Curriculum Vitae of JAMES (Sa’ke’j) YOUNGBLOOD HENDERSON Research Director Native Law Centre of Canada College of Law University of Saskatchewan 101 Diefenbaker Place Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5B8 Personal Date of Birth: December 20, 1944 Place of Birth: Henderson Allotment, Oklahoma Tribal Citizen of Chickasaw Nation Academic Credentials J.D. (Juris Doctorate), Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA. Thesis: Indian Statehood in the United States (1974) B.A., History, California State University, Fullerton, CA. (1967) Other Credentials Member, Indigenous Bar Association Appointments Research Director, Native Law Centre (present-1993) Graduate Studies (present-2000) Sessional Lecturer, Native Studies (1996-1995) Award 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2002 Scholar Book Award, Saskatchewan Book Awards Honourary Doctor of Law, Carlton University National Aboriginal Achievement Award, Law and Justice Indigenous Peoples’ Counsel, Indigenous Bar Association SSHRC Certificate of excellence in social science and humanities for efforts at University College of Cape Breton (1993-1988) Induction into Native American Academy J.Y. Henderson 2 Present-1995 Selection and Inclusion, Canadian Who Whos. University of Toronto Press. 2000 Scholar Book Award, Saskatchewan Book Awards 2000 First Nations Book Award, Saskatchewan Book Awards 1999 Alumni Achievement Award, Native American Programs, Harvard University, Cambridge Ma. 1974 Charles Warren Civil Rights Award, Harvard Law School. Books Constitutional Reconciliation and Justice (in progress) Indigenous Diplomacy and Rights of Peoples: Achieving Recognition (Purich Press, 2008) First Peoples’ Publishing Award Saskatchewan Book Awards 2010 Nominated for Scholar Book Award, Saskatchewan Book Awards (2009) Treaty Rights in the Constitution of Canada, (Carswell 2007) Scholar Book Award, Saskatchewan Book Awards (2008) First Nations Jurisprudence and Aboriginal Rights: Defining a Just Society (Native Law Centre, Oct 2006) Short Listed, Education Prize and First Nations Prize (2007)Saskatchewan Book Award (2007) (“This is a monumental work of jurisprudence, mirroring Indigenous knowledge and the unfinished issue of reconciliation with the First Peoples of Canada. It is a work of academic distinction and substance to last many generations”) Míkmaw Society v. Canada UN Human Rights Committee (Electronic Book on Native Law Centre website, 2005) Aboriginal Tenure in the Canadian Constitution (Carswell, 2000) with Marj Benson and Isobel Findlay Best Academic Prize, Saskatchewan Book Award 2000 In revision, 2011 Vitae 3 Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage. A Global Challenge (Purich Publication, 2000) with M.A. Battiste First Nation Prize, Saskatchewan Book Award 2000 Nominated for the Walter Owen Prize Míkmaw Concordat, Halifax: Fernwood Press, 1997. International Context of Crown-Aboriginal Treaties in Canada with R.L. Barsh (RCAP CD-ROM Publications 1996) Continuing Poundmaker & Reil's Quest 1994 (co-author with Richard Gosse and Roger Carter) (College of Law, U.S. Purich Publishing). The Mikmaq State Papers (Foreign Affairs) 1977-1990 (official papers of the Grand Council, Union of Nova Scotia Indians 1990)(co-author with M.A. Battiste and R. Barsh) Algonquian Spirituality: Balancing the Flux (epublish 1988) The Secular Ulnapskok (with Joe B. Marshall U.N.S.I. PRESS, 1980)(1986 update with J.B. Marshall) The Road: Indian Tribes And Political Liberty (Berkeley University of California Press, 1980)(with R. Barsh) Chapters in Books: “How Aboriginal Knowledge inform Aboriginal Rights”, in Sandar Tomsons and Lorraine Mayer, ed. Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights: Critical Dialogues (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011*) “Incomprehensible Canada” in Reconciling Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011) “Trans-systemic Constitutionalism in Indigenous Law and Knowledge”, Smaro Kamboureli and Christl Verduyn, TransCanada (Wilfried Laurier University Press, 2011) J.Y. Henderson 4 “Mi’kmaq Treaties”, Kepmite’tmnej: Honouring 400 Years 2010 Jaime Battiste, ed. “The Appropriation of Human Remains of First Nations” in Ethics of Culture Appropriation (Blackwell 2009) Treaty Governance, Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada: Current Trends and Issues. 3rd ed. (Purich Press, 2008) “The Canadian Legislative Régime” in Justice as Healing: Indigenous Ways (Living Justice Press, July 2005.) “Exploring Justice As Healing” in Justice as Healing: Indigenous Ways (Living Justice Press, July 2005) with Wanda D. McCaslin “Warriors of Justice and Healing” in Justice as Healing: Indigenous Ways (Living Justice Press, July 2005) “Aboriginal Jurisprudence and Rights ” in Advancing Aboriginal Claims: Visions/ Strategies/Directions (Purich Publishing 2004) “Sacred spaces” in Spacing Culture, Locating and Animating Heritage: Essays In Decolonization, (University of Toronto Press, to be published) “International Otherness and Indigenous Humanity” in Challenges in 9/11 ((to be published) “The Constitutional Right of An Enriched Livelihood” in Re: Value(s) Added: Aboriginal Community Economic Development (to be published 2004) “Biodiversity and Canada’s Aboriginal People” in S, Hentoft, H. Minde, & R. Nilsen Indigenous Peoples. Resource Management and Global Rights (Deltf; Netherlands: Eburon Academic Publishers, 2003) with R.L. Barsh, at 45-66. “Diversity and Politics”, R. Higham, Limits to Diversity?: Implications fo Democracies (Ottawa, Centre on Governance, 2003). “Fiduciary Obligations and Honour of the Crown to Aboriginal peoples of Canada” In whom we Trust. A Forum on Fiduciary Obligations, Law Commission of Canada (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2002) at 81-112. Vitae 5 (2001). First Nations inheritance: The Mi’kmaw model. In J. DeLloyd, G. & W. W. Pue (Eds.), Canada's legal inheritances (pp.1-31). Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Legal History Project, Faculty of Law, The University of Manitoba. “Impact of Delgamuukw Guideline in Atlantic Canada” Fraser Institute, O. Lippert, Beyond the Nass Valley National Impliction of the Supreme Court’s Delgamuukw Decision (Fraser Institute 2000) . “Proving and Aboriginal Right in the Land” Delgamuukw Review Process (website) “Challenges of Respecting Indigenous World Views in Eurocentric Education”, R. Neil, ed. Voice of the Drum (Brandon: Kingfisher Publication, 2000) at 59-81. “The Context of the State of Nature” in M. Battiste, ed. Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision (U.B.C. Press, 2000) at 11-38. “Post-Colonial Ghost Dancing: the diagnosis of European Colonialism” in M. Battiste, ed. Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision (U.B.C. Press, 2000) at 5776. “Post-Colonial Ledger Drawing: Legal Reform” in M. Battiste, ed. Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision (U.B.C. Press, 2000) at 161-171, “Ayukpachi: Empowering Aboriginal Thought” in M. Battiste, ed. Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision (U.B.C. Press, 2000) at 248-79. “Protecting Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights And Freedoms”, Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights, (Jumbunna Institute, 2000) “Der Eurozentrische Monolog” Ethik Global: Illusion oder Realität (Vienna: Getgründet, 1999) at 124-36. “Pluralistic nations and Singular Rule of Law” R. Higham, ed. Building on Plurality: Cultures in an Evolving Global Context, (Ottawa, Centre on Governance 1999). “Indigenous Vision and Realizing” in UN Association of Canada, Whose world is it Anyway? Civil Society, and United Nations and the Multilateral Future (Ottawa: Trnascontinential Printers, 1999) at 28-39. J.Y. Henderson 6 “Remedying Social Context Issues in Relations to Aboriginal Peoples of Canada” National Judicial Institute, Social Context Project, 1999 electronic publishing. “Aboriginal Choices: Suffering Under a Failed Criminal Justice System or Creating an Aboriginal Attorney General Office”, in Bilson, Dumont, Smith, eds. Justice to Order. Adjustment to Changing Demands and Co-ordination Issues in the Justice System in Canada (Montréal: Les Editions Thémis, 1999) at 391-399 "The Struggle to Preserve Aboriginal Spiritual Teaching and Practices" in John P.S. McLaren and N. Coward , eds. Religious Conscience, the State and the Law (SUNY Press 1998) "Treaties and Indian Education" in M. Battiste and J. Barmen, eds. First Nations Education In Canada: The Circle Unfolds (Vancouver: U.B.C. Press 1995) "Aboriginal Land Rights in the Atlantic Provinces" in K, Coasts, ed., Aboriginal Land Claims In Canada (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1992) at 131-167 with Adrian Tanner. "The Marshall Inquiry: A View of the Legal Consciousness" in Mannette, J. ed. Elusive Justice (Halifax:: Fernwood 1992) 35-61. "The Doctrine of Aboriginal Rights in the Western Legal Tradition" in Quest For Justice For Native People, University of Toronto Press, 1986. Papers in Refereed Journals: “Constitutional Vision and Judicial Commitment” (2011) 14(2) Austl. Indigenous L. Rev. * “Naturalizing Indigenous Knowledge in Eurocentric Education” (2010) Can. J. of Ed. With Marie Battiste. “Dialogical Governance: A Mechanism of Constitutional Governance” (2009) 71(1) Saskatchewan L. Rev. 29-73 “Constitutional Supremacy and the Deadbeat Crowns” (2009) 5(1) Directions 4044. “Insights into First Nations Humanities”, (2006) The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education Vitae 7 “Thinking Place: Animating the Indigenous Humanities in Education” (2006) The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education with M. Battiste, L. Bell, L. Findlay, I. Findlay. “Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and Tribunals”, (2006) 19 Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice 1-37 “Aboriginal Attorney General” (2004) 22 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 265 “The Constitutional Right of An Enriched Livelihood” (2004) 4(1) J of Aboriginal Econ Dev. 43-58 “Aboriginal Peoples of Canada perspectives on the Monarchy on The Queen’s Golden Jubilee.” 2003 13(1) Constitutional Forum 9-15 “Sui Generis and Treaty Citizenship” (2002) 6(4) Citizenship Studies 415 “Postcolonial Indigenous Legal Consciousness” in 2002 1 Indigenous Law Journal at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law 1-56. “Treaties as a Basis for Aboriginal Self-Government” Establishing Aboriginal ] Governments, Banff Center, Feb. 20, 2002. “Fiduciary Obligations and Honour of the Crown to Aboriginal peoples of Canada” In whom we Trust. A Forum on Fiduciary Obligations, Law Commission of Canada (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2002) at 81-112. “The Constitutional Framework of Aboriginal law” (2001) Aboriginal Law Seminar, vol. 1 National Judges Institute May 9-11, 2001 “Constitutional Powers and Treaty Rights,” 2000 63(2) Sask L. Rev. 719-49. “Taking Equality into the 21st Century: An Aboriginal Commentary” (2000) 12 N.J.C.L.31-37. “Marshalling the Rule of Law in Canada: of Eels and Honor” (1999) 11(1) J.Y. Henderson 8 Constitutional Forum, 1-18 with R.L. Barsh. "Sui Generis Treaty Interpretation" in 1997 36 Alberta Law Review. 46-96. "Van Der Peet Trilogy: Naive Imperialism and Ropes of Sand" in 1997 McGill Law Journal with R.L. Barsh. "First Nations' Legal Inheritance in Canada: The Míkmaq Model" in [1996] 23 Manitoba Law Review No. 1-2. pp. 1-31. "Míkmaq Land Tenure in Atlantic Canada" in [1995] 18 Dalhousie Law Journal No. 2, pp. 196-294. "Empowering Treaty Federalism" in (1994) Vol. 58 Saskatchewan Law Review at pp. 241-329. "An introduction to the Heritage Law Principles" in [1994] 4 C.N.L.R. (at *) "Introduction of Human Rights Documents" in Native Studies Review 9, NO. 2 (199394) at 87"Aboriginal Rights, Treaty Rights, and Human Rights: Indian Tribes and Constitutional Renewal" in Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 55-81 (Summer, 1982) with R.L. Barsh. "Native Land Claims Policy in the United States and Canada" in Publications of Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (Ottawa, 1982) with R.L. Barsh. A revised and condensed version dealing with the United States published in 58 North Dakota Law Review 7-82 (1982) by R.L. Barsh. "Contrary Jurisprudence: Tribal Interest in Navigable Waterways Before and After Montana v. United States" 56 Wash. L. Rev. (1981) with R.L. Barsh. "Band Government Act" Canadian Native Law Reporter (Fall 1979) "Tribal Citizens and Health Care" 7 American Indian Law Review 245-89 (1979) with Mario Gonzalez. Vitae 9 "The Betrayal: Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe and the Hunting of the Snark" in 63 Minn. L. Rev. 609-40 (1979) with R.L. Barsh. "The Issue of Non-Resident Tuition in Higher Education for Tribal Citizens" 6 American Indian Law Review 47-70 (1978). "Unravelling the Riddle of Aboriginal Title", 5 American Indian Law Review 75137 (1977) "Tribal Courts, The Model Code and the Police Ideal in American Indian Policy" 40 Law And Contemporary Problems 25-60 (1976) with R.L. Barsh. "Tribal Administration of Natural Resource Development" 52 North Dakota Law Review 307-47 (1975) with R.L. Barsh. Papers in Non-Refereed Journals: “Aboriginal law now a source of constitutional law” 2000 20(23)The Lawyers Weekly at 12 (October 20, 2000). “Draft Declaration on Indigenous Rights: A global taking circle in many voices” (1998) Langscape "Indian Justice and Punishment Clause of Victorian Treaties in Constitutional Law Of Canada," (1997) 2 Justice as Healing 1-3. "Constitutional Obligation of the Chiefs in the Victorian Treaties: An Outline. (1997) Justice as Healing 6. "Exploring justice as Healing" in Justice As Healing (Native Law Centre, Spring 1995). "Míkmaq Nationimouw and Human Rights: Communication to Human Rights Committee of the United Nation" in Ontario Indian (4-part series from December 1980 to April 1981). J.Y. Henderson 10 "Oyate Kin koye Kegna u pe" a three part publication in Harvard Law Bulletin (April-December 1974) with R.L. Barsh. Part 1 subtitled "Law School and Indian Tribes", Part 2 subtitled "The Courts and Indian Tribes", and Part 3 subtitled "A Constitutional Resolution". Invited Papers in Published Conference Proceeding and Abstracts: “A snapshot in the journey of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” 2008 13(1) Justice as Healing 1-4. “The Legislative Attempt to Discount First Nations Sovereignty S.91(24)”, Inherent Right to Indigenous Governance Revitalizing Aboriginal Nationhood Program Series Banff Management Centre, February 15-16, 2008 “Aboriginal rights”, Inherent Right to Indigenous Governance Revitalizing Aboriginal Nationhood Program Series Banff Management Centre, February 1516, 2008 Traditional First Nations Governance – Revitalizing Aboriginal Nationhood Program Series Program 2: Establishing Culturally Appropriate Institutions, Banff Management Centre, February 21-23, 2007-05 Indigenous Jurisprudence and Aboriginal Courts” Indigenous Bar Association Symposium on Creation of Aboriginal Courts, Banff Management Centre February 27-28, 2004 Treaties, Sovereignty and S.35 – History of Canadian Indian Treaties, Revitalizing Aboriginal Nationhood Program Series Program 1: Practicing Aboriginal Sovereignty, Banff Management Centre, February 15 – 21, 2004 Indigenous Jurisprudence, Aboriginal Rights, and Aboriginal Title in Section 35”, Aboriginal Nationhood Program Series Program 1: Practicing Aboriginal Sovereignty, Banff Management Centre, February 15 – 21, 2004 “Treaties as a Basis for Aboriginal Self-Government” Establishing Aboriginal Governments, Banff Center, Feb. 20, 2002 “Fiduciary Obligations and Honour of the Crown to Aboriginal peoples of Canada” Law Commission of Canada “A New International Instrument On Cultural Diversity Questions And Answers” “Engaging Indigenous Peoples in UNESCO” Vitae 1 1 “Constitutional Framework of Treaty Tenure” FSIN Conference on Special Reserves, August 30 2001. “Diversity and Politics”(2001) “Limits to Diversity?: Implications for