Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Governance Information (Authority-Related) Question Response URL (if applicable) 1. Has the Authority prepared its annual report on operations and accomplishments for the reporting period as required by section 2800 of PAL? Yes 2. As required by section 2800(9) of PAL, did the Authority prepare an assessment of the effectiveness of its internal controls? Yes 3. Has the lead audit partner for the independent audit firm changed in the last five years in accordance with section 2802(4) of PAL? Yes N/A 4. Does the independent auditor provide non-audit services to the Authority? No N/A 5. Does the Authority have an organization chart? Yes 6. Are any Authority staff also employed by another government agency? Yes St Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency 7. Has the Authority posted their mission statement to their website? Yes 8. Has the Authority's mission statement been revised and adopted during the reporting period? Yes N/A 9. Attach the Authority's measurement report, as required by section 2824-a of PAL and provide the URL. Page 1 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Governance Information (Board-Related) Question Response URL 1. Has the Board established a Governance Committee in accordance with Section 2824(7) Yes of PAL? N/A 2. Has the Board established an Audit Committee in accordance with Section 2824(4) of PAL? Yes N/A 3. Has the Board established Finance Committee in accordance with Section 2824(8) of PAL? Yes N/A 4. Provide a URL link where a list of Board committees can be found (including the name of the committee and the date established): 5. Does the majority of the Board meet the independence requirements of Section 2825(2) of PAL? Yes N/A 6. Provide a URL link to the minutes of the Board and committee meetings held during the covered fiscal year 7. Has the Board adopted bylaws and made them available to Board members and staff? Yes 8. Has the Board adopted a code of ethics for Board members and staff? Yes 9. Does the Board review and monitor the Authority's implementation of financial and management controls? Yes N/A 10. Does the Board execute direct oversight of the CEO and management in accordance with Section 2824(1) of PAL? Yes N/A Salary and Compensation No N/A Time and Attendance Yes N/A Whistleblower Protection Yes N/A Defense and Indemnification of Board Members Yes N/A 12. Has the Board adopted a policy prohibiting the extension of credit to Board members Yes and staff in accordance with Section 2824(5) of PAL? N/A 13. Are the Authority's Board members, officers, and staff required to submit financial Yes disclosure forms in accordance with Section 2825(3) of PAL? N/A 14. Was a performance evaluation of the board completed? Yes N/A 15. Was compensation paid by the Authority made in accordance with employee or union contracts? No N/A 16. Has the board adopted a conditional/additional compensation policy governing all No 11. Has the Board adopted policies for the following in accordance with Section 2824(1) of PAL? Page 2 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Response URL employees? Page 3 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Board of Directors Listing McMahon, Andrew J Name Chair of Board No If yes, Chair designated By. Peck, Donald Name Chair of Board No If yes, Chair designated By. Term Start Date 07/18/2012 Term Start Date 07/18/2012 Term Expiration Date 08/31/2013 Term Expiration Date Pleasure of Authority Title Title Has the Board member appointed a designee? Has the Board member appointed a designee? Designee Name Designee Name Ex-officio Nominated By Appointed By No Ex-officio Other Nominated Other Appointed By Confirmed by Senate? No By Other Other Confirmed by Senate? Has the Board member/designee signed the acknowledgement of fiduciary duty? Yes Has the Board member/designee signed the acknowledgement of fiduciary duty? Yes Complied with training requirement of Section 2824? Yes Complied with training requirement of Section 2824? Yes Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed State gove No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed State gove No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed municipal government position? Yes Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed municipal government position? Yes Page 4 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Board of Directors Listing Weekes, Jr., R. Joseph Name Chair of Board No If yes, Chair designated By. Hall, Mark C Name Chair of Board No If yes, Chair designated By. Term Start Date 07/18/2012 Term Start Date 12/03/2012 Term Expiration Date 07/31/2015 Term Expiration Date 12/31/2015 Title Title Has the Board member appointed a designee? Has the Board member appointed a designee? Designee Name Designee Name Ex-officio Nominated By Appointed By No Ex-officio Other Nominated Other Appointed By Confirmed by Senate? No By Other Other Confirmed by Senate? Has the