AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF r Richard Williarn Couch for the M. S. in i5%r..i Date thesis is presented Title Meteorology May 15, 1963 SURFACE OBSERVATIONS OF THE ELECTRICAL CHARGES RETAINED BY PRECIPITATION Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved professor) After cornparing theories of precipitation electrification, this paper presents the design of a precipitation charge electrorneter and a point discharge current rneter. Data frorn these instrurnents make possible a statistical cornparison of cloud heights and electrical charge on precipitation. A 50-rninute period of cornparison shows a 37 percent dependency of precipitation charge on cloud heights. Analysis of five independent sarnples of charge rnagnitude and drop size show a 45 percent interdependency. Major lirniting factors include rnodifications of the drop charge during descent and sampling of the drop size distribution at a rernote location frorn the precipitation charge measurement. Fur- ther research should include a rnethod of rneasuring the variations in precipitation charge during descent and sarnples during rnany weather situations. SURFACE OBSERVATIONS OF THE ELECTRICAL CHARGES RETAINED BY PRECIPITATION by RICHARD WILLIAM COUCH A THESIS subrnitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillrnent of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OT' SCIENCE June, 1963 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy AssociEte Pr ssor of Physics In Charge of Major Redacted for Privacy Chairman of partrnent Physics Redacted for Privacy uate Schoo Date thesis is presented May 15, 1963 Typed by Jolene Hunter 'W'uest ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The nature of the work presented in this thesis depends of necessity on the efforts of rnany able and dedicated research parti- cipants. In cognizance, the author wishes to sincerely thank Dr. Fred W. Decker whose vision and forethought provided the opportunity and facilities for this researchi John D. Pembrook for illus- trative photographs and technical aid; John V. McFadden for constructional assistance; John C. Plankinton, Jr. , Robert C. Larnb, Jarnes W. Sears, and Donald M. Takeuchi for help in data reduc- tion; Mrs. Patricia Pernbrook and Mrs. Laura Srnothers for editorial and typing assistance; and all the rnernbers of the Atrnospheric Science Branch of the Science Research Institute, Oregon State University for rrrany helpful discussions and for providing a stirnulating environrnent in which to work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUC TION I THEORY z INSTRUMENTATION 5 SYNOPTIC CONDITIONS t7 DATA 19 DISCUSSION Z3 SUMMARY 34 CONCLUSIONS 35 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY 39 APPENDIX 4t LIST OF FIGURES Figure I Z 3 4 5 PRECIPITATION CHARGE ELECTROMETER CONSTRUCTION 6 PRECIPITATIONCHARGEELECTROMETER CIRCUIT 8 PRECIPITATION CI{ARGE ELECTROMETER SYSTEM IO PRECIPITATIONCHARGEELECTROMETER IN THE T'IELD 11 POINT DISCHARGE CURRENT MEASURING SYSTEM IZ 6 POINT DISCHARGE CURRENT AMPLIFIER 13 7 RADAR ANTENNA AND POINT DISCHARGE ANTENNA ATOP McCULLOCH PEAK 15 RHI RADAR PHOTOGRAPH OF THE LEADING EDGE OF'A LINE OT' PRECIPITATION ZZ 8 9 IO I Page I IZ A COMPARISON OT' CLOUD HEIGHT AND THE CUBE ROOT OT' THE PRECTPITATION CHARGE RATIO ?4 A COMPARISON OT' FUNCTIONS OT' PRECIPITATION HEIGHT AND PRECIPITATION CHARGE DURING A FOUR DAY PERIOD 27 A COMPARISON OT' RAINDROP DISTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED T'ROM T'ILTER PAPER AND ELECTROMETER MEASUREMENTS 1650 PST ? Mar 63 30 A COMPARISON OT' RAINDROP DISTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED FROM FILTER PAPER AND ELECTROMETER MEASUREMENTS OO25 PST 30 Mar 63 3I SURF'ACE OBSERVATIONS OF' THE ELECTRICAL CHARGES RETAINED BY PRECIPITATION INTRODUCTION Firrn establishrnent of the physical principles of cloud and precipitation forrnation depends on rnanrs ability to critically observe these processes at the proper tirne and place. Measuring instrurnents carried by airplanes and sounding balloons suffer constant rnotion and hence have provided variable results. Radar, ernploying short wave length electrornagnetic radiation, provides an ability to peer inside a cloud frorn a position rniles away. The patterns presented by radar, however, are those of precipitation particles already on their trek towards earth. Consequently much of the precipitation process including the initial forrnation and the factors controlling the forrnation, rernain hidden. A different approach is the exarnination of the fallen precipitation for properties retained since forrnation. For exarnple, rnicro-analysis of the entrapped particles in a raindrop can contribute knowledge of the origin of the condensation nuclei. The tern- perature variations during growth contribute to the history