AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF in GERALYN MARIE WEST for the degreeef M4STER OF SCIENCE CROP SCIENCE presented on 3.ALk<11(1-7-7 Title: FOLIAR VS. ROOT UPTAKE OF THE HERBICIDE HOE 23408 IN ITALIAN RYEGRASS AND WILD OATS Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy Arnold P. Appleb,r '.1 HOE 23408 [methyl 2-[ 4-( 2, 4- dichlorophenoxy )phenoxy]propanoate] is a herbicide used to selectively-control Italian ryegrass (Lolium muitiflorum Lam.) and wild oats (Avena fatua L.) in wheat. The objective of this research was to compare the relative importance of foliar and root uptake of the herbicide in these two weed species. Factors such as plant biotype, stage of plant growth, soil type, irrigation type, and amount of soil moisture were examined. Plants were grown in plastic pots in the greenhouse with a 12hour day, 12-hour night schedule. HOE 23408 (38% a.i. emulsifiable concentrate) was applied using an overhead variable-speed sprayer calibrated to deliver 309 L/ha. placement sites: The herbicide was applied at three foliage only, soil only, and foliage plus soil. Foliar placement was accomplished by protecting the soil with a 1.5 cm layer of perlite prior to spraying. when dry. This layer was removed Soil only application was administered by pouring a 25 ml solution of the herbicide directly onto the soil. The combination treatment was sprayed with neither area protected. Symptoms de- veloped within 2 to 4 weeks from the day of treatment. Fresh weights, visual ratings of injury, and dry weights were obtained to assess injury. Fresh weights gave the best injury estimate and were con- verted to percent fresh weight reduction prior to analysis. Five replications were used in each experiment. Both foliar only and soil only applications of the herbicide caused injury to both species. to HOE 23408 than wild oats. Italian ryegrass was more sensitive HOE 23408 was applied at rates of .56, Injury increased with increasing rate 1.12, 1.68, and 2.24 kg/ha. in all placement treatments. The effect of the herbicide on ryegrass and wild oats was examined under conditions of New Zealand and western Oregon. In New Zealand, the high organic matter Canterbury Plains silt loam greatly reduced soil activity of the herbicide. 'Tama' ryegrass, a rapidly growing New Zealand variety, was found to be more sensitive to foliar application than the western Oregon biotype. Ryegrass was slightly more susceptible to the herbicide at the one- to two-leaf stage than at the three- to four-leaf stage. Ryegrass and wild oats were grown in western Oregon using Woodburn silt loam (3.5% 0.M.), Newberg sandy loam (1.7% O.M.), and silica sand (0.5% O.M.). Injury from a 1.12 kg/ha application of the herbicide decreased with increasing organic matter content. No differences were noted for foliar applications of the herbicide in the different soil types. Placement effects were examined under two irrigation types: No placement x irrigation interaction was subsurface and overhead. noted. Plants subjected to subsurface irrigation grew more rapidly, and consequently, the overall injury was greatest in these plants. Two studies were conducted with ryegrass grown under various soil moisture conditions: 60% F.C., and 32% F.C. 120% Field Capacity (F.C.), 96% F.C., Neither foliage only nor soil only place- ments were affected by soil moisture. However, HOE 23408 activity in the combination treatment was significantly reduced under low soil moisture conditions. Ryegrass and wheat were grown in quart size glass Mason jars filled with nutrient solution. The objective of this study was to determine if root inhibition could be caused by either placement of HOE 23408. The herbicide was applied either to the foliage or to the nutrient solution. daily. Measurements of the longest root were taken Root growth was severely inhibited only when the roots were exposed to the herbicide, not when the foliage was treated. FOLIAR VS. ROOT UPTAKE OF THE HERBICIDE HOE 23408 IN ITALIAN RYEGRASS AND WILD OATS by Geralyn Marie West A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1978 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of Agronomf) U in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Head of Department of Crop Science Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented July 19, 1977 Typed by Gloria M. Foster for Geralyn Marie West ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My most sincere appreciation to Dr. Arnold P. Appleby for his guidance and patience throughout my graduate program. My thanks to Dr. Ralph E. Berry and Dr. David 0. Chilcote for serving on my graduate committee. My deepest gratitude to Dr. Roger J. Field for his understanding and assistance during my stay at Lincoln College in Canterbury, New Zealand. DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my husband, Randy, and to my parents, for their love and support throughout my education. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 HOE 23408 Italian Ryegrass Wild Oats Factors Affecting Foliar and Soil Uptake Foliar Uptake Uptake From the Soil Solution The Role of Water Stress GENERAL MATERIALS AND METHODS FOLIAR VS. ROOT UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 AT DIFFERENT RATES OF APPLICATION Oregon Placement Studies Materials and Methods Results and Discussion New Zealand Placement Studies Materials and Methods - New Zealand Experiment No. 1 Results and Discussion Materials and Methods - New Zealand Experiment No. 2 Results and Discussion 3 5 6 7 7 10 11 14 17 17 17 18 20 20 22 24 25 FOLIAR VS. SOIL UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 BY RYEGRASS AT TWO GROWTH STAGES Materials and Methods Results and Discussion 28 28 28 FOLIAR VS. SOIL UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 BY RYEGRASS AND WILD OATS GROWN IN THREE SOIL TYPES Materials and Methods Results and Discussion 32 32 34 FOLIAR VS. SOIL UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 BY RYEGRASS AND WILD OATS GROWN UNDER TWO TYPES OF IRRIGATION Materials and Methods Results and Discussion 45 45 46 SOIL MOISTURE AND HOE 23408 EFFICACY Materials and Methods Water Stress Study Soil Moisture Studies Results and Discussion Water Stress Study Soil Moisture Studies 50 50 50 51 53 53 55 Table of Contents (continued) Page ROOT GROWTH INHIBITION BY HOE 23408 Materials and Methods Results and Discussion CONCLUSION . . 0 G a Gt 0 . 0 0 ..... 57 57 59 0 ...... 63 REFERENCES 66 APPENDIX 70 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Analysis of soils used in experiments 15 Response of wild oats and ryegrass at three sites of placement and three rates of HOE 23408 19 Response of New Zealand varieties of wild oats and ryegrass at three sites of placement and three rates of HOE 23408 23 The effect of placement of HOE 23408 on New Zealand biotypes of ryegrass and wild oats 24 Response of 'Tama' ryegrass to HOE 23408 when grown in silica sand 26 Percent dry weight reductions and visual ratings for 'Tama' ryegrass treated with 1.68 kg/ha HOE 23408 at two growth stages 30 A detailed description of growing conditions for five soil type experiments 33 Response of ryegrass and wild oats to 1.12 kg/ha application of HOE 23408 at three sites of placement in three soil types 35 Response of ryegrass to 1.12 kg/ha soil application of HOE 23408 in three soil types 36 Response of wild oats to 1/12 kg/ha soil application of HOE 23408 in three soil types 36 The range of visual injury ratings for soil only herbicide treatments in soil type experiments 42 12 Placement means for type of irrigation studies . . . 48 13 Irrigation means for type of irrigation studies. . . 48 14 Placement x irrigation type means for wild oats grown in silica sand 49 Fresh weights of controls in type of irrigation studies 49 A description of growing conditions for ryegrass in two soil moisture experiments 52 15 16 Page Table 17 18 19 20 Percent dry reduction weights of ryegrass subjected to two levels of water stress 54 Fresh weight reduction and visual ratings of ryegrass injury at different soil moisture levels 56 Rates in ppm (w/vol) of HOE 23408 applied to either the root or the foliage of two species: wheat and ryegrass 62 Dry weights (g) of wheat and ryegrass root growth from foliar or nutrient solution applications of HOE 23408 62 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 HOE 23408 [methyl 2-[4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenoxy]propanoate] 4 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Percent injury from three HOE 23408 placement sites on two ryegrass biotypes grown in soils with various organic matter levels 27 A comparison of injury when HOE 23408 is applied at dtfferent placement sites on ryegrass 29 Injury of two growth stages of 'Tama' ryegrass from 1.12 kg/ha application of HOE 23408 31 Injury from various placements of HOE 23408 on ryegrass grown in three soil types (subirrigation study) 37 Injury from various placements of HOE 23408 on ryegrass grown in three soil types (overhead irrigation study) 38 Injury from various placement of HOE 23408 on wild oats grown in three soil types (subirrigation study) 39 Injury from various placements of HOE 23408 on wild oats grown in three soil types (overhead irrigation study) 40 The effect of 1.12 kg/ha of HOE 23408 applied at three placement sites to wild oats grown in silica 1. Foliage Plants were overhead irrigated. sand. only, 2. soil only, 3. foliage + soil, 4 control . 10 11 The effect of 1.12 kg/ha of HOE 23408 applied at three placement sites to wild oats grown in sandy 1. Foliage Plants were subirrigated. loam soil. only, 2. soil only, 3. foliage + soil, 4. control. . . . . 43 43 The effect of 1.12 kg/ha of HOE 23408 applied at three placement-sites to wild oats grown in silt loam soil. Plants were overhead irrigated. 1. Foliage only; 2. soil only; 3. foliage + soil; 4. control 44 Page Figure 12 13 14 An illustration of materials used for the root Ryegrass foliage is shown inhibition studies. 10 days after HOE 23408 application. A. Control; B. foliage only, low rate; C. foliage only, high rate; D. solution only, low rate; E. solution only, high rate 58 Root and shoot appearance of wheat plants 10 days after treatment with HOE 23408. A. Control; B. foliage only, low rate; C. foliage only, high rate; D. solution only, low rate; E. solution only, high rate 58 Influence of root or foliar applications of HOE 23408 on the root growth of wheat or ryegrass 61 FOLIAR VS. ROOT UPTAKE OF THE HERBICIDE HOE 23408 IN ITALIAN RYEGRASS AND WILD OATS INTRODUCTION Ryegrass (Laium multiflorum Lam.) and wild oats (Avena fatua L.) are two of the most serious weed problems facing Oregon wheat growers. Both are winter annuals and .have life cycles so similar to winter wheat that they are difficult to control in that crop. Wild oats may also emerge as a summer annual to cause problems in spring wheat fields. Control of Italian ryegrass is hampered by the fact that it is also grown as a seed crop in the Willamette Valley. This insures a plentiful source of seed for infestation in wheat fields. Wild oat control is also hard to achieve because of the dormancy of wild oat seeds (Black, 1959). Forbes (1963) showed that dormant seeds could remain in the soil for as long as 8-9 years, although most seeds germinated within a 5-year period. Current herbicides available for control of these two weeds in small grains are: zoquat. triallate, diallate, diuron, barban, and difen- Each of these materials has advantages and disadvantages. Up to the present time, chemical control of both weeds has met with limited success. HOE 23408 [ methyl- [4 -(2,4- dichlorophenoxy) phenoxy] propa- noate] is an experimental herbicide which shows great promise for the control of ryegrass and wild oats. Ryegrass is highly suscep- tible to HOE 23408 while wild oats is moderately susceptible (Wu and 2 Santelmann, 1976). Barley is moderately tolerant (Lee and Alley, 1975) and wheat is highly tolerant (Miller and Nalewaja, 1974). HOE 23408 is the first herbicide to show such a margin of selectivity for ryegrass and wild oat control in small grains. Although little is known regarding the mode of action of HOE 23408, there is evidence that absorption can occur from both foliar and soil applications. This research was undertaken to examine the relative impor- tance of foliar vs. root uptake from postemergence applications of HOE 23408 to two species of wild oats and ryegrass. The objectives of the research were the following: 1. To examine factors such as rate of herbicide, stage of plant growth, soil type, and type and amount of irrigation, and to assess how these factors affect the relative importance of foliar vs. root uptake. 2. To examine how injury occurs when the herbicide is applied to the foliage or to the root. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW HOE 23408 HOE 23408 controls many annual grass species of agronomic importance such as barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv.) the foxtails (Setaria sp. Beauv.), fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.), large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis(L.) Scop),Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), and wild oats (Avena fatua L.). Downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.) and annual bluegrass (Boa annua L.) are more tolerant and can be partially controlled only by preemergence treatments. HOE 23408 has exhibited an antagonistic response to tank mixes with many other herbicides. It may be necessary to apply HOE 23408 alone and allow at least 3 days before application of other chemicals to the field. Antagonism has been noted with broadleaf herbi- cides such as 2,4-D LV ester, MCPA LV ester, and dicamba amine (Ivackovich, 1976). Many crop plants are tolerant to HOE 23408. The potential use of the chemical is great in vegetable crops (Putnam et al., 1974) as well as in such agronamic crops as barley, wheat, soybean, and peanuts (Wu and Santelmann, 1976). HOE 23408 is active when applied either preplant incorporated, preemergence, or postemergence. The structural formula of HOE 23408 is shown in Figure 1. HOE 23408 is formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate ( 3 lb/ gal a.i.). Recent work with surfactants has revealed many 4 CH 3 0-CH-C-OCH 3 0 Figure 1. HOE 23408 [methyl 2-[4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenoxy] propanoate], possibilities for increased activity through the use of such compounds. The mode of action is not yet understood. One study found that HOE 23408 was not translocated to an appreciable extent in either sensitive or tolerant species (Brezeanu Brezeanu et al., 1976). et al. (1976) also noted ultrastructural modifications. Chloroplasts were the most damaged organelles. In susceptible plants, utilization of carbon dioxide is drastically reduced. There appears to be a latent period of 4-7 days after treatment where carbon dioxide reduction is only slight and no injury symptoms are present (American Hbechst Technical Information Bulletin). Following this latent period, injury manifests itself by chlorotic mottling and necrosis of the foliage. species. Symptoms vary according to Wild oat injury begins with chlorotic mottling and a slight reddening at the leaf blade tips. Ryegrass injury may begin with a chlorotic mottling or a whitening of whole leaf areas followed by a rusty color throughout. Necrosis follows. Severe root inhi- bition has been noted in treated species such as ryegrass, wild 5 oats, and corn. Treated plants can be easily pulled from the soil. Postemergence treatments