Improved Accident Tolerance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Cladding through Colossal Supersaturation with Interstitial Solutes Zhen Li, Frank Ernst, and Arthur Heuer 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44106,,, INTRODUCTION Presently, LWR (light-water reactor) fuel cladding (tube) is made from Zr-base alloys (e.g., ZircaloyTM). However, in steam at temperatures above 1000 K (727 °C), these alloys oxidize rapidly, stripping oxygen from water molecules and producing hydrogen, which may cause explosion. Moreover, Zr-base alloys are prone to GTRF (“grid-to-rod” fretting) failure, in which flowinduced vibration of fuel rods touching the grid of the nuclear fuel assembly causes structural damage that can lead to failure. One tangible alternative to Zr-based alloys are austenitic stainless steels, which have significantly better oxidation resistance under accident conditions. However, they are prone to SCC (stress-corrosion cracking). Our goal is to improve the properties of austenitic stainless steels such that they can be used for nuclear fuel cladding in LWRs and significantly excel on currently used alloys with regard to performance, safety, service life, and accident tolerance. The method we propose for this purpose is based on a new concept of surface engineering: “case” hardening (i.e., generating a hard shell) by CSS (colossal super-saturation) with interstitial solutes infused through the alloy surface [1,2,3]. CSS with carbon or nitrogen to levels that correspond to ≈ 100,000 times the equilibrium solubility limit while suppressing precipitation of undesired carbides or nitrides can be accomplished if the following conditions are fulfilled: (i) The alloy must contain metal atoms with a high affinity for carbon, e.g., Cr in AISI-316L. (ii) The processing temperature must be chosen such that the metal atoms (Fe, Ni, Cr), residing in substitutional sites of the alloy crystal structure, are practically immobile and therefore cannot precipitate in carbides or nitrides, whereas the carbon or nitrogen atoms, as they reside in interstitial sites, can still diffuse over technically useful distances (a few micrometers) within the processing time. CSS can significantly enhance the mechanical properties (hardness, wear resistance, and fatigue life) and the corrosion resistance of structural alloys. Currently, we investigate whether these improved properties can be used to improve accident tolerance of nuclear fuel cladding. Of particular interest is whether CSS also improves the resistance to stress-corrosion cracking, and possibly the resistance to microscopic structural damage caused by irradiation with electrons, neutrons, or ions. Of critical importance for success is (i) to optimize the process that “activates” the alloy surface for infusion of interstitial solute, i.e., removes the passivating oxide layers, (ii) to conduct the gas flow such that it can provide even flux density of interstitial solute through the alloy surface on the outside as well as at every point on the inside of tubes with a high aspect ratio, and (iii) to adapt the processing parameters for the actual infusion of solute to the particular microstructure of, in this case, AISI-316L tubes, as it was observed in earlier studies that different populations of extended structural defects (i.e., microstructure) can have a major impact on the results of this new technique for alloy surface engineering. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Fig. 1. AISI-316L tube sections and flat coupons after low-temperature-carburization at 653 K (380 °C) for 252,000 s (70 h). AISI-316L tubes with the exact dimensions of current fuel cladding and flat AISI-316L coupons were carburized at different (low) temperatures and for different periods of time. The inner and outer diameter and the wall thickness of the as-received tubes are 8.89, 9.50 and 0.254 mm, respectively. The thickness of the as received coupon is 0.38 mm. XRD (X-ray diffractometry), metallography, and hardness testing were performed to investigate the efficacy of the different conditions to produce a carbon-infused layer. Figures 1 and 2 show carburized tubes and coupons. As shown in Fig. 1, short sections of AISI-316L tubes were placed in the CVD furnace with different orientation to the (vertical) gas stream and carburized at 653 K (380 °C) for 252 ,000 s (70 h) This experiment served to investigate the potential influence of the tube orientation on the flux density of interstitial solute. In the middle, Figure 1 shows the wire we used to hang the two specimens in the CVD furnace. The tubes and coupons shown in Figure 2 were carburized at 743 K (470 °C) for 79,000 s (22 h). manifests itself by peak shifts to lower angles, as the presence of carbon (or nitrogen) on interstitial sites causes an expansion of the lattice parameter (reflecting the average distance between the metal atoms Fe and the substitutional solute atoms, Ni and Cr). The diffractograms of the as-received, non-treated AISI-316L tubes and coupons extended (111) and (200) peak positions