rrfrozenrl in the structure of a snow crystal (13). This thesis reports on the exarnination of the electrical charge as the historical residue retained by precipitation. THEORY Past studies tended to treat the elecLrical processes of the atrnosphere as a separate entity. However, they are inseparably related to the condensation and precipitation processes; indeed the difference between cause and effect has not clearly ernerged (14). Setting aside the question of the cause and effect relationship prior to the onset of precipitation, this study concerns the rnechanisrn of continuing charge separation in precipitating curnuli and to a greater extent in thunderstorrns. During the last half century the rnany theories put forward to explain thunderstorrn electricity have in no case withstood the accurnulation of rnore detailed inforrnation concerning storrn behavior. Sirnpson (13) accounted for production of electricity by the rnornentary contact of ice crystals during collision. The ice crys- tals were assurned to receive a negative charge, the cornpensating positive charge being carried upward on cloud droplets. Workrnan and Reynolds (I7) proposed in 1948 a theory of electrification based on experirnents which discovered that during the freezing of dilute aqueous solutions a potential difference developed across the ice-liquid interface. With the rnajority of solutions tested, the ice became nega- tive with respect to the iiquid. 3 Mason (12) discounts these theories. Without denying thern as possible, he observed that they do not account for the charging rate required by observed thunderstorrrrs. Thus, Mason proposed a new theory based on the preferential rnigration of positive ions under the influence of a ternperature gradient. H* and OH- ions, forrned by dissociation of a srnall fraction of the ice rnolecules, separate under the influence of a ternperature gradient. This process depends on the fact that the concentrations of positive and negative ions increase rapidly with increasing tern- perature with the OH- ion diffusing rnore slowly through the ice crystal than does the H* ion. Thus, a steady ternperature differen- tial across a piece of ice will result in a greater concentration of negative ions at the warrn end. In the case of afreezing raindrop, a shell of ice forms on the outside of the drop. The interior proceeds to freeze at a rate deterrnined by the dissipation rate of the latent heat. In this rnanner a radial ternperature gradient forrns as the drop cools to the air ternperature. Under these conditions positive charges rnigrate toward the surface and leave a negative charge at the center of the drop. The drop bursts because of expansion forces created as the liquid interior freezes, and the splinters carry away the positive charges on the ice surface. Hailstones, warlrrer than the supercooled cloud droplets 4 through which they fall also separate charges with the negative charges residing on the hailstone. Charge separation occurs then as basically a therrnoelectric effect. Possibly the greater separation of electrical charges results from a precipitation particle rernaining in a region of sub- freezing ternperatures during the growth process. The height of the source cloud provides a suggested determinant of the tirne spent by a precipitation particle above the freezing leveI. Masonrs theory and others previously described postulate negative charges on the frozen particles. If, then, these charges are retained, or at least only proportionately rnodified during des- cent, Eleasurernents of the charge polarity would indicate whether or not the rain resulted frorn rnelting an ice forrn of precipitation. A cornparison of the negative to positive charge ratio of precipitation with cloud height above the freezing level should disclose whether earth based instrurnents can discern the initial charge pattern. INSTRUMENTATION To test the above hypothesis and to provide additional inforrna- tion concerning the electrical properties of the atrnosphere, the au- thor designed, and with the aid of Atrnospheric Science Branch personnel, constructed a precipitation charge electrorneter and a point discharge current rneter. The precipitation charge electrorneter, shown schernatically in Figure 1, consists basically of an electrostatically shielded collector, charge sensor, amplifier, and chart recorder. The precipitation falling into the collector deposits its characteristic charge on the surface. There a static charge sensing electrorneter detects it. An arnplifier then provides sufficient gain to drive the writing pen of the chart recorder. The wooden box containing the collecting funnel and rneasur- ing apparatus has a total covering of copper screen, soldered at all searns, to provide good electrostatic shielding. Low conductivity polystyrene spacers separate the collector, a standard U. S. Weather Bureau 8" tipping-bucket raingage, frorn the box. A truncated rnetal cone placed over the funnel opening provides collirnation, splash pre- vention, and additional electrostatic shielding. The static field sensor, a high input irnpedance (tg-14 arrlperes grid current) electrorneter tube, converts the varying 6 Preclpltatlon ( I t I 8-lnch Faln GagE lbnnel *etal Electrostatl.c ,/ Shleld and Coll$oator Polystyrreao Saparator Blectrostatlc Srleldlng hooden Box ---i !