of HOE 23408 are most effective at early growth stages. Much better control of wild oats was noted at the one- to three-leaf stage than at the four- to five-leaf stage (American Hoechst Technical Information Bulletin). American Hoechst has determined the order of increasing sensitivity of wild oat plant parts as growing point, coleoptile, crown sheath, leaf sheath, first leaf, and third leaf. Studies have indicated that HOE 23408 is not very mobile in the soil. Wu and Santelmann (1976) have indicated that HOE 23408 has the same degree of mobility as trifluralin. Most herbicides remained in the upper 7.6 cm of soil in the field and leachability studies indicateda leaching of only 0 to 1 cm. Higher rates of HOE 23408 appear to be necessary in soils high in organic matter. Ample soil moisture may increase effectiveness. High relative humidity and low air temperature also appear to favor HOE 23408 Studies injury (American Hoechst Technical Information Bulletin). indicate that HOE 23408 applied at rates less than 2 lb/A persists in soils for a maximum of 8-9 weeks (Ivackovich, 1976). Wu and Santelmann (1976) attributed breakdown primarily to microbial degradation. Italian Ryegrass Italian ryegrass has a growth habit very similar to wheat. It emerges early and is one of the major weeds in Willamette Valley small grains because it is also grown here for a seed crop. Up to 6 this time, it has been difficult to control because herbicides which would kill it without injuring wheat were not available or were inconsistent in their effectiveness. Wild Oats Wild oats germinate over a wide range of temperatures from 2 The optimum temperature for germination is 15°C (Koch, to 35°C. 1968). Since temperatures near 15°C are prevalent in Oregon in both spring and fall, the climate here is well suited to its development. Wild oats begin with a poor root system. One study found that 5 days after emergence, they had less roots than six out of nine dicots studied and had much less root growth than all but one cereal (Pavlychenko, 1934). The average wild oat plant has 3-4 seminal roots while wheat has 4-5, rye has 5-6, and barley has 6-13. Cohen and Tadmor (1969) determined that root elongation was between 2 and 7 cm per day for large-seeded wild oats and .5 to 2 cm per day for small-seeded wild oats. Elongation was positively corre- lated with seed weight and increased 2-3 times when the temperature increased from 10 to 20°C. Thurston (1959) pointed out that this slow initial root growth makes it a poor early competitor, but once established, it has a higher net assimilation rate than other weeds, it grows more rapidly, and it grows taller. This may be one reason why HOE 23408 is much more effective at the smaller growth stages. Odgaard (1972) surveyed wild oat growth habit under different soil types: fen, sandy soil, loam, and heavy marsh soil. He found that wild oats developed panicles earlier on the sand and loam soils than on the marsh or fen. Straw was longest and flowering continued longer on the fen (the most fertile soil). Factors Affecting Foliar and Soil Uptake Foliar Uptake Regardless of what type of molecule is present on the leaf surface, all must pass through the same leaf layers to reach the symplast. These layers are the wax layer, the cuticle, the pectin layer, the cell wall, and the plasma membrane (Franke, 1967). The wax layer is made of hydrocarbons, unsaturated ketones, and longchain aldehydes. According to Crafts and Foy (1962), they are frequently packed in groups perpendicular to the membrane. The cuticle is made up of cutic and cutinic acid (Bayer and Lumb, 1973) and covers all external portions of the shoot (van Overbeek, 1956). A thinner cuticle lines the stomatal cavities (Yamada al., 1966). 1967). et. As a whole, cuticle is negatively charged (Franke, Pectin is composed of long chain polygalacturonic acid molecules having side carboxyl groups. Pectin is a polar substance, having base exchange properties and capable of forming salts (Crafts and Foy, 1962). The cell wall is composed of hexoses, pentoses, and uronic acid (Frey-Wyssling and Muhlethaler, 1965). This structure is thickened by cellulose and impregnated with wax and cutin (Bayer and Lumb, 1973). The presence of hydroxy and carboxylic acid groups causes the cell wall to be hydrophilic. Most investigators consider the plasma membrane to have a protein- 8 lipid-protein or lipid-protein-lipid structure (Branton, 1969). Although knowledge is incomplete as to how penetration of the plasma membrane is accomplished, most investigators consider it a metabolic, energy-requiring process (Prasad and Blackman, 1965). These layers collectively form a highly non-polar waxy surface on the outside with a gradient to the highly polar cell wall on the inside. More sites of preferential absorption are on the lower leaf surface than are on the upper leaf surface (Goodman and Addy, 1962). Some of the preferential absorption sites are: guard cells (Franke, 1967), veins (Currier and Dybing, 1959), trichomes, anticlinal walls, and areas surrounding hairs (Franke, 1967). Crafts (1956) proposed two distinct pathways for herbicide entry -- one aqueous and the other lipoidal. Lipoidal, non-polar substances, such as HOE 23408, enter the wax and cuticle layer easily by diffusion. If a substance is too lipophilic, it may remain embedded in the cuticle. Most continue diffusing through the leaf following embedded waxes and cutinized areas through the more polar layers. Hydrophilic herbicides are absorbed via the alternate aqueous route. The most impenetrable layer to hydrophilic compounds is the waxy layer and absorption of polar compounds is greatly enhanced by a hydrated atmosphere (Clor et al., 1962). Under high humidity, the em- bedded waxes become separated by water and the molecules diffuse along with the water to the polar leaf regions. Once the polar substance enters the pectinaceous and cellulose layers, it moves freely by diffusion. Once inside the leaf cells, the herbicide may cause immediate damage (contact action) or it may translocate to 9 another part of the plant where it exerts its action (systemic action). Recent research would tend to place HOE 23408 in the first category (Brezeanu et al., 1976), The efficacy of uptake is governed by varying factors related to the plant'; the environment, and the molecule itself, Gross mor- phology of a species is one of the most important plant factors. Italian ryegrass has a thin cuticle and is easily wet. Wild oats Wax and cuticle deposition increase with has a thicker cuticle. age, giving old plants a surface that is less easily wet (Franke, 1967). Herbicide absorption tends to decrease with increasing age (Sargent, 1965). Regarding environmental effects on absorption, a few general statements can be made. Anything which serves to break down the cuticle will enhance absorption. Included in this category are weathering, insect punctures, and disease (Linskens et al., 1965). Absorption of a substance generally increases linearly with increasing concentration. High temperatures often increase the rate of penetration (Sargent and Blackman, 1965). A higher light in- tensity may increase penetration in some cases. Sargent and Blackman (1965) studied 2,4-D absorption as affected by concentration and light intensity. They found that more 2,4-D could be ab- sorbed from application of 400 mg applied under light than 1000 mg applied in darkness, Time of day may also either promote or decrease absorption by changes in relative humidity or changes in the plant's contact angle (Linskens et al., 1965). Herbicide formulation and adjuvants may affect the herbicide's 10 performance. Norris and Freed (1966) looked at how side chains affect absorption, Propionic side chain molecules were absorbed better than acetic acid types which in turn were absorbed better than butyric groups. Surfactants may increase herbicide effectiveness by lowering the surface tension (Bayer and Lumb, 1973). No additional surfac- tants, however, were used in our study. Uptake From the Soil Solution Herbicide is taken up by plant roots along with water. types of passive uptake are performed by the root: mass flow. Two diffusion and In addition, active uptake takes place at the plasma- lemma in root tissue at the point where the molecule enters the symplast, Mass flow is primarily a function of herbicide concen- tration in the soil solution and of the amount of water absorbed by the plant. Diffusion depends on the magnitude of the concentration gradient which in turn is regulated by the rate of removal of molecules from the soil-root interface by absorption and transport processes in the plant (Scott and Phillips, 1973). Uptake of either type would be influenced by the age of the plant and the degree of differentiation and suberization (Walker; 1973). A herbicide may lose activity in a soil because of several factors: (1) microbial decomposition, (2) chemical decomposition, (3) adsorption on soil colloids, (4) leaching, (5) volatility, and (6) photodecomposition. be photodecomposed. HOE 23408 is not very volatile or likely to It is low in water solubility and is relatively 11 immobile in the soil, remaining in the uppermost layer (Wu and Santelmann, 1976), It is believed to be largely broken down by microbial decomposition (Wu and Santlemann, 1976). Higher rates must be applied in soils higher in organic matter. Therefore, the factors which appear most relevant in their effect on HOE 23408 activity are (1) microbial decomposition and (2) adsorption on soil colloids. Chemical decomposition may be an additional factor. If a herbicide is chiefly inactivated by microbial decomposi- tion, any environmental factors which favor the microbe population will tend to hasten breakdown. Conversely, the herbicide is likely to remain intact longer under conditions unfavorable to the microbes. The herbicide is likely to remain active longer if the soil is cold, dry, or poorly aerated, or if it has a pH less than 5.5 (Klingman and Ashton, 1975). Adsorption on soil colloids will be higher in soils high in cation exchange capacity and organic matter, or low in soil moisture. For most soil-applied herbicides, the amount which must be applied to cause injury increases with increasing soil organic matter content (Upchurch et al., 1966), The Role of Water Stress Water stress affects the plant by disrupting vital physiologi- cal functions such as photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration, changing the growth rate and favoring some plant parts over others (Hsiao, 1973). These changes affect the uptake of compounds in the soil solution and alter the translocation of the compounds. 12 The rate of plant growth is directly dependent on water poten. tial (Gates, 1968), Green et al.(1971) quantified the relationship of growth to water potential ( 'p) in the following equation: Growth rate Eg (gip T ) Where Eg . gross extensibility of the cell T = water potential due to pressure T th = threshold turgor water potential Water stress does not affect all plant parts equally. Gates (1968) determined that the most actively growing plant parts suffered greatest inhibition. Generally speaking, during water stress, reproductive growth is favored while vegetative growth is reduced (Hagen et al., 1959; Salter and Goode, 1967; Kramer, 1969). Water stress may also affect the morphology of the plant, causing it to deposit a heavier cuticle (Kramer, 1969). Both net photosynthesis and respiration decrease at increasing levels of water stress. One study (Brix, 1962) indicated an in- crease in respiration but most studies indicate a reduction although the reduction is not as great as that indicated for photosynthesis (Hsiao, 1973). The rate of photosynthesis is seldom limited by lack of water for reagent purposes (Kramer, 1969). If water stress is severe enough to cause stomatal closure, carbon dioxide becomes limiting. Barrs (1968) found that photosynthesis and transpiration decreased at the same rate and concluded that stomatal of great importance. closure was Boyer (1965) obtained conflicting results as he noted much photosynthesis reduction while stomata were open. 13 The balance between absorption and transpiration largely determines the degree of stress. Kramer (1969) termed transpiration the dominant factor in plant water relations. When water evaporates from the leaf surface, an energy gradient is established which causes movement of water into the plant. Transpiration rate is controlled by (1) leaf area and structure, (2) stomatal opening, and (3) the steepness of the vapor pressure gradient of water to air (Kramer, 1969). Herbicides may also affect the rate of transpiration. Studies involving 2,4-D, atrazine, and amitrole have shown that these herbicides significantly reduce transpiration rate as well as photosynthesis (Smith and Buchholz, 1964; Gill et al., 1972). Herbicide movement to and into the plant is affected by soil moisture and transpiration rate. Many studies have found that the amount of a herbicide absorbed from the soil solution is proportional to the transpiration rate (Schreiber et al., 1975). As a decrease in soil moisture levels causes a reduction in transpiration rate, herbicidal uptake and, hence injury, may be reduced under water stress conditions (Cox and Boersma, 1967; Babalola et al., 1968). Sedgeley and Boersma (1969) found that wheat sustained diuron damage more easily under conditions of high soil moisture than of low. Schreiber et al. (1975) found that bromacil uptake was affected by changes in soil moisture and that low soil moisture reduced uptake. An excellent review of the effect of soil water potential on herbicide uptake is provided by Crafts and Crisp (1971). 14 GENERAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Studies were conducted in Oregon and New.Zealand-using ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and wild oats (Avena fatua L.). In Oregon, ryegrass biotypes found in Oregon and Canadian wild oat seed were used. New Zealand biotypes were used for both species for studies conducted in that country. Plastic pots, 10 by 10 by 10 cm, were used through- out the studies. The soil types used in various experiments are given in Table 1. Prior to use, the soil was prepared by straining it through a coarse -mesh sieve-to eliminate large chunks of organic matter, debris, or soil. Ryegrass seeds were planted 0.5 cm deep (deeper in the silica sand) and wild oats were planted 1 cm deep. The plants were sprayed at the two- to four-leaf stage. Those plants in growth chambers were grown under a light intensity of 21.5 lux provided by fluorescent and incandescent illumination. Relative humidity was 70% and a 12-hour day, 12-hour night schedule was maintained. Day temperature was 20°C and night tempera- ture was 10°C unless otherwise noted. Plants grown in the greenhouse were also on a 12-hour day, 12hour night schedule provided by fluorescent lights suspended 31 cm above the rims of the pots and sunlight when available. studies were conducted under two temperature regimes: day and 18° Greenhouse (1) 24° ± 3°C 2°C night, or (2) 20' ± 4°C day and 12° ± 2°C night. HOE 23408, formulated as a 38% a.i. emulsifiable concentrate, was used. For Oregon, the plants were sprayed using an overhead variable speed sprayer calibrated to deliver 309 L/ha. flat fan even nozzle tip was used for spraying. An 8001 In New Zealand 15 a backpack sprayer was used, also calibrated to deliver 309 L/ha. Analysis of soils used in experiments. Table 1. Organic Matter % CEC Soil Type pH Woodburn silt loam 5.0 3.5 15.1 Newberg sandy loam 5.0 1,7 15.5 Silica sand 7.1 0.5 9.4 Sandy clay loam 6.6 1.4 18.0 Canterbury plains silt loam Undetermined 4.5 Undetermined The herbicide was applied at three different placement sites. The foliar placement was accomplished by protecting the soil with a 1.5 cm layer of perlite applied to the surface just prior to spraying. The perlite was allowed to remain on the surface until dry and then removed. was not used. In the soil application, the overhead sprayer The soil treatment was prepared by adding the proper amount of active ingredient to 25 ml of water/pot. To give the pre- scribed rate, this solution was poured directly on the soil surface in a manner which provided even distribution. The foliar plus soil placement was accomplished by using the overhead sprayer without protecting either portion of the plant. The pots were watered within 1 hour prior to spraying and not watered for 24 hours after treatment. Two to four weeks after herbicide treatment, the plants were harvested. In Oregon, the foliage was dried in glass weighing bottles in an oven at 80°C and weighed on a Mettler balance. 