SHAHS Publications

SHAHS Publications
Boulay, R., Hritz, N. M., & Ashton-Forrester, C. (2013). An exploratory study of
wellness travel: Differences between U.S. and non-U.S. travelers. Journal of Tourism
Insights, 4(1), Article 5.
Boyce, R.W., Willett, T.K., Jones, G.R., & Boone, E.L. (2014). Racial comparisons in
police officer bench press strength over 12.5 years. International Journal of Exercise
Science, 7(2), 140-151.
Boyce, R.W., Willett, T.K., Mullins, A.R., Jones, G.R., & Cottrell, R.R. (2014). Health
promotion strategies derived from a metropolitan police weight loss competition in
regards to weight loss between genders and among BMI categories. The Internet
Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 12(3). Retrieved from
Combs, S., & D’Abundo, M.L. (2013). Personal and relational wellness in a
community-based weight loss program for women: Implications for weight loss
programs. Journal of Kinesiology and Wellness, 2. Retrieved from
Cottrell, R. R., Inniss-Richter, Z., Mata, H., & Thomas, M. (2013). Career
development through local chapter involvement: Perspectives from chapter
members. Health Promotion Practice 14(4), 480-484.
Dan Wu, D., Yang, T., Cottrell, R.R., Zhou, H., Yang, X.Y., & Zhang, Y. (2014). The
effects of tobacco-related health-warning images on intention to quit smoking
among urban Chinese smokers. Health Education Journal, June 8, 2014, 1-12. doi:
Eitner, J.D., Wimer, G.S., Long, L.H., & Baird, W.H. (2013). Body fatness, body core
temperature, and heat loss during moderate-intensity exercise. Aviation Space and
Environmental Medicine, 84(11), 1153-1158.
Elliott, S., McCollum, S., Colquitt, G., & Pritchard, T. (2013). Perceptions of the
impact of a PEP grant on elementary physical education programs in one school
district. Physical Educator, 70(4), 429-446. Retrieved from
Figueroa, J., Cottrell, R. R., Birch, D.A., & King, L.R. (2014). CEPH accreditation of
standalone baccalaureate programs: A preliminary curriculum mapping exercise.
Health Promotion Practice, June 4, 2014. doi: 10.1177/1524839914535778
Herstine, J. H., Dumas, C.F., Landry, C.E., & Whitehead, J.C. (2013). A recreation
demand model of the North Carolina for-hire fishery: A comparison of primary and
secondary purpose anglers. Applied Economics Letters, 20(16), 1481-1484.
Hritz, N. M., Sidman, C. L., & D'Abundo, M. (2014). Segmenting the college educated
generation Y health and wellness traveler. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,
31(1), 132. Retrieved from
Kamimura, A., Christensen, N. Myers, K., Nourian, M.M., Greenwood, J.L. & Reel, J.J.
(2014). Health and diabetes self-efficacy: A study of diabetic and non-diabetic free
clinic patients and family members. Journal of Community Health, 39(4), 783-791.
Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Mo, W., Ashby, J., & Reel, J. J. (2014). Knowledge and
perceptions of breast health. Women’s Health Issues, 24(3), e327-e333. doi:
Kamimura, A., Christensen, N., Nourian, M.M., Myers, K.,Saunders, A.M., Solis, S.P.,
Ashby, J., Greenwood, J.L. & Reel, J.J. (2014). The relationship between diabetes
attitudes and treatment among free clinic patients and volunteers. Journal of
Community Health.
Milroy, J. J., Orsini, M. M., D'Abundo, M. L., & Sidman, C. L. (2013). College students'
perceived welluess among online, face-to-face, and hybrid formats of a lifetime
physical activity and wellness course. American Journal of Health Education, 44(5),
252-258. Retrieved from
Mustian, K.M., Sprod, L.K., Janelsins, M.C., Peppone, L.J., Palesh, O.G., Chandwani, K.,
Reddy, P.S., Melnik, M.K., Heckler, C., & Morrow, G.R. (2013). A nationwide
randomized clinical trial of yoga for sleep quality among cancer survivors. Journal of
Clinical Oncology, 31(26), 3233-3241.
Ottenbacher, A., Sloane, R., Snyder, D., Kraus, W., Sprod, L.K., & Demark-Wahnefried,
W. (2013). Cancer-specific concerns and physical activity among recently diagnosed
breast and prostate cancer survivors. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 12(3), 206-212.
Petrie, T. A., Galli, N., Greenleaf, C., Reel, J. J., & Carter, J. (In Press, 2014).
Psychosocial correlates of bulimic symptomatology among male athletes. Psychology
of Sport and Exercise (2013), 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.002
Reel, J. J., & Badger, B. (2014). From food desert to food swamp: Comprehensive
strategies to improve food environments in urban areas. Journal of Obesity & Weight
Loss Therapy, S4: 002. doi: 10.4172/2165-7904.S4-002.
Smith-Jackson, T., Reel, J. J., & Thackeray, R. (2014). The practical application of
promoting positive body image on a college campus: Insights from freshmen
women. American Journal of Health Education, 45(2), 105-111. Retrieved from
Barreira, T.V., Renfrow, M.S., Tseh, W., & Kang, M. (2013). The validity of 7-site
skinfold measurements taken by exercise science students. International Journal of
Exercise Science, 6(1), 20-28.
Keefer, D.J., Caputo, J.L., Tseh, W (2013). Waist-to-height ratio and body mass index
as indicators of cardiovascular risk in youth. Journal of School Health, 83(11), 805809. doi: 10.1111/josh.