&tai. rl---) tuLeLd / Tin6 !'larkor--+ and Zero Set Electrornetar I\rbs Anpllfler To Carn Motor - Earthlng nod FLg. I -f '-- l- Screea only on Botton PRECIPITATION C,HAIIG!: nLE0TR0METER CONSIRUCTION 7 static electric field to a varying electric current. A differential arnplifier arnplifies the varying current and then converts it to a lower irnpedance to drive the rernotely located chart recorder. The cornbination of the low voltage plate operation of the elec- trorneter tube and the ordinarily low voltage transistor arnplifier and driver perrnit cornrnon battery operation with srnall power dernands. The rninirrrurn ternperature drift design of.this circuit (Figure 2) should provide hundreds of hours of trouble-free field use under nor- rnal arnbient operating conditions. A small electric rnotor drives a carrr operated switch which earths the input of the measuring circuit every fifteen seconds. This provides a tirning rnark, a zeto level on the chart of the record- er, and drains any residual charge on the collector to earth. An earthing lead attached to the box shielding connects to a rod driven into the earth at the location. The circuit has an input tirne constant of approxirnately fourteen seconds and a response tirne of two rnilliseconds. The input conductance and capacitance define the time constant, while the recording pen deterrnines the response tirne. Lowering the input resistance resulting in a tirne constant of 0.7 seconds, and reducing the collecting aperture frorn 50 square inches to 25 sguare inches reduced the static charge build-up during periods of intense rainfall. r+ t{.| 0 e zN my @Y! loN N 0 o tn z N h i_d x -9 o @ -t F{ H Ef o d H o Fr 'i:{fr 31 o & 'a)e{ l ftl J Ll . CJ d ,t ,o 'z o H E:' F H p{ ,()H 3 C. a ol u0 r{ ft I 9 The precipitation electrorneter has a sensitivity of ?.0 x lO-4 eso (0.7 x 10-13 coulornb) and a range of *3.3 x l0-2 esu (1. I x 10-I1 coulornb). The accuracy of the electometer-recorder systern is 4 10 percent of the chart reading. The 8" tipping-bucket raingage also provides a rneasure of the total rainfall on a separate recorder as shown in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the precipitation charge electrorneter in the field. f igure 5 outlines the rnethod of rneasuring the corona or point discharge current. A high-gain direct current arnplifier arnpli- fies the voltage drop across a one ohrn resistor located approxirnate- ly four feet frorn the top of a 40 foot antenna. The top of the antenna has a sharp point, thus increasing the electric field gradient and facilitating the flow of current into the atrnosphere. The signal generated across the one ohrn resistor travels to the high-gain D. C. arnplifier via coaxial cable. The arnplifier provides sufficient power to actuate a chart recorder with a sensitivity of 0. 5 rnilliarrlpere s. I'igure 6 shows schernatically the electronic circuit of the arnplifier. High gain circuits of this type generally suffer electrical drift, caused largely by therrnal variations in the surrounding environrnent. To cornpensate for the inherent drift, the design '-Lut / a a! j CIi.i: i- t*::.i_.ii.ETt: .iY:TEl{ li fJ 11 Flg. b PRECIPITATfON CHARCE ELECTR0IN THE FTELD METER POINT DISC}IARGI] CUBREIIT eCharge Dlatrlbutlon ln G\rmuloniobl l'( I ,"r" L,barher Electrlc Fleld Gradlent Pousr Sspply I{tgh Gala Ampllfler Becorder Flg. 5 ts POINT DISCHAROE CURRENT MEASURING SXSTd,l N 2N trl j I Flg. 6 POINT DISCHARGE CURRENT A}{PLI!'IER \,H t4 includes a negative feed-back loop. This results in a long-terrn stability of better than + 0. 5 rnillivolts per hour. A carn-operated switch earths the input approxirnately every ten seconds to provide a zeto reference rnark on the recording chart. The systern can resolve changes in point discharge current of two rnicroarnperes. Esterline Angus chart recorders with a full scale deflection of +0.5 rnilliarnperes recorded the output of both the precipitation charge electrorneter and the point discharge current rneter. Observers took raindrop distribution rneasurernents using the rnethylene blue irnpregnated filter paper technique. Assistants counted by hand the dyed blots caused by the raindrops and deter- rnined their sizes using a transparent overlay size gage. A 3. Z crn wavelength Radar Set AN/CPS-9 recorded precipitation echo heights above