COM 495 Rhetorical Analysis Paper COMEAUX

COM 495
Rhetorical Analysis Paper
(100 POINTS)
DUE: (see class schedule); hard AND electronic copy required Send electronic copy as email
attachment (Microsoft Word) and make sure you get a “Got It” response from me. NOTE: if you
have problems with your printer do NOT be late to class, send the electronic copy with a note
to me and I will print it.
TASK: Evaluate the effectiveness of an individual, event or organization from Chapters
1-5, DVD Episodes, and EYES Guide (your choice/selection) using selected rhetorical
theorists (see reading list and readings on BB site under Readings in Rhetorical Theory).
QUESTIONS: What rhetorical strategies did ___________ (see questions/topics below)
use? WHY and/or HOW they were effective (or not)?
Particulars: Write a 5 to 6 page persuasive essay in which you develop clear claims
(evaluations/judgments) about the effectiveness of _____________(your selection) use of rhetorical
strategies. These claims must incorporate elements of rhetorical theories of selected rhetorical
theorists and must be supported with evidence (examples or specifics from readings about your
selected event, organization OR individual—and possibly his/her speeches). Furthermore, you must
develop your paper by connecting your claims to the examples/evidence and detailing why and/or
how the strategies are effective (or not).
For this paper you must provide a brief background summary of the event, organization OR individual
and discuss the goals (purposes) of the organization/event/individual. The goals/purposes can be
part of the background summary or part of the rhetorical analysis. Certainly any rhetorical analysis
must, of course, address goals/purposes as part of the analysis. In addition, you must incorporate 5
sources (references from 5 different sources) as part of your paper and in the Works Cited page.
Make sure you use accurate APA format.
Other particulars and suggestions:
• This paper is different from the first when you only used ONE of the 3 rhetorical theorists
(Aristotle, Bitzer or Burke). This time you must select concepts from either of those and you
definitely must stretch your learning/application. For example, if you used Aristotle concepts in
your first paper while you can use his concepts you must go beyond (logos, pathos and ethos
and include possibly a few of the Cannons or some of Bitzer or Burke). Select what is relevant
to the event/organization or individual you have chosen to analyze.
The goal is the same: an in-depth analysis so don’t try to include too many concepts. For
example, you could analysis an individual’s involvement in the CR by analyzing how he/she
establishing identification (Burke) and credibility (Aristotle) connecting those two; of course,
you would incorporate other rhetorical concepts/strategies in your analysis.
BY date indicated on your class schedule, you must send me via email your
topic/question choice and bibliographic sources (see topic/questions for Rhetorical
Analysis Paper on BB) that you have selected for your rhetorical analysis.
Avoid lengthy direct quotes from either the rhetorical theory or other readings; it is best to
paraphrase and credit your source.
Remember to consult the Excellent Examples from the first paper on our BB site under
Student Work. Remember these examples are provided for you to observe not only the
excellence in analysis and writing but the details provided by the students of WHY the
rhetorical strategies were effective.
You must use correct APA format, see the APA example. Scott’s paper that is on your BB
site under Student Work.
See “ Plagiarism Notes” on our BB site under Resources; this is VERY important; remember I
will submit your paper electronically to check that you have not plagiarized—remember what I
said about my disappointing experience last semester when I was forced to flunk two
Regarding Organization and Style: Use a clear organizational pattern which must include an
introduction with purpose of essay and an overview of what rhetorical theory and strategies you will
cover and a claim (your overall thesis—see excellent examples), a body with clearly developed and
supported claims and transitions to connect ideas, and a conclusion which summarizes the value of
the event, organization or the individual’s involvement in CR and/or speech(s). The style must follow a
logical and coherent progression of ideas with grammatical sentence structure and accurate spelling.
Use correct format for citing references in your essay and in the references page. As COM majors we
use APA style; an example of use of APA references in the paper and in the Works Cited
(References) is on BB under Resources and also under Student Work (Scott’s paper).
Requirements of Paper: Paper must be typed double spaced using either 11 or 12 point Times New
Roman font OR you may use Calibri 11 (default for Microsoft Word 2007). HOWEVER, do NOT use
triple spacing between paragraphs (FIX your paragraph default so that spacing and indentation are all
set on “0”); use paragraph indent for new paragraphs. Do not use right margin justification.
