Sustainable Campus Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 5, 2008 UC 326 3.10pm – 4.30pm Members Present: Dustin Leftridge, Jessie Davie, Mike Panisko, Kelly Chadwick, Paul Williamson, Phil Condon, Lisa Swallow, Mark LoParco, Charles Couture, Curtis Noonan Others Present: Erica Bloom, Martha Sample, Sonny Kless, Brian Williams, Stephen Handler, Keegan Eisenstadt, Christina Voyles Discussion Items: Keegan Eisenstadt and Stephen Handler of ClearSky Climate Solutions (, Keegan Presentation: presented on offsetting greenhouse gas emission from The UM’s air travel. Local Carbon A flyer was distributed (attached) on the specifics of what to look for when purchasing carbon offsets. It was Offsets for explained that high quality credits range from $12 – $25 per metric ton of carbon offsetting. The UM’s 13.5k Travel metric tons, will be approx $135,000 to offset (not including Athletics & non-Procard purchased travel). Keegan discussed the environmental & social benefits of purchasing offsetting and suggested that when the SCC broaches the subject with Mr. Durringer and others, the committee explain offsets as a tangible product. Keegan also suggested The UM consider creating our own offsets to compensate our travel emissions. ClearSky’s philosophy is to set a target for clients to reduce GHG activities as well as purchasing offsets. There was discussion on SCC members facilitating email introductions between ClearSky and other parties on campus. The committee will discuss this further via email, specifically how to approach Mr. Durringer. SCC Budget for FY09 Green Cleaning Products Dustin: Budget right now is $10,000.00 for FY09 Erica Bloom & Martha Sample presented on bringing green cleaning products to The UM. Information was given to the committee on research and case studies of the benefits of green cleaning products. Erica and Martha have sent invitations to all janitorial staff on campus, for an informative presentation which will include: • • • • Sonny Kless Presentation re: Sustainability Fee Shannon Kunh co-author of “Safe and Effective Cleaning Products” Erin Thompson Switalski, of Women’s Voices for the Erath (on health benefits) Jim Evanoff, Environmental Protection, Yellowstone National Park (on Yellowstone’s move to green products) Bob Stevens, Custodial Supervisor, UM Dining Services (on Dining Services move to green products, and their cost effectiveness which is contrary to popular belief). The SCC voted unanimously to support their meeting by donating $200. Sonny distributed a handout on Renewable Energy & Loan Fund Facts and asked the committee’s feedback on implementing fees to benefit sustainable programs; and the best method to garnish support from students and faculty for such a fee. (Sonny cited a New York Times article from July, 2007, Green, Greener, Greenest; regarding prospective students basing their choice of college on green issues.). Sonny mentioned an informal survey, of UM students who said they would support an additional fee for more sustainable practices on campus. Discussion ensued on whether this fee should be put forward as mandatory or optional, and if implemented, would the SCC agree to manage and control the funds? Dustin added that the ASUM Coordinator position (roughly $25,000 when out of state tuition) could potentially be funded by this fee in tandem with ASUM and SCC funding. It was suggested that a fee is more viable and welcome when students have a specific person, (such as the ASUM Coordinator) to contact for sustainable concerns and projects. Three possible options were put forward for fund management; a specifically hired business manager, Facility Services, or the ASUM finance committee. Mark LoParco mentioned timing to make sure this goes to the Board of Regents in May or sooner if the fees are to be initiated for Fall 2009. Lisa Swallow suggested a rough draft time line for putting the information forward. The discussion will be continued via email. Sustainability Mike Panisko announced to the committee that Cherrie Peacock was offered and accepted the position of Coordinator Sustainability Coordinator. She will start January 5, 2009. Update Action Items: Dustin: Jessie’s position is in deficit of $3000 (for the rest of the school year), the SCC voted unanimously to ASUM donate $3000 for Jessie’s salary. Coordinator Update Jessie said she will send the Green House Gas inventory to elected officials; she will send a cover letter with the report to Brian Schweitzer, Max Baccus, and the Board of Regence. Other: Leadership / Dustin will be in Helena next semester, and therefore would need a new chair and new members for the membership committee. Derick as a student SCC member expressed interest in an open student position. At the December for next meeting, the new SCC chair (and vice-chair if necessary) should be decided. semester Next Meeting, Wednesday December 3, 2008 in UC 326