the precipitation electrorneter. This radar, located atop McCulloch Peak approxirnately 5.7 rniles frorn the pre- cipitation recorder supplied range height (RHI) indications of precipitation echoes at approxirnately ten rninute intervals on March Z ar,d March 27 through 30, 1963. Figure 7 shows the AN/CPS-9 antenna and the 40 foot Point discharge current antenna. On March 29 and 30 a vertically pointing 3.2 crn radar OS/ APR -21 atop Covell HalI on the Oregon State University carnpus provided continuous precipitation echo heights (l 5). Photographic L5 Fi.g' 7 IiADAii ANTENTJA AND POINT IiSCHARGE ANTENNA ATOP McCULLOCH PEAK t6 scope display recorders on both radars provided perrnanent records of the precipitation echo heights. The U. S. Weather Bureau office at Salern, Oregon furnished atrnospheric soundings at l50OZ and 23002 on the days of observation. Observers rnade rneasurements of wind velocity and direc- tion, temperature, pressure, hurnidity, and rainfall on site. continuor-r,s The recording weather instrurnents in the Physics Chernistry building on the Oregon State University carnpus provided supplernen- tary data. t7 SYNOPTIC CONDITIONS Cornprehensive data obtained on March 2, 1953 and during the period frorn March Z7 through 30. 1963 allowed reliable analysis and cornparlson. Synoptic analysis for March 2 showed that a cold front rnoved across Oregon two days prior to the investigation and brought a rnaritirne polar air rnass which dorninated throughout the investigation period. A high pressure systern off the southern coast of Oregon, acting with a low pressure area on the southern Alaska coast, resulted in upper winds frorn the west-northwest. The 23002 Salern sounding showed a rnoist air rnass with conditional instability in the lower layers and a freezing level of 3000 feet. Records showed a 43oF. ternperature with 84 percent re- lative hurnidity, light and northerly winds, and cloudy skies with rain showers west of the Cascades. On the rnorning of March 27, a low pressure area off the southwest coast of Oregon began to intensify and rnove toward Oregon, replacing a rnaritirne polar air rnass. The resulting low and the indistinct occluded front dorninated the synoptic situation until frontal passage at 1800 PST. Air flowed generally frorn the south to southwest in the rnorning. The afternoon sounding revealed a rnoist l8 but fairly stable atrnosphere with a freezing level of 6000 feet. Sur- face ternperatures continued slightly below seasonal, with littIe tern- perature change after frontal passage. Clouds with rnoderate precipitation predorninated during the afternoon and early evening. At approxirnately 2300 PST another occluded front passed over Oregon while still another passed over at 1100 PST on March 2,8. The passage of many lines of precipitation on the 28th provided the significant difference in weather frorn the previous day. The barorneter rernained low under considerably unstable conditions with values averaging 1/Z inch lower than on the days prior to the Z7th. Strong surface winds blew with gusts to 70 rniles per hour in places. The I l0OZ sounding showed dryer air aloft with conditional instability in the lower layer and a freezing Ievel of 3600 feet. The weather of t}:e Z9th rernained under the influence of rnari- tirne polar air. Afternoon and evening winds blew generally frorn the west. The 23002 soundings showed conditional instability present with considerable rnoisture aloft and a freezing level of 3600 feet. In the late evening of t}:e Z9th and early rnorning of the 30th, the barorneter showed large instability due to line passages. Short heavy showers predorninated until late in the rnorning of the 3Oth. The freezing level dropped to 3400 feet at the tirne of the IIOOZ sounding. I9 DATA The Esterline Angus chart recorder graphically recorded the rnagnitude and polarity of the precipitation charge. For anal- ysis, the author sectored the recording into two-rninute periods with readings of the rnagnitude and polarity taken at two-second in- tervals, thus giving sixty possible sarnples per period. Extension of the interval to four rninutes provided a rrlore reliable statistical sarnple at tirnes of light or questionable precipitation. A tabulation then facilitated analysis of the data in each two-rninute tirne sequence under the following headings: I) Total nurnber of positive drops Zl Total nurnber of negative droPs 3) Total nurnber of positive drops of a given rnagnitude 4l Total nurnber of negative drops of a given rnagnitude 5) Total nurnber of drops of an absolute rnagnitude 6) Largest positive charge per period 7l Largest negative charge per period 8) Ratio of negative to positive drops per period A sarnple of this data is shown in Appendix L On March Z t.lne tabulation shows rnaxirnrtrn positive and ZO negative charges of +11.0x10-3 esu and. -43. ?xl0-3 ."o respectively. During the line passage on March 30 at 0100 PST +46.0x10-3 esu and -35. 