Strategic Supplier Partnership Procedure Effective date January 1, 2016

Strategic Supplier Partnership Procedure
Effective date January 1, 2016
The primary purpose of having a strategic supplier partnership contract is to achieve best value for
the university. The university’s purchasing power can be leveraged to lower the overall cost of
goods and/or services for all departments/units, and gain efficiencies in procurement and payment
processes by lowering transaction costs. As the policy indicates, goods and services must be
purchased from these contracted suppliers unless a change in supplier directly and/or significantly
impacts the on-going teaching, research or service activities of the department/unit.
Types of strategic supplier partnerships:
University initiated for general campus use
Buying consortium – Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO),
Western Universities Supply Management Association (WUSMA), Saskatchewan Advanced
Education Collaboration, etc. for general campus use
Pre-approved pools of suppliers/contractors/consultants etc. setup for specific department/
unit use
Blanket agreement / Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and associated Statements of
Work (SOW) setup for specific department/unit use
The selection of a strategic supplier partnership is based on a competitive bid process with input
from university departments/units or a representative evaluation committee. In many cases, the
representative evaluation committee also acts as the committee that monitors contract and supplier
Procedure – University Contract on eMarket
Register for access to the strategic supplier partnership’s ordering site on eMarket, if
Follow the instructions on the Purchasing Services eMarket site for each supplier or contact
Purchasing Services. Access is linked directly to a university Procurement Card (PCard).
Connect to the supplier’s ordering site via the university eMarket or complete a
purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system)
Select contracted items, add to a shopping cart and checkout. The charges will appear on the
applicable PCard statement.
Note: PCard limits still apply (see Procurement Card procedure)
Procedure – University / Buying Consortium Contract
Complete a purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system) or use a
Procurement Card (PCard)
Include catalogue numbers, a description of the goods and/or services to be purchased and name of
strategic supplier partnership.
Note: PCard limits still apply (see Procurement Card procedure)
Procedure – Pre-Approved Pool (for specific department/unit use)
Rotate the use of suppliers, or select 2-3 suppliers and request quotations on the
specific work or project.
Only pricing, timelines and deliverables have to be evaluated. All other terms and conditions are
outlined in the pre-approved pool contracts.
Complete a purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system)
Include a description of the work or project, cost, name of strategic supplier and reference the
contract number.
Procedure – Blanket Agreement / Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and
associated Statements of Work (SOW) (for specific department/unit use)
Complete the Statement of Work template
Include a description of the work or project, cost, timelines and deliverables
Complete a purchase requisition in UniFi (university financial system)
Include a description of the work or project, cost, name of strategic supplier and reference the
contract number.
Related Links/Forms
Document Name
Contracted Suppliers List, including Internal Services
Courier Account Set-up Information
Supplier Freezer Programs (consignment stock)
Contact Information
Purchasing Services, Financial Services