TUTORS 2015-16 RULES EDUCATION UNCW ATHLETICS Extra Benefits It is an NCAA violation to provide a student-athlete (SA) with something that is not generally available to the UNCW stu- Gambling on NCAA-sponsored Sports dent body equivalent) Do not provide transportation, use of an automobile, payment of food, drink, lodg- ing or any other benefit to a SA Do not provide supplies (e.g., pens, paper, Do not type for SAs (unless the individual is afforded accommodations due to a Recruiting Unethical Conduct Do not tweet about recruits and/or Knowingly providing extra benefits Academic fraud or misconduct - Involvement by a staff member (e.g., tutor) may result in permanent ineligibility for a SA their visits A violation of NCAA Bylaw 10.1 (Unethical Conduct) will lead to employee’s termination as well as further NCAA repercussions Autographs Failure to provide complete and accurate information to UNCW, C-USA or the NCAA Do not provide anything to recruits and/ or their families (e.g., apparel, equipment, food, drink, etc.) Do not provide performance-related or medical information on SAs to anyone Do not provide use of a copy/fax machine for non-academic means Bans include fantasy leagues for money or prizes (when you put something on the line) notebooks, etc.) to a SA Staff members are prohibited from gambling or wagering on any sport that the NCAA sponsors (professional or amateur Expectations Do not facilitate autograph signings for individuals outside of the athletics Professionalism department. Confidentiality Individuals interested in autographs should visit the Compliance Office and Integrity Honesty Accountability complete a Donation Request . Sandy King Assistant Athletics Director ((910) 962-7095 / kings@uncw.edu Marsellas Williams, Compliance Coordinator (304) 696-7111 / timpano@marshall.edu www.uncwsports.com @uncwcompliance