Travel Budget information For detailed information click on: All travel must be entered into uBusiness before travel date. Travel must be approved prior to departure: For travel account codes click on: Travel ‐ to include in proposal budget Airline/train (including baggage fees) (need receipt and boarding passes) Car Rental ‐ Car Rental Taxi ‐ to and from airport ‐ need receipts Airporting parking (from home airport ‐ need receipt) Hotel ‐ see per diem link for allowable hotel rates. Registration ‐ must have agenda and receipt Per Diem ‐ at going rate based on North Carolina's travel allowances For per diem policy, click:‐180TravelLodgingandMeals.pdf Obtain receipts for any expense you wish to be reimbursed for (except meal per diem) Lodging – Itemized receipt with a zero balance. Airline/train ‐ tickets and itineraries (receipt) at coach rate if not purchased from our contracted travel agencies. Car Rental – Rental agreement contract showing total cost of rental with a zero balance. Optional insurance is not reimbursable. Should be from a state contracted vendor. Bus – must have ticket (receipt). Gas ‐ Fuel receipt that shows the $ per gallon. Obtain original receipts for parking, tolls, and taxis. Meals – If business meals for a group you will need an itemized meal receipt. Baggage Charges ‐ Must have receipt showing $ amount was for baggage expnese. If traveling by personal car, record your mileage. We can only reimburse the person who actually paid the bill. Registration – must bring back an agenda from the conference. Expenses that are not reimbursable. Room Service tips, valet tips, or other hotel services Laundry services Snack between meals Tours or other social activities Flight insurance or personal accident car insurance Additional expenses of a personal nature Movies charged to hotel bills g Expenses for children, spouses, and companions while on travel status. TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS For detailed information click on: All travel must be entered into uBusiness before travel date. Travel must be approved prior to departure: Online tutorials are available in e‐Travel system. You will use your regular UNCW login and password to access uBusiness for E‐Travel system. For contracts and grants, you MUST include grant related purpose of travel in the "Click to Add A Note" button PRIOR TO routing for approvals. By entering this information at the start of the travel approvals process, fewer questions may be asked and travel request will be approved more quickly. Foreign travel UNCW Travel website: Receipts in foreign currency must be converted to US dollars using www.oanda.comconverter/classic and proof of conversion is attached. All Foreign travel should have a travel authorization completed and approved by the budget authority, supervisor, traveler, and Vice Chancellor before the trip takes place. If contract and grant funding will be used on the travel the grants officer must approve the travel authorization and all payments. Foreign meal per diem is determined by the destination of the trip Please check your award document for federal regulations such as the Fly America Act. Links from Travel website: Types of Travelers: Travel Guidelines: Services: Resources: Forms: About the Travel department: Documentation For Specific information on documentation needed for Travel reimbursement please go to: Once on website, please click on "Travel Documentation Standards" THE INS AND OUTS OF TRAVEL Receipts (lodging, transportation, registration, etc.) Travel Documentation Standards All small receipts or documents must be taped onto an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of white paper. Any exceptions or unusual activity requires explanation. Check or reimbursement request must answer the following questions. 1. Who is the traveler? 2. What is the purpose of the travel? 3. When is the travel happening? 4. Where is the person traveling? 5. How is the person traveling? Foreign travel (including Hawaii and Alaska) 1. Vice Chancellor or Senior Officer approval required before traveling. 2. City and Country fields must be completed. 3. FX Converter web site for converting foreign currency to US dollar Blanket Travel One blanket authorization for each university employee only One blanket authorization for each university department only. Blankets can not be used for any expenses that are being paid by grants. y p gp yg Agency airfare can not be processed on a blanket travel. Select Final on check request if no other expenses will be processed for trip Meal Reimbursement Breakfast ‐ must depart before 6:00 am ($7.75) Lunch ‐ must depart before 10:00 am ($10.10) No lunch on one day trips. Dinner ‐ must depart before 5:00pm or return after 8:00pm ($17.30 in state, $19.65 out of state) Personal Vehicle Reimbursement/ Motor Fleet Reimbursement rate of .51 per mile with justification of non‐availability of motor fleet vehicle or round trip less than 100 miles. Reimbursement rate of .30 per mile without justification of non‐availability of motor fleet vehicle. Questions regarding motor fleet contact ext. 23591 Checks are printed every Wednesday Request must be received by Friday, 10:45 a.m. for the check to be issued the following Friday. All checks will be mailed to your department or if you are an employee they will be direct deposited. In order for the travel office to meet these deadlines please provide written explanation for any extenuating/unusual circumstances and ensure all small receipts are taped to full white page. E‐Travel training is offered by online tutorials. Participant Travel Participant travel has same rules as UNCW travel regarding payment, per diem, etc. PARTICIPANT TRAVEL account codes are only to be used with NON‐UNCW employees. For contracts and grants, these account codes must be used for all participant travel. Acount Codes: 925145 925146 925147 925148 925149 C&G Participant Air Transportation C&G Participant‐Other Transportation C&G Participant Lodging C&G Participant Meals C&G Participant Other Exp