Milan Nejman The Czech National Bank’s approach to security-by-security data collection and compilation


The Czech National Bank’s approach to security-by-security data collection and compilation

Milan Nejman

Monetary and Statistics Department

Balance of Payments Division

Czech National Bank

Workshop on Integrated Management of Micro databases

Banco de Portugal

20 June 2013



(1) Historical circumstances and the need for disaggregated data

(2) Securities holdings data collection architecture at the CNB

(3) Compilation - challenges behind and challenges ahead

(4) Summary



Historical circumstances and the need for disaggregated data (1/2)

April 2006 - Integration of financial market supervisory authorities into the Czech National Bank

Monetary policy, Statistics,

Banking supervision

Czech Securities


Office of State Supervision of

Insurance Companies and

Private Pension Schemes

Office for Supervision of Credit Unions


Historical circumstances and the need for disaggregated data (2/2)

Since 2006, joint securities holdings data sources have been implemented

(and/or gradually adjusted).

Focus on s-b-s detail and high frequency of reports.

In order to avoid double reporting, there was an effort to accom m odate the needs of different parties concerned:

• Balance of Payments Division,

• Monetary and Financial Statistics Divis i on,

• Financial Accounts and Economic Statistics Division and

• Financial Market Supervision divisions

Many synergies stemming from cooperation of statistics and supervision (i.

e . common data quality checks, lower burden on reporting agents).



Securities holdings data collection architecture at the CNB (1/2)

Securities holdings data collection architecture – legislation

Provision of the Czech National Bank No. 1/2012 amending provision of the Czech

National Bank No. 2/2011, stipulating the submitting of statements by banks and foreign bank branches to the Czech National Bank

Decree No. 276/2010 Coll. on submission of statements and some other information by investment firms to the Czech National Bank.

Decree No. 425/2012 Coll. on Submission of Statements by Pension management companies to the Czech National Bank.

Decree No. 433/2009 Coll. on reporting of insurance and reinsurance companies

Decree No. 385 Coll. of 6 October 2008, amending Decree No. 307/2004 Coll., concerning the submitting of information and documents to the Czech national Bank by entities that belong to the financial institutions sector, as amended by Decree No.

34/2006 Coll.

Act No. 219/1995 Coll. of 26 September 1995, Foreign Exchange Act


Securities holdings data collection architecture at the CNB (2/2)

Securities holdings data sources at the CNB as of December 2012



ESA2010 sector

Data collection channel

Level of aggregation


Non-financial corporations

(securities held via nonresident custody or in self-custody)

Monetary and financial institutions

Investments funds

S_11 direct reporting

S_121, S_122 direct reporting

S_123, S_124 direct reporting s-b-s s-b-s s-b-s




Non-bank custodians

Insurance companies

Insurance companies

Pension funds

Short-term bond system





S_121 direct reporting direct reporting direct reporting direct reporting indirect reporting aggregate aggregate s-b-s s-b-s s-b-s







Q + 30 days

M + 15 days

M + 15 days (MMF's),

M + 25 days (IF's)

M + 20 days

M + 20 days

Q + 45 days

M + 15 days

M + 3 days

Custodians (banks + non-banks) S_122, S_126 indirect reporting s-b-s M M + 21 days

December 2006: 27 .

3% of cross-border assets collected on s-b-s basis

December 2012: 99 .

8% of cross-border assets collected on s-b-s basis



The challenges behind

During 2006-2012, trend of disaggregation has implied deep data quality checks and automation.

Portfolio investment statistics

Due to huge amounts of data, portfolio investment compilation is fully automated (PL/SQL procession of data) since 2009.

The presentation of outputs is ensured via OBIEE tool (Oracle Business

Intelligence Enterprise Edition).

Compilation issues in area of portfolio inv. statistics:

• derivation of monthly flows from monthly stocks accompanied by outlier detection system

• identification and exclusion of FDI stocks from data sources


The challenges ahead

Within CNB there are 7 security-by-security holdings data sources

(reports); 5 direct + 2 indirect reporting sources.

Different inconsistencies e.g. in data formats, reporting frequencies, reporting deadlines (timeliness) and methodology.

Project at the CNB to set-up Unified Securities Holdings Database

(implemen t ation date: December 2013).

Unified Securities Holdings Database aims at building a database that will contain all security-by-security holdings available within CNB enviro n ment.

This database wil l serve as a basis for who-to whom matrix compilation and for dissemination of sectoral holdings s-b-s data to the ECB (SHSDB).




• Statistical and supervisory bodies have worked together at the CNB to set up a common securities holdings data collection system.

• Disaggregation trend has prevailed and CNB disposes of 7 security-bysecurity holdings data sources (reports).

• Security-by-security data collection implies huge data amounts with the need for higher automation.

• Different reports bring about inconsistency that can be partly solved by set-up of Unified Securities Holdings Database.


Thank you for your attention!

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