Board member/designee signed the acknowledgement of fiduciary duty? Yes Has the Board member/designee signed the acknowledgement of fiduciary duty? Yes Complied with training requirement of Section 2824? Yes Complied with training requirement of Section 2824? Yes Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed State gove No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed State gove No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed municipal government position? No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed municipal government position? Yes Page 5 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Board of Directors Listing Blevins, Lynn Name Chair of Board No If yes, Chair designated By. Staples, Brian W Name Chair of Board Yes If yes, Chair designated By. Elected by Board Term Start Date 07/18/2012 Term Start Date 07/18/2012 Term Expiration Date 06/01/2015 Term Expiration Date 09/30/2014 Title Title Has the Board member appointed a designee? Has the Board member appointed a designee? Designee Name Designee Name Ex-officio Nominated By Appointed By No Ex-officio Other Nominated Other Appointed By Confirmed by Senate? No By Other Other Confirmed by Senate? Has the Board member/designee signed the acknowledgement of fiduciary duty? Yes Has the Board member/designee signed the acknowledgement of fiduciary duty? Yes Complied with training requirement of Section 2824? Yes Complied with training requirement of Section 2824? Yes Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed State gove No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed State gove No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed municipal government position? No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed municipal government position? No Page 6 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Board of Directors Listing LaBaff, Ernest Name Chair of Board No If yes, Chair designated By. Term Start Date 07/18/2012 Term Expiration Date 09/30/2014 Title Has the Board member appointed a designee? Designee Name No Ex-officio Nominated By Appointed By Other Other Confirmed by Senate? Has the Board member/designee signed the acknowledgement of fiduciary duty? Yes Complied with training requirement of Section 2824? Yes Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed State gove No Does the Board member/designee also hold an elected or appointed municipal government position? No Page 7 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Staff Listing Name Title Group Department / Subsidiary Union Name Bargaining Unit Full Exempt Base Time/ Annualized Part Salary Time Actual salary paid to the Individua l Over time paid by Authority Performance Extra Pay Bonus Other Compensa tion/Allo wances/Ad justments Total Compens -ation Individual also paid by another entity to perform the work of the Authority If yes, Is the payment made by a State or local government Managerial FT Yes 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Chief Kelly, Patrick J Executive Officer Business Norton, Developmen Brian K t Specialist Plastino, Deputy Chief Thomas Executive Officer/Ch ief Finacial Officer Rodriguez Business , Leigh B Developmen t Specialist Secretary Sibley, Lori Executive FT Yes 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Professional FT Yes 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Executive FT Yes 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Professional FT Yes 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Administrative and Clerical FT No 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Sweatland Administra , Natalie tive Assistant A Administrative and Clerical FT Yes 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Williams, Facilties Richard A Management Specialist Technical and Engineering FT Yes 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Gilbert, Kimberly A Fiscal Manager Page 8 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Benefit Information During the fiscal year, did the Authority continue to pay for any of the above mentioned benefits for No Board Members Name Title Staples, Brian W McMahon, Andrew J Hall, Mark C Weekes, Jr., R. Joseph LaBaff, Ernest Peck, Donald Blevins, Lynn Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors X Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors X Severance Package Payment for Unused Leave Club Memberships Use of Corporate Credit Cards Personal Loans Auto Transportation Housing Allowance Spousal / Dependent Life Insurance Tuition Assistance MultiYear Employment None of These Benefits Other X X X X X Staff Name Title Severance Package Payment for Unused Leave Club Memberships Use of Corporate Credit Cards Personal Loans Auto Transportation Housing Allowance Spousal / Dependent Life Insurance Tuition Assistance MultiYear Employment None of These Benefits Other No Data has been entered by the Authority for this section in PARIS Page 9 