F. D. Fischer1 Professor of Mechanics, Mem. ASME E. R. Oberaigner Associate Professor, Institute for Mechanics Montanuniversitat Leoben, A-8700 Leoben, Austria 1 Deformation, Stress State, and Thermodynamic Force for a Transforming Spherical Inclusion in an Elastic-Plastic Material The progress of a transformed phase into an elastic-plastic parent phase is simulated by a growing sphere. The transformation is accompanied by a dilatational volume change. The strain and stress state in the full space is presented. In addition, the local and global energy terms are calculated. Finally the thermodynamic forces on the interface are derived. Also strain hardening is considered. 关S0021-8936共00兲00304-4兴 Introduction In material physics a sphere with radius R(t), t being time, is very often used to represent a phase transformation nucleus or a transforming microregion embedded in a parent phase. Roitburd and Temkin 关1,2兴 and Kaganova and Roitburd 关3兴 investigated the martensitic transformation in an elastic-plastic material by such a model. The transformation volume strain * ⫽ o I, I unity tensor, gives rise to an internal strain and stress state due to its accommodation by the surrounding material. A slightly more general study for an elastic material with different material properties was recently presented by Nazyrov and Freidin 关4兴. Spheres as the product phase are also dealt with by several researchers on diffusional transformation see, e.g., Vandermeer 关5兴. Analytical solutions for the strain and stress state of the sphere, imbedded in an infinite elastic-plastic material, with fixed radius R subjected to a sudden dilatational eigenstrain are usually applied. This problem was surprisingly often treated in an independent way in the literature. However, a comprehensive collection of all results is still lacking. The paper by Lee et al. 关6兴 as well as the review article by Fischer et al. 关7兴 may be cited. Several mistakes exist in the diverse papers; these will be avoided in the following context. Since the pressure at the interface between the internal sphere with radius R and the outer elastic-plastic space 共hollow sphere兲 can be considered as the unknown quantity, the solution is directly related to the stress and strain field of a hollow sphere under internal pressure, for details see, e.g., Lubliner 关8兴 chapter 4.3.2. The following aspects must be taken into account when dealing with a growing spherical inclusion instead of a fixed spherical inclusion: • An incremental concept must be followed with respect to the development of the plastic strain and the plastic work. • Under the assumption of pure radial loading, the incremental and deformation theories of plasticity are identical. If no unloading occurs, the solution offered in the literature for a fixed radius R can be used, as can be seen by an argument by Budiansky 关9兴. However, with respect to the total plastic work it must be considered that also the material inside the sphere, 0⭐r⭐R(t), has plastified. • The growth process can also be modeled by a sequence of elastic hollow spheres, see Franciosi et al. 关10兴, introducing a certain scaling factor, however, with much more computational effort than below. The main goal of this paper is to provide the researcher in the field of phase transformations in an elastic-plastic material with a full and comprehensive set of relations for the strain and stress state as well as energy terms relevant for the understanding of the growth process. 