GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY IDA ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY IDA LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY IDA CIVIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JANUARY 28, 2014 1. Call to Order The Committee meeting is called to order at 11:10 AM, with Committee members Staples, Weekes and LaBaff. Mr. Patrick Kelly, Mr. Thomas Plastino, and Mrs. Natalie Sweatland are also present. 2. Governance Documents i. Disposition of Real Property Guidelines (2014 Review) and Inventory, Disposition and Acquisition Listing (2013 Report). Mr. Kelly reports the Real Property Disposition Guidelines remain unchanged from the last review. The 2013 Report includes an updated inventory of Authority properties, and disposition and acquisition reports, which will be included in the report to the ABO. Committee members unanimously motion to move this resolution to the full board for consideration. ii. Recapture Policy Mr. Kelly explains that this resolution formalizes the IDA’s policy to ensure responsible provision of public benefits to companies for job creation/retention projects, and sets forth the criteria to assist the IDA in evaluating project performance and determine if recapturing, limiting or terminating benefits is appropriate. Committee members unanimously motion to move this resolution to the full board for consideration. iii. Procurement Policy – Annual review. Mr. Kelly reports no substantial changes to the Authority’s Procurement Policy. He adds that the County’s Finance Committee has moved to its full board a “Best Value Contract” award law. As much of the IDA’s Procurement is based on the County’s policies, he will keep board members advised. Committee members unanimously motion to move this resolution to the full board for consideration. 3. General Discussion i. 2013 Mission and Performance Review. Committee members review the Authorities’ activities and accomplishments throughout 2013. Mr. Kelly notes this report will be forwarded to the County Legislature for their information. Committee members express their desire to ensure that the report receives more recognition than it has in the past. ii. 2014 Marketing Plan. Committee members review the IDA’s 2014 Marketing Plan. Mr. Kelly notes that the document outlines our marketing goals for the year, and the IDA and the RVRDA will each allocate $50,000 toward achieving those goals. He adds that the RVRDA has been discussing the possibility of engaging an outside sales consultant, but more information will be needed before any type of decision can be made. Mr. Kelly notes that this plan will also be part of the report to the County Legislature. iii. Dissolution of the St. Lawrence County Local Development Corporation. Mr. Kelly notes that Attorney Silver is still working on the dissolution. There is an outstanding grant that will be closed out in the Spring. Additionally, we may need the County’s authorization to proceed with the dissolution. iv. Investment. Mr. Kelly asks that the Board consider researching different investment options to increase the Authorities’ returns on investments. It is recommended that this issue be addressed by the Audit/Finance Committee. v. Best Value Contract Award Law Mr. Kelly reports that the County’s Finance Committee moved to the full board a Best Value Contract Award Law. As much of the IDA’s Procurement is based on the County’s policies, he will keep board members advised. 4. Executive Session The Committee moves to Executive Session at 11:50 AM to discuss (i) Board SelfEvaluation documents, (ii) Financial and litigation with specific companies, and (iii) Personnel. The Committee returns to Regular Session at 1:10 PM. 5. Adjournment Meeting adjourns at 1:10 PM.