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Subsidiary/Component Unit Verification Is the list of subsidiaries, as assembled by the Office of the State Comptroller, correct? Yes Are there other subsidiaries or component units of the Authority that are active, not included in the PARIS reports submitted by this Aut No Name of Subsidiary/Component Unit Status Requested Changes Subsidiary/Component Unit Creation Name of Subsidiary/Component Unit Establishment Date Entity Purpose Subsidiary/Component Unit Termination Name of Subsidiary/Component Unit Termination Date Termination Reason Proof of Termination No Data has been entered by the Authority for this section in PARIS Page 10 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Summary Financial Information SUMMARY STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $50,240 Investments $0 Receivables, net $64,104 Other assets $1,287 Total Current Assets $115,631 Noncurrent Assets Restricted cash and investments $0 Long-term receivables, net $208,643 Other assets $0 Capital Assets Land and other nondepreciable property $0 Buildings and equipment $0 Infrastructure $0 Accumulated depreciation $0 Net Capital Assets $0 Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets $208,643 $324,274 Page 11 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Summary Financial Information SUMMARY STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts payable $0 Pension contribution payable $0 Other post-employment benefits $0 Accrued liabilities $0 Deferred revenues $0 Bonds and notes payable $0 Other long-term obligations due within one year $0 Total Current Liabilities $0 Noncurrent Liabilities Pension contribution payable $0 Other post-employment benefits $0 Bonds and notes payable $0 Long Term Leases $0 Other long-term obligations $0 Total Noncurrent Liabilities $0 Total Liabilities $0 Net Asset (Deficit) Net Asset Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $0 Restricted $0 Unrestricted $324,274 Total Net Assets $324,274 Page 12 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Summary Financial Information SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Operating Revenues Charges for services $0 Rental & financing income $8,238 Other operating revenues $630 Total Operating Revenue $8,868 Operating Expenses Salaries and wages $0 Other employee benefits $0 Professional services contracts $10,800 Supplies and materials $100 Depreciation & amortization $0 Other operating expenses $4,248 Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) $15,148 ($6,280) Nonoperating Revenues Investment earnings $0 State subsidies/grants $0 Federal subsidies/grants $0 Municipal subsidies/grants $0 Public authority subsidies $0 Other nonoperating revenues $0 Total Nonoperating Revenue $0 Page 13 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Summary Financial Information SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Nonoperating Expenses Interest and other financing charges $0 Subsidies to other public authorities $0 Grants and donations $5,207 Other nonoperating expenses $12,808 Total Nonoperating Expenses $18,015 Income (Loss) Before Contributions Capital Contributions Change in net assets ($24,295) $0 ($24,295) Net assets (deficit) beginning of year $348,569 Other net assets changes $0 Net assets (deficit) at end of year $324,274 Page 14 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Current Debt Question Response 1. Did the Authority have any outstanding debt, including conduit debt, at any point during the reporting period? No 2. If yes, has the Authority issued any debt during the reporting period? New Debt Issuances List by Type of Debt and Program No Data has been entered by the Authority for this section in PARIS Page 15 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Schedule of Authority Debt Type of Debt Statutory Authorization ($) Outstanding Start of Fiscal Year ($) New Debt Issuances ($) Debt Retired ($) Outstanding End of Fiscal Year ($) State Obligation State Guaranteed State Supported State Contingent Obligation State Moral Obligation Other State Funded Authority Obligation General Obligation Revenue Other Non-State Funded Conduit Conduit Debt Conduit Debt - Pilot Increment Financing Page 16 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Real Property Acquisition/Disposal List No Data has been entered by the Authority for this section in PARIS This Authority has indicated that it had no real property acquisitions or disposals during the reporting period. Page 17 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Personal Property This Authority has indicated that it had no personal property disposals during the reporting period. No Data has been entered by the Authority for this section in PARIS Page 18 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Property Documents Question 1. In accordance with Section 2896(3) of PAL, the Authority is required to prepare a report at least annually of all real property of the Authority. Has this report been prepared? 