Advisory Board Meeting Minutes November 1, 2012 Introductions Student Profiles • Fall 2012 was one of the third largest group o The students are also getting better academically • MPA is the second largest master program at UNCW o Second to Chemistry MPA GSA, Megan O’Hare President • Networking event in September with approximately 30 students and 30 professionals from the community • Social event held in October at Court and Sports • Next event: bring Alumni to talk to students about where they are now in their careers • Holiday Party: will be in conjunction with SENC ASPA SENC ASPA, Kathryn Thurston President • Holiday Party: Thursday, December 13th at Hops Supply Company • Continue to have monthly luncheons with guest speakers o Recently had Ben David, Randall Johnson o Chris Nelson will be at the November meeting • Also have after hours events where people are able to socialize more • Angela Keith will be the new SENC ASPA President in January 2013 NCCCMA, Calvin Peck • Currently looking at applications to award scholarships • Annual luncheon will be February 7th in Raleigh o MPA will have their annual alumni breakfast o Dr. Tom Barth usually drives a van for students who wish to attend the breakfast o There is a social event Wednesday night; a good networking event Faculty Research: Dr. Jeff Brudney • Research in nonprofit and public organizations in NC, focused on volunteer management • Will be making a presentation at National Philanthropy Day Dr. John Brennan • Article published in Public Voices “The Radical Right, the National Municipal League Smear File, and the Controversy over Metropolitan Government in the United States during the Postwar Years” Dr. Stephen Meinhold • He and Dr. Laurie Paarlberg are continuing to look at all United Ways in the country with the National Science Foundation Research Grant o Recently had an article published in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly • The Department now has a Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Takayuki Yoshioka • Involved in an NOAA grant to study tsunami preparedness and response o Meinhold is studying the US Virgin Islands Dr. Tom Barth • Researching value-based decision making in Southeastern NC o After the scandal at Penn State o Best practices to use mission statements and values in decision-making Dr. Milan Dluhy (currently on medical leave, not in attendance) • Researching sustainability in local governments o Megan O’Hare and Kristen Zeranski presented research at the Southeastern Conference for Public Administration (SECoPA) on October o Currently working to edit and get the research published Dr. Mark Imperial • Research focused on collaboration o Attending conferences in Baltimore and the Netherlands QENO • • In transition to make QENO self-supporting on campus (UNCW would not have to put any cost into housing or operating) Continuing training local nonprofits o Have placed 11 Vista members Board Discussion • UNCW appears to be stepping back from regional engagement o This is an area that the MPA program and advisory board should continue to focus Academy for Strategic Management, Dr. Tom Barth • Academy is in full swing this semester • Are looking into offering day sessions for professionals during the spring semester Lower Cape Fear Stewardship Development Coalition • Dr. Mark Imperial is the current Chair • The 8th Annual Awards luncheon will be Wednesday, February 27th o Will also be offering free educational sessions in the morning o Go to the website or contact Shannon Culpepper, MPA GTA for more information or to purchase tickets Program Development Activities • Conducting search for new faculty member • Developing Master of Coastal and Ocean Policy program o Will being Fall 2013 o If anyone is interested in being an advisory member for the MCOP program or knows of anyone who is interested contact mark Imperial Presentation from Dr. Jeff Brudney • Wishes to give thanks to the department, faculty, staff, and students o Believes we have a wonderful MPA program and a great student population • Support academic program o Will play a larger role in QENO o Raise prominence and visibility of the MPA nonprofit concentration o Encourage certificate in nonprofit management o Create a new course for summer 2013 o Discussion collaboration with NCSU • Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly is now housed in the Public and International Affairs department o Most highly recognized journal in the nonprofit sector o UNCW gets recognition in each publication (six per year) o Receive 400 to 500 submissions each year and they have to choose the 48 best to publish o Would like to give thanks to Vanessa Lacer for her work on the journal • Strengthen Presence in Southeastern o Cameron Family research assistant to help attract the right type of applicant o Develop a lecture series o Giving a presentation on November 8th for National Philanthropy Day o Developing an intensive seminar course for summer 2013, “Creating and Sustaining Effective Volunteer Programs” Place students in the community to work with organizations Will have a capstone like presentation day and give awards to the best projects Alumni Development • Will be conducting a survey during the spring semester for NASPAA accreditation purposes NASPAA Accreditation • The site visit will be scheduled for some time in the spring o Should get about a month’s notice • MPA will have events where the advisory board, alumni, and students will be able to come and speak with NASPAA representatives Advisory Board Review • Wish to form subcommittee of advisory board members to help lead improvements o Calvin Peak and Chris May volunteered to co-chair Additional Discussions • Bill Hart, New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor o Thinks the program is going well and that Capstone is an area where the advisory board members can get more involved • Ruth Haas, Cape Fear Museum Director o Request to put more information into the data sent to advisory members to show what professors are doing in the community • Jennifer Bundgaard, City of Wilmington Budget o The city will be increasing their job and internship opportunities soon • Wanda Coston, New Hanover County Planning o Is in the final stages of hiring a part time MPA