Spring 2015 ETEAL Request for Proposals Instructions and Guidelines

Spring 2015 ETEAL Request for Proposals
For Projects beginning Summer 2016, Fall 2016, or Beyond
Instructions and Guidelines
Complete each of the following sections in their entirety (Project Information, Pedagogy, Assessment,
Funding.) Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.
All proposals for funding must be sent to ETEAL@uncw.edu by no later than 5:00pm, Tuesday March 15th,
2016. All proposal submissions must copy the direct supervisors and primary admin associate(s) for all
project members. Applications received without copying direct supervisors and admin associate(s)
cannot be considered for funding.
The current call is for projects which would begin in the Summer 2016 sessions, Fall 2016, and beyond.
Proposals for projects beginning before Summer I 2016 will not be considered.
In order to encourage participation from new projects, preference is given to first time applicants. In the
event that two proposals are otherwise equal, we will select the proposal from the applicant who has not
yet received an ETEAL Pedagogy Initiative over one who has.
In order to encourage participation from new projects, consecutive funding is limited to two semesters.
Preference is given to proposals that represent new or innovative pedagogy, have impact beyond the
course in which the project is taught and/or beyond the semester of initial implementation, are
multidisciplinary or cross UNCW divisions, and which are sustainable beyond the initial period of funding.
Proposals should be no more than 6 pages in total, including the existing 3 page template below.
Assessment guidelines
In order to assess student learning and determine the impact of applied learning pedagogy practices, the
students involved in your project will be required to complete at least one Intention reflection at the start
of their experience and one Final Critical Reflection at the end of their experience. If you receive ETEAL
funding, you must submit this student work to ETEAL at the end of each semester your project is active.
You must include your Course/Project Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and explain how they connect
to ETEAL SLOs. If your proposal does not describe your project SLOs or does not indicate how they will
connect to ETEAL SLOs, your proposal will not be considered for funding.
Budget and funding guidelines
10. ETEAL funds can only be used during the semester(s) of implementation which you list below.
11. ETEAL funds must be used completely during the semester(s) of implementation or else we will lose
access to these funds.
12. ETEAL funds typically cannot be used for: Course buy-out, travel for non-UNCW employees or non-UNCW
students, food or drink, stipends or salary for non-UNCW employees or students, or any materials that
will be given away or will not remain in UNCW’s possession. If you request any of these items in your
budget, you may be required to revise your budget. Please see detailed funding limits on page 5.
13. A total of $3,500.00 is available per project. Funding beyond $3,500.00 may be possible in select cases,
depending on the availability of funds, scope of the project, and funding justification. If you request more
than $3,500.00, please be aware that we are typically unable to provide funding beyond $3,500.00 per
project. Even if such a project is awarded, we may require you to revise your budget to a maximum of
$3,500.00. Please be aware that if your project could not be implemented with $3,500.00 or less, there is
a chance ETEAL will be unable to fund it regardless of its other merits.
Spring 2015 ETEAL Request for Proposals
Proposal Template
Please answer all questions. Incomplete proposals will not be considered for funding.
Project Information
Project Title:
Semester(s) of Implementation:
 Summer I 2016
 Summer II 2016
 Fall 2016
 Spring 2017
Fill in the semester(s) during which you are
requesting ETEAL funding. Even if you expect
your project will continue beyond the period
of ETEAL funding, only list the semester(s)
during which you are implementing the
project and will be requesting ETEAL funding.
Project Summary:
In one paragraph or less, briefly summarize your project here and how you plan to use ETEAL funds if
your project is selected for funding. This should only be an introduction and summary – you will
address each part of your project in more detail in the following sections.
Project Team and Courses Involved
Project Role
*Check the box if this project member is a Primary Instructor. For ETEAL Projects, a Primary Instructor
is anyone who will be directly teaching the students involved in the ETEAL experience. The students of
every Primary Instructor will be required to submit a critical reflection work product at the end of the
ETEAL experience. Additionally, at the end of the project every Primary Instructor is required to
submit their own instructor reflection detailing their experience teaching an ETEAL and its impact on
their own pedagogy.
**List any and all courses that will be directly involved in this project. If your proposed project does
not involve an established course, please describe the population of students who will be directly
involved, how you will identify and select them, and how much time they will each spend engaged in
this project.
Spring 2015 ETEAL Request for Proposals
Detail the proposed applied learning project. Explain how your project will enhance and impact student
Explain how you will incorporate NSEE best practices in experiential education, the AAC&U 8 key elements
of High Impact Educational Practices, or applied learning best practices in your field using examples from
the proposed project.
Demonstrate how your proposed project utilizes new or innovative practices that will make this course or
project different from a non-ETEAL applied learning course or project.
