Korea — Kyung Hee University Educati on Abroad

Korea — Kyung Hee University
ation Abroad —
of Nor
th Carolina Wilmington
Program Overview
Kyung Hee University (KHU) aims to promote the role of intellectuals and
academics in world affairs through focusing on creativity, progress and
cooperation. The university has initiated several international movements,
including the Global Cooperation Society Movement. This movement
strives to protect human rights, build a society of freedom and equality,
and ultimately, attain world peace. KHU also strives to bridge cultural and
social gaps by promoting mutual understanding and prosperity. As a result,
the university encourages frequent exchanges with sister schools overseas
to facilitate the exchange of ideas. These activities spread a
shared belief in the value of learning.
Program Facts
Location 1………….….…….......................….Seoul, Korea
City Population...……..........................….….…13 million
Campus Enrollment……......................….…......…24,000
Location 2…………….............................…Suwon, Korea
City Population...……........................…....……..1 million
Campus Enrollment……..............….…..............…22,000
Program Type
Exchange and Study Abroad
Program Dates
Academic Year Early September to late June
Early September to late
Early March to late June
Students accepted into the UNC Wilmington exchange and
study abroad programs with KHU will receive credit toward
their degree requirement for most majors. Over 200 courses
are offered in English at KHU’s Seoul and Suwon campuses.
Some areas of study available include accounting, business
administration, general education, engineering, humanities,
literature, hotel and tourism management, mathematics, medicine,
nursing, law, philosophy, physics, politics, sociology, economics and
Application Deadlines
Fall Semester/Academic Year....................... March 1
Spring Semester........................................ October 1
Students are eligible to apply for this program if
they meet the following eligibility criteria:
• Degree-seeking student
• At least Sophomore standing at time of participation
• Good judicial standing
• 3.0+ GPA at time of application
Learn more at www.uncw.edu/international
Open up yo
ur w
- Go
Most UNCW students will be housed in one of several KHU dormitories.
These recently renovated structures are typically equipped with beds,
desks, cabinets, air conditioner, internet connection and phone for the
comfort of students. Generally a room is shared with other international
or local students.
Student Life
With modern premises and first-class facilities, KHU’s campuses offer
students access to a variety of amenities, including restaurants, museums,
libraries, a post office and student health center. At both campuses,
students can pursue their curricular and extra-curricular interests through
a variety of clubs and organizations. One club that offers a particular appeal
to international students is the KHU International Friendship Society (KIFS).
This club promotes positive exchanges between international and Korean
students. Club activities include meetings, field trips and sports activities.
Surrounding Areas
A center for arts and culture, the capital city of Seoul blends old and new
with modern high-rises and trendy shops mixed in with ancient temples,
markets and palaces. Namsan Tower, in the center of Seoul, provides a
360 degree view of the entire city. Nearby, beaches, Buddhist Temples,
museums and parks offer exciting day trip activities for eager explorers.
Easily reached by subway, train or bus, Suwon lies just twenty miles south
of the capital city. A popular, historic tourist destination, Suwon is home
to the Hwaseong Fortress (the last remaining wall to surround a Korean
city) and close to the Korean Folk Village of Singal and the Everland theme
park of Yogin.
O ff
f Int
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n a l P r o g r a m s • 11 8 F r i d a y A n n e x •
ton •
601 S
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o ll e g
UNCW is committed to and will provide equal educational
and employment opportunity. Questions regarding program access may be
directed to the Compliance Officer, UNCW Chancellor’s Office, 910.962.3088, Fax 910.962.3483.
xx,xxx copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $x,xxx.xx or $.xx per copy (G.S. 143-170.1).
• Wil
This program is available as an Exchange or as
a Study Abroad program: Exchange - This means you pay your regular
tuition and fees to UNCW and your room and
board abroad. Study Abroad - This means you pay host
university tuition and fees directly to KHU. You
will pay room and board costs abroad as well.
There will be additional costs for international
airfare, passport, visa, health insurance and
local transportation.
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Federal and state financial aid may be
applied toward this program. Even if you
are normally ineligible for financial aid, you
should submit a financial aid application
(FAFSA). You may find that you are eligible
for additional funding. UNCW students may also apply for a UNCW
Education Abroad Grant and additional study
abroad scholarships. Grant applications and
additional information are available at: www.
Web Sites
Kyung Hee University:
Korea Tourism Information:
UNCW Office of International Programs:
ton, N
C 284
6 5 • 910.962.3685 • study abroad@un