16 In New Zealand, foliage was placed in paper bags and dried in an oven at 80°C. A Mettler balance was again used for weighing. weights were obtained for each experiment. Dry In many cases, fresh weights were also obtained before the foliage was dried. 17 FOLIAR VS. ROOT UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 AT DIFFERENT RATES OF APPLICATION Oregon Placement Studies An experiment was undertaken to determine the extent of injury resulting from various placement sites of HOE 23408: or foliar plus soil. Three rates were chosen: foliar, soil, 1.12, 1.68, and 2.24 kg/ha, to see if the relative effectiveness of each placement site remained constant over varying herbicide concentrations. Materials and Methods A sandy clay loam soil was prepared by mixing greenhouse potting soil with silica sand, a 60:40.ratio. The resulting soil had a pH of 6.6 and organic matter-content of 1.39% (Table 1). Wild oats and rye- grass were the bioassay species. The pots were a growth chamber and grown for 14 to 16 days prior to treatment. Overhead irrigation was supplied every other day throughout the growth period. When plants reached the two- to three-leaf stage, three rates of herbicide were applied at three placement sites. Ryegrass pots were-harvested 3 weeks after spraying. Wild oats grew 5,weeks-from treatment to harvest because they were slower to develop injury symptoms. Visual ratings of injury, fresh weights, and dry weights were obtained. Fresh weights were converted to percent of control and percent fresh weight reduction was obtained. These data were-transformed using the-Arcsin / transformation as suggested in Steel and Torrie (1960). The data were then analyzed as a randomized block design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement (Appendix Tables 1 and 2). 18 Results and Discussion Injury symptoms developed within 2 weeks on ryegrass. Symptoms began with a whitening and chlorotic mottling of foliage parts followed by necrosis. Symptoms on wild oats developed later and in general were less severe. Symptoms on wild oats began with a yellowing of the tips of the leaf blades, followed by overall chlorotic mottling and necrosis. Visual ratings were made on a percent-injury basis (Table 2 and Appendix Tables 3 and 4). Injury ratings are based on reduction in the height and vigor of the plants and foliar desiccation. Tables 3 and 4. Plant fresh weights are given in Appendix Dry weights are given in Appendix Table 5. The results expressed as percent fresh weight reduction are given in Table 2. The two evaluation methods, ratings and percent fresh weight reduction, yielded similar conclusions. Although differences were not always statistically significant, there was a consistent trend. For all three rates and for both species, injury increased in the order; combination. foliage only < soil only < Within each placement, there was a slight increase in herbicide activity with increasing rate. Without exception, ryegrass was more severely injured than wild oats. Wild oats was not only injured to a lesser extent in most cases, but also took much longer to develop injury symptoms. Throughout the experiment, wild oats was plagued with a disease problem which caused some chlorosis even in the control treatments. This condition may have produced a stress situation which resulted in a diminished herbicide uptake. In addition, wild oats may be Table 2. Response of wild oats and ryegrass at three sites of placement and three rates of HOE 23408. Wild Oats Treatment kg/ha Placement Ryegrass Fresh wt.b % reduc. HOE 23408 1.12 Foliar 49.7 (45,1) 36 13.7 (19.0) 10 HOE 23408 1,12 Soil 81,3 (65,5) 69 67.1 (55.5) 74 HOE 23408 1,12 Combination 93.3 (75,0) 91 76.9 (62.9) 87 HOE 23408 1.68 Foliar 75.8 (61,4) 52 55.6 (48.4) 57 HOE 23408 1.68 Soil 88,2 (70.0) 79 74.2 (60.6) 75 HOE 23408 1.68 Combination 94.4 (76.6) 96 86.7 (69.1) 93 HOE 23408 2.24 Foliar 89.0 (70.9) 76 53.2 (51.7) 73 HOE 23408 2.21 Soil 91.5 (72,8) 85 86.5 (68.8) 90 HOE 23408 2.24 Combination 95.0 (77.1) 99 93.4 (75.4) 99 LSD LSD a b Injurya ratings Fresh wt. % reduc. (12.4) (11.1) (16.7) (14.9) .05 .01 Ratings average of two independent evaluators expressed on a percent injury basis. Arcsin / transformations are in parentheses. Injury ratings 20 inherently a more tolerant species than ryegrass. We can conclude from this study that both foliar and root uptake of HOE 23408 may produce injury. Under the conditions of this experi- ment, root uptake exerted a stronger role than did foliar uptake. New Zealand Placement Studies 'Tama' ryegrass, a heavy tillering, rapidly growing New Zealand variety, and wild oats from the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand were selected as bioassay species in a study which was conducted in New Zealand. The soil type was a Canterbury Plains silt loam soil with an organic matter content of approximately 4.5%. The Canterbury Plains is an area characterized by well-drained fertile soil and low rainfall (52 cm/yr). occupation. Sheep farming is the principal agricultural Cropping is done usually in rotation with pasture, and wheat is the main cash crop. The purpose of this study was to determine if the same placement and rate effects obtained in Oregon could be repeated with the different soils, biotypes, and environmental conditions present in New Zealand. Materials and Methods New Zealand Experiment No, I Wild oats are difficult to grow uniformly in the greenhouse because of the dormancy of wild oat seed. If planted without pre- germinating, seedlings may emerge at very different times, or in some cases, fail to emerge at all. was found to be dormant. The biotype found in New Zealand A germination study.of-50 seeds without 21 the hulls removed resulted in no germination after 1 week incubation in moistened petri dishes at 15°C. A similar test with'the hulls removed improved germination 10%, while a study where the hulls were removed and the seeds were treated with gibberellic acid resulted in Many investigators have reported that germinating 100% germination. is increased if the hulls of wild oats are removed (Hay and Cumming, Likewise, the stimulatory effect of gibberellic acid has 1959). been noted by many workers (Hay and Cumming, 1959; Simpson, 1965). The New Zealand wild oat seeds were pre-germinated with the husks removed in a solution of 10-3M gibberellic acid. After 3 days, those with most uniform radical emergence were selected and 12 seeds were planted per pot. pot. Seedlings were later thinned to 10 plants per The ryegrass in this case was planted and thinned in the same way as the previous experiment. Both species were grown in the growth chamber with conditions as given in the General Materials and Methods section. The plants attained the two- to three-leaf stage prior to treatment. This took 15 days for the ryegrass and only 10 days for the wild oats, probably because of the pre-germination period. days. Plants were watered by overhead irrigation on alternate They were watered within 1 hour before spraying and not for 24 hours after spraying. A backpack sprayer was used for the treat- ments and was calibrated to deliver 309 L /ha, The same rates (1.12, 1.68, and 2.24 kg/ha) were used to treat wild oats in this experiment. Because ryegrass was found in previous experiments to be more sensitive than wild oats, a lower rate was employed, giving the following rates for ryegrass treatment: 0.56, 1.12, and 1.68 kg/ha. 22 In this study, both species developed injury symptoms within 3 weeks and were harvested 3.5 weeks after treatment. Because all of the plants were grown in the same growth chamber and appeared to be sufficiently uniform, the experiment was set up using the completely randomized design with nine treatments and five replications per treatment. Dry Fresh weights were not obtained in this study. weights and visual ratings were taken. The treatments included three rates x three sites of placement plus one control. The visual ratings were transformed using the Arcsin iTtransformation and analyzed (Steel and Torrie, 1960). These were analyzed with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement (Appendix Tables 7 and 8). Results and Discussion The results are presented in Table 3 and Appendix Tables 9, 10, and 11. Although the differences were not significant, there were slight increases in visible injury with increasing rate (Appendix Tables 7 and 8). Since no placement x rate interaction was apparent, the placement effects were summed across rates (Table 4). For both species, the order of injury according to placement was: soil only < foliar only < combination. These results con- tradict the Oregon study which showed that the soil placement provided more injury than the foliar placement in most cases. Since both experiments were done in growth chambers under identical environmental conditions, it is unlikely that such factors as temperature, light, or moisture could account for the differences. The Table 3. Response of New Zealand varieties of wild oats and ryegrass at three sites of placement and three rates of HOE 23408. Ryegrass Treatment Rate kg/ha HOE 23408 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 0.56 0.56 0.56 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 1.12 1,12 1.12 Soil HOE 23408 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 1.68 1.68 1.68 Soil HOE 23408 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 2.24 2.24 2.24 Control 0 LSD LSD a b .05 .01 Placement Foliar Soil Combination Foliar Combination Foliar Combination Wild Oats % Dry wt. reduction Injury ratingsa 87.3 (69.1) 5.7 (14.0) 94.6 (76,5) 80 (66.0) 12 (20.1) 99 (87.4) 89,3 (71.0) 30.4 (33.5) 93,2 (74,9) 82 (68.4) 29 (28.9) 98 (84.8) 78.5 (62.38) 0.0 (0) 78.8 (62.6) 68 (55.7) 28 (31.8) 95 (80.0) 93.9 (75,8) 51.3 (45.8) 95.1 (77.2) 88 (72.3) 38 (36.8) 99 (87.4) 74.0 (59.3) 0.0 (0) 75.8 (60.5) 73 (58.8) 34 (35.5) 93 (78.3) 75.9 (60.6) 80 (64.1) 35 (36.2) 96 (82.6) Foliar Soil - - Combination - - 0.0 0 Injury ratingsa % Dry wt. reduction - 1.1 ( 6.0) 80.5 (63.8) 0.0 0 (8.0) (16.8) (7.0) (9.3) (10.7) (22.4) (9.4) (12.4) Ratings average of two independent evaluators expressed on a percent injury basis. Arcsin A- transformations are in parentheses. 24 differences could have been due to biotype effects, soil effects, or a combination of the two. Biotype effects might include different preferential sites of absorption, different growth rates, cuticular differences, or tillering differences. Edaphic factors which could affect the amount of uptake from the soil would include cation exchange capacity, soil pH, organic matter content, and type of soil microorganisms present. In the New Zealand study, differences in the injury level of wild oats and ryegrass were much less pronounced than in the Oregon However, ryegrass was injured in a shorter time than wild study. Ryegrass developed symptoms within 1 week of spraying, while oats. in the case of wild oats, 2 weeks were required. Table 4. The effect of placement of HOE 23408 on New Zealand biotypes of ryegrass and wild oatsa. Placementb Soil only Combination Species Foliar only Ryegrass 83.3 (65.9) 26.3 (30.8) 98.7 (83.4) Wild oats 73.7 (59.2) 32.3 (34.6) 94.7 (76.7) = (1.68) for ryegrass means LSD LSD.01 = (12.95) for ryegrass means LSD.05 = (5.35) for wild oat means LSD a b = (7.15) for wild oat means .01 Data are visual ratings expressed on a percent injury basis, each is a mean of 15 ratings. Arcsin IT transformations are in parentheses. Materials and Methods - New Zealand Experiment No. 2 'Tama' ryegrass seeds were planted and grown in an identical 25 The only differences were the manner to the previous experiment. As the plants were grown in soil type and amount of fertilization, a silica sand with few available nutrients (Table 1), it was necessary to supplement the watering with fertilizer twice per week. A nutrient solution containing both macronutrients and micronutrients (Hewitt, 1952) was prepared and used for this purpose. were treated at the two- to three-leaf stage. The plants The plants were harvested and the data were analyzed in the same manner as before. Results and Discussion Injury was so severe on 'Tama' ryegrass grown in silica sand that all treatments were visually rated at 100% injury (Table 5). Analysis of variance was conducted on the dry weights (Appendix Tables 12 and 13) and some significant differences were noted. At the two lower rates, the combination treatment was more effective than either of the protected treatments. At the highest rate, all placements provided equal injury. Sensitivity of the two biotypes to a foliar application of HOE 23408 was markedly different. A comparison of the results of the first three experiments is given in Figure 2. 'Tama' ryegrass grew more rapidly and tillered more profusely than the Oregon biotype and these factors could make 'Tama' ryegrass more sensitive. Many investigators have noted that fast-growing plants are much more susceptible to herbicide injury (Klingman and Ashton, 1975). Sensitivity of ryegrass to HOE 23408 also differed according to the type of soil used (Figure 2). Injury from soil only 26 Table 5. Response of 'Tama' ryegrass to HOE 23408 when grown in silica sand. Injury ratinga Treatment kg/ ha Placement % Dry wt., reduction° HOE 23408 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 0.56 0.56 0.56 Foliar only Soil only Combination 90.9 (72.4) 92.8 (74.4) 96.7 (79.5) 100 100 100 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 1.12 1.12 1.12 Foliar only Soil only Combination 94,6 (76.6) 92.1 (73.7) 96.2 (78.8) 100 100 100 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 HOE 23408 1.68 1.68 1.68 Foliar only Soil only Combination 96.7 (79.5) 95.3 (77.5) 95.4 (77.6) 100 100 100 Rate LSD LSD (3.2) .05 (4.3) .01 aRatings expressed on percent injury basis. b Arcsin /T transformations are in parentheses. placements coincides well with organic matter content in the various soils (Table 1). Ryegrass grown in the high organic matter soil was injured least by the soil treatment while ryegrass grown in the low organic matter sand was injured most. In each case, the combination treatment caused a high level of injury. Environmental conditions which maximize both foliar and soil uptake would be likely to achieve the most severe injury. 