PI check list

PI check list
Now that you’ve received your award and grant number, what’s next?
Please know that no grant/contract banner fund numbers (i.e. no project approval) will be setup if an IACUC or
IRB protocol is required but not current
9 KNOW REQUIREMENTS – If you haven’t heard from your grant officer, please contact to set up an
appointment to go over university and sponsor requirements
9 NOTE IMPORTANT DATES - Note the beginning and end dates of the award, as well as the
programmatic reporting requirements
HR PLANNING - Determine what type of employees you have planned and if they are identified. If
so, work with your department to prepare the proper HR forms and remember to submit the pool
position forms directly to the budget office. If you are buying out some of your time or another
permanent, non-administrative UNCW employee, work with your department chair and administration
person to prepare the HR 3.35. All HR 3.35’s must have start and stop actions submitted at the same
time. Please remember all contract and grant funded employees should be “temporary” hires.
ARE THERE SUB-AGREEMENTS? If so, contact John Finn (27562, finnj) to start the process to set
them up. At a minimum, you will need a detailed budget, sub scope of work, as well as a schedule of
reports. A purchasing requisition will need to be entered in your department (via uShop) to encumber
these funds. Invoices will be charged against this requisition/purchase order as invoices are received
and you approve them. Instructions are in OSP – TOOL BOX – How To’s on ORS/Sponsored Programs
website. (insert link to How To’s here)
REQUISITIONS/PURCHASE ORDERS: Find out from your departmental administration person
what your department/center’s process is for creating requisitions. All requisitions must go thru uShop
for new contracts and grants.
ARE THERE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS? If consultants are involved, discuss scope of
work and other details with your grant officer. Independent contractors must have an agreement
established and complete required forms. Purchase orders are now required regardless of amount. Here
is link to Purchasing rules regarding independent contractors as well as required forms -http://www.uncw.edu/ba/finance/Purchasing/independent.html
ANY LARGE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES? If you have a large purchase budgeted, ask Purchasing
if it will need to go out for bids or can be sole sourced, especially equipment -http://www.uncw.edu/ba/finance/Purchasing/ordering_goods.html
TUITION? If so, FIN 110’s need to be completed and sent to your grant officer for approval. Rates are
limited to current UNCW tuition/fees. Tuition period must be within grant period.
PI Checklist
TRAVEL? If travel is involved, all travel must be approved by your grant officer. GO’s receive enotifications from Travel (via uBusiness) to approve the travel request and also to approve the
reimbursement request. This process started in November 2009. There are still some paper travel
documents that must also be approved by the grant officers. Travel must be in proposal or have written
approval from sponsor. Travel must occur within the life of the grant. Under no circumstances is travel
allowed after grant end date nor before beginning date. Familiarize yourself with UNCW travel
regulations. (insert link to How To’s here ) (http://www.uncw.edu/ba/finance/Travel/index.html
Discuss budget revision restrictions with your grant officer. All budget revisions will need to be
submitted to your grant officer who will determine if sponsor approval is required.
All expenditures must be in accordance with university and sponsor requirements. For federal awards
(direct or pass thru) this means OMB Circular A-21 -http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a021_2004. State guidelines can be found on the
Accounting website -- http://www.uncw.edu/ba/finance/Controller/index.html
- Request Banner access for your funds to monitor expenditures – contact Diana Rivenbark – 2-7384 -http://www.uncw.edu/ba/finance/financetraining/Register_For_Training.html
Request a purchasing card (P-card) if needed –Rhonda Diggs (diggsr@uncw.edu – 23849) or Carol Page
(pagec@uncw.edu – 23190) http://www.uncw.edu/ba/finance/Purchasing/purchasing_card.html
Review personnel to see if salary reallocations need to be completed
During the grant
Talk/meet often with your grant officer
Monitor expenditures and alert your grant officer if budget revisions will be needed.
Utilize available resources on university websites for policies and procedures
Renew your IACUC or IRB protocol as required. Guidelines can be found on ORS’s website (insert
link to IACUC and IRB websites)
Make sure you are spending funds as they are budgeted and there is a budget in those lines that are
allowed. uShop completes a budget check with Banner before processing purchases.
Plan ahead if budget changes or an extension is needed. Sponsors often have deadlines for accepting
these if approval is required.
Backup your data and keep it in a safe, remote location
If you remotely believe something you have created may have some intellectual property potential,
contact the tech transfer office (Steve Meinhold – meinholds@uncw.edu – 2-3223)
Write another proposal to continue the work. Plan up to 9 months ahead. Contact ORS Grant
Development Specialist if needed, Beth Gaglione, gaglioneb@uncw.edu -- 2-3806.
PI Checklist
As the project ends
Monitor salary obligations, including ensuring vacation and bonus leave liabilities are exhausted if
possible prior to the grant/contract end date
Make plans, if appropriate, for personnel to be moved to a new project on which they will be working –
Contact Human Resources -- http://www.uncw.edu/hr
Have the P-card moved or terminated -- Rhonda Diggs (diggsr@uncw.edu – 23849) or Carol Page
(pagec@uncw.edu – 23190) http://www.uncw.edu/ba/finance/Purchasing/purchasing_card.html
Have any phone charges moved or notify to terminate service -- DAIN, phone access- Mary Lou
Andrison , andrisonm@uncw.edu -- 27777
Ensure all travel has been completed and reimbursed.
Liquidate any purchase orders that will not be completed as of the end date of the project.
Stop or change funding source for COPY cards -- Copy card- Anne Greene – greenea@uncw.edu
Ensure your collaborators/subs have completed their scope of work and have invoiced the university
within their time frame.
Stop spending against this project thirty (30) days prior to the agency approved end date (except for
Equipment or large ticket items will require special approval within the last sixty (60) days of a project.
A justification should be addressed to the director, OSP for review. Reasonable justification would
include failure of current items critical to the completion of the project or final reporting requirements,
the project is on-going (i.e. sponsor requires a new fund every period but the project is continuing)
Talk with your grant officer and coordinate activities
Notify IRB or IACUC that project is completed. (Regulatory Compliance Officer, Angie Kelly,
kellya@uncw.edu, 2-7774)
Ending sub-agreements- John Finn (finnj@uncw.edu – 27562)
Complete the final programmatic report on time. Send copy of reports to your grant officer.
- Enjoy and get ready to publish your results!
PI Checklist