The M.Ed ., Language a and Literacy E Education spe

N The M.Ed., Language aand Literacy EEducation spe
ecialization adddresses the N
North Carolin
na Masters/A
Advanced Com
mpetencies w
which include standards inn Instructional Expertise, K
Knowledge of Learners, Research Exp
pertise, Connecting Subjecct Matter andd Learners, and Profe
essional Development and Leadership. TThe graduatee program incorporaates the conce
eptual framew
work which iss common to all teacher education proggrams at UNC
CW: The Watsson School off Education
n develops higghly compete
ent profession
nals to serve iin education
nal leadership
p roles. The M. Ed
d., Language aand Literacy sspecialization
n (i.e. reading ) education
n provides advvanced profe
essional training for individduals holding, o
or qualified to
o hold, North Carolina Classs “A” teacherr licensure in at leastt one area of education. Th
he 39‐semestter hour prog ram is comprised
d of 27 hourss in the speciaalization, 6 ho
ours of practicca, and 6 hou
urs of electivees. Based on tthe view of th
he professional as a decisio
on‐maker, the
e program adddresses the n
needs for con
nceptual and proceduraal bases for decision makin
ng, for specifiic practices, aand for structtured reflectio
on. Admissio
on Requirem ents Applicants seeking adm
mission to the
e M.Ed., Language and Liteeracy Education Specializaation, are requ
uired to submitt the followingg to the Grad
duate School:
1. An application for grraduate admiission 2. Official copies of transcripts of all college work (undergrad uate and grad
duate) 3. Official scores on the Miller Analo
ogies Test or the Graduatee Record Exam
m 4. Three rrecommendattions by indivviduals in rele
evant professiional fields (eemployers, prrofessors, supervisors) 5. A 2‐3 page typed lettter of applicaation which in
ncludes a desscription of th
he applicant’ss professionall goals, edu
ucational inte
erests in pursu
uing graduate
e study, and pphilosophy off teaching. The criterria for gradua
ate admission
ns decisions include: 1. A grade
e average of ““B” in the und
dergraduate m
major 2. Satisfacctory scores o
on the Miller Analogies Tesst or the Graduate Record Exam
m 3. Satisfacctory letters o
of recommendation from aappropriate reference
es 4. Satisfacctory writing skills indicate
ed by the lette
er of applicatio
on Admission
n decisions arre based upon
n several facttors and wherre other indicctors of succeess warrant, individualls who fall below the estab
blished criteriia in one of thhe areas mayy be considereed for admisssion. In addition to the gene
eral requirements, applicants to the Lannguage and LLiteracy Educaation specialization are requ
uired to hold, or be qualifie
ed to hold, Noorth Carolina Class “A” eleementary, mid
ddle grades, sp
pecial educatiion or second
dary teacher e
education liceensure. Students Seeking Adm
mission for Liccensure Only
Students w
who seek pro
ofessional imp
provement orr licensure reenewal but do
o not intend tto pursue a deegree may register for graduate courses through proce
edures establ ished for non
n‐degree stud
dents. Students Seeking Read
ding Recovery Training Coursewo
ork in Readingg Recovery is available to sstudents meeeting specific admissions criteria, includ
ding holding a master’s deggree in reading or closely related area, aat least five yyears of teach
hing experiencce, an
nd having the
e nomination of a school d
district or consortium that has filled applicatio
on to becomee a Reading Reecovery site. Persons su
uccessfully eaarning certificcation are quaalified and ap
pproved by th
he National Diffussion Networkk to serve as tteacher leadeers for the Reaading Re
ecovery programmed withhin public sch
hool systems. For additionaal in
nformation an
nd requiremeents, contact D
Dr. Barbara H
Honchell in the Department off Elementary,, Middle Leveel, & Literacy Education, Watson Schoo
l of Educationn. M.E.D. Language and LLiteracy Program of Studyy Language
e and Literacy Specialtyy (27 hours) 
EDN 536 Teacching and Le
earning in the Content A
Area Using M
Multiple Literracies (3
3) EDN 538 The Teaching off Writing from a Writer'ss Perspectivee (3) EDN 541 The Role of Literature and the Curriculuum (3) EDN 551 Explloring Literacy Processess from a Perrsonal Perspeective (3) EDN 558 Langguage, Literaacy, and Cultture (prereqquisite (EDN 566) (3) EDN 566 Rese
earch in Literacy Education (3) EDN 568 Literracies and Technology (3
3) EDN 584 Development off Language aand Literacy Curriculum (3) EDN 586 Proffessional Rolles and Syste
ems for Cha nge in Literaacy Educatio
on (p
prerequisite EDN 584) (3
3) Practica (6 hours) 
EDN 588 Asse
essments in Language an
nd Literacy ((prerequisitee EDN 584) (3) 
EDN 589 Tuto
oring and Co
oaching for LLiteracy Deveelopment (p
prerequisite EDN 588) (3) Electivess (6 hours) 
ed Electives:: EDN 504, EDN 507, EDN
N 537, EDN 540, EDN 54
45, EDN 547, EDN
N 550, EDN 5
552, EDN 58
81, EDN 595 LIC 552, LIC 555 and oth
her co
ourses as ap
pproved by the advisor.