27 100 .90 80 70 60 % Injury* 50 40 30 20 10 0 Foliage only Soil Combination only Placement biotype from Oregon (medium O.M. soil) biotype from New Zealand (high O.M. soil) biotype from New Zealand (low O.M. sand) Figure 2. Percent injury from three HOE 23408 placement sites on two ryegrass bid-types grown in soils with various organic matter levels. *Percent injury obtained from visual ratings made by two Ratings given here are the mean independent evaluators. of five replications. 28 FOLIAR VS. SOIL UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 BY RYEGRASS AT TWO GROWTH STAGES The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine if ryegrass is more sensitive to HOE 23408 at the one- to two-leaf stage or the three- to four-leaf stage, and (2) to determine if a placement x growth stage interaction exists. Materials and Methods 'Tama' ryegrass grown in a Canterbury Plains silt loam soil, was prepared as described in General Materials and Methods. Plants were grown in a growth chamber and overhead irrigated in all experiments. The herbicide treatment was applied when plants reached either the one-to two-leaf or three-to four-leaf stage. 15 days after treatment. were obtained, Plants were harvested Dry weights and visual ratings of injury Visual ratings were transformed to Arcsin VT and analyzed as a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement of treatments (Appendix Table 14). Results and Discussion Results are presented in Table 6 and Appendix Table 15. placement x growth stage interaction was found, No 'Tama' ryegrass at both growth stages suffered more injury from foliar placement than from soil placement of the herbicide (Figure 3). These data agree with those obtained in a previous experiment using the same ryegrass biotype, the same soil type, and the same environmental conditions (Table 4), Although injury from each placement was greater in the 29 100 90 80 70 Injury 60 50 40 30 = LSD 20 .05 10 0 Foliar of Foliar + soil Placement Site Figure 3. A comparison of injury when HOE 23408 is applied at different placement sites on ryegrass. 30 Table 6. Percent dry weight reductions and visual ratings for 'Tama' ryegrass treated with 1.68 kg/ha HOE 23408 at two growth stages. Placement % Dry wt, reduction Stage 2 Stage 1 Foliar only 61.4 (51.6) Soil only Combination Control LSD LSD a 0.0 (0) 52.3 (46.3) 05 .01 (49.7) 74 (59.3) 58.5 (49.9) 7.2 (15.6) 18 (25.1) 7.0 (15.3) 54.3 (47.5) 80 (63.4) 57.5 (49.3) 58.1 0.0 0.0 Visual ratinga b Stage 1 Stage 2 0.0 0 (18.3) (11.1) (24.6) (15.2) Visual ratings on percent injury basis and are means of ratings taken by two independent evaluators. b Arcsin )5( transformations are in parentheses. first experiment (Table 4), this is probably due to the fact that in the first case, ryegrass was allowed to grow for a longer period after treatment. For each placement site, the older plants developed less chlorosis than the younger plants. The results are presented as growth stage means summed across placements (Figure 4), and indicate that plants treated at the one-to two-leaf stage were more sensitive, according to visual appearance. Reasons for this, could include: (1) the higher proportion of meristematic tissue in younger plants, and (2) less cuticle deposition in younger plants. Although there were no differences in dry weight reduction at the two growth stages (Table 6), the younger plants appeared to be more sensitive. 31 100^ 90 80 70 = LSD % Injury .05 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Growth Stage Figure 4. Injury of two growth stages of 'Tama' ryegrass from 1,12 kg/ha application of HOE 23408. 32 FOLIAR VS. SOIL UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 BY RYEGRASS AND WILD OATS GROWN IN THREE SOIL TYPES A study was undertaken to determine the influence of soil type on the activity of HOE 23408. In previous experiments, the amount of injury resulting from various placements of HOE 23408 varied greatly from one experiment to another. The experiments in this section were designed to clarify the role of soil type in bringing about such variability. Materials and Methods Ryegrass and wild oats were grown in three soil types for these experiments. The soil types were selected to provide a range of organic matter levels. Woodburn silt loam (3.5% 0.M.), Newberg sandy loam (1.7% O.M.) and silica sand (0.5% O.M.) were employed for these experiments (Table 1). Five studies were conducted and the growing conditions for each experiment are described in Table 7. Each experiment was set up as outlined in the General Materials and Methods section. Pots were fertilized at weekly intervals with a 4000 ppm solution of 12-6-6 Ortho-Gro fertilizer. Wild oats used in these studies were -3 pre-germinated for 2 days in a 10 prior to planting. M solution of gibberellic acid Plants were treated at the three-to four-leaf stage. In experiments 1-4, there were four treatments for each soil type: Treatment 1: 1.12 kg/ha HOE 23408 applied to foliage only. A detailed description of growing conditions for five soil type experiments. Table 7. Experiment 1 Species Site of Experiment Ryegrass Greenhouse Temperature No. of Period of seeds _.Growth Prior per pot to Treatment 24° ± 3°C day 18° ± 2°C night 10 Peilod of Growth from Trt. to Harv. Type of Irrigation 3 weeks 2 weeks Subirrigation (Thinned 20 to 10) 2 Ryegrass Greenhouse 24° ± 3°C day 18° ± 2°C night 10 3 weeks 2 weeks Overhead irrigation 3 Wild oats Greenhouse 24° ± 3°C day 18° ± 2° night 8 2.5 weeks 2.3 weeks Subirrigation (Thinned 12 to 8) 4 Wild oats Greenhouse 24° ± 3°C day 18° ± 2°C night 8 2.5 weeks 2.3 weeks Overhead irrigation 5 Ryegrass Growth chamber 20°C day 10°C night 10 3 weeks 3 weeks Subirrigation 34 Treatment 2: 1.12 kg/ha HOE 23408 applied to soil only. Treatment 3: 1.12 kg/ha HOE 23408 applied to foliage and soil. Treatment 4: Control Each treatment was replicated five times. Fresh weights and dry weights were obtained (Appendix Tables 16, 17, 18, and 19) but fresh weights were used for analysis as they gave a better estimate of injury. Fresh weights were converted to % fresh weight reduction and transformed to Arcsin v for analysis as recommended by Steel and Torrie (1960). The data were analyzed as a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement of treatments (Appendix Tables 20, 21, 22, and 23). (1) Experiment 5 had only two treatments for each soil type: control and (2) soil only placement. Data for this study are pre- sented in Appendix Tables 24 and 25. Results and Discussion A summary of the data from experiments 1-4 is presented in Table 8. In the ryegrass studies, the foZiar only placement Soil caused slightly less injury than the combination placement. type was not found to affect the amount of injury from foliar applications of HOE 23408. For the soil only treatment, great differences in injury level were noted in the different soil types (Tables 9 and 10). species were injured most when grown in sand. Both These differences were more pronounced for wild oats than for ryegrass. Differences were greater for both species when they were overhead irrigated. Table 8. Response of ryegrass and wild oats to 1.12 kg/ha application of HOE 23408 at three sites of placement in three soil types.b Placement Soil Type Irrigation Foliage only Sand Sandy loam Silt loam Subsurface Sand Sandy loam Silt loam Soil only Combination foliage and soil LSD LSD .05 .01 Ryegrass Fresh wt, % Reductionc Visual Ratings Wild Oats Fresh Wt. Visual Rating % Reduction 82.3 (65.3) 89.6 (71.5) 92.1 (73.9) 75.6 89.6 90.0 45.2 (42.1) 62.5 (52.2) 55.9 (48.5) 49.0 Overhead 87.5 (69.5) 86.6 (69.2) 85.2 (67.5) 86.8 82.6 77.6 36.9 (37.2) 49.4 (44.7) 54.9 (47.9) 51.7 68.0 67.5 Sand Sandy loam Silt loam Subsurface 86.9 (69.2) 76.4 (61.5) 77.5 (62,1) 80.6 68.4 69.0 74.9 (60.3) 47.8 (43.8) 30.6 (33.4) 80.5 48.9 43.0 Sand Sandy loam Silt loam Overhead 85.9 (68,3) 58.1 (49.8) 64.5 (53.5) 94.0 51.0 60.0 68.1 (55.9) 24.0 (26.4) 46.9 (44.2) 85.4 38.6 37.0 Sand Sandy loam Silt loam Subsurface 88.8 (70.6) 89.8 (71.5) 94.6 (76.82) 91.0 83.8 85.0 54.6 (47.6) 65.2 (54.3) 73.6 (56.9) 62.5 79.6 81.8 Sand Sandy loam Silt loam Overhead 87.0 (69.2) 87.7 (70.0) 90.1 (71.7) 89.4 84.6 80.2 73.3 (59.4) 64.1 (53.4) 67.6 (55.5) 93.1 Subsurface Overhead Subsurface Overhead (8.1) (2.9) (10.9) (3.9) (9.4) (10.9) (12.6) (14.7) aRatings the average of two independent evaluators. Expressed on a percent injury basis. All data are expressed as a mean of five replications. c Arcsin A- transformation are in parentheses. 74.1 70.4 72.5 72.0 36 Table 9. Response of ryegrass to 1.12 kg/ha soil application of HOE 23408 in three soil types. Soil Type % Fresh Wt. Reduction - Arcsin A-Transformation Sand Sandy Loam Silt Loam LSD.05 LSD Experiment 1 69.16 61.47 62.13 5.09 7.40 Experiment 2 68.29 49.78 53.53 8.22 11.96 Experiment 5 61.14 59,00 50.56 12.97 Table 10. 01 Response-of* wild oats to 1,12 kg/ha soil application of HOE 23408 in three soil types. Soil Type % Fresh Wt. Reduction - Arcsin A- Transformation Sand Sandy Loam Silt Loam LSD LSD Experiment 3 60.34 43.76 33.44 9.38 12.64 Experiment 4 55.93 26.40 44.20 10.92 14.70 .05 .01 The relative importance of foliar or soil placement also varied according to soil type. In the case of ryegrass, all placements provided nearly equal injury in sand (Figures 5 and 6), while in the silt loam and sandy loam soils, the soil only treatment caused much less injury than the other two placements. When wild oats were used, the soil only placement surpassed the foliar in sand, while in the other soils, foliar treatment was more injurious than soil treatment (Figures 7 and 8). A comparison of the various placement sites is shown in Figures 9, 10, and 11. In addition to the soil treatment being most effective in sand, it is also most consistent in sand. This is apparent in experiment 5 37 100 90 80 % Fresh wt reduction ezki #t1 ii: - LSD N f5 7 0 .05 it.1 ` 1 6 0 5 0 A , u. _ Xf 0 4 14 iV iAl ...w tV fe N. 144 40 -- 30 - 20 - ..,-, 4. F i 4 10 44° t 4 P1 do 0 .'.;: 4%, itt Foliage only Soil on y Combination Placement Sandy loam Silt loam Silica sand Figure 5, Injury from various placements of HOE 23408 on ryegrass grown in three soil types (subirrigation study). 38 100_ 90 80 % Fresh wt reduction 70 1= 60 LSD.05 50 40 30 20 10 0 Foliage only Soil only Placement Combination FR Sandy loam Silt loam rr-7 Figure 6. Silica sand Injury from various placements of HOE 23408 on ryegrass grown in three soil types (overhead irrigation study). 39 100 90 80 % Fresh wt 70 reduction Ii ,toit 60 Iiit At I' .05 P tit 241 50 = LSD 14' 1 40 ,% ?:4 sp. I 1' 30 .... 5 0, o. 20 41 Ar Ns -03 10 : 1 0 Fb g- nly 'cl-I It or4 combination Placement Sandy loam LA Silt loam E;1 Figure 7. Silica sand Injury from various placement of HOE 23408 on wild oats grown in three soil types (subirrigation study). 40 70 % Fresh wt reduction = LSD 60 .05 10` rai Foliage only Soil only Combination Placement Sandy loam Silt loam Silica sand Figure 8. Injury from various placements of HOE 23408 on wild oats grown in three soil types (overhead irrigation study). 41 where the visual injury ratings ranged from 90% to 99% in sand, 30% to 78% in sandy loam, and 10% to 80% in silt loam (Table 11). The increasing variability in the higher organic matter soils could be due to the inherent variability in soil microorganisms which may inactivate the herbicide. In summary, for both species a soil application of HOE 23408 is affected by soil type. Soils which are high in organic matter may affect herbicide efficacy by causing less severe or less consistent injury. In these experiments, wild oats were less sensi- tive to HOE 23408 than ryegrass. This is illustrated by the smaller weight reduction in wild oats (Table 8). Table 11, soil The range of visual injury ratings for soil only herbicide treatments in type experiments, Experiment Sandy Loam Range Visual Rating Range 70-95 25 55-75 20 55-75 20 90-95 5 45-60 15 50-70 20 90-95 5 30-78 48 10-80 70 90-63 27 25-80 55 13-70 57 70-95 25 20-60 40 10-70 60 1 Ryegrasssubirrigation 2 Ryegrass - Silt Loam Visual Rating Sand Visual Rating Range overhead 5 Ryegrassgrowth chamber 3 Wild oatssubirrigation 4 Wild oatsoverhead irrigation Figure 9. Figure 10. The effect of 1.12 kg/ha of HOE 23408 applied at three placement sites to wild oats grown in silica 1. Foliage Plants were overhead irrigated. sand. only, 2. soil only, 3. foliage + soil, 4. control. The effect of 1.12 kg/ha of HOE 23408 applied at three placement sites to wild oats grown in sandy 1. Foliage Plants were subirrigated. loam soil. only, 2. soil only, 3. foliage + soil, 4. control. 44 Figure 11, The effect of 1,12 kg/ha of HOE 23408 applied at three placement sites to wild oats grown in silt Plants were overhead irrigated. loam soil. 1. Foliage only; 2. soil only; 3. foliage + soil; 4. control. 4'5 FOLIAR VS. SOIL UPTAKE OF HOE 23408 BY RYEGRASS AND WILD OATS GROWN UNDER TWO TYPES OF IRRIGATION Some investigators have noted that herbicide efficacy may be increased or decreased depending on irrigation type. This is es- pecially true of relatively non-mobile compounds such as HOE 23408 which may depend on soil moisture to move them within reach of the plant. Stanger and Appleby (1971) determined that lateral movement and toxicity of cycloate increased with increased soil moisture when cycloate was applied by subsurface line injection. Materials and Methods Data from the four greenhouse experiments reported in the previous study were divided into data groups and analyzed using a statistical arrangement designed to observe the differences in overhead vs. subirrigation. Three soil types and two species were Each used to give the total of six combinations for data analysis. group was analyzed as a randomized complete block design with six treatments and five replications. The treatments were analyzed as foliar a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement with three sites of placement: only, soil only, and a combination of the two, and two irrigation types: overhead and subirrigation. Analysis was conducted on the Arcsin VT transformation of percent fresh weight reduction data as in the previous experiments (Appendix Tables 27 and 28). Data from the ryegrass experiments are presented in Table 8 and Appendix Tables 29, 30, and 31. Data for the wild oat experiments are given in Table 8 and Appendix Tables 32, 33, and 34. :46 Results and Discussion In general, no placement x irrigation type interactions were noted. Placement means summed across irrigation types are given in Table 12. Placement effects also have been discussed in the pre- vious section. Irrigation type was found to be a factor in determining toxicity of HOE 23408. In sand, nearly equal injury was observed One for both species grown under both irrigation types (Table 13). exception was the combination placement on wild oats (Table 14) which caused much greater injury when the pots were overhead irrigated. Overhead irrigation could increase toxicity by providing good conditions for maximum uptake from both foliar and root areas. Also, with this type of irrigation, the herbicide may be washed down in the soil to the meristematic area of the root where it may be most effective. Root uptake would acquire a greater importance than foliar uptake in this case. As noted in the previous study (Figures 7 and 8), soil application in sand may cause greater injury than foliar applications on wild oats. In a sandy loam soil, greater toxicity was observed for both species when they were grown under subirrigation. Subirrigation also led to greater toxicity for ryegrass grown in silt loam (Table 13). Many studies have indicated that a plant which is growing rapidly may be injured more severely than one which is not (Klingman and Ashton, 1975). Plants grown in silica sand grew poorly under both irrigation types. Although nutrients were added 47 weekly, nutrients became a limiting factor for their growth in silica sand. In the other soil types, ryegrass grew much better under subirrigation. The control in overhead irrigation treatments reached only 75% of the subirrigated control in sandy loam and only 66% of the control in silt loam (Table 15). The growth trends closely agree with the differences in toxicity under the two irrigation types. Table 12. Soil Type Placement means for type Species of irrigation studies.