JIT - Independent Contractor for Personal Services

JIT - Independent Contractor for Personal Services
uShop instructions for independent contractor:
Independent Contractor Procedures
We are now using uShop to process Independent Contractors and Performers/Lecturers .
Not all the individuals that we hire are Independent Contractors. Answer these questions to help determine the procedure you will use:
1. Is the contractor incorporated?
How can you tell? If the company's name end in "Inc." or you may ask the salesman.
If “yes”, we will use a uShop purchase order and the PUR 1.40 form will not be necessary. (There are some exceptions to this and we would
process a PUR 1.40, for example very small firms or cases where we are naming a specific individual to perform the work.)
2. Is the service a performance or a lecture?
New ! - If "yes", contact Carol Page ,Purchasing Services for the Performance Contract Template, which will be processed in uShop. A PUR
1.40 will not be used. The Performance Contract template incorporates a simplified version of the vendor background section, eliminating the
need for the PUR 1.40 for this specific type of service provider.
Warning - If using an individual who is a Foreign National, please first contact Lisa McWatty Jones, Tax Compiance Officer (see link above for details).
3. Is the contractor a UNCW student, inclusive of summer break?
If "yes", they will be paid as a student, which is not processed through Purchasing.
For graduate students, contact Wanda Underwood in the Grad School
For undergrads, contact Frances Carr in Career Services.
4. Is the individual an employee of UNCW, or another state of NC institution, or a retired recently from the state of NC?
If "yes", they will be paid as an employee under Dual Employment procedure, not as an Independent Contractor.
Contact Julie Ricker-Hagler in Human Resources for information.
If “no” is the answer to the above questions, we will proceed with the PUR 1.40 form and the Independent Contractor Form in uShop.
A combination of the following documents may be attached to a uShop "Independent Contractor Form" and submitted into
workflow. uShop will route the correctly prepared cart to the Budget Authority, HR, Tax Compliance, Grant Officer, and the
Application for Certification as Independent Contractor
uShop Version (PUR 1.40)
Required for independent contractors, regardless of the paid amount. Follow instructions on the form to complete and then
attach to the "Independent Contractor Form" in uShop. Please note the form has been updated to accommodate electronic
signatures, and now can be easily forwarded via email (you may still print and fax if you do not have Adobe Acrobat.).
Personal Services Contract
Required for services exceeding $2500 in a calendar year.
(Optional for lesser amounts)
Contact Carol Page in Purchasing Services to draft the contract (the template is not posted on the web)
sample contract:
Please have the following information available:
1. Vendor's name, address, city, state, zip, and email address;
2. UNCW contact (name and dept) who will oversee the work;
3. Approximate completion date of the work;
4. The "not to exceed" price of the services;
5. Scope of Work - Description of the services that the vendor is expected to perform as well as additional info or specific
criteria that you have, whatever you need to include that makes the contract as clear and complete as possible. The fees
should be all inclusive. (Hotels, travel, supplies should not be billed separately if at all possible)
6. Compensation - Full details of the rate and payment schedule.
Generally, we pay with one check upon the successful completion of services, net 30. For longer projects we may create
“milestones” so in the event you want to make two payments to the vendor, we might have something like: “Fee totaling
$3500.00, to be split in two payments of $1750.00. The first payment is to be paid upon the completion of Milestone 1. The
balance will be paid once project is completed ”
A copy of curriculum vitae, resume, or biography
Optional for services below $600, required for larger amounts.
Sole Source Justification
For Personal Services in excess of $5,000, a memo by the UNCW initiator, addressed to the Director of Purchasing Services. This memo will
need to justify this contractor as the sole source of the services that s/he is providing and establish that the fee to be paid has been researched
and found to be a fair and reasonable in amount.
Once the necessary documents are completed and attached to the uShop Independent Contractor form, they will be routed
automatically to the Budget Authority, Human Resources, Tax Compliance Officer, and Purchasing. If a grant is being used to
pay for the services, the documents will be forwarded to the Program Specialist in the Office of Research Services and
Sponsored Programs. ( If not approved, the reason will be noted on the form and the cart will be returned to the uShop