Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Homero Gonçalves and Mário Lourenço Porto, 20|22 June 2013 How do we know that... 1 company active since the 16th century 370 thousand companies 5 enterprises account for 3% of employment 99.7% of all NFC are SME Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics 35 thousand companies active since the 80’s 100 enterprises gather 41% of NFC 100 enterprises gather 26% of assets turnover 3 enterprises account for 5% of turnover Porto, 20|22 June 2013 2 1 Name .... Location Contains How did we get here? Business Activity indicator Register individual Activity sector characteristics Five SPAI steps managed by of each company in Banco de Portugal Institutional sector Age Portugal (current and historical data) Legal nature Size Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 3 The Business Register’s backbone Each company receives an unique Legal Entity Identifier at birth Allows intersecting different databases Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 4 2 Companies’ legal information Legal Nature Location Name Age Ministry of Justice Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 5 Economic activity Output SICAE is a single database with information, online, about the statistical classification of Economic Activities (NACE) of any company Internet The success of IES, based on the excellent institutional cooperation Amendments granted the idea … Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 6 3 Filling the gaps – BdP Micro Databases Central Credit Register Securities Statistics Integrated System Central BalanceSheet Data Quantitative Indicators Dimension Balance of Payments Interest rates Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Activity Indicator Porto, 20|22 June 2013 7 Matching all the data Solve issues like: With: Scattered Hierarchy of information sources Different Events logic updating On-going times actualization Incoherent data Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 8 4 Current situation SICAE SPAI BdP Micro Databases Ministry of Justice Identifier Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 9 Next Step: Shared Business Register among all entities Statistics Portugal FUESEN SPAI Ministry of Finance Ministry of Justice Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 10 5 Business Registers: Matching the pieces to see the whole picture Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 11 Business Registers • Designing business registers benefits from great inter-institutional cooperation. • Business registers enhance the comparability between statistical outputs from different fields of statistical knowledge. • They enable users to cross-reference data from micro-data databases… • … and allow, by themselves, the monitoring of business and entrepreneurial dynamics. Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 12 6 Building business registers to monitor the entrepreneurial dynamics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 13 Homero Gonçalves Sectoral Analysis Unit – Central Balance-Sheet Data Office 7