Contract and Grant Training Series
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Goals of the presentation
Introduction to terms and concepts
Discussion of roles and responsibilities
Discussion of regulations and procedures
Provide information and access to resources important to administrative compliance
The University of North Carolina General Administration
UNC Master Agreement
Subcontracting with entities outside the UNC System
The University of North Carolina General Administration
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Collaborative Relationships
Why collaborate?
How are collaborations managed?
Master Agreement vs. Subcontract
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Subcontracting vs. Procurement
How to determine if you are entering a collaborative relationship
How to determine if you are acquiring goods and services
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Collaborator’s Proposal
Elements of subrecipient proposal
Budget specifics
Preparing applications that include subrecipients
The University of North Carolina General Administration
UNC Master Agreement
Goals of the master agreement model for subcontracting
Which collaborations are subject to the master agreement model ?
The Master Agreement Document
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Subagreement Cover Sheet
Elements of the Subagreement coversheet
How is the Subagreement coversheet used?
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Article VIII-UNC Master Agreement
Characteristics of Subagreements
Relates directly to the goals for the
UNC master agreement model and mutual trust and respect between peer institutions
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Other Aspects of Subagreement
Numbering scheme
Contact information
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Subagreement Review and Approval Process
Preparing the package for review
Approval process
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Subcontracting Process
Does project require subcontract?
Subcontract approved by sponsor?
Sponsor reviews prior approval request
PI works with C&G
Manager to obtain prior approval
Prior approval request is sent to sponsor
Required prior approval elements:
•Justification addressed to sponsor
•Subcontractor scope of work
•Subcontractor budget/budget narrative
•Evidence of subcontractor’s intent to collaborate and/or their institution’s approval
Unit provides required subcontract elements to C&G
C&G Manager meets with
PI, VP and Finance to develop/negotiate terms and conditions with sponsor
Subcontract elements:
•Subcontract document
•Subcontractor statement of work
•Subcontractor budget
•Subcontractor CV
•Prime award documents
C&G Manager prepares subcontract package for signature
Does subcontractor approve agreement?
C&G Manager notifies Finance of awarded subcontract, updates database
Finance adjusts budget for approved subcontract
VP for
Research signs subcontract
C&G Manager sends subcontractor package, provides
PI copies
PI submits approved invoices to Finance for payment
Does Sponsored
Programs mail package?
Finance pays approved invoice
Unit sends subcontractor package
Roles and Responsibilities for
Managing Subagreements
Project Director
Office of Research
Division of Finance
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Concerns for
UNC Project Directors
Tracking Subrecipient expenditures
Managing for performance without undue administrative burden
The University of North Carolina General Administration
Subcontracting with Other Entities
Subcontract template
Review and approval process
The University of North Carolina General Administration
The University of North Carolina General Administration