Document 12016271

2014-2015 CATALOGUE
B. A. Recreation, Sports Leadership, and Tourism Management (REC)
College: Health and Human Services
Course requirements for all UNCW degrees include: (1) University Studies, (2) specific major requirements, and (3)
sufficient elective hours for a combined total of a minimum of 124 hours.
MAJOR REQUIREMENTS – REC (Minimum 61 hours)
Core Courses: (40 hours)
_____ REC 265
Leisure and Society (3)
_____ REC 270
Program Planning and Evaluation (3)
_____ REC 348
Practicum in Recreation Services (3) Prerequisites: REC 265 and REC 270 or 368 and REC major/minor, or
consent of instructor
_____ REC 359
Research and Evaluation in Recreation (3) Prerequisite: REC 265 (Meets Computer Requirement)
_____ REC 375
Leadership and Management of Recreation Services (3) Prereqs: REC majors/minors or consent of instructor
_____ REC 380
Marketing for Recreation Services (3) Prerequisite: REC major or consent of instructor
(Meets Oral Communication Requirement)
_____ REC 390
Pre-Internship Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor
_____ REC 440
Risk Management and Liability in Recreation Services (3) Prerequisite: REC 375 and REC major/minor
_____ REC 475
Advanced Human Resource Management in Recreation (3) Prerequisite: REC 375 and REC major
_____ REC 476
Budgeting and Finance in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism (3) Prerequisite: REC 375
_____ REC 498
Internship in Recreation Services (12) Prerequisites: Senior standing and an overall 2.00 GPA, and
completion of all other courses required for the major with a 2.00 cumulative GPA
Choose one of the following options:
Tourism, Hospitality and Events Option: (21 hours)
_____ REC 381
Meetings, Expositions, Events and Conventions (3) Prerequisite: REC majors and minors only or consent of
_____ REC 430
Managing Recreation Service Quality (3) Prerequisite: REC 375, REC majors only.
_____ REC 451
Travel and Tourism (3)
_____ REC 452
Tourism and Hospitality Operations (3)
_____ REC 453
Hotel and Lodging Management (3) Prerequisite: REC majors only.
Select 6 additional hours of support courses that must be approved by major advisor.
Public and Non-Profit Recreation Option: (21 hours)
_____ REC 303
Inclusive Recreation Services (1-3) Prerequisite: REC major/minor or consent of instructor
_____ REC 392
Organization and Leadership of Recreational Sports (3) Prerequisites: REC 265 and REC major/minor
_____ REC 394
Recreational Sports and Fitness Facility Operations (3) Prerequisites: REC 265 and REC major
_____ REC 430
Managing Recreation Service Quality (3) Prerequisites: REC 375 and REC major
_____ REC 450
Conflict and Organizational Politics in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism (3) Prerequisite: REC 375
Select 6 additional hours of support courses that must be approved by major advisor.
Recreational Sport Leadership Option: (21 hours)
_____ REC 303
Inclusive Recreation Services (1-3) Prerequisite: REC major/minor or consent of instructor
_____ REC 392
Organization and Leadership of Recreational Sports (3) Prerequisite: REC 265 and REC major/minor
_____ REC 393
Campus Recreation and Sports Administration (3) Prerequisites: REC 265 and REC major/minor
_____ REC 394
Recreational Sports and Fitness Facility Operations (3) Prerequisites: REC 265 and REC major
_____ REC 395
Instructional Methods in Recreational Sports (3) Prerequisites: REC 265 and REC major/minor
_____ HEA 201
First Aid, Safety, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (3)
Select 3 additional hours of support courses that must be approved by major advisor.
Students must achieve a “C” (2.00) cumulative GPA or better in all required courses used to satisfy the REC major and a “C” grade or
better in each REC course counted toward the major.
*These courses require a lab
+May also be used to satisfy University Studies Foundations & Approaches and Perspectives requirements
Requirements to declare REC: Completion of 24 hours.
For further information, see the REC website: and
This document is considered an unofficial guide. Please refer to your degree audit for the latest updates.