2 Analysis 2.1 Strain, Stress, and Energy Terms. We solve now the problem of a sphere subjected to a dilational eigenstrain and imbedded in an elastic-plastic space. Since we think of phase transformations, o is mostly on the order of some few percents, and thus we apply the infinitesmal deformation theory. We introduce a stress vector T ⫽( r , , ), where the superscript T stands for ‘‘transposed,’’ a strain vector T ⫽( r , , ), the three vectors eT ⫽(1,1,1), ẽT ⫽(0,1,1), eM T ⫽(2,⫺1,⫺1), the unity matrix I 共I i j ⫽ ␦ i j , Kronecker delta兲 and the matrix J, J i j ⫽1. The yield stress is f . Linear hardening is described by E p , being the plastic tangent modulus, and a hardening factor f ⫽1⫹2(1⫺ )E p /E. If not explicitly mentioned an elastic-ideally plastic material with f ⫽1 is assumed. The strain vector is decomposed into an elastic part e , a plastic part p , and within 0⭐r⭐R a transformation part * ⫽ o e. Due to Hooke’s law e can be written as E e ⫽ 关共 1⫹ 兲 I⫺ J兴 • . Since a hydrostatic load stress o does not introduce any stress deviator component, the following results can be superposed on the corresponding elastic solution for o . An explicit relation for R p , the radius of the outer boundary of the plastic zone, can be found as 冉 Rp E o ⫽ R 共 1⫺ 兲 f 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received by the ASME Applied Mechanics Division, June 23, 1999; final revision, Feb. 14, 2000. Associate Technical Editor: M.-J. Pindera. Discussion on the paper should be addressed to the Technical Editor, Professor Lewis T. Wheeler, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4792, and will be accepted until four months after final publication of the paper itself in the ASME JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Journal of Applied Mechanics (1) 冊 1/3 ⫽ 1/3, (2) see, e.g., Fischer et al. 关7兴 or Böhm et al. 关11兴. Of course, since R p ⭓R, the limit condition for plastification ensures that the plasticity constant is greater than or equal to one. Three different zones can be distinguished with respect to the stress state and the corresponding strain components 共e is directly calculated by applying Hooke’s law兲: Copyright © 2000 by ASME DECEMBER 2000, Vol. 67 Õ 793 Fig. 1 Profile of the relative radial stress 円 r Õ f 円 and the relative plastic strain 円 p , r Õ o 円 in relation to r Õ R for two values of • The inner elastic zone 0⭐r⭐R(t): 2 f ⫽⫺ 共 1⫹ln 兲e, 3 Ee⫽⫺共1⫺2兲 p ⫽0, (3a) 2 f 共1⫹ln 兲e, 3 * ⫽ o e. • The elastic-plastic zone R(t)⭐r⭐R p (t): r 2 f 2 f e⫺ ⫽⫺ ln ⫺ln 3 3 R 冉 冊册 冋 冉 冊册 冋冉 冊 册 冋 2 f r ln ⫺ln Ee ⫽⫺ 共 1⫺2 兲 3 R p ⫽⫺ u 兩 R ⫽⫺ 共 1⫺2 兲 R r 3 ⫺ 3 • The outer elastic zone R p ⭐r⭐⬁: f R ⫽⫺ 3 r 冉冊 (3c) • The inner elastic zone 0⭐r⭐R(t): 2共1⫺2兲 2f U⬘⫽ • •共1⫹ln 兲2. 3 E (3d) • The elastic-plastic zone R(t)⭐r⭐R p (t): 2共1⫺2兲 2f r 3 2 共1⫹兲 2f ⫹ U⬘⫽ • • ln ⫺ln . 3 E R 3 E 共 1⫹ 兲 e⫺ f eM , 3 1 eM . o (3e) 3 eM , 冉冊 f R Ee ⫽⫺ 共 1⫹ 兲 3 r p ⫽0. (3f) 3 e5 , (3g) Figure 1 demonstrates profiles for the relative radial stress 兩 r / f 兩 and the relative radial plastic strain 兩 p,r / o 兩 in relation to the dimensionless radius r/R for two values of . The plastic strain attains a maximum value of p,max⫽⫺关1 ⫺1/ 兴 o eM at r⫽R. It is important to note that the inner zone 0⭐r⭐R(t) which behaves elastically, has achieved a plastic strain in the amount of p ⫽⫺ 关 1⫺1/ 兴 o eM during the growth process from R⫽0 to its actual value. This means that no jump of the plastic strain at the interface r⫽R(t) can be observed, see 共3e兲. Due to spherical symmetry the total strain components are r ⫽ u/ r and ⫽ ⫽u/r, which means that due to the compatibility and must be continuous. The condition can easily be verified with the above relations. Therefore, the radial displacement u 兩 R can be calculated from at r⫽R, 共3b兲, as 794 Õ Vol. 67, DECEMBER 2000 册 (3h) The strain energy density U ⬘ ⫽1/2T • e can be calculated for the three regions as follows: 3 e⫹ f ẽ, 冋 2 共 1⫺2 兲 f R 共 1⫺ 兲 ⫺ 共 ln ⫹1 兲 . E 3 ⫽ (3b) 2 f 共 ln ⫹1 兲 R⫹ o R 3E (4a) 冉 冊册 冋 (4b) • The outer elastic zone R p ⭐r⭐⬁: 2 共1⫹兲 f 2 R 6 . U⬘⫽ • • 3 E r 冉冊 (4c) Note the jump in the specific strain energy at r⫽R(t)! We can now calculate the total strain energy produced during the growth of the inclusion from the origin to a certain radius R. Employing (4a) – (4c) yields after some integration U⫽ 冕 ⬁ U ⬘ 4r 2 dr⫽ 0 2f 4R 3 • • 共 1⫺ 兲共 2 ⫺1 兲 . E 3 (5) The increment dW ⬘p of the specific plastic work in the plastic zone follows as dW ⬘p ⫽ T •d p , and with 共3c兲 and 共3e兲 再 dW ⬘p ⫽ ⫺ 冋 冉 冊册 r 2 f ln ⫺ln 3 R ⫽ 3 eT ⫺ (6a) 冎冉 冊 f T 3R 2 Me • ⫺ 3 o eM dR 3 r 2f 6R 2 R2 • dR⫽6 1⫺ • • dR. 