** Foliar Only Placement Soil Only Combination Soil Type .05 LSD - 7'.2 6.4 70.8 53.9 74.3 56.2 .01 4.4 9.8 8.7 3.2 69.9 68.7 67.4 Ryegrass Sand Wild oats* Sand 54.0 70.4 Ryegrass Sandy loam 48.5 35.1 Wild oats Sandy loam 57.8 70.7 Ryegrass Silt loam 38.3 48.2 Wild oats Silt loam *See Table 4. **Arcsin VT) for average percent fresh weight reduction. Table 13. LSD 11.1 5.0 8.1 3.7 6.4 8.7 Irrigation means for type of irrigation studies.** Species Type of Irrigation Overhead Irrigation Subirrigation 68.4 Ryegrass Sand Wild oats* Sand 68.2 Ryegrass Sandy loam 50.1 Wild oats Sandy loam 70.9 Ryegrass Silt loam 46.3 Wild oats Silt loam *See Table 4. **Arcsin A- for average percent fresh weight reduction. 69.0 - 62.0 41.5 64.2 49.2 LSD .05 2.6 5.9 5.2 6.7 3.0 5.2 LSD .01 3.6 8.0 7.1 9.1 4.1 7.1 Table 14. Placement Placement x irrigation type means for wild oats grown in silica sand.* Irrigation Type Subirrigation Overhead Irrigation LSD .05 LSD .01 Foliar only 42.1 37.2 10.16 13.9 Soil only 60.3 55,9 10.16 13.9 Combination 47.6 59.4 10.16 13.9 *Arcsin IT Table 15. Soil Type for average percent fresh weight reduction Fresh weights of controls in type of irrigation studies. Species Ryegrass Wild Oats Subirrigation Overhead Irrigation Subirrigation Overhead Irrigation Sand 2.1056 2.1580 2.5493 1.5893 Sandy loam 3.7850 2.8157 4.1727 4.1694 Silt loam 4.0045 2.6514 4.6578 5.5488 50 SOIL MOISTURE AND HOE 23408 EFFICACY The following three studies were designed to observe the relationship of soil moisture to HOE 23408 toxicity. Uptake from a soil solution has been shown to be proportional to the transpiration rate (Schreiber et al., 1975). Many investigators have shown that her- bicide uptake may be restricted under low soil moisture conditions (Cox and Boersma, 1967; Balbalola et al., 1968). Materials and Methods Water Stress Study. Pre-germinated 'Tama' ryegrass seedlings were chosen for the bioassay species. 0.5 cm deep in 92mm x 85mm pots. Ten seedlings were planted A standard greenhouse potting soil mixture of sand, soil, and vermiculite was used. Plants were thinned at the one-to two-leaf stage to five plants per pot. Plants were grown in a growth chamber for a period of 18 days prior to treatment. During this period, watering was by subirriga- Plants, were treated at the six-to seven-leaf stage. tion. On the day of treatment pots were placed inside beakers and grown in this manner for the duration of the experiment. were treated with four rates of herbicide; (w/vol). The plants 0, 10, 100, 1000 ppm This was accomplished by pouring the appropriate herbi- cide solution in a 1000 ml beaker and placing one pot of ryegrass plants in each beaker. A prescribed amount of mannitol was also added to the beaker solution to obtain the desired level of water stress: -0.3 bars or -2.5 bars. The first level, -0.3 bars, corresponded to field moisture capacity and the second level, 51 -2.5 bars, corresponded to a 50% reduction in available moisture. Four rates of herbicide and two levels of water stress led to the use of eight beakers for.alj,possible treatment combinations. These eight combinations were replicated four times and the data were analyzed according to a randomized complete block design. Injury was assessed by harvesting the top growth 7 days after treatment and obtaining dry weights for each treatment. Soil Moisture Studies. Plants in these two studies were pre- pared and grown in the greenhouse as described in General Materials and Methods. studies. A western Oregon ryegrass biotype was used in these The soil was prepared by mixing greenhouse potting soil with silica sand in a 60:40 ratio to yield a sandy clay loam soil with organic matter content of 1.4% (Table 1). Both studies involved three soil moisture levels and three sites of placement: foliar only, soil only, and a combination. A control pot was included for each soil moisture level. The pots were arranged in the greenhouse according to a randomized complete block design. Soil moisture levels and details which differ in the two experiments are given in Table 16. The various moisture levels were computed by the following method. The same amount of soil (650 g oven dry weight) was placed in each pot to bring the weight of the pot to field moisture capacity. It was necessary to add 240 g of water for a total pot weight of 890 g. Various percentages of the 240 g of water were added to obtain different moisture levels (Table 16). Table 16. A description of growing conditions for ryegrass in two soil moisture experiments. No. of Experiment 1 Reps 5 Temperature 20' ± 4°C day Time Prior to Treatment Time, Trmt to Harvest 6 24° ± 3°C day 10° ± 2°C night Wt(g) Soil + Water/Pot 4 weeks 3 weeks 96% F.C. 60% F.C. 32% F.C. 880 g 795 g 730 g 5 weeks 2 weeks 112% F.C. 96% F.C. 60% F.C. 940 g 880 g 795 g 12° ± 2 °C night 2 Moisture Levels 53 All pots were subirrigated with the same amount of water prior to treatment. Plants were treated with .56 kg/ha HOE 23408 at the In experiment 1, pots were allowed to dry five to six-leaf stage. down to the appropriate moisture level after treatment. To main- tain water at the appropriate moisture level, the prescribed amount of water was applied to the soil surface. tained after harvest. Visual ratings were ob- In the second experiment, the appropriate moisture levels were maintained 3 days prior to treatment, Pots were weighed daily and water was added as necessary to maintain the moisture levels. Fresh weights and visual ratings were obtained. Data were converted to percent fresh weight reduction and the Arcsin transformation was used to analyze the data. Results and Discussion Water Stress Study. to 4 days after treatment. followed by necrosis. Treated plants began to show symptoms 3 Symptoms began with chiorotic mottling At the time of harvest, virtually all top growth of the herbicide-treated plants was dead. The plants sub- jected to water stress without herbicide were flaccid and the leaves were wilted. The dry weights of the top growth for the various treatments are given in Table 17 and Appendix Table 35. Analysis of variance was conducted according to a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement to test for interaction between herbicide rate and level of water stress. No significant interaction was noted, although changes in the rate of herbicide produced highly significant changes in degree of injury 54 Percent dry reduction weights of ryegrass subjected to two levels of water stress.a Table 17. Stress Level (bars) 0 ppm Level of Herbicide Concentration (w/vol) LSD.05 1000 ppm 100 ppm 10 ppm - 0.3 0.0 38.2 (38.2) 41.6 (40.2) 65.4 (54.0) - 2.5 0.0 6.8 (15.1) 11.1 (19.5) 27.7 (31.8) a LSCI01 (15.7) (21.2) Arcsin A-transformations in parentheses. (Appendix Table 36). With either high or low moisture stress, a trend of increasing injury was evident for 0 ppm to 1000 ppm of the herbicide (Table 17). Use of the LSD test determined that at a given rate of herbicide, high moisture stress conditions produced significantly less injury (Table 17) than -did low moisture stress conditions. Many investigators have detected more herbicide damage at high soil moisture levels (Sedgeley and Boersma, 1969). this are: Reasons for (1) less herbicide may reach the plant due to a decrease in hydraulic conductivity of the soil (Kramer, 1969) and (2) transpiration is decreased, therefore uptake is decreased (Crafts and Crisp, 1971). More definitive results could be obtained with radioactivelylabeled materials to determine the amount of HOE 23408 being taken up by the plant under different levels of soil moisture. Although the results of this study are not conclusive, they tend to suggest that a high level of water stress may limit HOE 23408 efficacy on ryegrass by restricting herbicidal uptake. 55 Soil Moisture Studies. In both soil moisture studies, the combination treatment provided the greatest injury at the highest moisture level and the least injury at the lowest moisture level (Table 18). The results from the combination treatment agree with those from the water stress study (Table 17) and indicate that injury from HOE 23408 may be decreased when there is little available soil moisture. Neither the foliar only nor the soil only treatments exhibited a response to soil moisture. The soil only treatment caused nearly complete control even at the low soil moisture levels and this high degree of effectiveness may explain the lack of moisture response. In every case, the order of toxicity was: nation > foliage only. soil only > combi- It is not known why the soil only treatment was more effective than the combination treatment. However, similar results were obtained in an earlier study using the same soil type, the same ryegrass biotype, and similar environmental (Table 2). conditions Fresh weight reduction and visual ratings of ryegrass injury at different soil moisture levels. Table 18. Experiment 2 Experiment 1 Visual Ratinga Placement Moisture Level Foliage only 120% field capacity 96% field capacity 60% field capacity 32% field capacity 59.2 (50.31) 56.6 (48.84) 54.2 (47.45) 120% field capacity 96% field capacity 60% field capacity 32% field capacity 100.0 (90.00) 100.0 (90.00) 100.0 (90.00) 120% field capacity 96% field capacity 60% field capacity 32% field capacity 93.0 (78.30) 71.0 (58.30) 65.8 (54.29) Soil only Combination LSD LSD a .05 .01 Arcsin v given in parentheses. -- -- Visual Rating % Fresh Wt. Reduction 43.8 34.6 39.6 61.9 (52.04) 61.6 (51.76) 46.7 (43.07) 96.3 97.9 96.4 88.6 (70.49) 93.1 (74.84) 91.0 (72.59) 77.0 82.2 (65.12) 77.1 (61.58) 71.8 (58.02) 52.1 68.3 -- ( 7.64) ( 4.85) (10.30) ( 6.49) 57 ROOT GROWTH INHIBITION BY HOE 23408 HOE 23408 has been found to cause root inhibition on many species (American Hoechst Technical Information Bulletin). The ob- ject of this study was to determine if this root inhibition could be caused by either placement of HOE 23408: tions. foliar or root applica- A sensitive species, Italian ryegrass, and a tolerant species, 'Hyslop' wheat, were selected to determine if differences in root inhibition were related to differences in inherent sensitivity to the chemical. Materials and Methods A nutrient culture experiment was devised so root growth could be monitored on a daily basis. Standard-size (qt) glass Mason jars were prepared by applying a coat of black paint followed by a coat of silver paint on the outside. A balanced nutrient solution (Hewitt, 1952) was placed in the jars and was replenished as necessary to keep the solution level within 2 cm of the top of the jar. All solutions were aerated throughout the experiment. Seeds were planted in silica sand and grown in plastic pots for a period of 6 weeks in the case of ryegrass and 3 weeks in the case of wheat. At that time, cotton was placed around the base of the plant and the plant was then suspended in a nutrient solution jar as shown in Figure 12. herbicide treatment. Plants grew for 3 days in the solution prior to On the day of treatment, HOE 23408 was applied at the prescribed rate (Table 19) either to the nutrient solution or 58 Figure 12. An illustration of materials used for the root inhiRyegrass foliage is shown 10 days bition studies. after HOE 23408 application. A. Control; B. foliage only, low rate; C. foliage only, high rate; D. solution only, low rate; E. solution only, high rate. Figure 13. Root and shoot appearance of wheat plants 10 days A. Control; after treatment with HOE 23408. B. foliage only, low rate; C. foliage only, high rate; D. solution only, low rate; E. solution only, high rate 60 within the first 24 hours after treatment. Symptoms included browning of root tips and reduction in vigor, followed by overall browning, necrosis, and death. Both species had similar responses. An illustration of root and shoot appearance for the various treatments on wheat plants is given in Figure 13. In the solution- treated plants, foliage was also greatly reduced. However, the reduction came later than it did in the foliage-treated plants. Also, the foliage did not develop chlorosis. Instead it turned a darker green and appeared to die because of wilting. Data from measurements of the longest root (Figure 14) and root dry weights (Table 20) were in good agreement. In both species, a low rate of application to the foliage caused essentially no root growth reduction, and in some cases appeared to stimulate growth. A high rate applied to the foliage caused a slight reduction in root weight. Both solution treatments drastically reduced root growth in both species. In conclusion, HOE 23408 appears to be relatively non-mobile in the plant. In this study, contact action was observed and visual injury symptoms developed on the plant parts which were exposed to the herbicide. Both ryegrass and wheat developed injury from either site of application. Therefore, site of uptake does not seem to be involved as a mechanism of selectivity for HOE 23408 on the two species. However, wheat did require higher rates of foliar appli- cation to obtain injury. 61 200 180 7 160 140 120 100 80 4- 0 60 _c 4-, 40 20 / 0. A 1 1 C D Ryegrass Vi Wheat D. Foliage application - low rate Root application - low rate Foliage application - high rate Root application - high rate E. Control A. B. C. Figure 14. Influence of root or foliar applications of HOE 23408 on the root growth of wheat or ryegrass. 62 Table 19. Rates in ppm (w/vol) of HOE 23408 applied to either the wheat and ryegrass. root or the foliage of two species: Experiment 3 Wheat Experiment 1 Ryegrass Experiment 2 Ryegrass Foliage only low rate 50 30 500 Root only low rate 50 50 50 Foliage only high rate 500 300 5000 Root only high rate 500 500 500 Table 20. Dry weights (g) of wheat and ryegrass root growth from foliar or nutrient solution applications of HOE 23408. Treatment HOE 23408 Dry wt. (g) Wheat Ryegrass Dry wt. - % of Control Wheat Ryegrass Foliage only low rates .0763 .0306 115 93 Solution only low rate .0300 .0116 45 35 Foliage only high rate .0620 .0186 93 57 Solution only high rate .0260 .0168 39 51 Control .0664 .0329 100 100 LSD .0217 .0067 a .05 Rates given in Table 19. 63 CONCLUSION HOE 23408 was found to be active from both foliar and soil applications. Maximum herbicide efficacy may be obtained when con- ditions are favorable to both sites of uptake. Root uptake of the herbicide from the soil solution was found to vary greatly. Conditions such as ample soil moisture and low organic matter soils favor root uptake. Adsorption to organic matter and clay particles appear to be reasons for inactivation in the soil. Adsorption to organic matter was the predominant factor in these studies. Some of the experiments raised the question of why soil only applications could be more effective than combination applications. Further research is needed to obtain an answer to this question. HOE 23408 is known to affect the meristematic regions of the plant. American Hoechst has determined that the growing point, followed by the coleoptile, were the most sensitive plant parts in wild oats. Visual observations of treated corn foliage revealed that the newly emerging leaf was the first to develop symptoms. Root tips of ryegrass and wheat turned brown when exposed to the herbicide. studies: Different species susceptibilities were noted in these ryegrass, highly sensitive; wild oats, moderately sensi- tive; and wheat, tolerant. This knowledge, coupled with the fact that the actively growing plants were injured to the greatest extent, could lead to an elucidation of the mechanism of action for the herbicide. 