that are practically identical, as expected. For the low-temperature-carburized tubes and coupons, in contrast, Figure 3 indicates a significant shift of the (111) and (200) peak positions to the lower 2θ diffraction angles. This presents strong evidence for successful infusion of carbon. The absence of additional peaks in the diffractograms indicates that no carbides have formed in excess of the detection limit, which is estimated to 1 vol%. Fig. 2. AISI-316L tubes and flat coupons carburized at 743 K (470 °C) for 79,000 s (22 h). RESULTS Fig. 4. Metallographic cross-section showing the wall of an AISI-316L tube after low-temperature carburization at 743 K (470 °C) for 79,000 s (22 h). Fig. 3. XRD scans from non-treated (as received) and treated tubes and coupons, low-temperature-carburized at 743 K (470 °C) for 79,000 s (22 h). Figure 3 shows XRD scans of several different specimens, obtained with a Scintag-X1 diffractometer and vertically placed on top of each other. The data from the non-treated, as received AISI-316L serves as a reference for the (111) and (200) peak positions of AISI-316L. As known from earlier work, successful carburization Figure 4 presents a light-optical metallographic crosssection showing the wall of an AISI-316L tube after lowtemperature carburization at 743 K (470 °C) for 79,000 s (22 h). This cross-section was prepared by mechanical polishing and etching in a reagent containing 25 vol% HNO3, 50 vol% HCl and 25 vol% H2O. The micrograph reveals the case as a thin featureless (etch/corrosionresistant) layer at the inner and the outer surface, separated by a dark line from the grain structure revealed in the interior of the tube wall. The dark line is presumably a step in the surface, which originates from the etch resistance of the case versus the etch attack of the core. Generally, the case thickness is nicely uniform throughout the field of view. The case thickness is on the order of 10 µm, which roughly corresponds to the case thickness required for the improvements of alloy properties observed in earlier work. However, the case on the inside of the tube is significantly, about 2 times, thinner than on the outside. This difference is also reflected in the diffractograms, which generally show stronger peak shift when acquired from the outside of the tube. Future work will aim to understand the reason for this asymmetry. It may result from differences in microstructure (different populations of extended structural defects that influence carbon diffusion) at the inside and the outside of the tubes, from differences in the gas flow, leading to different flux density of interstitial atoms through the alloy surface, or geometric differences owing to different curvature of the inner and outer surface. resolution, i.e., small indents, the load of the Vickers indenter was chosen to only 10 gf. Consistent with standard properties of AISI-316L, the hardness of the non-carburized core of the tube wall is about 200 HV10. At the inner and outer surface, i.e., on the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the hardness plot, respectively, the measured hardness is up to 4 times higher. These data, in spite of the symmetry of the case thickness on the inside in the outside the two, indicate that significant improvement of mechanical properties has been obtained. Future work will address optimization of processing parameters as well as verification of improvement in mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. CONCLUSION An established low-temperature gas-phase carburization process has been successfully adapted for surface hardening of AISI-316L tubes with the dimensions of nuclear fuel cladding. A corresponding improvement in surface hardness has been experimentally verified. This constitutes a first important accomplishment in our research effort aiming to explore the potential of improving the accident tolerance of LWRs through surface hardening of nuclear fuel cladding by colossal supersaturation with interstitial solutes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We acknowledge financial support for the research project 12-3451 from the DOE-NEUP program under contract number 00128081. REFERENCES Fig. 5. Microhardness profile across the wall of a lowtemperature-carburized AISI-316L tube. (a) Metallographic cross-section similar to Fig. 4, showing hardness indents. (b) Microhardness profile. Figure 5 shows a microhardness profile measured across the wall of the tube low-temperature-carburized at 743 K for 79,000 s. In order to obtain high spatial 1. Y. Cao, F. Ernst, and G. Michal, “Colossal Carbon Supersaturation in Austenitic Stainless Steels Carburized at Low Temperature,” Acta Materialia, 51, 4171-4181 (2004). 2. G. M. Michal, F. Ernst, H. Kahn, Y. Cao, F. Oba, N. Agarwal, and A. H. Heuer, “Colossal Carbon Supersaturation due to Paraequilibrium Carburization: Stainless Steels with Greatly Improved Mechanical Properties,” Acta Materialia, 54, 1597-1606 (2006). 3. F. Ernst, G. M. Michal, H. Kahn, and A. H. 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