Note: Eaach student iis required tto complete the compre hensive examination prrocess as deffined by the Laanguage and Literacy facculty prior too completion
n of the proggram. Exit R
Requirementts Compete
ence in appro
opriate inqu
uiry procedures will be ddeveloped in
n the requireed course, ED
DN 523. Stud
dents are req
quired to co
omplete an aaction researrch project aand an educaational chan
nge project, aand to prepaare and pressent a portfo
olio represenntative of their learning prior to the completion of the prrogram. A wrritten comprrehensive exxamination w
will be requiired. Downlo
oad the Comp
prehensive EExam Application > Studentss qualify for rrecommendation for graaduate levell licensure in
n reading by completing the Master o
of Education,, Language &
& Literacy Sp
pecializationn. Licensu
ure Only Individuaals who hold
d a master’s degree in ed
ducation in aa related area mayy qualify to b
be recomme
ended for graaduate levell licensure
e in reading b
by completin
ng 18 additio
onal hours oof approved
d course work. The indivvidual must ccomplete a m
minimum of twelve
e hours of work at UNCW
W. Specializattion Strands
The Langguage and Litteracy Specialization strands are thee basis for th
he design of the program
m both in te
erms of requ
uired course
es and electivve choices. EEach course in the progrram of studyy addresse
es all strandss of the proggram but foccuses on straands that aree essential to
o than particcular aspect off literacy edu
ucation. Durring the com
mprehensive examination
n process th
he student is called to consider their personal growth in e
each strand oof the prograam through the selectio
on of artifacts that clearly represent th
heir knowled
dge for eachh strand of litteracy educaation. I. Foundaational Know
wledge II. Application of Fou
undational Kn
nowledge a. Currriculum and Instruction b. Asse
essment and
d Evaluation c. Literrate Environment d. Stud
dent Learning III. Diverssity IV. Professionalism V. Leadership VI. Reflecction Progrram Hallmarkks Significant features designed for leaarning include
e: 
Action Learnin
ng Projects Scchool and/or school system
m based Chan
nge Projects
echnology‐baased literacy rresearch pressentations Case Studies Reader Respon
nse Group Participation Reflective Papers of many kkinds Critique of Diffferent Views of the reading process Author Study Te
extbook evalu
uation focuse
ed to minorityy authors andd themes Scchool visitatio
on to study different literaacy programs
utoring Coaching an un
e student who
o is tutoring aa child in the Ed Lab Creation of an Assessment Resource Nottebook Data base of “Best Books” ffor diverse leaarners “B
Behind the Glass” or video
o taping of teaaching with reeview by colleagues Analysis of assessment resu
ults Liiterature Resp
ponse Journaals Special Features Students are encouragged to use ele
ective hours to
o take advanttage of special co
ourses and stu
udy abroad to
o England and
d Japan. Visit our Internatio
onal webpage
e for more infformation. The Watson School of Education is aa national site for trainingg Teacher Leaders in
n Reading Reccovery. Dr. Baarbara Honch
hell is the Cooordinator of Reading Recovery. FFor more info
ormation, pleaase click on thhe Reading R
Recovery web