Describe the anticipated impact of your project: How many students will be involved? For how many
semesters will the project or course be active (with the same level of applied learning components)? Will
this project be sustained and how will you sustain it? Does this project have potential impact beyond the
students involved and/or beyond UNCW?
ALTC Commitment
The Applied Learning Teaching Community (ALTC) is a collaborative network of UNCW faculty and staff
who provide resources to plan and implement applied learning projects, share experiences and insights
into applied learning teaching techniques and best practices, and build new partnerships across the
university and with the community. All applied learning practitioners at UNCW are encouraged to
participate in the ALTC. Active ALTC participation involves sharing your applied learning experiences and
ideas with other practitioners and attending ALTC workshops and events. For more information about
the ALTC, see http://uncw.edu/eteal/Initiatives/ALTC.html
Please provide a statement detailing your participation in the Applied Learning and Teaching Community
(ALTC) thus far, including your attendance at and involvement in ALTC workshops and events and other
instances in which you have either shared your applied learning knowledge or learned from the ALTC.
Please describe your plans to be involved in the ALTC both this semester and in the future. All project
members should be included in these plans to some degree.
Spring 2015 ETEAL Request for Proposals
The student learning outcomes for your project should connect with ETEAL Student Learning Outcomes.
Describe the student learning outcomes for your project and explain how the ETEAL learning outcomes
(listed in the table below) support and enhance your project’s SLO’s.
Please provide a draft of the Reflection Prompts you plan to give the students involved in this project.
Be sure to include both intention and final reflection prompts. If you receive ETEAL funding, your
students must complete intention & reflection work and you must submit that work to ETEAL at the
conclusion of each semester your project receives funding.
Using the table below, outline the intention and reflection work products that your students will
complete, and which you will later submit to ETEAL. Your student work products must address all four
SLOs in some way. Note that while you must have at least intention product and one final reflection, you
can have multiple products covering a variety of SLOs if you so choose.
Remember that this assessment is really about capturing your effective pedagogies and applied learning
practices, and the process of writing reflections also helps students to solidify their goals, their learning,
and the experience as a whole.
Intention: Students will articulate their
expectations, the purpose, and/or the goals of
the experience in terms of their personal
educational development.
Link ETEAL SLOs to your Course
SLOs and reflection products
Application of Knowledge: Students will
synthesize knowledge drawn from their previous
and present coursework to address the
issues/challenges/questions involved in the
Critical Reflection: Student will communicate the
impact or significance on their personal
educational development at the conclusion of the
Evaluation of Impact: Students will communicate
the impact or significance on others in the
profession or in the field at the conclusion of the
Spring 2015 ETEAL Request for Proposals
Complete the budget table below, listing each item, its justification, and its cost. If you are receiving
funding from multiple sources, please indicate which items you are requesting ETEAL funding to cover.
For all faculty or staff stipends, please provide a clear description, in the justification line, of the duties
the stipend recipient will be performing as part of the project.
from ETEAL
Funding from
other sources
Total Cost
Detailed funding guidelines and limits:
ETEAL funds can only be used during the semester(s) of your project’s implementation.
ETEAL funds must be used completely during the semester(s) of implementation or else we will lose
access to these funds. Please note that even if your project runs across multiple semesters, we may only
be able to provide funding for a single semester per award.
ETEAL funds typically cannot be used for:
a. Course buy-out
b. Travel for non-UNCW employees or non-UNCW students
c. Food, drink, or per diem meal expenses
d. Travel to conferences or events that occurs after the semester of your project’s implementation.
e. Stipends or salary for non-UNCW employees or students
f. Any supplies, materials, or items that will be given away or will not remain in UNCW’s possession
g. Certain types of performances, tours, and ticketed events
This is not an exhaustive list and if you have any questions about whether any of your budget items would
be permissible or not, please contact ETEAL@uncw.edu.
If you request such items, such as food, gift cards for research study participants, educational kits to
donate, etc. ETEAL may be able to secure funding to cover these items provided there is a clear and
compelling justification for those items grounded in the best practices for your discipline. Please be aware
that even if your proposal is selected for an ETEAL award, there is no guarantee we will be able to cover
these items and you may be required to revise your budget.
A total of $3,500.00 is available per project. Funding beyond $3,500.00 may be possible in select cases,
depending on the availability of funds, scope of the project, and funding justification. If you request more
than $3,500.00, please be aware that we are typically unable to provide funding beyond $3,500.00 per
project. Even if such a project is awarded, we may require you to revise your budget to a maximum of
$3,500.00. Please be aware that if your project could not be implemented with $3,500.00 or less, there is
a chance ETEAL will be unable to fund it regardless of its other merits.