64 Severe root-pruning is one type of injury which contributes to the death of HOE 23408-treated plants in the field. These studies indicated that this root-pruning effect is the result of soilapplied HOE 23408. Plants treated with only a foliar application could not be easily pulled from the soil. Plants grown in nutrient solution did not exhibit decreased root growth when HOE 23408 was applied to the foliage. These observations pointed to a contact action by the herbicide. The research completed here has some important implications for use of the chemical in the field. Willamette Valley winters are characterized by intermittant rain, high soil moisture, overcast skies, and high relative humidity. HOE 23408 would be expected to perform well under these conditions, which would favor both foliar and root uptake. Conversely, hot, sunny weather and dry soils would be expected to diminish HOE 23408 effectiveness. Field research is in agreement here, as spring treatments of HOE 23408 have been less reliable than winter treatments. The use of surfactants with a herbicide is an important economic consideration. The high degree of HOE 23408 activity when en- vironmental conditions are favorable to both sites of uptake, would make a surfactant an unnecessary expense. However, if the herbi- cide was applied during hot, sunny weather, or to a dry soil, or to a soil high in organic matter, a surfactant may be necessary to increase the effectiveness of foliar applications of the material. 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Placement Fresh weight, percent fresh weight reduction (including Arcsin transformation) and visual rating for ryegrass treated with HOE 23408 at three rates and three sites of application. Fresh Wei'hts k Rate 2.24 1,12 1.68. Wt. Reduction Rate (kg/ha) 1.68 2.24 1.12 Fres Arcsin Transformation Rate (kg/ha) 2.24 1.68 1.12 Visual Rating Rate (kg/ha) 1.68 2.24 1.12 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 70.00 39.87 66.74 28.86 19.91 71.50 67.70 58.76 65.12 43.80 69.38 64.75 55 73.21 82.3 47.9 87.6 81.8 92.6 89.5 93.5 71.09 75.22 49.7 75.8 89.0 45.08 61.38 88.8 85 5 88.9 86.3 91.4 87.0 91.4 .1208 53.0 86.4 88.7 91.3 87.2 91.5 94.4 46.72 68.36 70.36 72.85 69.04 2.618 .1962 81.3 88.2 91.5 .1222 .1433 .1438 .1719 .1520 .1374 .1908 .1052 .1889 .0807 .1069 .0904 .1525 .1012 .1113 94.6 93.0 94.8 91.0 93.0 94.0 95.6 96.2 .1466 .206 .1125 75 45 0 70 60 25 80 25 65 50 80 90 95 70.93 36 52 76 70.45 67.62 70.54 68.28 72.95 68.87 72.95 74.77 70.97 30 76.31 100 80 55 90 80 80 65.47 69.97 72.77 76.56 74.66 76.82 72.54 74.66 75.82 77.89 78.76 71.66 96.3 95.3 95.6 94.5 94.7 94.8 93.3 94.4 95.0 75.05 1.9149 2.1574 89.9 85.6 ,2299 .2927 .7496 .3393 1.9068 1.1231 .2820 .3704 .2076 .2007 .1407 88.3 84.4 23.3 11,6 73.1 .8501 .5469 .2403 1.0673 .2951 .2772 .3159 .1667 .2762 .2546 .2956 .3106 .2619 .1862 .4207 .2649 1,1992 .4343 .4454 41.1 5 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .1762 .1926 -- 93.1 55 90 100 85 85 100 60 70 85 90 80 85 100 100 90 90 100 78.91 77.48 77.89 76.44 76.69 76.82 100 100 95 100 100 100 100 76.61 77.06 91 96 99 80 55 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 90.1 Control R1 2.2706 R4 R2 2.0361 R5 R3 2.7888 2.2336 Appendix Table 4, Placement Fresh weight, percent fresh weight reduction (including Arcsin transformation) and visual rating for wild oats treated with HOE 23408 at three rates and three sites of application. Fresh Weights (g) Rate (kg/ha) 1.12 1.68 2.24 Fresh Wt. Reduction Rate (kg/ha) 1.12 1.68 2.24 Arcsin Transformation Rate (kg/ha) 1.12 1.68 2.24 1.12 1.68 2.24 0.635 5.076 5.817 6.460 5.747 2.874 2.499 5.090 2.472 1.434 2.875 25.0 7.4 25.3 55.00 49.49 50.77 45.36 57.80 10 20 60 60 30 45 90 65 80 50 80 90 5.930 2.874 2.420 2.328 1.469 2.586 1.089 Visual Rating Rate (kg/ha) Foliage R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 67.1 57.8 60.0 53.2 71.6 30.00 15.79 30.20 10.9 54.4 34.7 43.9 77.8 19.28 55.00 47.52 36.09 41.50 61.89 2.824 13.7 55.6 53.2 19.05 48.40 51.68 10 57 73 1.213 2.205 3.934 0.756 0.478 0.985 1.207 1.262 0.474 0.472 72.3 57.5 86.1 68.40 50.65 64.23 39.99 65.73 44.71 70.36 62.03 66.27 65.50 70.81 70 70 75 65 83.1 88.7 78.0 83.8 89.2 92.7 58.24 59.8 49.5 82.8 90.6 73.21 73.32 90 90 65 40 80 100 85 85 90 95 95 1.978 1.717 0.880 67.1 74.2 86.5 55.50 60.64 68.76 74 75 90 0.678 1.318 0.369 2.099 0.832 76.1 89.3 93.4 97.3 93.0 93.8 73.78 60.60 77.48 46.38 56.04 71.19 67.29 75.94 70.18 60.73 70-:91 0.501 92.2 75.9 95.3 52.4 68.8 89.6 2.011 0.908 0.818 0.462 0.508 1.543 80.54 74.66 75.58 95 80 100 85 75 95 90 98 98 85 95 99 100 100 100 1.295 0.848 0.463 76.9 86.7 93.4 62.86 69.07 75.36 87 93 99 R4 R5 4.406 2.311 3.119 2.824 1.830 0 67.1 0 0 20 0 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 81.1 41.3 49.31 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 0.361 0.212 0.308 85.1 94.1 88.5 Control R1 R2 R3 8.732 5.480 7.792 "X 6.451 6.592 75.11 73 Appendix Table 5. Dry weights for ryegrass and wild oats treated with HOE 23408 at three rates and three sites of application, Rye grass Placement 1.12 Rate (kg/ha) 2. 24 1.68 Wild Oats Rate (kg/ha) 1.68 1.12 2.24 Foliar only .802 .2941 .0792 .0982 .0939 .0899 .1012 1.626 1.407 1.678 1.596 1.425 .820 .782 1.319 .722 .618 .1784 .1499 .0925 1.546 .852 .827 .2151 .1301 .1091 -- .734 .785 .554 .886 .489 .776 .1190 .1062 .1240 .0964 .1415 .1485 .1397 .0980 .0852 .451 .492 .322 .400 .435 .483 .287 2.960 .1389 .1248 .1026 .682 .662 .380 .0630 .0607 .0658 .1065 .0622 .0772 .0600 .0890 .0755 .0734 .351 .351 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0667 .0870 .0860 .1128 .0780 .534 .280 .682 .630 .370 .307 .294 .530 .382 .220 .173 .237 .356 R .0704 .0716 .0750 .495 .370 .274 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0760 .1892 .1008 .1317 .3944 .0710 .0992 .1387 .1467 X R1 .711 .897 1.048 .675 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R .0997 .1163 1.232 Foliar + soil R1 Control R1 .2642 R2 R3 R4 R5 .2321 R .3251 .3156 .4064 .4070 2.170 1.553 2.038 .985 1.509 1.651 74 Appendix Table 6. Source of Var. Treatments Place Rate P x R Error Total Analysis of variance for dry weights in Appendix Table 9. df 8 2 2 4 36 44 SS 800658.31 706139.54 41124.34 53394.43 180468.66 981126.97 MS 353069.77 20562.17 13348.61 5013.02 F 70.43** 4.10* 2.66 NS C.V. = 58.44% Appendix Table 7. Source of Var. Treatments Place Rate P x R Error Total Analysis of variance for data in Appendix Table 10. df 8 2 2 4 36 44 LSD.05 = 16.76 Appendix Table 8. Source of Var. Treatments Place Rate P x R Error Total LSD 27304.93 26481.72 450.28 372.93 6191.62 33496.55 MS 3413.12 13240.86 225.14 93.23 171.99 F 76.99** 1.31 NS <1.00 NS C.V. = 21.38% = 22.43 LSD LSD SS 05 .01 = 9.26 = 12.39 Analysis of variance for Arcsin transformation of visual ratings from Appendix Table 11. df 8 2 2 4 36 44 SS 16057.73 15731.48 204.24 122.01 1889.81 17947.54 C.V. = 12.47% MS 7865.74 102.12 30.50 52.49 F 149.84** 1.95 NS <1.00 NS 75 Appendix Table 9. Placement Dry weights and visual rating for ryegrass treated in New Zealand with HOE 23408 at three rates and three sites of application. Dry Weights Rate (kg/ha) 1.68 .56 1.12 Visual Rating (% injury basis) Rate (kg/ha) .56 1.12 1.68 foliage only .296 .337 .315 .183 .448 100 75 95 100 55 .542 .584 .586 .377 .944 .260 .424 .234 75 75 75 100 75 85 75 95 85 85 .536 .146 .255 80 82 88 4.238 5.690 4.028 3.747 2.133 3.829 R2 R3 R4 R5 2,637 3.073° 10 75 25 0 35 10 10 60 35 75 R R1 .336 R2 R3 R4 R5 .631 R Soil only 2.796 .838 10 10 10 10 20 3.967 2.926 2.048 12 29 38 R4 R5 .273 .213 .196 .334 .128 .257 .149 .142 .634 .252 .343 .115 .157 .254 .173 100 100 100 95 100 95 100 100 95 100 95 100 100 100 100 R .229 .287 .208 99 98 99 R1 .789 3.076 1.101 4.141 2,589 Roliage + soil R1 R2 R3 Control R2 R3 R4 R5 .169 .115 .108 .069 .160 0 0 0 0 0 R .124 0 R1 76 Appendix Table 10. Arcsin transformation of visual rating data from Table 9. Rate (kg/ha) Placement .56 1.12 1.68 Foliage only R2 R3 R4 R5 90 60 60 60 60 77.08 47,87 90 60 67.21 90 60 77.08 67.21 67.21 X 66.0 68.43 72.30 18.43 60.00 30.00 R4 R5 18.43 18.43 18.43 18.43 26.57 36.27 18.43 18.43 50.77 36.27 60.00 X 20.06 28.94 36.78 77.08 90 90 77.08 90 77.08 R4 R5 90 90 90 77.08 90 X 87.42 84.83 87.42 R1 Soil only R1 R2 R3 0 Foliage + soil RI R2 R3 90 90 90 90 Appendix Table 11. Dry weights, percent dry weight reduction, visual ratings of wild oats treated in New Zealand with HOE 23408 at three rates of herbicide and three sites of application. Dry Weights 1.12 1.68 2.24 % Dry Wt. Reduct. Rate (kg/ha) 1.12 1.68 2.24 .8040 .8000 .4240 .5070 .4580 .9640 .7610 .6740 .5750 .6490 .7060 .6990 .5550 .5760 .8280 71.2 71.3 84.8 81.8 83.6 65.4 72.7 75.8 79.4 76.7 80.1 .5990 .7350 .6730 78.5 74.0 3.1770 3.9170 3.6290 3.0890 2.8470 3.0130 3.3500 3.4960 2.6100 2.9220 2.7110 2.1820 2.4720 3.2030 3.2220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3320 3.0780 2.7580 0 .5630 .5210 .3670 .6770 .8300 .7390 .4510 .7170 .7970 .6640 .8520 .4280 .5160 .4860 .4330 .5920 .6740 .5430 Rate (kg /ha,) Placement Arcsin of Visual Rating Rate (kg/ha) 1.12 1.68 2.24 Visual Rating Rate (kg/ha) 1.12 1.68 2.24 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 53.73 60.00 56.79 63.43 60.00 60.00 63.43 71.57 71.57 53.73 65 55 75 70 75 65 75 70 79.4 70.3 53.73 47.87 60.00 56.79 60.00 75 80 90 90 65 75.9 55.68 58.79 64.06 68 73 80 2.8 21.8 11.4 26.57 33.21 39.23 39.23 36.27 33.21 39.23 36.27 39.23 6.5 0 -0 33.21 30.00 39.23 26.57 33.21 33.21 20 30 35 30 25 40 40 30 40 20 40 35 40 30 30 1.3 7.2 31.85 35.49 36.23 28 34 35 79.8 81.3 86.8 75.7 70.3 73.5 83.8 74.3 71.4 76.2 69.5 84.7 81.5 82.6 84.5 71.57 71.57 90.00 77.08 90.00 67.21 90.00 77.08 71.57 71.57 90.00 90.00 90.00 90 90 100 95 100 85 100 85 100 95 90 90 100 100 100 78.8 75.8 80.6 80.04 78.30 82.63 95 93 96 R4 R5 .2460 .3380 74.7 74.9 80 75 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Control R1 R2 R3 90.00 67.21 Base weight 2.4960 2.8700 2,4260 R4 R5 2.5530 3,6070 2.7900 R1 R2 R3 .3300 .3250 .2350 2950 78 Appendix Table 12. Analysis of variance for data in Appendix Table 13. Source' of Var. df 8 Treatments Place Rate P x R Error 2 2 4 36 44 Total For P x R Means: = 3.95 LSD .05 LSD .01 = 5.28 SS 452.00 150.00 106.00 196.00 343.56 MS 56.50 75.32 53.35 48.96 9.54 5.92** 7.89** 5.59** 5.13** 79 Appendix Table 13. Placement Dry weights of ryegrass grown in silica SAM AM treated i n New Zealand. .56 Rate (kg/ha) 1.12 1.68 Foliage only .055 .132 .082 .109 .056 .155 .032 .146 .087 .053 R4 R5 .113 .119 .114 .126 .106 .176 .092 .125 .150 .094 .086 .089 .027 .107 .073 X .116 .127 .076 R3 R4 R5 .046 .076 .063 .032 .055 .036 .108 .020 .068 .072 R .054 .061 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R .207 .153 .125 .101 .051 .053 .052 .054 Soil only R1 R2 R3 Foliage + soil R1 R2 Control R3 R4 R5 1.703 1.546 1.649 1.542 1.625 R 1.613 R1 R2 Base weight R1 .036 R2 R3 R4 R5 ,041 X .033 .029 .031 .029 .049 .121 .061 .094 .048 .075 80 Appendix Table 14. Analysis of variance for Arcsin transformations of visual ratings from Appendix Table 15. Source of Var. df Reps Treatments Stage Place P x S Error 4 5 1 SS 911.97 11498.35 227.99 2299.67 833.61 833.61 5308.60 23.77 10617.20 47.54 2 1426.16 20 13836.48 29 Total C.V. = 19.96% LSD.05 = 7.88 for placement means 2 LSD.01 = 10.74 LSD.05 = 6.43 for stage of growth means LSD.01 = 8,77 LSD.05 = 11.14 for P x S means LSD .01 = 15.19 MS 71.31 F 3.2* 32.25 11.69** 74.45** <1.00 NS 81 Appendix Table 15, Placement Dry weights, visual rating, and Arcsin transformation of visual rating for ryegrass treated with HOE 23408 at two growth stages. Dry Weight (y) Stage 2 Stage 1 Visual Rating Stage 2 Stage 1 Arcsin Stage 2 Stage 1 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 .083 .046 .131 50 60 80 63.43 56.79 56.79 56.79 63.43 45.00 46.43 45.00 50.77 63.43 58.5 59.45 50.13 80 70 50 .101 70 70 80 ,212 .462 .357 .313 52.5 R5 .113 .093 R .093 .201 74 .671 .751 0 5 20 26.57 .780 .663 .355 0 0 0 40 30 10 20 39.23 R5 .265 .332 .606 .148 .167 33.21 18.43 26.57 R .304 .644 18 7 19.84 11.58 .249 .286 .496 .468 .087 80 80 80 80 80 50 50 R4 R5 .065 .067 .088 .278 .078 55 70 63.43 63.43 63.43 63.43 63.43 45.00 45.00 52.24 47.87 56.79 X .115 .317 80 75.5 63.43 49.38 .259 .265 .225 .591 .177 .752 1.111 .620 .395 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .241 .694 0 0 R2 R3 R4 R5 .035 .042 .063 .047 .044 .128 .213 .325 .134 .115 R .046 .183 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 0 0 12.92 0 0 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 62.5 Control R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R .281 Base weight R1 Appendix Table 16. Placement Fresh weights and visual ratings for ryegrass grown in three soil types and treated with HOE 23408 at three placement sites (subirrigation study). Fresh Wt. (g) Silt Sandy Loam Loam Sand % Fresh Wt. Reduc, Sandy Silt Loam L.:6am Sand Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduc, Silt Sandy Loam Loam Sand Foliage only 83 90 90 90 90 90 73.88 75.6 89.6 90.0 58.44 54.76 69.64 54.94 69.56 56.54 63.43 68.03 53.79 68.87 75 70 95 75 88 72 55 75 65 75 55 75 75 65 75 69.16 61.47 62.13 30.6 68.4 69.0 72.95 71.76 72.85 66.82 73.15 79.53 78.17 80 80 85 75.46 72.34 87 85 95 90 98 75 93.7 90.8 68.53 69.30 73.89 66.97 74.32 94.6 70.60 71.51 76.82 91 83.8 R4 R5 1.6541 74.77 76.82 68.61 76.56 72.64 75 75 70 75 91.1 73.46 65.80 75.94 68.28 74.00 89.6 92.1 65.32 71.5 84.0 78.8 92.4 87.3 72.6 66.7 87.9 67.0 69.6 80.0 86.0 .4711 92.1 87.8 87.0 66.42 62.58 74.00 69.12 73.68 .8758 .8985 86.7 76.4 77.5 .2888 .2455 .1755 .2534 .1810 .3716 .4186 .3410 .3898 .1928 .1253 .2479 .1197 .2256 ,3340 86.6 87.5 92.3 84.7 96.7 95.8 92.7- 91.4 90.2 91.3 84.5 91.6 .2288 .3428 .2105 88.8 89.8 4.2964 4.2667 2.2755 3.9108 3.7711 .7149 .2294 .3444 .2998 82.0 74.8 88.3 78.6 87.6 91.9 83.2 .3620 .3873 .3001 82.3 R1 .3441 R2 .4143 .1722 .2104 .1955 1.1754 1.4199 .4717 .8324 .4795 1.1449 1.1863 .4332 1.2572 .2673 R2 R3 R4 R5 95 75 95 93 90 64.90 59.87 70.00 62.44 69.38 .2592 .3102 .4127 .1946 .3239 R1 .3882 .4933 .2664 .3535 .3088 .3481 94.1 86.3 92.4 83.1 94.8 86.7 94.6 Soil only R3 R4 R5 65.1 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 96.1 Control R1 R2 R3 Visual Rating Silt Sandy Loam Loam Sand 2.1541 1.9571 5.9315 3.0932 5-c 78.61 2.4870 2.5196 3.9315 3.6012 3.6256 2.1056 3.7850 4.0045 82 85 82 95 90 90 85.0 Appendix Table 17. Placement Fresh weights and visual ratings for ryegrass grown in three soil types and treated with HOE 23408 at three placement sites (overhead irrigation study). Fresh Wt, (g) Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam 82.3 69.64 67.70 73.89 70.54 65.57 57.8 72.15 76.06 71.19 69.04 71.28 69.82 66.89 64.23 65.12 92 70 95 92 85 80 90 80 88 75 78 85 75 75 Visual Rating Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .2436 .4696 .1713 .1888 .2733 .7651 .2555 .2655 .2451 .2214 .3407 .4229 .2912 .4168 .4055 87.9 85,6 92.3 88.9 82.9 71.6 90.6 94,2 89.6 87.2 .2693 .3505 .3754 87.5 86.6 85.2 69.47 69.25 67.47 86.8 82.6 77.6 .9414 40.2 67.2 68.6 65.8 48.9 71.4 63.7 70.6 51.8 65.2 63.87 75.46 70.00 39.35 55.06 55.92 