Democracies” convened by the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa. Oct. 25. “The Constitutional Framework of Aboriginal law” (2001) Aboriginal Law Seminar, vol. 1 National Judges Institute May 9-11, 2001 "Treaty Governance" Establishing Aboriginal Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, Manitoba Assembly of Chiefs . Feb 27, 2001 "Empowering Treaty Federalism "Establishing Aboriginal Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management . Feb 16, 2001. “Treaty Interpretations” The Future of Aboriginal/Industrial Relations in the Boreal Forest: Accommodating Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Sustainable Forest Management, October 27 - 28, 2000 “Empowering Treaty Federalism” AFN Treaty Forum Proceeding (Jan 31, 2000) “Aboriginal perspective on Combating Hate and Bias Activities” Hate and Bias Taskforce (June 23, 2000) “Constitutional Destinies and the Indigenous Revolution” Indigenous Bar Association, Embracing the Millennium: Trends in Aboriginal Legal Issues, March 25, 2000. Excerpts from Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property for Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada: Executive Summary, Introduction, Policy Recommendation Union of British Columbia Chiefs, Protecting Knowledge: Traditional Resources Rights in the New Millennia Conference, Feb. 26, 2000. "Treaty Governance " Establishing Aboriginal -Governments Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (Feb. 8, 2000) J.Y. Henderson 12 “ Constitutional Supremacy and the Marshall Decision” AFN, Treaty Forum Proceeding (Jan. 31, 2000) “Implementing Treaty Federalism” AFN Treaty Forum Proceeding (Jan 31, 2000) “Aboriginal Justice, Bridge to the Future”, National Judicial Institute, Saskatchewan Education Seminar, Judging Saskatchewan: Changes and Challenges (Oct. 8 1999) “Changing Punishment for Aboriginal peoples of Canada” Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Changing Punishment at the Turn of the Century: Finding a Common Ground, (September, 27, 1999) “Impact of Delgamuukw Guideline in Atlantic Canada” Fraser Institute Conference and Canadian Property Rights Research Institute, The Delgamuukw Case: Aboriginal Land Claims and Canada’s Regions (May 27, 1999). “Justice and Reconciliation in Aboriginal and Treaty Rights” Indigenous Bar Association and Canadian Bar Association, Building the Momentum. Implementing the Recommendation of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (April 23, 1999) “Post-colonial Legal Consciousness”, Conference on Post-colonial thought, Graduate program, Harvard Law School, Proceeding (May 1, 1998) electronic proceeding “Indigenous Network And Humanities Apathy” in Humanities and internationalization Conference, (May 27, 1998) electronic proceeding. “Indigenous Rights in International Law” Department of Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Forum, 1998, Banff Centre of Management, (Oct. 30, 1998). “Taking Equality into the 21st Century: Establishing the Concept of Equal Human Dignity” Human Rights Research and Education Centre, Building a Human Rights Agenda for the 21st Century (Oct 103, 1998) “Pluralistic nations and Singular Rule of Law” Building on Plurality: Cultures in an Evolving Global Context, European Union-Canada Conference, Preparatory Discussion Papers, (Nov. 6, 1998). Vitae 1 3 "Peace and Good Order Clause in Treaty Federalism" Aboriginal Self- Government within Canada Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (Feb. 18, 1998) "Enabling Treaty Federalism" Jurisdictional Arrangements between Aboriginal and Canadian Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (Dec. 4, 1997) "Enabling Treaty Federalism" Jurisdictional Arrangements between Aboriginal and Canadian Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (May 6, 1997) "Peace and Good Order Clause in Treaties" Aboriginal Self-Government within Canada Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (Feb. 19, 1997) "Enabling Treaty Federalism" Jurisdictional Arrangements between Aboriginal and Canadian Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (December 2-5, 1996) "Termination and Reorganizing," Proceeding, AFN Special Assembly on the Indian Act Amendments, Sept. 22-24, 1996) "Institutional Freedom, Representation, and Responsibility" in Academic Freedom: The History and Future of a Defining Idea (September 20, 1996) "The Struggle to Preserve Aboriginal Spiritual Teaching and Practices" University of Victoria 1996 "Enabling Treaty Federalism" Building Aboriginal Government Symposium, The Banff Centre for Management (May 28, 1996) "Treaty Sovereignty in Post-Colonial Canada " Collected Materials, First Nations Forum on Sovereignty and Treaties, Queensbury Centre, Regina Exhibition Park (May 2, 1996) "The United Nations and Aboriginal Peoples" in Linguistic Rights In Canada: Collusions Of Collisions? (1995) at 615-638. J.Y. Henderson 14 "Governing the Implicate Order" in Linguistic Rights In Canada: Collusions Of Collisions? (1995) at 285-314 "Treaty-Making As An Exercise Of The Right Of Self-Determination" in Aboriginal Peoples In The Canadian Constitutional Context: Application Of International Law Standards & Comparative Law Models (Canadian Bar Association 1995). Contributed Papers in Published Conference Proceeding and Abstract: “Treaty Justice” at Office of Treaty Commissioner Treaty Justice Roundtable (March 20. 2002) “Rules based Trade and Protection of Heritage of Indigenous People”. ORIBICOM 1997 Global knowledge Conference (April 1997) "Post Colonial Contexts", Cultural Restoration in Post-Colonial States, University of Saskatchewan July 1966 Technical Reports Relevant to Academic Field: “Constitutional Supremacy and Aboriginal Legal Traditions in Federal Courts” for Federal Court Rules Committee, CBA, Justice, IBA on Oral History and the Role of Elders (April 7-8, 2009) The current failure of the rule of law for Aboriginal Peoples in implementing Aboriginal and Treaty rights to President and staff, Canadian Bar Association (March 28, 2007) Honour of Crown, AFN Joint Steering Committee, Recognition and Implementation of First Nations Governments (March 2006) AFN Recognition and Implementation of First Nations Governments (January 2006) Co-author, Final Report: Our Nations; Our Government Choosing at Path, AFN Recognition and Implementation of First Nations Governments (March 2005) First Nations – Federal Crown Accord On the Recognition & Implementation of First Nation Governments Between The Assembly of First Nations And The Government of Canada Review of the UNESCO Executive Board and Director-General Report on an Vitae 1 5 Intersectoral Strategy on Philosophy for Canada (Feb, March 2005) Report, “Constitutional Consistency in Canadian Policy for Negotiation with Aboriginal Peoples,” Canadian Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable on Negotiation Jan 2005 Report Steering Committee, UN workshop on 'Free and Prior Informed Consent in relation to all activities regarding indigenous peoples’ in New York, 17-19 January 2005. Traditional Indigenous Knowledge, Creators' Rights Alliance TK meeting Montreal June 3-5. Working paper on appropriate action that might be undertaken by the Working Group as follow-up to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (May 2003) Report, SSHRC Consultation on Aboriginal Research (September 2002) Evaluation of CIDA Draft Policy on Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Human Development (September 2002) Report to Nicole LaViolette, Report to Senate Committee on Human Rights regarding reason for Canada refusal to ratify ILO Convention No. 169 (August, 2002) Report on Human Rights issues for indigenous peoples of Canada in the realm of administration of justice for Dr. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples (July-August, 2002) Commentor, Proposed American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples hosted by Dialogue Between Nations/Dialogo Entre Naciones (DBN) (September 2002) Report, “Treaty Health” for National Aboriginal Health Organization (JuneAugust, 2002) Report, “Aboriginal Attorney General: A constitutional reform”, Law Commission of Canada (June 2002) J.Y. Henderson 16 Report, “Treaty Tenure and Forest Tenure” Sustainable Forest (July 2002) Report, “Treaty Tenure and Restitution” SIFN Legal Team (Aug. 22, 2001) Report on treaty fishery for Parliamentary Justice Committee (Nov. 1-4, 2001) REPORT, Engaging Indigenous Peoples in UNESCO Medium-Term Draft Strategy 31C/4 (2002-2007) for Canadian Commission of UNESCO for presentation at UNESCO Assembly (August 2001) Report, Aboriginal Participation in Foreign Policy, for Center for Foreign Policy Development, DFAIT (September 2001) Report, Aboriginal Peoples and World Conference Against Racism (Nov. 2000) Expert Witness Report on Treaty in Royal Commission on Aboriginal peoples (Buffalo v. Queen revised September 2000). Decolonizing Aboriginal Treaty Rights in the Constitution of Canada, Teaching Materials, Law 437.3 Advanced Studies in Aboriginal Law (Spring, 2001) Proving an Aboriginal Right in the Land, Assembly of First Nations, Delgamuukw Review Process (revised Nov. 2000) Report and Proposal for Indigenous Development Initiative, DFAIT Expert Witness Report on Treaty in Royal Commission on Aboriginal peoples (Buffalo v. Queen April 2000). Briefing Report, Canada, Indigenous Peoples and The Hemisphere, Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Develop, DFAIT.(March 2000) Report on Fiduciary Obligations and Land and Trust Services, AFN/INAC Joint Initiative for Policy Development for Lands and Trust Services (March 2000) Report, Proving an Aboriginal Right in the Land, Assembly of First Nations, Delgamuukw Review Process (September. 1999) Decolonizing Aboriginal Treaty Rights in the Constitution of Canada, Teaching Materials, Law 437.3 Advanced Studies in Aboriginal Law (Spring, 2000) Report, Treaty Compliance and Implementation Resolution and Act, Treaty Vitae 1 7Governance, SFIN (Nov. 1999) Report and Proposal for Indigenous Development Initiative, DFAIT Treaty First Nations Governance Institute. Report and Proposal, Treaty Governance, SFIN (May 1999). Decolonizing Aboriginal Rights in the Constitution of Canada, Teaching Materials, Law 437.3 Advanced Studies in Aboriginal Law (Spring, 1999) Expert Witness Report on Treaty Four Hunting Right (R. v. Peeace, 1997). Report "Indigenous Heritage Rights in APEC" Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development, DFAIT.(April 1997) "Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property "for Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada. Consulting and Professional Services Contract No. 95-0227 (reviewed by interdepartmental Research Advisory Committee) 1996 with Shelley Wright, M.A. Battiste, L. Little Bear (1996). "Provincial Legislation for Education" for Indians and Northern Affairs, Canada with Marie Battiste (1996) Report, International Context of Crown-Aboriginal Treaties in Canada with R.L. Barsh RCAP (1995) Report, An Aboriginal View of the Development of English Property Law (its Application to First Nation Peoples). (RCAP 1994) Invited Lectures “Honour of the Crown”, Advisory Committee on Aboriginal Peoples’ Retreat, Justice Canada, Nov. 4 2010. A Trans-systemic Ethical Space, Human consciousness is the decisive terrain” Learning Lodge with NSF, Oct. 26, 2010 “Eurocentrism: the hidden curriculum” Kenderdine Campus Aug. 11, 2010 J.Y. Henderson 18 “Theorizing Aboriginal Rights as Aboriginal Legal Traditions” Theorizing Aboriginal Rights Class, College of Law, Jan. 19, 2010 “National Building and Exercising Rights,” AFN National Policy Forum, March 24, 2010 “Role of Elders Testimony” Symposium for Revision Federal Rules of Evidence, June 25 2009 “Trans-systemic Constitutionalism in Indigenous Law and Knowledge, Transformative Pedagogy and Methodologies, Trans Canada 3 Conference, July 17, 2009 “Vision & Foundation: Role of Lawyers in Aboriginal Legal Issues,” Ministry of the Attorney General, Legal Services Division Crown Counsel Summer School 2009, Tuesday, August 11, 2009 “Treaty and Aboriginal Relationship: What is the Treaty Relationship All About? Ministry of the Attorney General, Legal Services Division Crown Counsel Summer School 2009, Wednesday, August 12, 2009 “Aboriginal Legal Traditions” College of Law Orientation, Sept. 1, 2009 “Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples” College of Law, Michigan State University, Sept 25, 2009 “Chickasaw Legal Struggles to Self Determination” Chickasaw Centre Opening, Nov. 19, 2009 Indigenous perspective of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Canadian Commission to UNESCO, Mary 9, 2008 Indigenous Knowledge, Keynote, ITEP Conference, University of Regina, May 26, 2008 “Oral Testimony, Law, and Justice" Oral, Written, and Other Verbal Media conference, University of Saskatchewan, June 20, 2008 Transforming Education for Aboriginal Professions, American Education and Research Association April 10, 2007 Unlocking the Potential of Aboriginal Professionals, Unlocking the Aboriginal Potential in the Workforce, April 5, 2007 Vitae 1 9 Eliminating Aboriginal Poverty and Discrimination, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 22, 2007 Literature Review of the Pedagogy of Profession, Aboriginal Learning and Knowledge Exchange, 1st National Conference, March 7, 2007 New Research Directions in the Academy concerning Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, Sui Generis Litigation, UBC (February 22) First Nations Jurisprudence, Indigenous Law and Legal System: Recognition and Revitalization, UT (January 27, 2007) Insights on the Learning Spirit in Aboriginal thought, National Science Foundation: Native American Learning, Foxwood, MA (December, 5, 2006) Dialogical Governance, Harry Daniel Lecture, University of Winnipeg (Oct. 27, 2006) Keynote speaker, Indigenous Bar Association Saskatoon (Oct. 21. 2006) Treaty Implementation, Closing the Implementation Gap, University of Ottawa, (Oct. 2, 2006 ) Concept of Aboriginal Learning, National Science Foundation, Science of Learning, September 18, 2006) Treaties and Declaration of rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaty 6, Ft. Carlton, SK (Aug. 23, 2006) Treaty Federalism, National Treaty 1-11 Gathering. Forks, Manitoba (June, 2006) Keynote Speaker on Mi’kmaw Treaties, Meeting of Grand Council and Mi’kmaw Youth Conference, St. X U. (May 19, 2006) Aboriginal worldview and languages that inform Native American science, NASA Feb. 13 Indigenous Peoples and the International Law, International Studies 200.6 Nov. 30, 2005 J.Y. Henderson 20 Principles for the Development of First Nations Institution, Exercising Indigenous Jurisdiction Over Collective Rights, Indigenous Bar Association, October 21 2005 Structuring the Ethical Circle, One Earth, One Universe Workshop, NASA, September, 2005. Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and Tribunal, Conference of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, June 2005 Reconciling Aboriginal and Treaty Right to Healing and Canadian Health“ April/May 2005 conjoint meeting in of the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada, the Canadian Association of Medical Educators, and the Medical Council of Canada. Innovation in Constitutional law and rights of Aboriginal Peoples, Canada Aboriginal Roundtable, Jan. 11, 2005 “Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Path” Lecture, NAHO 2nd National Conference. Nov. 8, 2004 Postcolonial Indigenous Sensitivities: Ecological sovereignty and Therapeutic Jurisprudence, York University, April 15, 2004 Indigenous Jurisprudence, Keynote, Exploring Indigenous Legal Traditions, Law Commission of Canada and Justice Canada, Dalhousie Law School, March 31, 2004 Transformative Pragmatism, Keynote Indigenous Scholars, the next generation, UBC Graduate Studies, March 26, 2004 Using International Arenas Hate and Racism-Seeking Solutions, Indigenous Bar Association and Quebec Native Women’s Association, March 22, 2004. Racism, Treaty Rights and Land Claims Issues Hate and Racism-Seeking Solutions, Indigenous Bar association and Quebec Native Women’s Association, March 22, 2004. “Exploring the Hate and Hate Crimes,” Hate and Racism-Seeking Solutions, Indigenous Bar Association and Quebec Native Women’s Association, March 21, 2004. Indigenous Jurisprudence and Aboriginal Courts” Indigenous Bar Association Vitae 2 1 Symposium on Creation of Aboriginal Courts, Banff Management Centre February 27-28, 2004 Treaties, Sovereignty and S.35 – History of Canadian Indian Treaties, Revitalizing Aboriginal Nationhood Program Series Program 1: Practicing Aboriginal Sovereignty, Banff Management Centre, February 16, 2004 Indigenous Jurisprudence, Aboriginal Rights, and Aboriginal Title in Section 35”, Aboriginal Nationhood Program Series Program 1: Practicing Aboriginal Sovereignty, Banff Management Centre, February 15, 2004 Transformative Pragmatism, Native American Academy, Feb. 1, 2004. “Aboriginal Jurisprudences Protects Aboriginal Heritage,” Indigenous Bar Association October 16, 2003 International Otherness and Indigenous Humanities 9/11 Conference Race Relations and Justice, Learn at Lunch, CBC Frances Morrison Branch (3 June, 2003) “Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in International Law” Indigenous Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge by Creator's Rights Alliance (CRA) in Saskatoon 30 Nov.-1 Dec 2002. “Creating Changes in the Legal Profession” Keynote speech, Promoting Dialogue, Creating Change: Equity and Diversity in the Legal Profession, Upper Canada Law Society, 21 Nov. 2002. “Aboriginal Perspective of Strengthening Agenda Against Racism,” Canadian Race Relations Foundation Summit “Strengthening the Agenda Against Racism in Canada” (October 24 – 27, 2002) “Respecting Indigenous Heritage and Knowledge in Education,” World Conference on Indigenous Education, (August 8, 2002) “Native Law Centre of Canada and Legal Transformation” World Conference on Indigenous Education (August 6, 2002) “Protecting Indigenous Knowledge” Provincial Elders Indigenous Knowledge Gathering (July 5, 2002 Sturgeon Lake First Nation). J.Y. Henderson 22 “Aboriginal Attorney General,” Indigenous Bar Association Law (June 2002) “Treaty tenure and Crown tenure” Elders gathering at Onion Lake, (April 18, 2002) “The Art of the Impossible in Aboriginal Adjudication” Graduation ceremonies, University of Lethbridge (March 16, 2002) “Post Colonial Ethics” Annual Meeting of Canadian Commission of UNESCO, (March 3, 2002) "Aboriginal Rights, Nationhood, and Sovereignty" Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights: Critical Dialogues at University of Winnipeg, June 22-25. 2001 “Post Colonial Ethics” Commission of UNESCO, Ottawa * “Indigenous People and Land Restitution” Land Regimes and Domination, Harvard Law School, March 3, 2001 "Treaty Governance" Establishing Aboriginal Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, Manitoba Assembly of Chiefs . Feb 27, 2001 "Treaty Federalism " Establishing Aboriginal Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management . Feb 13, 2001. “Decolonizing Abroiginal Education”, Aboriginal Education Symposium Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (Feb. 22, 2001) “Aboriginal peoples and the false premises of the State of Nature construct” Decolonizing Education, Education Foundations, U.S. (January 31, 2001) “Theory and Practice in Aboriginal law” College of Law, University of Toronto (Jan. 16, 2001) “Comparative Decolonizing of Law”, Association of American Law Schools, San Franciso (Jan. 6, 2001) Vitae 2 3 Aboriginal Peoples and World Conference Against Racism, Canadian strategic workshop on position at World Conference Against Racism (Nov. 3 2000) “Legal Quandary of the Míkmaw Treaty Fishery” to College of Law Faculty, April 7, 2000. “Constitutional Destinies of Aboriginal peoples of Canada” Indigenous Bar Association, Embracing the Millennium: Trends in Aboriginal Legal Issues, March 25, 2000. “The Indigenous Legal Revolution in the United Nations”, Union of British Columbia Chiefs, Traditional Knowledge Conference, Feb. 26, 2000. "Treaty Governance" Establishing Aboriginal Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management . Feb 15 2000. “Decolonizing Abroiginal Education " Aboriginal Education Symposium Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management (Feb. 8, 2000) “ Constitutional Supremacy and the Marshall Decision” AFN, Treaty Forum Proceeding (Jan. 31, 2000) “Respecting Aboriginal Law” University of Kansas Law School, Tribal Law and Governance Conference (October 10, 1999) “Aboriginal Justice, Bridge to the Future”, National Judicial Institute, Saskatchewan Education Seminar, Judging Saskatchewan: Changes and Challenges (Oct. 8 1999) “Changing Punishment for Aboriginal peoples of Canada” Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Changing Punishment at the Turn of the Century: Finding a Common Ground, (September, 27, 1999) “Impact of Delgamuukw Guideline in Atlantic Canada” Fraser Institute Conference and Canadian Property Rights Research Institute, The Delgamuukw Case: Aboriginal Land Claims and Canada’s Regions (May 27, 1999). J.Y. Henderson 24 “Justice and Reconciliation in Aboriginal and Treaty Rights” Indigenous Bar Association and Canadian Bar Association, Building the Momentum. Implementing the Recommendation of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (April 23, 1999) “Treaty Interpretation”, Justice Canada, Saskatoon, June 25, 1999 “Globality, Global Ethics and Indigenous Dignity” Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Department of Canadian Heritage, Globality and Global Ethics, Vienna. June 11 and 12, 1999. "Treaty Federalism" Establishing Aboriginal Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management. Feb 15,1999. “The Construction of Legal Pluralities in States” in Toward a Constructive Pluralism, Commonwealth Secretariat and UNESCO, Paris January 29, 1999 “Treaty Federalism and the Constitution of Canada" Renewed Partnership with Aboriginal Peoples, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management, Dec. 7. 1998. “Winter Strategies in the United Nations”, International Summit of Indigenous Peoples, November 11 1998 “Pluralistic nations and Singular Rule of Law” Building on Plurality: Cultures in an Evolving Global Context, European Union-Canada Conference, MontTremblant, Nov. 6, 1998 “Indigenous Rights in International Law” Department of Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Forum, 1998, Banff Centre of Management, Oct. 30, 1998 “Post Colonial theories of justice”, Jurisprudence Class, Law 114, Oct. 23. "Legal Environment for Development” Aboriginal Business, Commerce Department, October 21.1998 “Aboriginal Injustice” Aboriginal Justice Panel, CIJA Saskatoon, October 15. 1998. “Aboriginal Choices: Suffering under a Failed Criminal Justice System or Creating an Aboriginal Attorney General Office” Justice to Order: Adjustment to Changing Demands: Co-ordination Issues in the Justice System in Canada, Vitae 2 5 Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Saskatoon, SK, October 17, 1998. “Taking Aboriginal Rights, Human Dignity, and Equality into the 21st Century, Building Human Rights Agenda for 21st Century, Human Rights Research and Education Center, University of Ottawa, October 1, 1998. “Implementing The Royal Commission of Aboriginal Peoples Report Recommendations”, Royal Commission of Aboriginal Peoples Report, Banff Centre for Management, Sept. 10, 1998. “Challenges of Respecting Indigenous World Views in Eurocentric Education”, SHRC International Summer Institute, University of Brandon, July 15, 1998 “Judicial Neutrality in Aboriginal Cases” Social Context Education Conference, National Judicial Institute, Halifax, June 4, 1998. “Keynote Address: “Aboriginal Legal Sensibilities”, Aboriginal Law Dinner, May 8, 1998. “Post-Colonial Indigenous Legal Consciousness”, Graduate Program, Harvard Law School, April, 30, 1998. “Canadian Research Ethics and Indigenous Knowledge”, University Research Ethic Committee, 23 