The effects of wildfire atmospheric emissions on regional air quality using current and future climate simulations Ivy 1 1 Tao , Rodrigo Bryn Mawr College Introduction Wildfires are a source of emissions for many chemical species into the atmosphere. These species either directly affect the air quality or produce secondary pollutants such as ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM). The dispersion and chemical processing of wildfire emissions are affected by meteorological conditions. As part of an ensemble study of the impact of climate change on regional air quality in the US, the goal of this project is to investigate the effects of Figure 1. California Malibu area wildfire wildfire emissions on air captured by NASA’S Terra satellite, at quality. 1 2:25p.m EST on October 23, 2007 Methodology • Wildfire emissions for 1996 and 2048 summers (June, July, August) were analyzed. These are the warmest years in the decades 1995-2004 and 2045-2054, respectively, of the ECHAM5 global climate model results. • Impact of wildfire emissions on air quality is modeled using the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ modeling framework: Meteorological fields were downscaled from the ECHAM5 global climate model to the 36-km US domain using the WRF v2.22 mesoscale meteorological model; Wildfire emissions were obtain from the historical burn records; Biogenic emissions were estimated with the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN)3; Anthropogenic emissions were obtained from the 2002 National Emissions Inventory (NEI)4; and Concentrations of ozone and PM2.5 (PM with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 m) were calculated using the chemical transport model CMAQ5. • Three simulations were performed to evaluate the impact of wildfire emissions on air quality: 1) Current (1996) meteorology was used to calculate plume rise and dispersion of historical records of wildfires; 2) Future (2048) meteorology was used to calculate plume rise and dispersion of historical records of wildfires; and 3) The current case was re-run with wildfire emissions removed (Zero fire case). • Results were analyzed for the Northwest, Southwest and Central regions of the US where wildfires were most significant. Figure 2. US divided into seven regions. Central (deep blue), Northwest (tan), and Southwest (yellow) are the focus of this study 2 2 Gonzalez-Abraham , Serena H. 2 Chung , Brian K. 2 Lamb Laboratory of Atmospheric Research, Washington State University Wildfire Contribution to Emissions Daily 8-hr averaged O3 Concentration Differences Figure 7: Difference maps of daily 8-hr averaged O3 concentrations between the 1996 historical fire case and the 1996 zero fire case. From left to right, Northwest, Southwest, Central Figure 4. Percentages and the amounts of pollutants emitted by wildfires by region. The species are nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ammonia (NH3), PM2.5, sulfur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4), elemental carbon (PEC), fine particulate matter (PMfine), particulate nitrate (PNO3), primary sulfate (PSO4), sulfur (SULF), and primary organic aerosol (POA). Whisker plots of Air Quality Indicators from CMAQ Figure 8: Same as above, but for 2048 case minus 1996 historical fire case. The difference maps for the 1996 zero fire case and historical fire case show little change in O 3 concentrations. For the comparison of the 2048 simulation and historical fire case, we can see that meteorology has a significant effect on O3 concentrations. Averaged Hourly PM2.5 Concentration Differences Figure 9: Difference maps of averaged PM2.5 concentrations between the 1996 historical fire case and the 1996 zero fire case. From left to right, Northwest, Southwest, Central. Figure 5. Ozone daily 8-hr average (up left) and PM2.5 (up right) concentration distributions. For ozone, the three cases show little difference in concentration distributions for the regions Northwest and Southwest. For Central, the zero fire case concentrations are less than 1% lower than the fire case, and the 2048 simulation concentrations increase about 1-2% with respect to 1996 fire case. This is also observed for PM2.5 in the Northwest and Southwest. However, for Central, there is little variation between the zero fire case and the fire case, but a significant decrease in concentrations between the 2048 simulation and the 1996 fire case. Figure 10: Same as above, but for 2048 case minus 1996 historical fire case. Several peaks are observed in both sets of comparison. Most peaks are located in forests and mountains while others locate in urban areas or high ways. For the difference maps between the 1996 zero fire case and the fire case, no significant increase is seen in the areas several grid cells away from the peak grid cells. For the difference maps between the 2048 simulation and the 1996 fire case, the peaks all represent large decrease in PM2.5 concentrations. However, the coastal areas experience a rise of 0.5-3 g/m3 in concentrations. 1996 vs 2048 Summer Meteorology Surface Temperature (oC) Insulation (W/m2) Conclusion and Future Work Wind Speed (m/s) Boundary Layer Height (m) Figure 6. CO (left) and NOx (right) concentration distributions. Water Vapor (kg/kg) Precipitation (cm) Figure 3. Meteorological conditions for summer 1996 and 2048. For CO and NOx, the three cases show no differences in concentration distributions for the Northwest and Southwest. For CO in Central, there is less than 1% increase for the 1996 fire case compared to the zero fire case. The 2048 simulation decreases slightly compared to the 1996 fire case. The NOX distribution in the Central region in the zero fire case decreases at higher concentrations. 1.NASA. “NASA images of Wildfires”. NASA/MODIS Rapid Response. Access on 30 July 2010. 2. Skamarock, W.C., J. B. Klemp, J. Dudhia, D. O. Gill, D. M. Barker, W. Wang, J. G. Powers, 2005: A Description of the advanced Research WRF Version 2. NCAR Tech Note, NCAR/TN-468+STR, 88pp. 3. Guenther, A., Karl, T., Harley, P., Wiedinmyer, C., Palmer, P. I., and Geron, C.: Estimates of global terrestrial isoprene emissions using MEGAN (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature), Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 6, 10 107-173, doi:10.5194/acpd-6-107-2006, 2006 4. US Environmental Protection Agency. “2002 National Emissions Inventory Data and Documentation.” Access on 1 August 2010 • Emissions of wildfires do not affect atmospheric concentrations of O 3 significantly as they do on those of PM2.5. This is because fires themselves release large amounts of PM directly, and O 3 is only a secondary pollutant. • The comparisons between the 2048 simulation and 1996 historical fire case indicate that climate has a significant impact on PM2.5. The most obvious change in meteorology for 2048 is the increase in precipitation, which leads to a decrease in PM2.5 concentrations near the source locations, for precipitation removes particles in the air. It is uncertain what causes the increase in PM2.5 concentrations in other regions. • The rise in ozone concentrations may be due to the increased temperatures. More analysis is needed to explain the diverse patterns seen in the ozone concentration difference maps. • Future work will included extending the simulations to more years and analyzing the impact of wildfire emissions in the context of other global change variables. Acknowledgement: This work is supported by the National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates grant (ATM-0754990) and Bryn Mawr College HHMI Science Horizon Scholarships. 5. DW Byun, JKS Ching,1999: Science algorithms of the EPA Models-3 community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system. Rep. EPA/600/R-99. 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