0xl0-3 .su appeared as the corresponding rnaxirna. Maxirrrurrr positive and negative charges for the five days exarnined aver- aged approxirnately *ZO. OxI0-3 esu. The positive and negative charge for the total rain analyzed for the five day period averaged approxirnately *4.5xI0-3 esu and -4. 2xI0-3 respectively. The ""rr analysis sarnpled only the heavier showers, therefore, resulting in higher averages than norrnally expected for continuous period sarrp- ling. In general rnore positive than negative rain fe11, apparently agreeing with observations of other researchers in atrnospheric electricity (10)(I3). The author read point discharge currents frorn the recording in a sirnilar rnanner but plotted thern directly as a graph to give a tirne-cornpressed picture of the entire recording period. Tirne lapse photographs of the AN/CPS-9 radar RHI scope, taken at the sarne tirne as the charge recordings, furnished direct rneasurernents of the precipitation echo heights. A continuous fikn provided by the vertically pointing radar recorded precipitation echo heights on the evening of March 30, 1963. The analyzer sarnples this filrn at ten-second intervals and plotted it to give a continuous tirne-cornpressed picture of the precipitation echo zt height. Assistants in the Atrnospheric Science Branch counted and tabulated the raindrops. Norrnalization of these distributions by the ratio of the filter paper and charge collector areas and the ratio of the exposure tirnes perrnitted statistical cornparisons. The author then plotted a function of the ratio of the nurnber of negative drops to the nurnber of positive drops against the cloud height for a',continuousrf 50 rninute period on March 30, L963. Fourteen selected sarn- ples of charge ratios covering the four day period frorn March 2'l to March 30, t!63 appear plotted against precipitation echo height in Figure 10. The statistical techniques of linear regression analysis provided a rnethod of arriving at a quantative rneasurernent of the inter- relationships between the two variables (5). Regression line para- rreters deterrnine the relationship of the equation. The square of the correlation coefficient gives a rneasure of the relative arnount of variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variable. The author corrrpared a function of the absolute charge on the raindrop to the raindrop size distribution and after deterrnination of atrbest fit", he took five sarnples on five different days to cornpare statistically using the sarne relationship. I::1 a'irrl * T.i71I: -', I ., -:':: l1'iii:,1.,t'll :l r, ::,'l; -':TA:' l': " T:rI N N 23 DISCUSSION Point discharge currents, recorded for the entire period, for the tirnes of precipitation charge recordings, March 27 through March 30, 1953 show a point discharge current very nearly steady at approxirnately 9 - I4 rnicroamperes. Positive current flowed into the pole, i. e. , electrons flowed frorn the rnountain to the at- rnosphere. The current did not reverse and showed only slight increases and decreases associated apparently with wind variations. During this tirne, precipitation charges had varying rnagnitudes, in- tensities, and polarities. This agrees with the conclusions of Gunn and Devin (9) that no relationship exists between point discharge current and rain charge. Observers reported hai1, snow, and the sounds of thunder on the evening of March 28, 1963. During this tirne exceptionally large point discharge currents exceeding 600 rnicroarnperes were rrreas- ured. Multiple lightning strokes with norrnal field recovery tirnes occurred, but no evidence appears of expected field revergais (It). Possible explanations of these rneasurernents include these two: t. The orographic and rnaritirne in{luences tend to diffuse the charge centers which occur in rrnorrnal" curnulonimbus. 2. In ef- fect the corona point atop McCulloch Peak provides the terrninating Preclpltatlon Thousands 20 Echo Helght of feet A Flg.9 @MPARISON OF CIOUD HEIGHT AND THii.I qJBE ROOT OT THE PRECIPITATION CTIARGE ITATIO 1g (+f 18 3 L7 2 No Preeipitatlon PACITIC STAI{DARD TII.,IE 30 }IARCU 1963 5 25 point for the entire rnountain. One rnay expect that rnountain cur- rents would have a certain arrrount of t'electrical inertiar', a distributed resistance-capacitance effect which could tend to support the current flow in the absence of a field gradient and rnight even sustain is through a short-time field reversal. The data shows no unusual variations in precipitation cha::ge during this period. operation of the vertically poi.nting radar enabled a continuous 50-rninute cornparison of the precipitati.on echo heights and pre- cipitatron charge polarity ratio. The 50-rninute