March.23, 1998. “Implementing the Convention for the Elimination of Racism in Canada”, International Day for the Elimination of Racism, Ottawa, March 21, 1998.. “Aboriginal Rights and Land Resource Management” Agriculture Department Seminar, March 20, 1998. “Introduction of Judge LaFond to the Saskatchewan Court”, March 13, 1998. “Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights” Prairie Medicinal & Aromatic Crops Conference 1998, March 6, 1998. “Introduction and Banquet, National Aboriginal Moot, University of Saskatchewan, March 6 and 7, 1998. J.Y. Henderson 26 Endangered Species Legislation and Aboriginal Rights” Prairie Conservation & Endangered Species, Feb. 21, 1998. "Treaty Federalism and the Constitution of Canada” Jurisdictional Arrangements between Aboriginal and Canadian Governments, Aboriginal Leadership and SelfGovernment Programs, The Banff Centre for Management, Dec. 4, 1997. “The Justified Infringement Test and its Expansion” Constitution Law, College of Law, Dec. 1, 1997. “Interpreting Sui Generis Indian Treaties” in Symposium on the Interpretation of Sui Generis Indian Treaties, Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, Banff Centre for Management, Sept. 21, 1997. “Interpreting Sui Generis Indian Treaties” in Justices’ Symposium on the Interpreting of Sui Generis Indian Treaties, Aboriginal Leadership and SelfGovernment Programs, Banff Centre for Management, Sept. 10, 1997. “Treaty Governance Convention”, Prince Albert Grand Council Meeting, August 7. 1997. “Treaty Vision in RCAP Report”, Elders meeting on RCAP, Saddle Lake First Nation, June 26-27, 1997. “Law in Aboriginal thought and action”, Reunion of Native Law Centers Legal Studies Program, University of Saskatchewan, June 21, 1997. “The Place in our Traditions” for the First Nations Gazette. First Nations Gazette Launch, University of Saskatchewan, June 21, 1997. “Planning for transformation in the Eurocentric Canadian University”, Mikmaw Dialogues at UCCB, May 8-13. 1997. “ Creating a Post-Colonial Society in Canada,” National Forum on the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal peoples, The Banff Centre for Management, March 7, 1997. “Leadership and The Preemptive Norm of Self-Determination,” International Law Class, University of Saskatchewan March 5, 1997. “Establishing Aboriginal Governments within Canada,” Aboriginal Leadership and Self-Government Programs, The Banff Centre for Management, Fed. 17-21, 1997 Vitae 2 7 “Indian Child Welfare and the Constitution of Canada,” National Indian Child Welfare Conference, Jan. 14, 1997. "Post-Colonial Legal Theory and Canadian Justice" Graduate Lecture Program, Harvard Law School April 26, 1996. "International Movements toward Self-Determination," Native Studies March 18, 1996. "Decolonization of the University," Graduate Students Forum March 8, 1996. "The Struggle to Preserve Aboriginal Spiritual Teachings and Practices" Symposium of Religion Conscience, State and Law, University of Victoria Feb. 24, 1996. "Georgian Treaty Interpretation" at Indian Treaty Interpretation Seminar at Banff School of Management Feb. 20, 1996. "Creating Post-Colonial Law" at Dalhousie Law School, Feb. 7, 1996.. "Introduction of Rupert Ross" at Cullen Lecture, College of Law, , Feb. 5, 1996. "Aboriginal Civil Procedures in Dispute Resolutions" at Civil Procedure, College of Law Jan. 18, 1996. "Teaching Aboriginal Law in Canada" University of New Mexico, Teaching Indian Law Conference, Nov. 25, 1995. "Implementing Equity in Canadian Law Schools” Rotary Club, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Oct 24, 1995. "Creating Post-Colonial Law" Indigneous Bar Association, Halifax N.S. Sept. 29, 1995. "Aboriginal and Treaty Rights" in Constitution Law, College of Law, Sept. 7, 1995. "Peace and Good Order Clause in the Victorian Treaties", National Treaty Conference, Winnipeg Nov. 21, 1995. J.Y. Henderson 28 "Human Rights Committee Practice" in Sallows Human Rights Class, College of Law Oct. 17, 1995. "Post-Colonial Treaty Interpretation" Saskatchewan Provincial Judges Association, Waskiasu, June 1995. "Kindness as a Unifying Experience" Conference on Community, Modernity, and Religion: An Aboriginal and European Conversation. St. Thomas University, June 27, 1995. 19. Artistic Exhibition or Performances Commentator, Time Canada Commentary, Aboriginal Justice, Ideas CBC Radio Commentator, First Nations Issues CBC News world, Headliner. Commentator, CBC TV and Radio. Commentator, CTV TV and Radio Commentator, STV: First Nation topics. Occasional member of the political panel on Morning Side, CBC Radio Panelist, Indigenous Voices (March 14) 23. Professional Practice: Chair, Selection Committee for First Nations representative to First Nation Tax Commission (2007) Member, Cultural and Communication Sector, Canadian Commission to UNESCO (2009-00) Member, Four Direction Advisory Council (UN NGO) (2009-06) Member, First Nations Governance Strategy Committee, AFN (2009-06) Member, Recognition and Implementation of First Nation Government, AFN (2007-06) Member, Indigenous Bar Association, Aboriginal Convention on Supreme Court of Canada and Court of Appeals, 2006 Advisor, First Nations Finance Authority and First Nations Statistical Institute Act (Bill C-20) (2007-06) Working Committee, Creating 2nd UN Decade of Indigenous People (2007-2004) AFN Strategy Committee: Declaration of rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Human Rights Council and UN General Assembly (2007-2006) Reviewer of National Science Foundation (USA) on Native American Learning Advisor, R. v. Morris (Douglas Treaty Night Hunting Case) at SCC Advisor, First Nations Finance Authority and First Nations Statistical Institute Act (Bill C-20) Vitae 2 9 Participant, European Union and Canada Roundtable on Mechanism on Diversity, Royal Society of Canada, Oct 2005. Member, Indigenous Bar Association, Aboriginal Convention on Supreme Court of Canada and Court of Appeals, 2005 Participant, One Earth, One Universe Workshop, NASA, August-September, 2005. Advisor, R. v. Morris (Douglas Treaty Night Hunting Case) at SCC Advisor, First Nations Finance Authority and First Nations Statistical Institute Act (Bill C-20) Participant, Indigenous Governance Planning (February 1 and 2, 2005 Winnipeg, Manitoba) in preparation for International Alliance of Indigenous Governments, Treaty 1-11 May 1 – 4, 2005 Writer, FSIN Land and Resources Paper, 2006-5 Expert Advisor, UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity (2005) Participant, Indigenous Governance Planning (February 1 and 2, 2005 Winnipeg, Manitoba) in preparation for International Alliance of Indigenous Governments, Treaty 1-11 May 1 – 4, 2005 Writer, FSIN Land and Resources Paper, 2004-5 (developing the Treaty Elders perspective on Land and Resources in the Treaty) Expert Legal Advisor, AFN Joint Committee of Chiefs and Advisor or the Recognition and Implementation of First Nations Government (2004-2005) Advisor, AFN Canadian Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable (2004-5) Advisor, Grand Council of Míkmaq on R. v. Bernard, (SCC) (Treaty Forest Harvesting) Advisor, Grand Council of Míkmaq on R. v. Marshall (SCC) (Treaty Forest Harvesting) Indigenous Expert, Call of the Earth [Llama do de la Tierra], UN University Advisor, NAHO and AFN on NIHB Client Consent Form (2004) Delegate, Native American Academy, Developing standard for scientific knowledge in Indigenous knowledge (Jan. 2004) Working Committee, Creating 2nd UN Decade of Indigenous People (2004-005) Advisor, Don Worme in Neil Stonechild Inquiry Response the UNESCO Draft Programe on Philosophy WINHEC Acceditation Panel, NZ July 18-28, 2004. Advisory Group, Recognizing and Implementing First Nations Government (AFN-INAC) May 2004 to present. Discussed the problems of Indigenous Peoples with , Rajat M. Nag, Director General, Mekonk Department, Asian Development Bank, April 19, 2004. Draft Declaration of Indigenous Rights discussion, DFAIT Jan-April, 2004) Reviewer, Auditor General Report on Indian Education (Feb. 