1 WATSON SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Course Title [Insert Here] Course Number [Insert Here] Credit Hours [Insert Here] COURSE DESCRIPTION Course description on the syllabus matches the title, course number, and course description on the proposal form or, if existing course, the latest catalog text. RELATION OF THE COURSE TO UNCW LEARNING GOALS If applicable, please indicate how this course relates to UNCW’s nine learning goals which can be located at http://www.uncw.edu/assessment/uncwLearningGoals.html RELATION OF THE COURSE TO THE WATSON SCHOOL OF EDUCATION CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Embed references to the Conceptual Framework in the syllabi as it pertains to purpose, outcomes, topics or evaluation. COURSE OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES State objectives in behavioral terms. Where applicable or appropriate, include performance indicators that relate to the current state standards and those of the related learned societies. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS AND ACTIVITIES As you describe the instructional methods and activities, state explicitly how field/clinical experiences and the development of technology competencies are integrated into the course. EVALUATION AND GRADE ASSIGNMENT Outline the methods of evaluation and the criteria for grade assignment. Describe specifically any traditional assessment methods, performance assessment methods, and rubrics. The assessment of technology competencies, if appropriate, should also be explicitly stated. If students can earn extra credit, the process must be specified. Bibliography (Optional) Include classic references from the field, as well as contemporary references, as appropriate for the course. Course Topics (Optional) 2 Other components faculty should consider including on course syllabi: 1. Required Text/equipment (e.g. headset for online courses) 2. Statement on academic integrity & plagiarism 3. Attendance policy – include specifications if attendance is required and if there are consequences for absences, tardies, or leaving class early. NOTE: Faculty teaching online or web enhanced courses should include specifications for logging in and posting of assignments and any penalties for not participating by posted dates. 4. Late assignments – include if late assignments will be accepted and if there is a penalty (e.g., loss of points) for late submissions 5. Watson School of Education Standards of Professional Conduct – statement that all students are expected to adhere to the Watson School of Education’s Standards described at: http://uncw.edu/ed/advising/documents/StandardsofPC.pdf 6. Office hours – statement about 10 office hours per week, email availability, and scheduling meetings by appointment (Five of these can be online hours) 7. Cell phone policy – include specification regarding use of cell phones during class times 8. Laptop policy – include parameters for using laptops during class sessions University administrators encourage faculty to also include: Violence prevention information and resources available at: http://uncw.edu/safe%2drelate/ Students with disabilities information and resources available at: http://uncw.edu/stuaff/disability/