Prairie View A&M University John B. Coleman Library College of Business Library Holdings – November 2015 In FY2010, the John B. Coleman Library reported holdings of 383,731 volumes, including 40,890 volumes, or 11% of the total collection, related to the study of business. Over the past five fiscal years, the Library added 12,009 volumes for a total of 395,740 volumes in the current library collection. The total holdings in the business collection is now 43,006 volumes, as over 2,000 (2,116) volumes were added to the business collection, since FY2010. The current total library holdings represent a growth rate of 3% while the business collection shows a growth rate of 5% as indicated below, and in the enclosed “Statistical Summary of Business Resources & Expenditures – November 2015.” Holdings Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2015 Total Collection 383,731 395,740 (+12,009) Business Collection 40,890 43,006 (+2,116) The library subscribes to 85 online full‐text electronic resources that provide access to 45 databases related to the study of business, of which over 50% are specifically identified as “business databases.” These business databases provide over 10,000 (10,941) “full‐text‐online” journals on the library website, as an E‐Journal Portal. As indicated below, the current database subscriptions provide access to a significantly higher number of resources than in FY2011 (5,674 titles), an increase of 93% from FY2011 to FY2015. (See enclosed E‐Journal Lists) Subject Headings Full‐Text E‐Journal Titles 2010/11 2015/16 Commerce 1,269 1,654 Management 1,002 1,883 Economic History 948 2,256 Finance 795 1,226 Industries 676 2,280 Economic Theory 303 543 Labor & Workers Economics 262 321 Transportation Economics 176 341 Agricultural Economics 96 188 Real Estate 90 155 Other (Business Educ. & Demographics) 57 94 Remote access from off‐campus is provided to all students and faculty for searching and retrieving information from the databases in the E‐Journal Portal. All Prairie View A&M (PVAMU) students, staff, and faculty, located at off‐campus sites also have full access to these databases from the Library Web‐ site with any computer or electronic device with an internet connection. The library also subscribes to 51 “print” journals and periodicals related to the study of business, and the areas of concentration offered by the College of Business. (See enclosed Database and Print Periodicals Lists for FY15‐16) Another service provided around the clock by the Library for all students and instructors is the “electronic reserves” system, known as ERes. This system streamlines the reserves process and provides materials to multiple users at all times. Faculty, including those teaching business courses, now request that articles be placed on reserves in an electronic format, in accordance with all copyright and intellectual property laws, for students to download and print on their own time. The ERes system indicates that between FY2011 and FY2015, there were a total of 2,666 reserve transactions maintained and used in the following business subject areas: Accounting & Finance (49% or 1,299), Business (47% or 1,254), and Management & Marketing (4% or 113). (See enclosed ERes Usage Data) Students, staff and faculty, including those at the Northwest Houston Center (NWHC) also have access to the convenient online ILLiad system for requesting materials not available on the PVAMU campus or in the databases, by Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. Library records indicate that during the period FY2011 to FY2015, a total of 271 ILL transactions were requested by faculty, staff, undergraduates and graduate students in Business subject areas. (See enclosed ILL User Data) The John B. Coleman Library also responds to the needs of the PVAMU students and faculty, including the College of Business by assigning “liaison librarians” to each academic department for offering extensive library instruction and collaborative collection development services. A Reference & Instruction Librarian on the main campus is assigned to the College of Business, and a Distance Library Services Librarian is located at the NWHC to provide library services to Graduate Degree Programs offered at that off‐campus location. The mission of the “liaison librarians” is to provide an organized collection of print and online resources and to teach information literacy skills regarding access and usage of both electronic and print information resources. In addition to library orientation, and tours, the Library Instruction Program arranges individual assistance, as well as hands‐on sessions built around specific assignments for entire classes and maintains online materials for research and citation. Library records indicate that the Liaison Librarian for the College of Business on the Main Campus provided library instruction to 1,260 students in 45 business classes, from FY2011 to FY2015; while the Distance Services Librarian provided instruction to 556 students in 24 classes at the NWHC during the same time‐ period. (See enclosed instruction records, web tutorials, brochures and other learning resources.) From 2011 to 2015, the growth rate of monographic titles and other print collections is somewhat lower than in previous years due to the increasing demand and necessity to build the non‐print electronic collections. Database subscriptions continue to increase in cost annually by 4‐7%. Library allocations for business books averaged $41,896 annually at 18% of the library materials budget. However, business related electronic resources expenditures for just FY2015 were $356,997, which represented 41% of the total online electronic databases budget for that fiscal year. (See enclosed statistical documents.) As mentioned above, the Library provides Web Portal at which is available at all times as a gateway to information resources in the field of business and related areas of study, and for conducting scholarly research by students, staff and faculty. The business collection is developed to support undergraduate and graduate studies offered by the PVAMU College of Business degree programs. The collection supports the curriculum and research needs of students, as well as the instructional and research needs of the faculty, and continues to provide a wide variety of print, visual, and electronic media, which are adequate in size, scope, content, currency, and availability, for all professional degree programs in business, and accreditation standards by SACS and other selected agencies. Evaluations, assessment and enhancements of all library services are ongoing processes. Dr. Rosie L. Albritton – Director of Library Services and Professor of Educational Media & Technology – Nov. 2015.