2004) J.Y. Henderson 30 Advisory, NAHO and AFN on NIHB Client Consent Form (2004-2003) Delegate, Native American Academy, Developing standard for scientific knowledge in Indigenous knowledge (Jan. 2004) Consultant, development of a comprehensive First Nations Health Research and Information Infrastructure (Dec. 2003) Delegate, National Gathering on Aboriginal Culture, Canadian Heritage, Whisler, BC (Dec. 2003) Consultation Report, PRE Consultation: Evolving the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) to Better Meet the Needs of Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Communities (Aug-Sept, 2003). Opinion letter on Aboriginal Intellectual Property in Australia for Dr Janice Duffy. Senior Research Officer, Research and Evaluation Unit. Strategic Planning and Population Health Division Department of Human Services, Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square SA 5000 (Aug. 20, 2003) Mission Expert on Aboriginal rights, Mission team to understanding of the formal and informal relationship between the government of Sweden and the Sami, as governed by Swedish law and demonstrated through practice, International Commission of Jurists, (ICJ) (July* 2003). Treaty 11 reserves and settlement issues, Alexis Stewart UBC Arts Student (June 2003) Response to UNESCO’s Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005 (32 C/5)(June 2003) Reviewer, “Indigenous Peoples and International Law: The Making of A Regime” for Queen's Law Journal. (June, 2003). Reviewer, “Leveraging Knowledge Assets—Resolving Uncertainty for security Interest in Intellectual Property” for Law Commission of Canada (22-24 May, 2003) Discussions of Indigenous Legal Education, with Vice Provost Graham Smith, University of Ackland, Ackland, NZ. (May 4-9, 2003) Report to Professor Leon Cantrell at the University of Western Sydney, Australia on a paper which investigates indigenous intellectual property inside the settler societies. of Social sciences jury for the 2002-2003 edition of the Scholarly Book Prizes of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS). Resolution Of Cultural Property Disputes. 7th International Law Seminar, Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Peace Palace in The Hague (May 23 2003) Indigenous Strategy on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that will take place in Copenhagen (Denmark) from the of May 3-5 2003. Cultural Appropriation project .Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for Canada with CSRS at University of Victoria.(September 2003) Consultation Report, PRE PRE Consultation: Evolving the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) to Better Vitae 3 1 Meet the Needs of Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Communities (Aug-Sept, 2003). Opinion letter on Aboriginal Intellectual Property in Australia for Dr Janice Duffy. Senior Research Officer, Research and Evaluation Unit. Strategic Planning and Population Health Division Department of Human Services, Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square SA 5000 (Aug. 20, 2003) Mission Expert on Aboriginal rights, Mission team to understanding of the formal and informal relationship between the government of Sweden and the Sami, as governed by Swedish law and demonstrated through practice, International Commission of Jurists, (ICJ) (July* 2003). Treaty 11 reserves and settlement issues, Alexis Stewart UBC Arts Student (June 2003) Response to UNESCO’s Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005 (32 C/5)(June 2003) Reviewer, “Indigenous Peoples and International Law: The Making of A Regime” for Queen's Law Journal. (June, 2003). Reviewer, “Leveraging Knowledge Assets—Resolving Uncertainty for security Interest in Intellectual Property” for Law Commission of Canada (22-24 May, 2003) Research and Writing Program, Research Project Committee, The Canadian Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, (CACOLE) Innisfil, Ontario Discussions of Indigenous Legal Education, with Vice Provost Graham Smith, University of Ackland, Ackland, NZ. (May 4-9, 2003) Report to Professor Leon Cantrell at the University of Western Sydney, Australia on a paper which investigates indigenous intellectual property inside the settler societies. of Social sciences jury for the 2002-2003 edition of the Scholarly Book Prizes of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS). Resolution Of Cultural Property Disputes. 7th International Law Seminar, Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Peace Palace in The Hague (May 23 2003) Indigenous Strategy on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that will take place in Copenhagen (Denmark) from the of May 3-5 2003. Invited Participant, “Call Of The Earth Circle” on Intellectual Property and Indigenous Peoples, NZ (27-30 November 2002) Invited Participant, Metropolis Project - European Commission Expert Panel on Citizenship and Social Inclusion (October 28, 2002) Invited Participant, Communication Strategy, UNEP (September 2002) Member, Advisory Committee on Multiculturalism Strategies for Secretary of State J.Y. Henderson 32 Multiculturalism Jean Augustine (September 2002). Member, Aboriginal Steering Committee of National Aboriginal Heath Organization (2003-2002) Invited Participant, Aboriginal Law Teachers Talking Circle, July 21, 2002 Invited Participant, Intellectual Sovereignties; Indigenous Space in the Canadian University, July 18-20, 2002) Member, Canadian Commission to UNESCO (2002-2001) Member, Advisory Committee, Canadian Initiative on the UN World Conference Against Racism (2002) Expert Advisor, Expert Advisory Group on International Instrument on Cultural Diversity, Heritage Canada (2002) Litigation Advisor, Assembly First Nations, First Nations Governance Act Canada (2002-1) Litigation Advisor, Senate, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (2002) Member, Advisory Board, Indigenous Law Journal (2002-01) Member, Canadian Commission to UNESCO (2000-08) Member, Combating Hate and Bias Activities. Interdepartmental Taskforce directed by Canadian Heritage (2001-2000) Member, National Justice Institute, Aboriginal Law Advisory Committee (20012000) Member, Advisory Committee, Canadian Initiative on the UN World Conference Against Racism (2001-2000) Chair, Subcommittee on Indigenous Human Rights, Foreign Affairs Minster Advisory Board (2001-1998). Chairperson, Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development on Indigenous Heritage Rights Indigenous Knowledge, and Foreign Policy (2001-1997). Aboriginal Legal Expert, Study on Intellectual and Cultural Property of Indigenous People prepared by the UN Special Rapporteur Dr. Daes, United Nations Centre for Human Rights, Geneva.( 2001-1994) Litigation Advisor, Assembly First Nations, First Nations Governance Bill, Canada (2002-1) Litigation Advisor, Senate, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (2002-01) Invited Delegate, National Science Foundation on Aboriginal science (March 5-7, 2002) Invited Canadian Delegate, Indigenous Biodiversity Conference (Feb.1-5, 2002) Advisor, Ochapowace tax case Jan. 2002-Nov. 2001). Invited Participant ,Treaty Justice, Office to Treaty Commissioner (Dec. 11-13 2001). Vitae 3 3 Member, Eminent Person Advisory of Biodiversity Office, Environment Canada (2002-01) Participant and Organizer, Indigenous Dialogue on Civilization for UNESCO (Nov. 21-23. 2001) Participant, Aboriginal Dialogue on Food Production and Biotechnology (Nov. 10, 2001) Litigation Advisor, R. v. Keepness Appeal, Nov. 5-16, 2001. Interviewer, The Air Up There project, Equity Initiative Department, Upper Canada Law Society, Toronto (2002-01) Interview for Plea Project on PLEI Needs of Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (Feb. 2002- Nov. 2001) Research Meeting with Justice Canada (Oct 11, 2001) Review of Saskatchewan Bar Course, Saskatchewan Legal Education Society (Sept.Nov. 2001) Invited Participant, USI Retreat (Sept 20-21, 2001) Proposal for Indigenous Dialogue on Civilization for UNESCO (June 2001) Canadian Delegation, Second Session of the Preparatory Committee WCAR Geneva (May 24-28, 2001) Litigation Advisor, Haida Nation v. MOF.