2. Has the Authority prepared policies, procedures, or guidelines regarding the use, awarding, monitoring, and reporting of contracts for the acquisition and disposal of property? 3. In accordance with Section 2896(1) of PAL, has the Authority named a contracting officer who shall be responsible for the Authority's compliance with and enforcement of such guidelines? Response Yes URL (if applicable) C-13-01-02_RealPropertyDisposition_2012Report.p Yes C-13-01-02_RealPropertyDisposition_2012Report.p Yes Page 19 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Grant Information 1. Source of Grant Funds: Name of Grant Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Amount of Grant Award Provided During Reporting Year: Federal Honey Dew Acress, LLC 169 Post Road CANTON NY 13617 USA $447.59 Date Grant Awarded: 02/09/2011 Purpose of Grant: Business Expansion/Startup 2. Source of Grant Funds: Name of Grant Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Amount of Grant Award Provided During Reporting Year: Federal River Run Fitness 12 Hamilton St WADDINGTON NY 13694 USA $1,649.07 Date Grant Awarded: 01/12/2011 Purpose of Grant: Business Expansion/Startup Was the grant expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the grant expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 2 Page 20 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information 1. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal 2. A Unique Boutique for Creatures Great and 902 Main Street BRASHER FALLS NY 13613 USA $8,000 07/13/2011 4 5 $1,226.07 Business Expansion/Startup Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal AKJ Marine 11 Bouck Road PO Box 1357 OGDENSBURG NY 13669 USA $20,000 08/22/2007 4 5 $7,963.67 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 21 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information 3. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal Adirondack Battery 100 Hayden Road POTSDAM NY 13676 USA $20,000 10/12/2011 4 5 $2,578.34 Business Expansion/Startup 4. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal Chip's Place 5853 State Highway 56 HANNAWA FALLS NY 13647 USA $20,000 03/29/2007 4 7 $15,736.00 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 4 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 22 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information 5. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal Chuck's Pet Center 6142 St. Lawrence Centre MASSENA NY 13662 USA $20,000 02/01/2008 4 5 $7,191.65 Commercial Property Construction/Acquisition/Revitalization/I mprovement 6. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal Custom Rustix 12E River Street OGDENSBURG NY 13669 USA $13,425 11/09/2006 4 5 $13,425.00 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? Yes Page 23 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information 7. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal Felician House Bed & Breakfast 1 Powers Street CANTON NY 13617 USA $11,200 02/01/2008 4 10 $4,217.75 Commercial Property Construction/Acquisition/Revitalization/I mprovement 8. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal GT Speed Shop / Waddington Auto Parts 87 West Lincoln Avenue WADDINGTON NY 13694 USA $20,000 10/17/2012 4 7 $0.00 Business Expansion/Startup Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 24 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information 9. Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: Municipal Gordon's Frame to Finish 1938 Route 345 MADRID NY 13660 USA $20,000 05/11/2012 4 5 $580.86 Business Expansion/Startup Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 10. Municipal Hair Studio 9 Main Street POTSDAM NY 13676 USA $20,000 02/01/2008 4 5 $20,000.00 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 2 Have the terms of the loan been completed? Yes Page 25 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 11. Municipal Hallelujah House 150 Harte Haven Plaza MASSENA NY 13662 USA $10,000 11/30/2009 4 5 $10,000.00 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 12. Municipal Hebel Welding & Machine 174 Crary Road CANTON NY 13617 USA $20,425 10/28/2005 4 10 $13,251.04 Commercial Property Construction/Acquisition/Revitalization/I mprovement Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 3 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 26 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 13. Municipal Honey Dew Acres 169 Post Road CANTON NY 13617 USA $20,000 11/17/2010 4 10 $3,108.53 Business Expansion/Startup Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 14. Municipal Lucas Motorsports & Twin Pines Quikstop 5 River Street NICHOLVILLE NY 12965 USA $8,000 02/01/2008 4 5 $8,000.00 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 2 Have the terms of the loan been completed? Yes Page 27 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 15. Municipal 16. Lucas Motorsports and Twin Pines Quikstop 5 