兲 共 r3 o f E r3 (6b) The total increment of plastic work dW p then follows as Transactions of the ASME Fig. 2 Plastic work W P in relation to total work W T , total work W T in relation to total work W cT in a purely elastic comparison material, dimensionless transformation barrier F B ,int . „ E Õ f2 … as function of the plasticity constant . dW p ⫽ 冕 Rp R dW ⬘p 4r 2 dr⫽8 共 1⫺ 兲 • The ratios W T /W Tc 2f • ln •R 2 dR, E (6c) and total plastic work W p done during the growth of the inclusion from the origin to a certain radius R becomes 2f 4R 3 • • 共 1⫺ 兲共 2 ln ⫹2 ⫺1 兲 , E 3 (7) with the amount of total mechanical energy W Tc which would occur in a purely elastic material. We can use the results from Fischer et al. 关7兴 leading to • the inner elastic zone 0⭐r⭐R(t): 2 2 共 1⫺2 兲 ⫽⫺ Ee, E e ⫽⫺ Ee, * ⫽ o e, 3 共 1⫺ 兲 o 3 共 1⫺ 兲 o (8a) 2 共1⫺2兲 2 UT⬘⫽ E; (8b) 3 共1⫺兲2 o • the outer elastic zone R(t)⭐r⭐⬁: R 3 R 1 共 1⫹ 兲 oE eM , E e ⫽⫺ E ⫽⫺ 3 共 1⫺ 兲 r 3 共 1⫺ 兲 o r 冉冊 冉冊 共1⫹兲 2 R 6 UT⬘⫽ E , 3共1⫺兲2 o r ⬁ 2oE 4R3 WTc⫽ UT⬘ 4r2dr⫽ . • 3 共1⫺兲 0 冕 Journal of Applied Mechanics (9a) W p /W T ⫽ 2 ln 2 ln ⫹2 ⫺1 (9b) (6d) Böhm et al. 关11兴 pointed out that Lee et al. 关6兴 reported a different result, namely W̃ p ⫽ 2f /E•4R 3 /3•2(1⫺ ) 关 ln ⫺(1⫺1/ ) 兴 . They did not consider a growing inclusion and had, therefore, no plastic work in the region 0⭐r⭐R. We can now compare the total mechanical energy W T produced during generation of an inclusion with the radius R, 冉冊 2 ln ⫹2 ⫺1 2 and W p /W Tc 2f 4R 3 •2 共 1⫺ 兲 ln . W p⫽ • E 3 W T ⫽U⫹W p ⫽ W T /W Tc ⫽ 3 eM , (8c) (8d) (8e) are depicted in Fig. 2. W T /W Tc possesses a maximum of 1.456 at ⫽1.763 and reaches the value 1 at ⫽5.03. For values of ⬎5.03 the ratio W T /W Tc tends to be smaller than 1, going to 0 as goes to infinity. The conclusion is that depending on an elastic-plastic body may consume more or less deformation energy compared with a purely elastic body. Earmme et al. 关12兴 offered also a solution for the stress and strain field around a spherical inclusion with fixed radius in a hardening material. Carrol 关13兴 investigated independently some further types of hardening laws. In particular, for linear strain hardening it is interesting to note that the size of the plastic zone remains unaffected by the hardening. Taking into account the hardening factor f ⫽1⫹2(1⫺ )E p /E and denoting the solution for no hardening, f ⫽1, 共see 共3a–g兲兲 as n , e,n , etc., the following relations can be derived at the interface: • The inner elastic zone at r⫽R(t) 1 2 f ⫽ n ⫺ (10a) •2E p /E• 共 1⫺ 兲 e, f 3f E 2 f Ee ⫽ e,n ⫺ •2E p /E• 共 1⫺2 兲共 1⫺ 兲 e, (10b) f 3f 2f 1 •E /E•共1⫺2兲 U⬘⫽ 2 Un⬘⫹8 f 3E p 再 冎 ⫻共1⫺兲•关1⫹ln ⫹Ep /E共1⫺兲兴 . (10c) DECEMBER 2000, Vol. 67 Õ 795 • The elastic-plastic zone at r⫽R(t) 1 2 f ⫽ n ⫺ (10d) •2E p /E• 共 1⫺ 兲 eM , f 3f E 2 f Ee ⫽ e,n ⫺ •E p /E• 共 1⫺ 兲共 1⫹ 兲 eM , (10e) f 3f 2f 1 U⬘⫽ 2 U⬘n⫹4 •E /E•共1⫹兲共1⫺兲•关⫹Ep /E•共1⫺兲2兴 . f 3E p (10f) 再 冎 2.2 Thermodynamics of Interface Motion. If one wants to calculate the thermodynamic force on the interface r⫽R(t), its mechanical contribution F M can be calculated as the normal component of the Eshelby energy momentum tensor, see, e.g., Fischer and Reisner 关14兴 Eq. 共26兲. With 冀.冁 denoting the jump of a quantity and 具.