St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation

St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation
July 18, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: A meeting of the St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation was called to order by Vice
Chair Mark Scott at 9:08 AM in the 2nd floor conference room of the Human Services Center, State Highway 310,
Canton, New York.
Roll Call:
Directors Present:
Proxy Presented:
Others Present:
Mark Scott, Laurie Marr
Jason Clark, Patricia McKeown, Daniel Ragan, Cheryl Snyder
Kimberly Gilbert, Patrick Kelly, Thomas Plastino, Lori Sibley, Brian Norton
Approval of Minutes: A motion to accept the May 9, 2012 minutes was made by Marr/Scott.
Public Notice: Published pursuant to SLC Resolution 211-2005 and Open Meetings Law.
Public Comment: None
Financial Reports: April & May 2012: Mrs. Gilbert reviews the financial reports in detail. Mr. Scott inquires about the
Service Agreement Expense, which Mrs. Gilbert notes as a regularly scheduled payment to the Small Business
Development Center, per contract. Mrs. Gilbert notes that requested legal fees set aside during the CDBG process
that were not used can be used for other administrative costs, thus have been applied toward the payment of SBDC’s
service agreement. Mrs. Marr motions to accept the financials, seconded by Mr. Scott. Accepted unanimously and
filed for audit.
Loan Status Report: Mrs. Gilbert reviews the report, noting debt repayment looks good, acknowledging an 87%
success rate on return of finance.
Reports of Committees: None
Executive Session: Marr/Scott motion for an Executive Session at 9:18 AM to discuss the credit and financial
history of a particular company.
Mr. Norton is excused at 9:18AM
Marr/Scott motion to return to Regular Session at 9:40 AM.
Old Business:
Cora Condrin: Per Resolution No. 11-31, Cora Condrin was approved for a loan to pay a contractor to do roof repair
on Splendid Space Bed & Breakfast. As part of the agreement, Cora Condrin is required to supply the St. Lawrence
County Local Development Corporation with the necessary abstract/title for 2nd lien position on the building and
property located at 4227 State Highway 3, Star Lake, New York 13690. As a result of Ms. Condrin’s inability to
provide the SLC LDC the title/abstract to the building/property, the board approves a stub search to be executed
Agreement between Town of Brasher and St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation to Administer
Economic Development Loan Fund. Mr. Kelly notes that SLC IDA staff member Brian Norton is scheduled to be in
the Town of Brasher on Wednesday mornings to meet with citizens interested in starting their own business or
improving an existing one.
St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation
July 18, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Mr. Norton will assist residents interested in applying for a loan through the town’s newly formed loan fund, which is
administered through the St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation. So far, Mr. Norton has had 3-4
prospects express interest in the fund.
New Business:
Resolution: Rescinding Resolution No. 12-07: “Authorizing a Loan of $20,000 to GT Speed Shop/Waddington Auto
Parts”. Marr/Scott. Resolution passes with 6 ‘aye’ votes [2 voice votes + 4 proxy votes].
Resolution: “Authorizing a Loan of $20,000 to GT Speed Shop/Waddington Auto Parts”. Resolution passes with 6
‘aye’ votes [2 voice votes + 4 proxy votes] contingent upon 1.) implementation of a partnership agreement
administered between Joseph and Gerald Pemberton, outlining a clear path forward for business succession; 2.)
Karen Pemberton listed as guarantor, in addition to Joseph and Gerald Pemberton; 3.) St. Lawrence County Local
Development Corporation to be listed as 3rd mortgage holder on the personal residence of Joseph and Karen
Pemberton at 87 West Lincoln Avenue, Waddington, New York 13694; 4.) terms of repayment ‘up to 7 years’.
Resolution: Authorizing Amendments to Bylaws and Amendments to Certificate of Incorporation. Marr/Scott. Mr.
Kelly advises the board this resolution will allow for one structure in making decisions. Discussion ensues around
how the new SLC LDC board formation will be handled as a separate entity of the SLC IDA. Mr. Kelly notes that the
SLC LDC will continue to remain a separate entity with an agreement that is consistent with the SLC IDA-LDC and
SLC IDA-CDC models. Mr. Scott and Ms. Marr express concern over the way the SLC IDA will handle the decision
making process for low-income loan applicants who have limited means for financing their small business ventures.
Ms. Marr would like to see female representation on the SLC IDA board. However, she states that she feels comfort
in knowing that IDA staff who had been affiliated with the SLC LDC will be guiding the SLC IDA board in making
decisions for micro enterprise loan applicants. She is in favor of streamlining things. Mr. Scott questions SLC IDA
board member’s knowledge of the types of loans that are reviewed in the microenterprise program and expresses
concern that the SLC IDA more typically reviews larger loans for more corporate entities and may not have the
understanding which goes into the review process of micro enterprise applicants. Mr. Scott would like to meet with
the members of the SLC IDA board to get a feel for their understanding as to the types of decisions that need to be
made for the SLC LDC and to know that the SLC IDA stands behind small community interests, not just the larger
communities in the county. Mr. Scott notes that he still has concerns about the way the microenterprise will be
handled in the short-term, but feels it will be a good thing in the long-term. He would like to ensure that small
communities and small businesses are not forgotten because they are important to St. Lawrence County. Resolution
passes with 5 ‘aye’ votes and [1 voice vote + 4 proxy votes] and with Mr. Scott against the resolution.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourns at 10:55 AM by unanimous consent.