Using Alt tags: Blackboard Learn

Using Alt tags: Blackboard Learn
You can make your Blackboard course ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance by adding “alt”
tags. You will be prompted everytime you add an image.
Alt tags is an attribute of the image and is meant to be an alternative for non-visual browers when they
come across images.
Tips for Writing Alt tags: Be brief, clearn, and contextual.
Alt tags from the content area (Build
Content) menu
Hover over Build Content and click on
Name the image
Select the file
Type in a short description in the Alt
Text text box
Type in a longer description of the image
in the Long Description text box
Office of e-Learning: Academic Affairs
Inserting a Link to a Prezi
Finish the settings and click Submit
From the Text box Editor
Click on the Image Icon
Browse your computer to find the image you
want to insert
Office of e-Learning: Academic Affairs
Page 2
Inserting a Link to a Prezi
Give the image a short description
Click Insert
Office of e-Learning: Academic Affairs
Page 3