典 the average of a quantity at the interface r⫽R(t), one gets F M ⫽ 冀 U ⬘ 冁 ⫺ 具 典 • 冀 冁 . T (11a) The jump in strain energy 冀 U ⬘ 冁 can be reformulated with the identity 冀 aT •b冁 ⫽ 具 aT 典 • 冀 b冁 ⫹ 冀 aT 冁 • 具 b典 as 冀 U⬘冁⫽ 1 T 1 具 典 • 冀 e 冁 ⫹ 冀 T 冁 • 具 e 典 ⫽ 具 T 典 • 冀 e 冁 2 2 (11b) due to 具 T 典 冀 e 冁 ⫽ 具 Te 典 冀 冁 . 冀冁 is 冀 e 冁 ⫺ o e, since no jump in the plastic strain p occurs at the interface. Inserting 冀冁 and 共11b兲 into 共11a兲 yields F M ⫽ o 具 T 典 •e. (11c) If one introduces an additional load stress o , F M finally yields F M ⫽3 o o ⫺ o f 关共 1⫹2 ln 兲 ⫹2E p /E• 共 1⫺ 兲 兴 . f (11d) The contribution F M ⫽3 o o may be positive or negative depending on the sign of o . The second part of F M can be considered as a barrier 共due to its sign兲, F B,int⫽ 2f 共 1⫺ 兲 • 关共 1⫹2 ln 兲 ⫹2E p /E• 共 1⫺ 兲 兴 , E f (11e) due to the generation of the strain and stress by the accommodation of the transformation volume strain o e. The quantity F B,int is depicted in Fig. 2. Only a rather weak influence of E p /E can be observed. The total mechanical driving force F D follows by adding the jump of the chemical free energy 冀 ch 冁 to F M . As a further barrier the energy necessary to rebuild the lattice, F L , as well as to form a new surface, ␥ /R, ␥ specific surface energy, must be considered for the energy balance at the interface. Finally, a driving force F D F D ⫽ 冀 ch 冁 ⫹3 o o (11f) and a barrier F B with 共11e兲 F B ⫽F B,int⫹F L ⫹ ␥ /R (11g) can be derived. The interface velocity can then be formulated as a function 796 Õ Vol. 67, DECEMBER 2000 ⫽ 共 F D /F B 兲 for F D /F B ⭓1, else 0 (11h) see, e.g., Rosakis and Knowles 关15兴. 2.3 Remark. Recently Durban and Fleck 关16兴 presented a solution for an expanding spherical cavity in a Drucker-Prager material with the yield condition ⫺ r⫹ T •e⫽ f , 3 (12) where is a pressure sensitivity material parameter. Surprisingly their solution for R p , see 共2兲, and cannot be reduced to the solution 共3a兲–共3g兲 for ⫽0. Their in the plastic zone leads to a constant stress vector for ⫽0 which contradicts the variation of with r given in relation 共3c兲. 3 Closing Comments A full set of analytical expressions is given for the deformation, strain and stress state due to the dilatational growth of a spherical inclusion in an elastic-plastic material. The solutions can also be applied for a spherical cavity with the pressure p̃⫽2 f /3•(1 ⫹ln ) at the cavity surface. In addition the dissipated plastic work as well as the thermodynamic force on the transformation front are presented. The set of equations allows further metalphysical considerations with respect to the nucleation and growth of precipitations in an elastic-plastic material. References 关1兴 Roitburd, A. L., and Temkin, D. E., 1986, ‘‘Plastic Deformation and Thermodynamic Hysteresis in Phase Transformation in Solids,’’ Sov. Phys. Solid State, 28, pp. 432–436. 关2兴 Roitburd, A. L., and Temkin, D. E., 1986, ‘‘Hysteresis of a Phase Transformation in an Elastoplastic Medium,’’ Sov. Phys. Dokl., 31, pp. 414–416. 关3兴 Kaganova, I. M., and Roitburd, A. L., 1989, ‘‘Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Equilibrium Shape of a New-Phase Inclusion and Thermodynamic Hysteresis,’’ Sov. Phys. Solid State, 31, pp. 545–550. 关4兴 Nazyrov, I. R., and Freidin, A. B., 1998, ‘‘Phase Transformations in Deformation of Solids in a Model Problem of an Elastic Ball,’’ Mech. Solids, 33, pp. 39–56 Izevestiya AN.MTT, 5, pp. 52–71. 关5兴 Vandermeer, R. A., 1990, ‘‘Modeling Diffusional Growth During Austenite Decomposition to Ferrite in Polycrystalline Fe-C Alloys,’’ Acta Metall. Mater., 38, pp. 2461–2470. 关6兴 Lee, J. K., Earmme, Y. Y., Aronson, H. J., and Russel, K. C., 1980, ‘‘Plastic Relaxation of the Transformation Strain Energy of a Misfitting Spherical Precipitate: Ideal Plastic Behavior,’’ Metall. Trans. 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