– Summer 2016 Field Experience Process WATSON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

Field Experience Process – Summer 2016
Field experience courses give WCE students the opportunity to gain experience in Pre-K -12 classroom settings.
Requirements for these courses vary, and full descriptions of each field experience can be found on the Field
Experiences webpage. When you are enrolled in a field experience course, the Office of Professional Experiences
provides your field experience placement. The following procedure is followed for all field experience placements:
Session I Dates (May 16 - June 14)
 Students receive an email requesting completion of the Field Experience Application from Ms. Stephanie Glowa,
Field Experience Coordinator
 By Monday, May 16 at 5 pm - Students complete application on MySeaport (see instructions on next page)
 On Thursday, May 19 at 5 pm - Ms. Glowa will send an email notifying students that placements are available on
 Immediately afterward - Students must contact site coordinator at their assigned school to request the name and
email address for their partnership teacher(s) **
 Immediately afterward - Students must contact their partnership teacher(s)**
 By Thursday, June 2 - Deadline to complete field experience requirements in schools
Session II Dates (June 20 - July 19)
 Students receive an email requesting completion of the Field Experience Application from Ms. Stephanie Glowa,
Field Experience Coordinator
 By Monday, June 20 at 5 pm - Students complete application on MySeaport (see instructions on next page)
 On Monday, June 27 at 5 pm - Ms. Glowa will email students with their placement information/schedule*
 By Monday, July 18 - Deadline to complete field experience requirements. This date may vary depending on the
UNCW course placement site.
Please be aware that field experience placements are made only in partnership school systems/schools. Exceptions may be
made in the case of full-time employment in a school, but those exceptions require approval. For a list of partnership systems
and schools, please visit the PDS website: http://www.uncw.edu/ed/pds/schools.html.
Students should contact Ms. Glowa immediately if they have difficulty communicating with the site coordinator or
partnership teacher or if other serious concerns arise in the placement.
Application Instructions:
1. Go to www.uncw.edu and click on Current Students link
2. Click on MySeaport link on left
3. Log in to MySeaport and click on Academics Tab
4. Scroll down to Watson College of Ed
5. Click Field Experience Application
Note: If changes occur in this information after the application is completed, the student should complete the application
again with updated information. All changes must be made prior to the application deadline.
To view Field Experience Placements, follow steps 1-4 from Application Instructions above and click Field Experience &
Internship Placements.
Placement appeal:
If you feel that extreme extenuating circumstances merit a review of your placement, please email your request to Ms.
Stephanie Glowa, Field Experience Coordinator, by no later than 5:00 pm the day after you receive your placement.
Once the appeal is reviewed, Ms. Glowa will communicate the decision to the student.
Ms. Stephanie Glowa
Field Experience Coordinator