1.0644 .7979 80.6 93.7 88.3 79.4 87.3 98 90 95 92 94 50 45 60 50 51 65 50 65 50 60 .2819 1.1257 .9312 85.9 58.1 89.7 88.1 84,6 81.1 75 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .3912 1.6132 .2051 .8864 .2600 1.4380 .3503 .8054 .2027 .8854 1.2947 .5574 63.01 54.21 69.12 44.37 57.67 52.95 57.17 46.03 53.85 64.5 68.29 49.78 53.53 94 51 60 66.66 80 98 98 73 98 80 93 90 75 85 83 75.94 66.97 64.16 73.46 70.63 72.64 70.54 71.28 70.01 71.71 89.4 84.6 80.2 Foliage + soil R1 .3271 R2 .3778 .1560 .3460 .1472 .4238 .1518 .2703 .3607 .3282 .2659 .3899 .1695 .2459 .2367 83.8 88.4 92.3 79.6 90.8 84.3 94.4 91.9 89.0 94.1 91.1 84.7 81.0 88.9 89.7 66.27 70.09 73.89 63.15 72.34 .3112 .3070 .2616 87.0 87.7 90.1 69.15 2.6965 2.7066 4.5877 3.2948 3.5623 R4 R5 1.7023 1.5978 2.3544 1.7339 2.2083 2.2946 2.1580 2.8157 2.6514 R3 R4 R5 76.31 Control R1 R2 R3 2.0159 3.2519 2.2221 1.8971 75 90 78 75 Appendix Table 18. Placement Fresh weights and visual ratings for wild oats grown in three soil types and treated with HOE 23408 at three placement sites (subirrigation study). Fresh Wt. (g) Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Visual Rating Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 2.6550 1.8195 1.4918 1.9245 1.1383 1.5567 .9993 1.4049 .7397 1.1459 2.5353 2.8847 .9065 2.2937 1.8205 39.9 25.8 38.2 62.2 59.7 64.1 57,3 59.0 66.3 65.6 56.0 42,0 76.2 54.6 50.6 39.17 30.53 38.17 52.06 50.59 53.19 49.20 50.18 1.4048 1.5703 2.0881 45.16 62.5 55.88 2.8065 1.9873 1.8434 85.0 79.9 57.8 70.5 81.5 44.6 56.0 2.3461 .3401 1,8810 4.3771 2.5722 2.7889 3.6257 2,7420 .5930 2.1729 3.2212 .7494 1.4972 1.5138 1.4158 .6686 2.0892 1.2483 1.8349 30 40 57.5 52.5 65 75 54.09 48.45 40.40 60.80 47.64 45.34 68 87.5 70 55 82 65 80 42.10 52.23 48.53 49 74.1 70.4 24.1 67.21 29.40 44.03 31.24 32.08 30.46 62.5 90 85 70 95 37 70 25 80 12.5 60 47.5 43.5 63.36 49.49 57.10 64.53 41.9 48.45 45.86 41.32 41.27 32.5 48.3 26.9 28.2 25.7 74.94 47.84 30.64 60.34 43.76 33.44 80.5 48.9 43 60.4 24.7 63.7 52.8 71.5 70.4 68.6 45.0 55.9 57.54 55.37 48.50 60.67 50 50 70 58 90 85 46.61 57.04 55.92 42.13 48.39 57.5 86.1 71.2 67.7 74.9 76.0 78.4 51.00 29.80 52.95 .4614 1.6582 1.6045 .9569 1.2132 .7979 57.73 68.11 62.31 85 72.5 92.5 70 90 87.5 77.5 84 1.3407 1.4597 1.2461 54.62 65.2 73.64 47.62 54.32 56.88 62.5 79.6 81.8 R4 R5 2.6421 1.8341 4.1630 3.3290 5.0507 3 6884 2.5493 4.1727 4.6578 54.51 55 85 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .6620 .4046 .7778 .7807 51.543.6. 25 70 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .5233 Control R1 R2 R3 4.4177 2.0107 1.8420 5.0616 4.5122 3.7977 5.7636 4.9721 3.8140 co Appendix Table 19. Placement-. Fresh weights and visual ratings for wild oats grown in three soil types and treated with HOE 23408 at three placement sites (overhead irrigation study). 1Tresh Wt. Reduc. Freshikt. Sandy Silt Sand,..Wam_ Load, Salur. Sandy Loam Silt Loam Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduction Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Visual Rating Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 2.4672 2.2081 1.7176 2.3599 1.6546 2,9059 2.9119 2.9160 2.0515 1.6984 21.5 35.3 34.9 50;0 42:6 53.4 51.7 47.8 50.0 44;3 55.9 48.9 41.5 63.6 1.1041 2.0815 2.4967 36;86 49.44 1.8103 .9914 .9372 .7952 .9863 48:39 44.37 64;8- 54.00 40.74 46.95 45.97 43.74 45.00 41.73 54.94 37.20 44.68 27.62 36.45 36.21 62 70 70 53 85 55 75 53.61 40 50 53.5 55 60 47.87 51.7 68 67.5 25 48 10 37.5 45 22.5 70 40.11 52.89 72.5 62.5 72.5 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .6422-5.3089. 4.5256 .8680 2.4615 2.5603 .4284 2.6210 2,6770 .2832 3.5124 3.7749 .4741 2.1317 1.5093 72.2 43.4 70:2 82.2 72.4 0 31.4 58.18 46.1 55.1 46.3 68.7 42.76 26.78 30.33 32.14 34.08 47.93 42.88 35.12 55.98 70 80 20.3 25.5 28.3 41.21 56.91 65.0558.31 33.1 0 94.5 90 92.5 40 60 20 .5392 3.2071 3.0094 68.08 24.04 46.92 55.93 26.4 44.2 85.4 38.6 37 .3786 1.9944 .6280 1.9424 2.4516 2.4761 1.1706 1.8363 1.2108 83:6 59.0 88;5 70;6 64;7 62.4- 62.8 56.676:5- 80.7- 67.4 74.9 66:1150;1870.18. 57.17 53.55 52.18 57.5 70.2 52.42 48.79 61.00 55.18 59.93 93 90 95 92.5 95 55 65 82 82 65 65 70 75 85 R4 R5 1.5896 1.7173 4.7153 2.9732 5.6388 4.8265 1.5893 4.1694 5.5488 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .1657 .9789 .4667 .9123 .6065 1.5011 49.5 49.31 56.91 63.94 44.71 78.5 x Control R1 R2 R3 2.3075 1.5330 1.4390 5.2181 4.5701 6.5929 3.2904 4.9828 5.7031 co cn 86 Appendix Table 20. Analysis of variance for Arcsin transformation of percent fresh weight reduction data from Appendix Table 16. Source of Var. df 4 8 2 Reps Treatments Place Soil type P x S Error 4 32 Total 44 LSD LSD .05 .01 2 SS 30353.00 1086.72 596.85 72.47 417.40 504.78 1895.03 MS 75.88 135.84 298.42 36.24 104.35 15.77 F 4.81** 8.61** 18.92** 2.30 NS 6.62** C.V. = 5.7% = 8.11 for P x S means = 10.92 Appendix Table 21. Analysis of variance for Arcsin transformation of percent fresh weight reduction data from Appendix Table 17. Source of Var. df Reps Treatments Place Soil type P x S Error Total 4 8 2 2 4 32 44 SS MS 295.37 2955.18 1865.50 296.87 73.84 369.40 932.75 148.43 198.20 792.81 160.46 3411.01 C.V. = 3.4% LSD LSD .05 .01 = 2.89 = 3 89 5.01 F 14.73** 73.73** 186.18** 29.63** 39.53** 87 Appendix Table 22. Analysis of variance for Arcsin transformation of percent fresh weight reduction data from Appendix Table 18. Source of Var. df Reps 4 8 Treatments Place Soil type P x S Error 4 32 Total 44 2 2 SS 240.05 2741.24 408.77 142.94 2189.53 1688.91 4670.20 MS 60.01 342.66 204.38 71.47. 547.38 52.78 F 1.14 6.49** 3.87* 1.35 NS 10.37** C.V. = 14.9% L$D.05 = 9.38 LSD.01 = 12.64 Appendix Table 23. Analysis of variance for Arcsin transformation of percent fresh weight reduction data from Appendix Table 19. Source of Var. df SS MS 4 8 310.20 4405.87 1801.40 747.34 1857.13 2286.70 7002.77 77.55 550.73 900.70 373.67 464.28 71.46 Reps Treatments Place Soil type P x S Error Total 2 2 4 32 44 C.V. = 17.9% LSD LSD .05 = 10.92 = 14.7 .01 F 1.09 NS 7.71** 12.60** 5.23* 6.50** Appendix Table 24. Placement Fresh weight, percent fresh weight reduction (including Arcsin transformation), and visual rating for ryegrass grown in three soil types and treated with a soil application of HOE 23408 (subirrigation). Fresh Wt. (g) Silt Sandy Loam Sand Loam % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sandy Silt Loam Sand Loam Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sandy Silt Sand Loam Loam Visual Rating Sandy Silt Loam Loam Sand 1.12 kg/ha HOE 23408 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .2718 1.7744 .3380 2.0115 .7095 .3213 .5566 .2657 .5045 .2600 1.6464 2.6642 1.2049 .2914 1.1113 1.2852 4.2847 4.5086 3.4806 3.4240 2.9975 3.5098 3.2270 3.2018 2.3698 2.5809 1.9424 3.7391 2.9779 .5250 .3856 Control R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 2.0315 2.2557 2.1647 1.6209 1.6392 Base Wt. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .3573 .3497 .3032 .2803 .2805 .5282 .6052 .5275 .5563 .5137 .6712 .8280 .7398 .6554 .5846 .3142 .5462 .6958 99 45 30 75 75 78 35 10 45 65 80 94.2 60.6 47.0 46.78 24.65 52.18 61.89 67.29 92 90 95 85.1 67.37 66.11 66.50 49.95 48.10 63.15 66.19 67.62 59.16 67.14 59.0 50.56 53.1 68.53 17.4 62.4 77.8 67.21 84.1 58.6 55.4 79.6 83.7 85.5 84.9 72.56 86.6 85.0 85.2 83.6 95 89 Appendix Table 25. Analysis of variance for data from Appendix Table 24. A) Arcsin transformation for visual rating data. Source of Var. Reps Treatments Error df 4 2 8 14 Total SS 1535.03 3103.98 418.27 5057.28 MS 383.76 1551.99 52.28 F 7.34** 29.68** C.V. = 12.7% LSD .05 = 10.55 = 15.34 LSD B) Arcsin transformation for percent fresh weight reduction data. Source of Var. Reps Treatments Error Total SS MS 4 811.06 202.77 2 687.81 8 14 632.84 2131.71 343.91 79.11 df = significant at the 10% level of probability. C.V. = 15.1% LSD LSD .05 .01 = 10.46 = 12.97 F 2.56 NS 4.35 + 90 Appendix Table 26. A) Analysis of variance for soil only treatments from Appendix Table 16. Source of Var. df Reps 4 Treatments Error 2 Total 8 14 SS MS 409.04 181.67 97.39 688.10 102.26 90.84 12.17 F 8.40* 7.46* C.V. = 5.4% LSD LSD .05 = 5.09 = 7.40 .01 B) Analysis of variance for soil only treatments from Appendix Table 17. Source of Var. Reps Treatments Error df 4 2 8 14 Total SS MS 158.50 957.49 254.27 1370.26 39.62 478.75 31.78 C.V. = 9.9% LSD LSD .05 = 8.22 = 11.96 F 1.25 NS 15.06** 91 Appendix Table 27. Analysis of variance for three experiments comparing ryegrass injury in overhead or subirrigation. A) Percent fresh weight reduction data with silica sand as soil type. _ Source of Var. df SS 199.59 81.08 5 Treatments 30.86 2 Place 2.78 1 Irr. 47.62 2 P x I 234.76 20 Error 515.43 29 Total = 3.20 for placement means LSD 05 = 4.36 LSD* 01 = 2.61 for irrigation means LSD° 05 = 3.56 LSD' 4 Reps MS 49.90 16.22 15.43 2.78 F 4.25* 1.38 NS 23.81 11.74 01 B) Percent fresh weight reduction data with sandy loam as soil type. Source of Var. df Reps 4 Treatments Place 5 Irr. 1 P x I Error Total LSD LSD LSD LSD .05 .01 .05 .01 2 2 20 29 SS MS 466.578 2386.919 1818.36 287.93 280.63 927.64 3781.135 116.64 477.38 909.18 287.93 140.32 46.38 = 6.35 for placement means = 8.66 = 5.19 = 7.08 for irrigation means F 2.52 10.29 19.60** 6.21* 3.02 NS 92 C) Percent fresh weight reduction data with silt loam as soil type. Source of Var. 4 5 Reps Treatment Place 2 Irr. 1 2 P x I Error Total LSO LSD LSD LSD .05 .01 .05 .01 df 20 29 SS MS 83.40 1845.72 1492,79 20.85 369.14 746.40 337.41 337.41 15.52 309.67 2238.79 7.76 75.48 = 3.67 for placement means = 5.01 = 3.00 for irrigation means = 4.09 F 1.35 23.85** 48.22** 21.80** <1.00 NS 93 Appendix Table 28. Analysis of variance for three experiments comparing wild oats injury in overhead or subirrigation. A) Percent fresh weight reduction data with silica sand as soil type. Source of Var. Reps Treatments Placement Irrigation P x I Error Total SS df 4 5 2 1 2 20 29 568.75 2308.70 1850.87 5.27 452.56 1186.80 4064.25 MS F 149.69 461.74 925.43 5.27 226.28 59.34 2.52 15.60** <1.00 NS 3.81* C.V. = 15.3% LSD.05 = 10.16 for P x I means LSD .01 = 13.86 B) Percent fresh weight reduction data with sandy loam as soil type. Source of Var. df Reps 4 Treatments Placement Irrigation P x I Error 5 Total 2 1 2 20 29 SS 174.90 2767.84 1869.79 555.65 342.40 1520.76 4463.50 C.V. - 19.0% LSD LSD LSD .05 .01 .05 = 8.13 for placement means = 11.09 = 6.64 for irrigation means LSD 01 = 9.06 MS 43.73 553.57 934.90 555.65 171.20 76.04 F <1.00 NS 12.30** 7.31* 2.25 NS 94 C) Percent fresh weight reduction for data with silt loam as soil type. Source of Var. df Reps 4 Treatments Placement Irrigation P x I Error 5 Total 2 1 2 20 29 SS MS 124.53 1843.37 1599.36 49.28 194.73 933.56 2901.46 31.13 368.67 799.68 49.28 97.37 46.68 C.V. = 14.4% LSD005 - 6.37 for placement means LSD = 8.69 .01 F <1.00 NS 17.13** 1.06 NS 2.09 NS Appendix Table 29. Fresh weight, percent fresh weight reduction, and visual ratings for overhead versus subirrigation study for ryegrass grown in silica sand. Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Over Sub Visual Rating Over Sub Over % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sub Over R2 R3 R4 R5 .3882 .4933 .2664 .3535 .3088 .2436 .4696 .1713 .1888 .2733 82.0 74.8 88.3 78.6 87.6 87.9 85.6 92.3 88.9 82.9 64.90 59.87 70.00 62.44 69.38 69.64 67.70 73.89 70.54 65.57 75 75 70 75 83 92 70 95 92 85 R .3620 .2693 82.3 87.5 65.32 69.47 75.6 86.8 R1 .3441 .3912 R2 R3 R4 R5 .4143 .1722 .2104 .1955 .2051 84.0 78.8 92.4 87.3 66.42 62.58 74.00 69.12 73.68 63.87 75.46 70.00 92.1 80.6 93.7 88.3 79.4 87.3 69.12 75 70 95 75 88 98 90 95 92 95 R .2673 .2819 86.9 85.9 69.16 68.29 80.6 94 .3271 R3 R4 R5 .2888 .2455 .1755 .2534 .1810 .3778 .560 .3480 .1472 86.6 87.5 92;3 84.7 92.7 83.8 88.4 92.3 79.6 90.8 68.53 69.30 73.89 66.97 74.32 66.27 70.09 73.89 63.15 72.34 87 85 95 90 98 80 98 98 73 98 R .2288 .3112 88:8 87.0 70.60 60.15 91 89.4 2.1541 1.9571 2.2755 2.0159 3.2519 2.2210 R4 R5 1.6541 2.4870 1.7023 1.5978 R 2.1056 2.1580 Fresh Wt. Placement .(g) Sub Foliage only R1 Soil only .2600 .3503 .2027 63.01 Foliage + soil R1 R2 Control R1 R2 R3 ko Appendix Table 30. Fresh weights, percent fresh-weight reduction and visual ratings for overhead versus subirrigation study for ryegrass grown in a sandy loam soil. Arcs in Fresh Wt. (g) % Fresh Wt. Reduce Over Sub Sub Over R1 .3481 .7651 R2 R3 R4 R5 .7149 .2294 .3444 .2998 .2555 .2655 .2214 86.3 92.4 71.6 90.6 94.2 89.6 87.2 R .3873 .3505 89.6 86.6 1.1754 1.4199 .4717 .8324 .4795 1.6132 .8854 72.6 66.7 87.9 67.0 87.8 40.2 67.2 68.6 65.8 48.9 .8758 1.1257 76.4 58.1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .3716 .4186 .3410 .3898 .1928 .4238 .1518 .2703 .3607 .3282 91.4 90.2 91.3 84.5 91.6 84.3 94.4 R .3428 .3070 89.8 37.7 4.2964 4.2667 3.9108 2.6965 2.7066 4.5871 Placement Visual Rating Over % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Over Sub Sub 57.80 72.15 76.06 71.19 69.04 95 75 95 93 90 75 80 90 80 89.6 82.6 72 55 75 65 75 50 45 60 50 50 68.4 51 75 82 85 82 95 80 93 90 75 85 83.8 84.6 Foliage only .2451 91.9 83.2 94.1 73.46 65.80 75.94 68;28 74,00 88 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R .8864 1.4380 .8054 58.44 54.76 69.64 54.94 69.56 23.70 55.06 55.92 54.11 44.37 Foliage + soil R1 94.1 84.7 81.0 72.95 71.76 72.84 66.82 73.15 66.66 76.31 75.94 66.97 64.12 Control R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 2.5196 3.9315 2.3544 1.7339 R 3.7850 2.8157 Appendix Table 31, Fresh weights, percent fresh weight reductions, and visual ratings for overhead versus subirrigation study for ryegrass grown in a silt loam soil. Arcs in Placement Fresh Wt. (g) Over Sub % Fresh Wt. Reduc, Over Sub Visual Rating Over % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Over Sub Sub 90 90 90 90 90 75 78 85 75 75 Foliage only .3407 .4229 .2912 .4168 .4055 93.1 89.7 R2 R3 R4 R5 .2592 .3102 .4127 .1946 .3239 94.8 86.7 94.6 88.1 74.77 76.82 84.6 68-;61 81.1 91.1 82.3 76.56 72.64 71.28 69.82 66.89 64.23 65.12 X .3001 .3754 92.1 85.2 73.88 67.47 90 77.6 56.54 63.43 68.03 53.79 68.87 57.67 52.95 57.17 46.03 53.85 55 75 75 65 75 65 50 65 50 70 R1 Soil only 1.1449 1.1863 .4332 1.2572 .9414 1.2947 .5574 69.6 80.0 86.0 1.0644 65.1 .4711 .7979 87.0 71.4 63.7 70.6 51.8 65.2 .8985 .9312 77.5 64.5 62.13 53.53 69 60 .2659 .3899 .1695 .2459 .2367 96.7 95.8 91.9 89.0 79.53 78:17 R3 R4 R5 .1253 .2479 .1197 .2256 .3340 96.1 91.1 78.61 88.9 89.7 75.46 72.34 80 80 85 90 90 83 75 90 93.7 90.8 73.46 70.63 72.64 70.54 71.28 R .2105 .2616 94.6 90.1 76.82 71.71 85 80.2 R1 3.7711 R2 R3 5.9315 3.0932 3.2948 3.5623 R4 R5 3.6012 3.6256 2.2083 2.2946 R 4.0045 2.6514 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R Foliage + soil R1 R2 Control 1.8971 78 75 Appendix Table 32. Placement Fresh weights and visual rating of overhead versus subirrigation study using wild oats in silica sand. Fresh Wt. (g) Over Sub % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Over Sub Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sub Over Sub Visual Rating Over Foliage only R1 2.6550 1.4918 1.1383 .9993 1.8103 39.9 25.8 38;2 62.2 59.7 21.5 35.3 34.9 50.0 42.6 39;17 30.53 38;17 52.06 50.59 27.62 36.45 30 40 36.21 57.5 52.5 45.16 36.86 42.10 72.2 43.4 70.2 82.2 72.4 67.21 65 40 50 53.5 55 60 37.20 49 51.7 58,18 41.21 62.5 90 85 70 80 58.31 70 95 90 92.5 60.34 55.93 80.5 85.4 83.6 59.0 88.5 70.6 64.7 51.00 29.80 52.95 66.11 50 50 70 57.73 50.18 70.18 57.17 53.55 85 93 90 95 92.5 95 73.28 47.62 59.44 62.5 93.1 R4 R5 2.6421 1.8341 1.5896 1.7173 R 2.5493 1.5893 .7397 .9914 .9372 .7952 .9863 1,4048 1.1041 .6620 .4046 .7778 .7807 .6422 .8680 .4284 .2832 .3401 .4741 85.0 79.9 57.8 70.5 81.5 .5930 .5392 74.94 68.08 