Homework for Math 3210 Spring 2010 Week 13 Instructor: Rémi Lodh Due Wed. 28th April Guidelines for homework • Please do all problems. • Try to be as clear as possible in your answers. • Write the proofs in the same way as in the lectures. • Staple your homework sheets together. Failure to do so will result in a points penalty. Homework Problem List (from Taylor’s Foundations of Analysis) §6.1 : 1,2,7,8,11 §6.2 : 1,3,4,9,10 §6.3 : 1,3,11 §6.4 : 1,2,4,7,10 http://www.math.utah.edu/~remi/teaching/3210Spr2010/3210Spr2010.html 1