Hollywood High School- School for Advanced Studies Student Profile and Action Plan Student Name: D.O.B: Graduation Year: Current Grade: TEAM MEMBERS: IDENTIFY STUDENT STRENGTHS: (Based on anecdotal evidence, observation, grades, additional data) IDENTIFY AREAS OF NEED: (Based on anecdotal evidence, observation, grades, additional data) STUDENT INFORMATION: Determine what information has already been gathered from the following resources: Counselor: GATHERING INFORMATION: Determine what information still needs to be gathered from the following resources: Counselor: Parent: Parent: Student: Student: Support Staff (Special Education Teacher, Title 1 & EL, Dean, PSA, LACER): OBJECTIVE FOR INTERVENTION: Support Staff (Special Education Teacher, Title 1 & EL, Dean, PSA, LACER): INTERVENTION PLAN: Every member of the team should have a specific responsibility and set a date by which that task will be completed Team Member: Follow Up Meeting Notes: Intervention Strategy/Task: Completion Date: Media Entertainment and Technology – SLC Needs and Action Plan Please have one member of your group make note of your group’s thoughts on the questions below regarding instructional and grading practices and SLC support. Submit your ideas with your completed Student Intervention Plans and your evaluations at the end of today’s meeting. Thanks! In what areas in your classes do students seem to struggle the most? Why do you think this might be? What interventions have you tried in your classroom to help students achieve in the areas of struggle you have identified? What SLC or school-‐wide support do you think might help students who are struggling in your classes?