cornparison period covers the passage of a line 15 rniles wide rnoving at a line velocity of 15 miles per hour across the site of the precipitatron charge electrorneter. Figure 8 shows the leading edge of this line March 30 at OOZ6Z as it appeared on the RHI scope of the AN/CPS-9 radar set. Figure 9 shows echo height with tirne cornpared to the cube root of the ratio of the nurnber of negative drops to the nurnber of positive drops. The ratio of the nurnber of negative to positive drops appears instead of the nurnber of a given rnagnitude since the author believes that the rnagnitude depends rnore on the trajec- tory than does the nurnber of drops of a given charge sign. For exarnple, a large positive drop will, on the average, break into about the same number of srnaller drops while falling as will a Z6 large negative drop. The ratio, therefore, rernains the sarne. However, the loss or gain of charge by a drop in falling through a gradient field depends on size, thereby changing the original ratio. The cube root in this analysis provides a convenient ratio only. Other powers would rnerely tend to reduce or exaggerate the con- tour. Statistical cornparison at 22 pol'rfis gives a correlation coefficient of 0.61, the charge ratio, therefore, showing a 37 percent dependency on cloud height. In cornparing the two curves, the author cornputed rnean falI tirnes for the measured drop sizes. Frorn heights of. ?0,000 feet drops fall to the ground in 15 rninutes. Offsetting the two curves by this arnount of tirne destroys all vestiges of correlation. Best fit occurs with the curves within +Z rninutes of each other, a value less than the uncertainty of synchronization of the tirners on the charge recorder and the radar. This indicates cloud or ceIl persistence. The cloud evidently rnaintains its vertical identity for periods great- er than the precipitation fall tirne. Figure 10 shows a cloud height-charge cornparison for 14 tirne periods over four days. The lines connecting the points perrnit cornparisons only, since the points are cornpletely independent. Not randornly selected, these sarnples occurred when the charge rrreasurernent allowed a large nurnber of sarnples for a given period and f" I I x< GuoTxclrnjr lq8TeH uoTlE?TdTcord puB eSrBr{c uoTnB+TdTcaJd 69 06 TZ-5TTO 69 ur^I 06 w}{ 6T-TITO 69 uv,.I 06 69-L900 69 uvt{ 06 f|-olao 69 uw[ 06 €9 69 {ffi wt{ 6Z og 69 uTr( 06 9e-Z,eOO ze-o€oo +rz-a,oo a€-6z0z E-r Q ido (JH HlI hl frl I4o{ TH o< HA e{ <J6 tstp HO O.h H (J< r"l ri() tu2 H E{€ O=) a J) aaI7 o(, HlI E-{ < OE z<) 69 uvn 6z hFr O E-t T:'.6T0Z 69 uvr^I 5z 9T-6t02 €9 WA 6Z dofrl < O. o{ Eg{ o C)A c) 5 l\2 90-9002 69 uw{ 8z d h u0 F{ o C)H .ff O{ HH au zr-8097 Lz, R C9 Er,{.. €9 Wvt l7-Zr9r 80-7097 Z7 z8 when the radar precipitation height rernained constant over the charge recorder for periods of tirne comparable to the precipitation fall tirne. The comparison used rrnorrnalizedrr cloud heights for the four day period determined by dividing actual height by the freezing level height deterrnined frorn the Salern, Oregon radiosonde sound- ings. After scale adjustrnent, statistical analysis showed a correlalation coefficient of 0. 74 or a ch.arge ratio dependency on cloud height - freezing level be of. 54 percent and the following equation of st fit: L F"J2 = 5.4 + 5.2 /N \ r tq/ where: H C cloud height H. t freezing level N nurnber of negative drops N n p nurnber of positi-ve drops According to the equation, if the freezing level should drop to the surface, all ttre drops should have negative charge. In general this does not occur (4). Nor does there always appear a rnixture of negative and positive drops. A rnore satisfactory equation would have the forrn: (ffi) "=B*Kcffi) ' 29 with the constants A, B, C, D, and K dependent on geographical location and atmospheric conditions. The charges on raindrops measure about one order of rnagnitude smaller than that necessary to produce corona on a spherical drop (8). However, the charges approxirnate those expected on irregularly shaped drops. If this is the case, the absolute charge of each drop would relate to the drop size. Figures 11 and 12 show a cornparison of the distribution of the cube root of the absolute charge and the drop size distribution. An alternate rnethod giving the same results would compare the drop area (or diarneter cubed) with the absolute charge. Because of the sarnpling technique used to arrive at a charge distribution, the nurnber of drops varies linearly with the tota1 counted in the filter paper technique. The resulting constant of proportionality corrects the number scale. The fact that the drops splash on irnpact decreases the reliability of the drop size distribu- tion on the small drop (Lefthand) end of the scale. The drop size distribution at the large diarneter end of the scale depends on the