Provost’s Committee on Integrated Planning (PCIP) What is the Provost’s Committee on Integrated Planning? The Provost’s Committee on Integrated Planning (PCIP) is the administration’s planning and budgeting body. Under the provost’s direction, it is responsible for five broad areas. 1. Planning •Approval of the structure for the integrated planning process. PCIP Members (2012-13) Brett Fairbairn Provost and Vice-President Academic (chair) Greg Fowler Acting Vice-President, Finances and Resources (vice-chair) •Preparing an integrated strategic plan for the University of Saskatchewan based on the college and unit plans. Karen Chad Vice-President Research •Review and assessment of the plans of all major academic and administrative units and provision of feedback and specific directions to the units concerned (through planning parameters). Jim Germida Vice-Provost Faculty Relations •Supervising and recommending the foundational documents for distribution to Council and the Board (where appropriate) for approval. •Development and oversight of the framework for assessment and performance measures for the university. 2. Oversight of financial resources •Preparation of the multi-year budget framework and the annual operations forecast. •Administering a strategic resources fund known as the Academic Priorities Fund (APF). •Recommending to the Finance Committee of the Board on resource levels for all units annually and over a multi-year timeframe (the detailed budget). •Oversight of the university’s budgetary system, including introduction of the Transparent Activity-Based Budgeting System (TABBS). 3. Oversight of capital resources •Preparation of the multi-year capital plan and the annual update. •Maintaining financial oversight of the university’s capital portfolio and the major project planning process. Heather Magotiaux Vice-President, University Advancement Peter Stoicheff Dean, College of Arts and Science Support: Pauline Melis Assistant Provost, Institutional Planning and Assessment Ginger Appel Director, Budget Strategy and Planning Bryan Bilokreli Director, Institutional Capital Planning Tonya Wirchenko Analyst, Institutional Planning and Assessment •Recommending to the Land and Facilities Committee of the Board on the appropriateness and alignment of major capital projects and of the capital plan with university priorities and strategic directions. 4. Administrative approval •Approval of planning and resource-related decision items to be considered for approval by the Board of Governors. •Approval of the resource component for academic programs, processes and policies to be considered for approval by University Council. •Approval of resource requests relating to the university’s integrated plans and for general operations of the university. For more information Website: Email: Phone: (306) 966-1824 5. Communications •Preparing regular reports on integrated planning to the Board, Senate and Council. •Ensuring that the strategic directions of the university, the plans of all college and administrative units, and the planning drivers are known and understood in all parts of the institution and beyond. What is the process for submitting a request for decision to PCIP? Traditionally, PCIP has reviewed Requests for Decisions (RFDs) at the first available PCIP meeting after the Advisory Committee has determined they are PCIP ready. In 2013, PCIP will begin reviewing requests in batches. The process for submitting a request is as follows: 1. If you have an item PCIP may be interested in funding, contact the Institutional Planning and Assesment Analyst at or 306-966-1824 to discuss the proposal process and timelines. 2. Complete the Request for Decision template and submit one PDF of the complete proposal via e-mail to 3. Proposals must be sponsored by a PCIP member (which currently includes all vice-presidents). The executive sponsor should be included early in the development of the Request for Decision documentation. 4. The PCIP analyst will confirm receipt of the item. 5. A time will be set for you to present your proposal to the PCIP AC. This committee will advise the proponent(s) on required revisions prior to the request being submitted for consideration. 6. NEW: Items submitted for consideration will be held until a future PCIP meeting, when the committee will review a number of proposals as a batch. Please note: Board of Governor items are exempt from batching process. 7. Following consideration by PCIP, you will be contacted regarding PCIP’s decision. Proposals have moved to a batch to review process to: • Provide a more holistic picture for PCIP; • Provide opportunity to compare the merits of proposals against one another; and • Allow for more strategic review of funding priorities than when these decisions are made in isolation. The deadline for receipt of materials that have received PCIP AC’s approval to proceed is March 28, 2013 at noon. For more information or to submit a proposal, please email or call (306) 966-1824. To learn more about PCIP and PCIP AC, and to view a list of meeting dates, please visit Provost’s Committee on Integrated Planning University of Saskatchewan