River Street Municipal Main Grind Coffeehouse St. Lawrence Centre Mall NICHOLVILLE NY 12965 MASSENA NY 13662 USA $5,000 05/25/2009 4 5 $3,387.75 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: USA $9,900 02/09/2011 4 5 $3,191.26 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? No Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 28 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 17. Municipal Maple Run Emporiums Maple Street POTSDAM NY 13676 USA $20,000 03/09/2011 4 5 $5,687.07 Business Expansion/Startup Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 18. Municipal New Horizons Wireless PO Box 121 6951 County Route 10 LISBON NY 13658 USA $20,000 01/12/2011 4 5 $5,643.53 Business Expansion/Startup Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 29 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 19. Municipal Potsdam Taxi 123 Market Street POTSDAM NY 13676 USA $15,000 06/03/2009 4 5 $15,000.00 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 20. Municipal River Lane Campground 104 River Lane HEUVELTON NY 13654 USA $19,750 06/08/2010 4 5 $6,451.14 Business Expansion/Startup Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 3 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 30 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 21. Municipal River Run Fitness 12 Hamilton Street WADDINGTON NY 13694 USA $8,000 01/12/2011 4 3 $3,893.70 Business Expansion/Startup Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 22. Municipal Shades Tanning and Hair Salon 405 Larue Road MASSENA NY 13662 USA $20,000 10/17/2012 4 10 $0.00 Commercial Property Construction/Acquisition/Revitalization/I mprovement Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 31 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 23. Municipal Sharrow's Home Repair 21 Doran Road STAR LAKE NY 13690 USA $8,000 10/22/2010 4 3 $5,446.47 Business Expansion/Startup Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 24. Municipal Splendid Space 4227 State Highway 3 STAR LAKE NY 13690 USA $14,900 11/02/2005 4 10 $14,900.00 Commercial Property Construction/Acquisition/Revitalization/I mprovement Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? Yes Page 32 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 25. Municipal Splendid Space 4227 State Highway 3 PO Box 473 STAR LAKE NY 13690 USA $14,620.67 08/21/2012 4 10 $533.72 Commercial Property Construction/Acquisition/Revitalization/I mprovement Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 26. Municipal St. Lawrence Optical 11 1/2 Maple Street POTSDAM NY 13676 USA $6,500 08/23/2012 4 3 $0.00 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? No Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 0 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 33 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 27. Municipal St. Lawrence Valley Roasters 219 Baker Road LISBON NY 13658 USA $18,654 12/07/2011 4 3 $3,371.34 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 28. Municipal Sugar Shack Bakery and Cafe 6585 State Highway 56 POTSDAM NY 13676 USA $15,000 07/13/2011 4 5 $0.00 Business Expansion/Startup Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 3 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 4 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 5 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 34 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 29. Municipal Susan's Stitches 216 Rensselaer Street RENSSELAER FALLS NY 13680 USA $20,000 08/23/2012 4 5 $0.00 Business Expansion/Startup Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 30. Municipal Tony's Canvas and Leather 50 Grove Street MASSENA NY 13662 USA $5,000 03/09/2011 4 5 $1,284.35 Equipment and Fixed Asset Acquisition Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 1 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 1 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 35 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Loan Information Source of Loan Funds: Name of Loan Recipient: Address Line1: Address Line2: City: State: Zip - Plus4: Province/Region: Country: Original Amount of Loan: Date Loan Awarded: Interest Rate(%): Length of Loan(# of years to repay): Amount of Loan Prinicipal Repaid to Date: Purpose of Loan: 31. Municipal Valley Greenery 1372 State Highway 72 COLTON NY 13625 USA $20,000 06/30/2009 4 7 $8,866.87 Business Expansion/Startup Was the Loan expected to result in new jobs being created? Yes If yes, how many jobs were planned to be created? 2 If yes, how many jobs have been created to date? 4 Have the terms of the loan been completed? No Page 36 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Bond Information This Authority has indicated that it did not have any outstanding bonds during the reporting period. Page 37 of 38 Annual Report for St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation Fiscal Year Ending:12/31/2012 Run Date: 03/20/2013 Status: CERTIFIED Additional Comments: Page 38 of 38