R1 .7494 R2 R3 R4 R5 1.5138 .6686 1.2483 .5233 .3786 .6280 .1657 .4667 .6065 60.4 24.7 63.7 52.8 71.5 R 1.3407 .4491 54.62 4.4177 2.0107 1.8420 2.3075 1.5330 1.4390 R2 R3 R4 R5 R 45.00 40.74 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R 63.36 49.49 57.10 64.53 56.91 65.05 94.5 Foliage + soil 46.61 Control R1 R2 R3 57.5 Appendix Table 33. Placement Fresh weights and visual rating of overhead versus subirrigation study using wild oats in sandy loam. Fresh Wt. (g) Over Sub. % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Sub Over Arcsin % Fresh Wt, Reduc. Over Sub Sub Visual Rating Over Foliage only 2.4672 64.1 R2 R3 R4 R5 1.8195 1.9245 1.5567 1.4049 1.1459 2.2081 1.7176 2.3599 1.6546 57.3 59.0 66.3 65.6 53.4 51.7 47.8 50.0 44.3 53.19 49.20 50.18 46.95 45.97 43.74 54.51 45 75 68 54.09 41 73 87.5 62 70 70 53 85 X 1.5703 2.0815 62.5 49.44 52.23 44.68 74.1 68 2.8015 1.9873 44.6 56.0 51.5 43.6 43.5 0 46.1 32.5 20.3 25.5 28.3 41.90 48.45 45.86 41.32 41.27 42.76 26.78 30.33 32.14 37 70 25 80 25 40 60 20 48 R1 55 85 Soil only R3 R4 R5 1.8431 2.3461 1.8810 5.3089 2.4615 2.6210 3.5124 2.1317 R 2.1729 3.2071 47.8 24.04 43.76 26.90 48.9 38.6 1.9944 1.9424 70.4 68.6 45.0 55.9 57.04 55.92 42.13 48.39 49.31 56.91 86.1 62.4 57.5 70.2 80.7 49.5 52.18 R2 R3 R4 R5 1.4972 1.4158 2.0892 1.8349 .4614 68.11 44.71 58 90 85 70.5 92.5 55 65 82 82 78.5 R 1.4597 1.4658 65.2 64.06 54.32 53.41 79.6 72.5 5.0616 4.5122 3.7977 5.2981 4.5701 R4 R5 4.1630 3.3290 4.7153 2.9732 R 4.1727 4.1694 R1 R2 0 Foliage + soil R1 .9789 .9123 1.5011 63.94 Control R1 R2 R3 3.2904 Appendix Table 34. Placement Fresh weights and visual rating_of overhead versus subirrigation study using wild oats in silt loam. Fresh Wt. (9) Sub Over % Fresh. Wt. Reduc. Sub Over Arcsin % Fresh Wt. Reduc. Over Sub Sub Visual Rating Over Foliage only 56.0 42.0 76.2 54.6 50.6 55.9 48.9 41.5 63.6 64.8 48.45 40.40 60.80 47.64 45.34 48.39 44.37 1.8205 2.9059 2.9119 2.9160 2.0515 1.6984 2.0881 2.4967 55.88 54.94 48.53 4.5256 2.5603 2.6770 3.7749 1.5093 24.1 31.4 48.3 26.9 28.2 25.7 55.1 R3 R4 R5 4.3771 2,5722 2.7889 3.6257 2.7420 R 3.2212 3.0094 1.6582 1.6045 2.4516 .9569 1.2132 .7979 R1 R2 R3 2.5353 2.8847 70 55 82 65 55 75 80 72.5 62.5 72.5 47.87 70.4 67.5 34.08 47.93 42.88 35.12 55.98 12.5 60 47.5 68.7 29.40 44.03 36.24 32.08 30.46 25 70 10 37.5 45 22.5 70 30.64 46.92 33.49 44.20 43 37 62.8 56.6 76.5 67.4 74.9 57.54 55.37 48.50 60.67 65 65 62.31 52.42 48.79 61.00 55.18 59.93 70 1.1706 1.8363 1.2108 71.2 67.7 74.9 76.0 78.4 1.2461 1.8291 73.64 67.94 56.88 55.46 81.8 R1 5.7636 R2 R3 4.972] 6.5929 5.7031 4.9829 R4 R5 5.0507 3.6884 5.6388 4.8365 R 4.6578 5.5488 R4 R5 R .9065 2.2937 40.11 52.89 53.61 Soil only R1 R2 46.3 33.1 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R 2.4761 Control 3.8140 90 87.5 77.5 84 70 75 85 72 101 Appendix Table 35. Dry weights.(g) of ryegrass plants subjected to two levels of water stress. Level of Herbicide Concentration (ppm w/v basis) Stress Level No Reps (bars) 1.048 .452 .687 R .936 .578 .547 .324 3 .741 4 .575 .575 .575 .562 .469 .361 2 .483 .540 .499 .456 .439 .404 .393 R .585 .545 .520 .423 MS .125 24 .874 .604 .048 .222 .652 31 1.526 Total 319 .461 SS (7) = .235 .760 Analysis of variance for data in Table 35. Treatments (4) Herbicide (2) Water stress Herbicide x water stress Error .01 .100 .470 .334 .392 4 df LSD .490 .681 Source of Var. .05 1000 ppm 3 2 Appendix Table 36. LSD 100 ppm .547 .677 .515 .449 1 - 2.5 bars 10 ppm .666 .648 1.382 1 - 0.3 bars Herbicide 3 1 3 .201 .048 .074 .026 .049 4.80** 7.73** 1.85 NS 2.85 NS 102 Appendix Table 37. Analysis of variance for soil moisture study I. Arcsin for visual ratings were analyzed. Source of Var. df Reps Treatments Place Moisture P x M Error 4 8 2 2 4 32 Total 44 SS 408.33 14699.39 13025,86 673.04 1000.49 1121,20 16228,92 MS 100.08 1837.42 6512.93 336.52 250.12 35.04 F 2.91* 185.87** 9.60** 7.14** C.V. = 8.8% LSD.05 = 7.64 LSD - 10 03 .01 Appendix Table 38. Analysis of variance for soil moisture study II. Arcsin for percent fresh weight reduction were used. Source of Var. df 4 113.26 5576.23 5055.76 249.99 270.48 40 53 638040 Reps 5 Treatments Place Moisture P x M Error 8 Total SS 2 2 690.91 C.V. = 8.1% LSD LSD .05 01 = 4 85 = 6.49 MS 22.65 697.03 2527.88 124.99 67.62 17.27 F 1.31 NS 40.35 146.35** 7.24** 3.91** 103 Visual rating for soil moisture study I. Appendix Table 39. Arcsin for Rating Soil Moisture Placement 96% F.C. Visual Rating Soil Moisture 96% F.C. 60% F.C. 32% F.C. 60% F.C. 32% F.C. 53.73 45.00 42.13 49.60 36.27 47.87 35.72 49.60 56.79 63 60 55 60 58 59.2 Foliage only 45 58 35 55 53 58 70 56.6 54.2 .65 65 50 R2 R3 R4 R5 52054 50.77 47.87 50.77 49.60 x 50.31 48.84 47.45 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 90 90 100 100 100 Foliage + soil R1 77.08 90.00 R2 67.21 67.21 67.21 67.21 42.13 47.87 90.00 67.21 51.94 50.77 51.94 56.79 60.00 95 100 85 85 100 85 85 45 55 85 62 60 62 70 75 78,3 58.33 54.29 94 71 65.8 R1 53.77 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R3 R4 R5 T( Control R2 R3 R4 R5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;( 0 0 0 R1 Dry weights anthvisual .rating for soil moisture study II. Appendix Table 400 Placemeflt Dry Weights Soil Moisture 60% FC 96% FG 120% FC Visual Ratin - Arcsin Soil Moisture Soil Moisture 60% FC 96% FC 120% FC 60% FC 96% FC 120% FC Foliage only .2869 .3195 .2863 .3196 .2314 .2128 40 35 40 35 50 62.5 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 .2701 .2660 .2547 .2582 .3603 .2865 .3544 .2728 .3138 .2162 .2550 X .2708 .2831 .2411 43.8 .1174 .1640 .1815 .1814 .1552 .1498 .1817 .1578 .1530 99 .2090 .1196 .2473 .1827 .1808 .1886 .1460 .1577 .1669 .1838 .1632 96.3 .1929 .2203 .2174 .2608 .1637 .2511 .2208 .1908 .2080 77.5 70 74 75 79 .2011 .1967 .2445 .2037 .2202 .2142 .3395 .2351 86.5 .2094 .2365 .2186 77.0 R1 .2156 39.23 36.27 39.23 36.27 45.00 52.24 35 25 32.5 32.5 40 42.5 36.27 30.00 34.76 34.76 39.23 40.69 47.5 25 30 25 52.5 57.5 43.57 30.00 33.21 30.00 46.43 49.31 39.6 34.6 Soil only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R .2101 91.5 95 94 99 99.5 84.26 73.05 77.08 75.82 84.26 85.95 98 96.5 98 97 99 99 81.87 79.22 81.87 80.03 84.26 84.26 97.5 92.5 97.5 93 99 99 80.9 74,11 80.9 74.66 84.26 84.26 96.4 97.9 Foliage + soil R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R .2057 61.68 56.79 59.34 60 62.73 68.44 55 42.5 42.5 42.5 55 75 52.1 47.87 40.69 40.69 40.69 47.87 60.00 70 65 67.5 67.5 70 70 68.3 56.79 53.73 55.24 55.24 56.79 56.79 , Appendix Table 40 (continued) Placement Dry Weights Soil Moisture 120% FC 96% FC 60% FC Visual Ratin. Arcsin Soil Moisture Soil Moisture 120% FC 9.6% FC 60% FC 120% FC 96% FC 60% FC Control R1 .4710 R2 06331 R3 06231 R4 R5 R6 .5720 06053 .2834 2809 .5121 .3254 .4858 .4440 04486 3829 .3829 x .4943 05733 04116 .5158 .6800 .6125 4963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fresh weights and percent fresh weight reduction for soil moisture study II. Appendix Table 41. Placement Fresh Weight Soil Moisture 60% FC 96%-FC 120% FC % Fresh Weight Reduction Soil Moisture 60% FC 96% FC 120% FC Arcsin Soil Moisture 60% FC 96% FC 120% FC Foliage only 48.1 40.11 45.8 55.43 51.35 56.35 53.49 40.05 41.09 38.29 49.08 49.78 73.26 71.66 75.7 70.54 73.46 74 75.11 74.11 70.54 63.58 71.57 74.88 76.44 64.23 71.95 73.05 72.44 62.44 68.36 68.87 65.57 63.72 61.75 63.29 61.75 64.67 64.9 61.48 53.37 57.42 61.14 59.08 62.94 54.88 52.65 41.5 41.4 43.2 38.4 56.6 55.98 57.04 57.10 57.1 39.2 55.4 51.4 67.8 61.0 69.3 64.6 46.78 38.76 1.3845 61.9 61.6 46.7 .2594 .2492 .2027 .2044 .1890 88.3 91.7 92.4 88.9 80.2 90.0 90.1 .3060 .3527 .3618 .1819 .3688 .2707 .2708 .2876 .1966 .1982 93.9 93.4 93.2 94.5 93.5 88.9 91.9 92.5 90.4 91.5 90.9 .3329 .2655 .2281 88.6 93.1 91.0 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 .5979 .5915 .5186 .7166 .3577 .4062 .7555 .9979 .7558 .7587 .8168 1.0881 .6754 .7199 .7146 .5710 .7979 .7608 78.6 86.4 87.0 82.9 80.4 77.6 79.8 77.6 81.7 82.0 77.2 64.4 71.0 76.7 73.6 79.3 66.9 63.2 x .5314 .8621 .7066 82.2 77.1 71.8 69.7 68.7 70.4 70.5 R6 1.1008 2.1616 1.3297 1.6418 1.0976 1.0822 1.3626 1.8127 1.5362 1.6997 1.0339 .8617 R 1.0964 1.4962 R1 .3258 R2 .3591 R3 R4 R5 R6 R R1 .8455 R2 R3 R4 R5 1.3580 1.1854 1.2321 .8568 1.6641 35.1 58.3 Soil only .2641 70 Foliage + soil R1 Appendix Table 41 (continued) Placement Fresh Weight Soil Moisture 96% FC 60% FC 120% FC % Fresh Weight Reduction Soil Moisture 60% FC 120% FC 96% FC Arcsin Soil Moisture 120% FC 96% FC 60% FC Control R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 2.7918 4,3386 4.0000 4.1824 1.8278 1.8112 R 3.1586 R1 3 7331 2.3301 3.5781 3.0556 3.0938 2.7046 2.7607 2.4126 2.0673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.4475 4.1298 4.2118 3.8593 2.5616 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 Appendix Table 42, Analysis of variance for ryegrass root growth (Appendix Table 45) in nutrient culture experiment I. Source of Var. df SS MS Treatments Error 4 20 24 2584.64 3996.40 6581.04 646.16 199.82 Total F 3.23* C.V. = 71.7% LSD LSD .05 = 18.6 25.4 .01 Appendix Table 43. Analysis of variance for ryegrass root growth (Appendix Table 46) in nutrient culture experiment II. Source of Var. df Treatments Error 4 20 24 Total SS 28178.00 13112.00 41370.00 C.V. = 50.7% = 33 9 LSD LSD 46.2 .01 MS 7044.5 659.6 F 12.6 109 Appendix Table 44. Analysis of variance for wheat root growth (Appendix Table 47) in nutrient culture experiment. Source of Var. df Treatments Error Total 4 20 24 SS 2372.24 2484.80 4857.04 C.V. = 81.2% LSD LSD .05 .01 = 14.71 = 20 06 MS 593.06 124.24 F 4.77** Appendix Table 45. Placement Change in root growth_of ryegrass following. HOE 23408:treatment (Experiment 1). Day 1 Day,a#! 140 134 156 162 122 140 148 160 179 146 Length of Longest Root (mm) A 4-2 (9 units added to each) Day.3 Day-.4 50 ppm, HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 138 166 140 180 161 _164 195 168 204 191 9 41 13 34 54 30.2 R 50 ppm, HOE 23408 Solution only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 165 123 118 130 132 163 142 125 145 127 160 150 134 141 144 162 147 132 149 136 8 14 16 13 18 13.8 R 500 ppm, HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 141 R2 133 142 R3 R4 R5 R 151 132 155 142 154 155 130 155 144 141 168 124 165 147 146 188 126 19 14 1 42 5 16.2 Appendix Table 45 (continued) Length of Longest Root (mm) A 4-2 Da 3 Da 4 Placement 5000 ppm, HOE 23408 Solution only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 128 106 120 146 181 121 125 116 140 175 117 108 116 140 174 115 116 112 142 176 3 0 5 11 10 5.8 X Control R1 156 R2 R3 R4 R5 101 132 128 152 155 106 155 130 155 X *Day of treatment, measurement prior to treatment. 173 115 202 171 131 190 140 156 156 131 56 34 44 19 10 32.6 9 units added to each Appendix Table 46. Placement Change in root growth of ryegrass following HOE 23408 treatment (Experiment 2). Day 1 Day 2* Day 4 109 123 118 119 135 107 149 119 135 144 Length of Longest Root (mm) A x4-2 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 124 177 126 211 171 230 180 174 A x9-2 30 ppm, HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 107 114 112 111 127 -2 26 1 16 9 109 164 135 145 147 113 181 159 152 153 122 169 190 163 158 142 191 51 71.4 10.0 R 29 80 124 73 50 ppm, HOE 23408 Solution only R3 138 139 88 R4 R5 82 95 R1 R2 154 140 90 156 142 2 2 91 1 91 93 2 112 111 -1 155 142 92 95 112 108 140 88 96 112 155 139 93 96 112 153 138 89 96 108 152 138 88 96 106 10.6 1.2 R 10 10 10 17 6 300 ppm, HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R 25 30 94 147 127 145 95 101 121 20 138 100 100 145 92 86 102 115 2 1 148 133 155 122 137 151 151 123 156 124 147 125 158 112 163 149 123 157 110 174 151 124 171 110 187 18 34 68 28 98 49.2 Appendix Table 46 (continued) Len th of Lon est Root A X- x- A Placement Day 1 Day 2* Day:4 4-2 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 9-2 162 85 92 177 -1 176 89 95 113 127 174 89 88 108 122 173 88 88 106 127 8 10 118 126 180 90 100 113 127 182 101 176 90 93 115 130 500 ppm, HOE 23408 Solution only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 102 90 91 0 2 -3 4 91 94 115 129 9 0 13 0.4 R Control R1 121 R2 R3 R4 R5 137 104 X 111 90 122 147 117 122 109 135 160 137 141 139 13 13 20 19 30 19.0 *Day of treatment, measurement prior to treatment (x-12 units added to each) 139 178 146 146 150 146 198 157 162 169 154 220 175 178 187 158 238 181 191 202 162 257 185 202 220 52 122 80 92 123 93.8 Appendix Table 47. Change in root growth of wheat following HOE 23408 treatment. Length of Longest Root (mm) A Placement Day 1 Day 2* Day 3 Day 4 99 159 122 166 115 99 159 119 174 118 95 160 101 158 120 175 117 4-2 A Day 5 Day 6 2 101 101 103 3 160 161 4 2 1 121 160 122 178 122 123 180 122 4 6 4 Day 9 9-2 50 ppm, HOE 23408 Solution only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 121 175 116 R 1 -1 179 117 1.2 4.0 500 ppm, HOE 23408 Solution only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 220 136 134 120 116 236 138 134 118 123 236 135 135 115 122 235 137 137 119 126 -1 -1 3 1 3 237 138 136 118 127 237 138 138 123 126 240 140 140 124 130 1.0 R 4 2 6 6 7 5.0 500 ppm, HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R 117 176 153 180 109 112 184 162 191 112 114 192 175 199 115 115 202 179 204 121 3 18 17 13 9 12.0 118 208 195 213 123 118 212 194 214 124 120 241 194 229 128 8 57 32 38 16 30.2 Appendix Table 47 (continued) A A Placement Day 5 Day 6 Day 9 9-2 138 142 6 161 162 132 139 131 147 145 174 133 142 21 -2 138 139 4-2 Day 1 Dater Day 3 Day 4 123 138 144 135 128 126 145 133 151 155 130 132 143 157 131 -2 136 4 5000 ppm, HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 133 132 141 131 6 143 10.8 2.4 R 0 23 0 10 Control R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 205 103 136 117 131 221 107 145 120 139 232 110 146 120 142 R *Day of treatment, measurement prior to treatment. 246 110 150 124 150 25 3 5 4 11 9.6 251 251 113 153 126 156 119 153 124 158 256 114 163 130 162 35 7 18 10 23 18.6 116 Appendix Table 48. Analysis of variance for dry weights from Appendix Table 50. Source of Var. df Treatments Error Total LSD LSD 05 .01 4 20 24 SS 1028313.4 538922.4 1567235.8 MS F 9.54** 257078.3 26946.1 = 216.6 = 295.4 Appendix Table 49. Analysis of variance for dry weights from Appendix Table 51. Source of Var. df Treatments Error Total LSD LSD .05 .01 = 66.8 = 91.0 4 20 24 SS 169740.00 51211.84 220951.84 MS 42435.0 2560.6 F 16.57** 117 Appendix Table 50. Dry weights (g) of root growth of ryegrass in nutrient solution experiments. Treatment Dry Wt. (g) 30 ppm HOE 23408 Foliage only R4 R5 .0458 .1114 .0760 .0886 .0596 x .0763 R1 R2 R3 50 ppm HOE 23408 Solution only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0397 .0337 .0238 .0248 .0279 .0300 300 ppm HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0534 .0498 .0470 .0631 .0967 .0620 500 ppm HOE 23408 Solution only R1 .0251 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0204 .0289 .0188 .1369 X .0260 Control R1 .0782 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0541 x .0664 .0838 .0549 .0610 118 Appendix Table 51. Dry weights (g) of wheat root growth in nutrient solution experiments. Treatment Dr Wt. 50 ppm HOE 23408 Solution only R2 R3 R4 R5 .0114 .0148 .0105 .0128 .0083 X .0116 R1 500 ppm HOE 23408 Solution only R1 .0171 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0112 .0188 .0126 .0245 X .0168 500 ppm HOE 23408 Foliage only R1 .0302 R2 R3 R4 R5 .0251 X .0306 .0380 .0375 .0221 5000 ppm HOE 23408 Foliage only R4 R5 .0225 .0136 .0195 .0187 .0185 x .0186 R1 R2 R3 Control R4 R5 .0324 .0419 .0325 .0314 .0264 X .0329 R1 R2 R3