(May 2001) Chief Advisor, Four Direction Council, a Non-Governmental-Organization [NG0] Status II representing indigenous peoples within the United Nations (2001- 185). Advisor, Preliminary working paper on Indigenous peoples and their relation to land, UN Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (2000-1999). Advisor, Assembly First Nations and Indian Northern Affairs Canada Joint Initiative for Policy Development for Lands and Trust Services (2000-1999) Advisor, Guideline and Principle for the Protection of Heritage of Indigenous Peoples, UN Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (2000-1992). Advisor, Convention on the Implementation of the Peace and Good Order Clause of Treaty Six (Grand Council of Prince Albert) (1998) J.Y. Henderson 34 Advisor, Canadian Bar Association, Working Group on Racial Equality in the Legal Profession. Advisor, Australian Aboriginal Law Project, University of Sydney (1999-97). Advisor, Institute of Governance, Aboriginal Government Awards. Advisor, Aboriginal Justice Initiative, Department of Justice, Ottawa. Advisor, Working Group on Racial Equality in the Legal Profession. CBA(1998) Advisor, Indian Act Amendments, Assembly of First Nations (1998-1997) Advisor, Australian Aboriginal Law Project, University of Sydney (1998-97). Advisor of the U.N. Straddling Fish and High Sea Convention in New York 1994 Advisor, United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations. (1994-78) Editorial Board, The Journal Of Indigenous Studies, 121 Broadway Avenue East, Regina Saskatchewan Canada S4N 0Z6. (1994-1988) Expert Witness, Treaty Four Hunting Right (R. v. Peeace, 1997). Expert Witness in Indigenous Law and Colonial Legal History, Nova Scotia Supreme Court (1995). Delegate, UN Human Rights Commission, Working Group on Draft Declaration (1998-1985) International Facilitator, Jumbunna CAISER, Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights & Freedoms, Australia (1998-1997). Member, First Nations Gazette Editorial Board, Indian Taxation Advisory Board (2000- 97) Member, Subcommittee on Third Pillar of Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs Minster Advisory Board (1998-97). Member, Subcommittee on Arctic Council, Foreign Affairs Minster Advisory Board (1998-97). Member, Advisory Board, Office of Treaty Commission (2000-1998). Member, Drafting Team, Costa Rica Statement on Indigneous Education, Office Of The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights, UN Technical Workshop On Research And Higher Education Institutions And Indigenous Peoples San Jose, Costa Rica, 28 June To 2 July 1999 Member, Drafting Team, Vienna Conclusions and Recommendation of Globality and Global Ethics (June 8-15 1999) Member, Drafting Committee, Principles and Guidelines of the Protection of Heritage of Indigenous Peoples, with the UN Special Rapporteur Dr. Daes, United Nations Centre for Human Rights, Geneva. (1997-94) Member, Advisory Board, First Nations Governance Institute, FSIN Treaty Governance (1998). Member, Planning Committee, National Aboriginal Moot (1999-97). Member, Planning Team, Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Symposium for Justice Canada, Banff Centre for Management. Vitae 3 5 Member, SIFC Community Justice Committee. Member, Treaty First Nations Law School Committee (SFIC). Planning Team, United Nations Select Committee, International Decade of World Indigenous People.1996-1994 Planning Committee and Faculty, Canadian Law Teaching Clinic at Banff (May 29-June 8 1994). Selected Justice, Kawashimhon, Aboriginal Rights Moot, University of British Columbia (March 1966) Selected Participant, Canadian Taskforce on Hate and Bias Activity, Canadian Heritage, Feb. 11, 2000 Selected Participant, Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge Roundtable, World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, Nov. 1-2, 1999. Selected Participant, Aboriginal Justice Learning Network (1999-97). Selected Participant, Fetzer Institute Dialogue on Western Science and Indigenous Science. (1996-92) Selected Participant on Advisory Committee, UNESCO Panel on Knowledge and Development (1997). Selected Participant, AFN Conference on Draft Declaration on Indigenous People (Oct 3-5. 1996) Selected Participant, Navajo Nation International Orientation Summit (Nov. 6-7, 1995) Selected Participant, Human Rights Conference, Vienna.(1994) Selected Representative, Aboriginal Officials and Federal Officials Working Group on Draft Declaration (2000-97). Selected Representative, Intergovernmental Committee on International Affairs (1999-97). Selected Representative Aboriginal Officials and Federal Officials Working Group on Draft Declaration (1999-97) . Selected Representatives at External Affairs consultation on the Draft Declaration (1997-1994). Spokesperson for Aboriginal Delegates, Intergovernmental Committee on International Aboriginal (1998-1995) Technical Officer, Aboriginal Delegation, UN Human Rights Commission, Working Group on Draft Declaration (November 20-Dec. 1, 1995) 24. Research and Project Grant J.Y. Henderson 36 SSHRC Proposal on Animating Mi’kmaw Humanities (co-investigator) (3years) Animated Bundle Leader, Pedagogy of Professionals and Practitioners and Aboriginal Learning, Aboriginal Learning and Knowledge Exchange Centre, Canadian Council of Learning (2009-06) (This bundle is focused on comprehending their achievements, the role of pedagogy in their achievements, and their need of learning new information and knowledge in their professional practice and the knowledge society. It seeks to share knowledge on the learning environments in professional colleges and practices that improves Aboriginal participation in those professions.) Treaty Elders View of Land and Resources, FSIN for Office of Treaty Commissioner, 2006 Cultural Appropriation project, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for Canada with CSRS at University of Victoria. 2007-06 National Science Foundation, Science of Learning for Native Americans (2006) Final Report. First Nations Conceptual Frameworks and Applied Models on Ethics, Privacy and Consent in Health Research and Information to Canadian Institutes’ of Health Research, March 31, 2006 Editor, Elder Jimmy Myo, Iskeow-Iskwew’s Teachings And Reflection (2006) The North-West Mounted Police And Treaty-making, Office of Treaty Commissioner, October, 2005 Treaty Elders View of Land and Resources FSIN for Office of Treaty Commissioner, 2005 Cultural Appropriation project, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for Canada with CSRS at University of Victoria. 2005-4 Affiliated Researcher, National SSHRCC strategic research Cluster--Public Culture, Democracy and Global Futures (September, 2004) Proposal, Asiniy Métis Studies Foundation, Inc. (2005-2003) Proposal Planning Partnerships in Science Paradigms: Science and Indigenous Knowledge, National Science Foundation, 2003. Vitae 3 7 Research Proposal, Principle Investigator, First Nations Conceptual Frameworks and Applied Models on Ethics, Privacy and Consent in Health Research and Information to Canadian Institutes’ of Health Research October, 2003 Participated in Statement of Interest by the University of Saskatchewan for the BEAHR Centre of Excellence for building Aboriginal Environmental Human Resource capacity in Canada. Oct, 2003 Research Proposal, Cultural Appropriation project, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for Canada with CSRS at University of Victoria.(September 2003) Research and Writing Program, Research Project Committee, The Canadian Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, (CACOLE) Innisfil, Ontario Research Proposal, "The Virtual Circle: Transformation of Scholarship through Application of Aboriginal Ways of Knowing" to Canada Foundation for Innovation, March-Sept 2003. Proposal Planning Partnerships in Science Paradigms: Science and Indigenous Knowledge, National Science Foundation, 2003.