chance encounter of one or two large drops, a f.act which also de- creases its reliability. Statistical cornparison of the curves of Figures 11 and l2 only in the more reliable center area of the distri- bution gives correlations of .98 and .96 respectivelyr or better than 90 percent interdependency. Sarnples taken on five different 30 Flg. L1 A COMPARISOII 0F n[INDn0P DISTMBUTIONS DETEruINED f,:I.trCTfiOMETER UEA SIRU.IEI{TS 15'O PST 2 MARffi 63 103 102 H x--+( TITTEB PAPER ELEff8O{ETER 1.0 L.2 lrlrlrl,l,l L.4 1.6 1.9 2.O Qesu DNOP .8 L.2 1,.6 2.A 2.1 r 1g-1 DIAIIETER 2.8 (m) 3.2 3L Flg. 12 A COMPARIS0N 0f NAINDNOP DISTIUEI'TIONS DEf,EAX'IINED I'noU fItTEB PAPEE AND EISCTNOMMEN MEAqinE,rE{TS OO25 PSI 30 MARSI 63 H SILTER PAPEE x----x EtECfnOUEf,ER 116,2?A,2t4,2f8,3i Qecu x LO-l DnOP DIAMBIEB 2.6 3,A (m) 3Z days give a correlation for the total of r = 0.67 or a 45 percent inter- dependency. Certain of the sarnples, although taken sirnultaneously, involved separation by approxirnately 100 hundred feet. At the recording rate used on the precipitation electrorneter recorder the larger drops tended to cover the srnaller drops during periods of intense rain. Therefore, the strength of the correlation depends sornewhat on the proxirnity of the sarnplers and on rainfall intensity. An equation which describes the suggested charge - drop size relationship has the forrn: Nd = A loBclol 1 3 where: N, o - the nurnber of drops of a given diarneter A= A constant dependent on sarnpling rate B= A proportionality constant between charge rnagnitude and drop size O = Absolute rnagnitude of the charge = Atrnospheric condition factor The constancy of charge with drop size indicates that either the drop will support no rnore charge without corona discharge or that the drops experienced a constant charging rate during forrnation. Drop charge distributions show a birnodal distribution in four of the five cases exarnined. This agrees with Sarrnah's (15) findings on drop distributions in western Oregon. 33 A qualitative cornparison of radar precipitation echo heights, rain intensity, and charge ratio shows that in general the greater rain intensity and the larger negative-to-positive charge ratios occur near the leading edge of the precipitation echoes. 34 SUMMARY Present existing theories of precipitation electrification suggest that the larger frozerr precipitation particles acquire a negative charge during forrnation. The author designed a point discharge current rneter to provide inforrnation to show that precipitation charges are independent of point discharge current. He also designed and constructed a precipitation charge electrorneter to rneasure the charges retained by precipitation at the earthrs surface. The measured charges cornpared with cloud heights for a continuous 50-rninute period and as sarnples over a four day period show a statistical interdependency of.37 percent and 55 percent res- pectively. A cornparison of charge rnagnitude and drop size data frorn five sarnple periods show a 45 percent interdependency. Qualitative observations show that: l) the drop size variations as deterrnined frorn charge rneasurernents are birnodal; and 2) that the rrrore intense rain and the higher percentage of negative drops occur near the leading edge of the precipitation echoes. 35 CONCLUSIONS In general, the prototype instrurnents perforrned satisfactorily in rneasuring the atrnospheric electric parameters of precipitation charge and point discharge current. The instrurnents need irnprovernents in dynarnic range and general construction. Of the cases analyzed, the electrical charges retained by precipitation have a distribution in tirne and polarity showing a de- finite relationship between cloud height and charge ratio and between drop size and absolute charge rnagnitude. This indicates that the surface observations of the electric charges retained by precipita- tion are dependent on the source of the precipitation. If substantiated, these findings will provide the research meteorologist and cloud physicist with a new tool for studying the rnechanisrns of precipitation. Referring to the radar photograph (Figure 8) of a precipitating cell and rernernbering that in general the radar echo shows only the precipitation and not necessarily the cloud structure surrounding the precipitation, the reader can envision a cloud forward and above the echo. If , then, air flows inward and upward at approxirnately the 5000 foot level, the precipitation particles at the forward edge of the cloud would tend to be sustained at higher elevations longer 36 and grow larger than those toward the rear of the cloud. Likewise, the reader rrray envision a cloud arranged syrnmetrically about the precipitation echo with air entering the bottorn and rising through the center to sustain large drops during the cloud