. Pat Curley, Director of The Science House at the NCSU Center for Marine Sciences and Technology, will give you the tools you need to implement Citizen Science projects in your classroom by providing information on the steps teachers can take to work with scientists in their community to develop their own Citizen Science project. Teachers will also learn how to use web based tools to find hundreds of Citizen Science projects and gain access to data that can be used to bring authentic learning into math and science classroom instruction. Grades: 3-12 Room: 306 Presenters: Kelly Fair Teaching with Science Olympiad Science Olympiad is a set of activities presented as competitive events that are designed to enhance what you’re already doing in the classroom. Come learn what North Carolina’s premiere science competition has to offer, and try out an activity that matches your grade level. Grades: 6-12 Room: 387 Presenters: Bill Morine Amateur Radio – What’s Old is Not Only New, But Better Over the past century, Amateur Radio has been the world’s wireless communications laboratory. Not only do people recognize it as the original social media, but government regulators actually encourage Amateur Radio’s use for experimentation. Learn how Ham Radio, as it is nicknamed, can help you with all elements of STEM and social sciences. K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Exhibitors and Sponsors North Carolina Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Center SeaPerch Marine Quest NC Department of Public Instruction Burroughs Wellcome Foundation City of Wilmington Southeast Education Alliance Accelerate Learning Watson College of Education Science Olympiad UNCW’s Watson College of Education’s Professional Development System North Carolina Leadership Association NASA Watson College of Education’s Center for Assistive Technology NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher OASIS North Carolina Cape Fear Museum of History and Science Notes K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 Notes K-12 STEM Education Conference 2014 We would like to thank the following organizations for their hard work planning and funding our 1st Annual STEM Education Conference University of North Carolina Wilmington