A title page is necessary for this paper, so just use your last name and page # for the text of the
pages (do not repeat a heading on the first page). Length should be between 5 to 6 pages.* Check
spelling and grammar construction. Make sure you use complete, logical sentences and coherent
development of thought. Address the task/questions directly. (See Evaluation Form: below).
*Please stay within these page requirements with one of the required fonts. Grade-wise it is
OK/better to exceed the length slightly rather than to fall below the required.
Please Note: excellence and quality is expected in your work. Never be satisfied with the first
draft. Feel free to call or email me with questions and consult the writing center for assistance on your
development of thought, etc. However, I will not pre-grade your draft; I have provided all the resources
you need to be successful (excellent examples, APA example, and an opportunity to rewrite).
QUESTIONS/TOPICS for Rhetorical Analysis Paper
Choose one of the following topic/questions.
1. What effect did the murder of Emmett Till have on the civil rights movement? Analyze the
subsequent developments resulting from Till’s murder from a rhetorical perspective using the
theoretical framework of Aristotle, Bitzer and/or Burke.
2. Analyze the Montgomery Bus Boycott from a rhetorical perspective using the theoretical
framework of Aristotle, Bitzer and/or Burke.
3. Analyze the Freedom Rides (bus integration) organized by the Congress of Racial Equality
from a rhetorical perspective using the theoretical framework of Aristotle, Bitzer and/or Burke.
4. Analyze the rhetorical strategies of Martin Luther King Jr. in terms of the following two
speeches: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and “I See the Promised Land” (referred to as his
“mountaintop” speech). Select the relevant elements of the theoretical framework of Aristotle,
Bitzer and/or Burke.
5. Analyze the Little Rock Nine events and Strategies from a rhetorical perspective using the
theoretical framework of Aristotle, Bitzer and/or Burke.
6. Analyze the Lunch-counter Sit-ins organized by SNCC from a rhetorical perspective using the
theoretical framework of Aristotle, Bitzer and/or Burke.
7. Analyze Mississippi Freedom Summer (voter registration) organized by SNCC from a
rhetorical perspective using the theoretical framework of Aristotle, Bitzer and/or Burke.
COM 495 EVALUATION FORM – Rhetorical Analysis Paper
E = Excellent
VG = Very Good S = Satisfactory
NI = Needs Improvement
Content and Quality
Provided brief engaging introductory summary background of event/organization/individual and
included goals and purposes in introduction or throughout the analysis.
Used at least 5 sources from course materials and resources and own research incorporated in
Used selected concepts the selected Rhetorical Theorists studied in our course and provided on BB
or further researched on your own.
Clearly stated and developed a thesis which was developed from the selected topic/question.
Used evidence (relevant examples) from readings or artifacts of the individual, event or organization
from chapters/episodes 1-5 of EYES on the Prize (book, guide and episodes).
Explained and conceptually integrated concepts (rhetorical strategies) with evidence/examples to
demonstrate a thorough and critical analysis.
Insightfully and thoroughly addressed questions of WHY and HOW in a detailed and thorough
analysis. Remember this analysis needs to identify and interpret the rhetorical strategies as well as
address the why and/or how questions.
Demonstrated excellence in analysis; insightful, thorough and in-depth critical thinking which reflects
work of a senior-level seminar and excellence. In other words, paper demonstrated sophisticated
observations, analysis and conclusions.
Format and Organization
______ Introduction, complete with overview of paper (purpose, approach and thesis).
Body focused and centered around claims and major ideas, transitions used to connect ideas.
______ Conclusion summarized and provided value.
______ Writing style followed a logical and coherent progression of ideas; writing style clear with acceptable
______ Included references in paper and “Works Cited” (5 sources minimum); used accurate APA format.
______ 5 to 6 typed pages of text and included separate title page and separate Works Cited page. Used
required font, double spaced (NO triple spacing between paragraphs) and proofed for spelling and
usage; hard and electronic copies of paper received on time.