growth stage. Shearing of the cloud top during the rnature and dissipation stages will tend to carry the precipitation downward and toward the front of the cloud. Either rnechanisrn could explain the drop size and drop distribution observed on the surface. These results could substantiate either the Byers l2l or Ludlarn (I) rnodels of the thunderstorrrr. Ffowever, atrnospheric conditions reported by other researchers reveal cloud heights of 30,000 to 50,000 feet, bases near 4,000 to I0,000 feet and thicknesses of thousands of feet. Clouds in western Oregon during this study had heights typically 8,000 to 2O,000 feet with bases 800-Z5OO feet high and precipitating cloud layers sometirnes only hundreds of feet in depth. The presence of rnaritirne and orographic influences, the differences in raindrop size distribution, and the electrical evidence previously cited all tend to show a dissirnilarity in cloud structure between that generally cited in the literature and that studied at Oregon State University. For these reasons the author refrains frorn fitting the evidence to an established rnodel, preferring to look upon it as a 37 coastal cloud phenornenon - a class in itself - until further research rnore sharply delineates the rnodel which the evidence prescribes. A precipitation particle, during its flight towards earth rnay colide, splinter, fteeze, pass through regions of strong electric gradients, encounter ions, and rrrany other environrnental anornalies, all of which tend to modify the original origin-dependent electric charge. Geographical differences in atrnospheric conditions previously described would increase the probability of rnodifications to the original charge patterns. For this reaeon, one probably cannot extrapolate these results to other geographical areas without rnodification. 38 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH The author believes the irnplications suggested by this research warrant verification. To deterrnine the rnodifications of the charge on the drop while falling through the atrnosphere, the author proposes to construct at least three precipitation charge electrorneters, placing thern in a line on the windward slope of a rnountain such that, as nearly as possible, they would sarnple the sarne precipitation at different heights. Under certain conditions, this could achieve sirnultaneous rneasurernents of the precipitation charge both above and below the freezing level. This could also provide rneasurernents at the precipitation origin or place of forrnation inside the cloud as it encornpasses the rnountainside recording sites. This rnethod would at least partially elirninate rnany of the questionable pararneters in the above research. For better statistical data collection, an apparatus sirnilar to that used by Gunn (7) would irnprove the raindrop size-charge relationship data. His apparatus sirnultaneously rneasured raindrop charge and size. The drops passed through an induction ring and then irnpacted on a continuously rnoving filter paper belt. The rnaritirne-orographic affects on the point discharge cur- rent cause anornalies which need further investigation. A rnost intriguing speculation arises in the question, 'rWl:at natural weather rnodification occurs because of point discharge currents ernitted by the rnountains of the Coast Range as rnaritirne air rnasses waft over thern?rr This could provide interesting research. 39 BIBLIOGRAPHY l. Battan, Louis J. Cloud physics and cloud seeding. New York, Doubleday, 1962. I44 p. Z. Byers, Horace Robert. General rneteorology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1959. 540 p. 3. Chalrners, J. AIan. Atmospheric electricity. London, Pergarnon, 1957. 327 p. 4. Chaprnan, S. Thundercloud electrification in relation to rain and snow particles. In: Horace Robert Byersr Thunderstorrn electricity. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1953. p. ZO7230. 5. Duncan, Acheson J. 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Number and Magnitude of Charges Time Positive PST 30 Mar 63 0047-49 Q x 103 esu 1 II 1 1 1 2 n o 3S-.2 •33.0 '30.8 12&.t 1 .2CV|iy.z]?2.olf8\nC[/^t/\'3 Negative 1 8 8 it \f-V j2-2 j 0 <R Z.2 H W £•6 0.8 / O 1 I //•O /JZ IS.f nc)\ifs 220\21.z' 2LM 28i\*°-8 53^ 3**i 1 - 49-51 51-53 53-55 0 1 IH 3 0 £- V 0 O II O s O / £• V 0 / 0 / 55-57 0101-03 0 03-05 05-07 0 1 0 . . / loo 2 O H 2 0 6 3 / / 2/3 O 2 8 0 2 / O O / 2 1 2 2 / 2 O / ir 2 O O / Z Z \3 3 lO 2 2 O 0 V 11-13 / 0 0 t .1o .0040-42 42-44 44-46 L 46-48 APPENDIX I O / / loot / 1 \l 2 / i / ;0 1 • 1 0 3 / \s Z 3 / O / O O Zj z S \9 3 2 / O O 0 l Z 3 £ 0 J 1 0 2 0 1 / V 1 / " 0 1 I / 1 " i 2 2 2 |/ 3 8 t 2 / 0 0 Z /o y i 2 0 6 J 2 O 0 n 5 0 / I 0 / 0 j i ! 0 1 O 07-09 0! 1 7 / z\o\s 09-11 O O 57-59 59-01 / 2 2 O / v ;2 1 Sample Data of the Electric Charges on Precipitation 2 0 i.