CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary - 9/19/01

CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary - 9/19/01
Members Present:
Dan Baden (CMS)
Patricia Kelley (Earth Sciences)
Jim Merritt (CMS)
Curt Moyer (Physics)
Martin Posey (CMS)
Scott Quackenbush (Biology)
Charles Ward (Chemistry)
Joan Willey (CMS)
Members not Present:
Jeff Wright (CMS)
Jack Hall (Environmental Studies)
Recorder: Dennis Ihnat
Discussion Item: IAC Membership and Faculty Involvement at CMS
 Dan: Jeff Wright and Martin Posey continue as Resident CMS IAC Representatives
Martin selected long straw = 2 Year Term
Jeff Wright 1 Year Term
 Dan: Will select Non-Resident Representatives at next Faculty Meeting
 Dan: Need more faculty turnout for Seminars
 Discussion: Need to select times for CMS Faculty Meetings to minimize conflicts to
allow broader participation
Center for Marine Science
Office of the Director
5600 MARVIN K. MOSS LANE, WILMINGTON, NC 28409 (910) 962-2300/962-2405
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary - 9/19/01 - Page 2
Discussion Item: Staff Issues
Operations Team:
 Dan: Some recent inappropriate interpersonal interactions; some members feel
overloaded, high stress. One key member has had significant time commitment for
research projects, taking away from primary responsibilities.
Working to come to agreement for future time allocations
Working to clarify responsibilities within staff (e.g., Dockmaster & Seahawk
Letters will be placed in files
 Jim: Working w/Ops to develop customer survey to ID what is working and what can
be improved.
 Dan: Effort to improve science/ops interactions:
Will ask for two separate reports after science cruise:
o Captains Log Report
o Science Cruise Report
Will hold meeting to address need to develop collaborative approach
Admin Team:
 Dan:
9 people working here now. Admin support improving.
Some interpersonal relationship issues w/ one staff member
o Working on dealing w/
o Letter will be placed in file
Discussion Item: CMS Strategic Plan
 Dan: Final Draft Committee Report will be posted shortly
How to distribute
o Email attachments problematic
o Post on web with password
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 Martin: Some Strategic Plan goals may be awkward if passed around
 Charles: Limit to on-campus access?
Dan will check
 Scott: If available to faculty, it will be distributed (Reality; have to live with it)
Prefer open security to facilitate campus participation and accept downside
 Dan: Strategic Plan – incredible amount of effort, high quality
Discussion Item: Seawater System
 Dan: Initial analysis of water indicated sufficient quality
Significant variability found since moving into CMS-MG
o Salinity 23 to 33
Unsubstantiated concerns regarding contaminants
o Nutrients, bacteria, dissolved minerals
o Pipeline
o Trucking
o Filtering/Salinity Stabilization.
o Other (location…)
 Dennis: Background package distributed
 Dan: Lateral drilling
Cost is high
Slurry – Environmental Concern
o Push-pipe slurry may produce environmental impact
 Scott: Would not discount vertical well, dependent on local geology
Test well would not be too expensive
Will create own aquifer
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Sterile/Constant temp/Constant salinity
 Martin: Need oceanic water for subtropical fish research
Temp of ocean water would be concern – in-line heaters
Bulk of users can make do with Masonboro Sound water
 Scott: Can strip hydrogen sulfide and oxygenate
Larger problem could be mineral content
 Patricia: Joe Cornette drilled two wells adjacent to the Earth Sciences Building
 Scott: In Miami, pumped high iron content for 3 days until iron stopped
Local well drillers may not have knowledge of local groundwater
 Joan: Husband works for state with groundwater issues w/ DNR (Charles Stehman
 Scott: Not sure what permit issues would be
Those who do this professionally know how to get permits
 Dan: Low profile
Chancellor concerned that in seeking to expand our research seawater options
we do not raise concerns in Raleigh that we have problem with seawater
 Scott: Every facility from Connecticut to Miami has a problem with seawater
 Dan: Tell faculty:
We are exploring
High priority
Improvements currently in process
o Outlets in aquaria room being connected to emergency circuits
o Modifications to current Seawater System almost complete
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Discussion Item: Educational Issues
 Joan: Dr. Evgeny Dafner, Post Doc, wants teaching experience
PhD in Chemistry
Needs sponsoring department
o Chemistry graduate status
o Marine Science graduate status
 Scott: Process in Biology
Letter from current faculty to recommend Professor for Adjunct
Establish course
 Joan: Based on course content, most sense in Chemistry
Joan will proceed with initiating with Chemistry
Question remains: Do we want Graduate Faculty status in Marine Science?
 Patricia: Have similar issue, and may be of value to consider Non Department
Graduate Faculty standing
May want to take to Graduate Council
 Charles: May be worth considering so do not fall through cracks in department
(which may not be familiar with the individual)
 Joan: Offering 1 Credit Hour course, Cruise Sampling
Indication will benefit Researchers with help for their work
Will make some changes to Marine Science catalog
• Remove specific courses and refer to department listings to ensure
 Dan: Discussion of Oceans and Health program development with NIH, NSF
Student support
o GlaxoWelcome ∆’s this year (Last year of current funding.)
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 Dan: Joint Ph.D.
Dean Neil Hadley spearheading
Len Pietrafesa interested in revitalizing
 Scott: Funding?
When funding went away, program went away
Showing this kind of collaboration would support Biology Ph.D. efforts
Discussion Item: General Interest
3 Major collaborations
 Dan:
Coastal Ocean Monitoring
Oceans & Health
Freshwater – Estuarine – Oceanic
Nutrient budgeting
 Dan: Dare County Facility (Northern Node)
Will try to establish CMS as Southern Node
 Scott: Discussion of interaction of inactive Joint Ph.D. program ( no students) as
evidence that UNCW Ph.D. in Marine Biology was not needed
Not a question of need, but management and money