UNCW UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2011-2012 CATALOGUE B. A. Anthropology (ANT) College: Arts & Sciences DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Course requirements for all UNCW degrees include: (1) University Studies, (2) specific major requirements, and (3) sufficient elective hours for a combined total of a minimum of 124 hours. (1) UNIVERSITY STUDIES See University Studies sheet and/or information on the web at http://www.uncw.edu/uc/basic/basic.html (2)MAJOR REQUIREMENTS - ANT (Minimum 37 hours) Core Courses: (13 hours) _____ +ANT 206 Cultural Anthropology (3) _____ *+ANT 207 Archaeology (3), Lab (1) (Meets Applied Learning Requirement) _____ +ANT 210 Physical Anthropology (3) (Meets Computer Competency Requirement) _____ ANT 450 History of Anthropological Theory (3) Prerequisite: ANT 206 and 6 hours of anthropology courses above the introductory level, or consent of instructor (Meets Oral Communication Competency Requirement) Archaeology Subfield: (Minimum 6 hours) _____ ANT_____ Choose 6 hours from the following: ANT 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 380, 411, _____ ANT_____ 412, 435, 440, or 455 Biological/Physical Subfield: (Minimum 6 hours) _____ ANT_____ Choose 6 hours from the following: ANT 320, 322, 324, *326, 426, or 430 _____ ANT_____ Cultural Subfield: (Minimum 6 hours) _____ ANT_____ Choose 6 hours from the following: ANT 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 309, 316, 317, +327, _____ ANT_____ 346, *387, or 445 Electives: (Minimum 6 hours) _____ ANT_____ Any 200-, 300-, or 400- level anthropology course: 3-6 hours _____ Linguistics: 0-3 hours; Choose 3 hours from the following: ANT 208, ENG 320 or 322 A “C” (2.00) GPA or better is required among all courses used to satisfy the anthropology major and a “C” or better is required in each required anthropology course counted toward the major. NOTE: Students contemplating a professional career in anthropology are urged to study a foreign language and acquire basic skills in computer science and statistics. Anthropology advisors may recommend additional courses in the sciences, humanities or mathematics commensurate with individual career paths. Requirements for Teacher Licensure in Social Studies: In addition to completing requirements for the major, anthropology majors seeking licensure in social studies must complete the Teacher Education Program requirements and a minimum of 21 collateral hours including HST 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, and PLS 101, and at least one course in each of the following areas: economics and geography. For information on the Teacher Education Program admissions criteria and the courses required for licensure in North Carolina, see the Watson School of Education section of the 2011-2012 undergraduate catalogue. Students planning to pursue licensure should apply to the Watson School of Education as soon as admissions requirements are met (typically in the sophomore year) and plan their programs in regular consultation with their advisors. Teacher licensure requirements are established at the state level and may be changed by the state at any time. * These courses require a lab + May also be used to satisfy University Studies requirements (3) ELECTIVES _____ Elective hours to equal a minimum of 124 hours Requirements to declare ANT: Completion of 24 hours. For further information, see the ANT website: http://www.uncw.edu/ant and http://uncw.edu/catalogue/undergraduate%2011-12/Undergraduate%20Catalogue%20Master%20Word.pdf#page=120. 5/5/11 ANTHROPOLOGY COURSES ANT 105 ANT 205 ANT 206 ANT 207 ANT 208 ANT 210 ANT 211 ANT 215 ANT 250 ANT 300 ANT 301 ANT 303 ANT 304 ANT 305 ANT 307 ANT 308 ANT 309 ANT 310 ANT 311 ANT 312 ANT 313 ANT 315 ANT 316 ANT 317 ANT 320 ANT 322 ANT 324 ANT 326 ANT 327 ANT 346 ANT 380 ANT 387 ANT 411 ANT 412 ANT 426 ANT 430 ANT 435 ANT 440 ANT 445 ANT 450 ANT 455 ANT 491 ANT 495 ANT 498 ANT 499 Introduction to Anthropology (3) (SOC 205) Human Societies (3) Cultural Anthropology (3) Archaeology (3), Lab (l) Language and Culture (3) Physical Anthropology (3) Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology (3) Anthropology of Native Americans (3) World Cultures Through Film (3) Tribal Society in Crisis (3) Shamanism, Witchcraft, and Cults (3) Culture and Gender (3) South Americans Indians (3) Prerequisite: ANT 105 or 206, or consent of instructor North Americans Indians (3) New World Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANT 105 or 207, or consent of instructor Old World Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANT 105 or 207 or consent of instructor Environmental Anthropology (3) Prerequisite: ANT 105 or 206 or 207, or consent of instructor The Ancient Maya (3) Field Methods in Archeology (3-6) Prerequisite: ANT 207 Collapse. The Fall of Complex Civilizations (3) Plantation Archaeology (3) Ancient Mesoamerica (3) Exploring World Cultures (3) Social Issues in Latin America (3) Human Origins (3) Prerequisite: ANT 210 or consent of instructor Primate Biology and Behavior (3) Prerequisite: ANT 210 or consent of instructor Human Biological Variation (3) Prerequisite: ANT 210 or consent of instructor Human Osteology (3), Lab (1) Prerequisite: ANT 210 Globalization and Culture Change (3) Medical Anthropology (3) Life in Ancient Britain and Ireland (3) Museum Studies (3) Prerequisite: ANT 206 or consent of instructor. Advanced Field Training in Archaeology (3-6) Prerequisites: HST 105 or 441, ANT 311, and consent of instructor (HST 508) Historical Archaeology (3) Prerequisites: HST 105 or 441, or ANT 105 or 207, or consent of instructor and graduate status Forensic Osteology Method and Theory (3) Prerequisites: ANT 326 and ANTL 326 with a grade of “C” (2.00) or better in both courses (BIO 430) Evolutionary Biology (3) Prerequisite: BIO 335 Archaeology and the Media (3) Prerequisite: ANT 207 or consent of instructor Seminar in Southeastern Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANT 207 and any 300-level ANT course Practicing Ethnography (3) Prerequisite: ANT 206 or consent of instructor History of Anthropological Theory (3) Prerequisites: ANT 206 and six hours of ANT courses above the introductory level, or consent of instructor Reading Material Culture (3) Prerequisite: ANT 207 or 412 Directed Individual Study (1-3) Prerequisites: Overall GPA of at least 2.00; junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Topical Seminar (1-3) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor Internship in Anthropology (1-6) Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor Honors Work in Anthropology (2-3) Prerequisites: Eligibility for honors program and senior standing 5/5/11