The Portuguese Banking System in the Transition to the Banking Union Pedro Duarte Neves • Vice-Governor 30 September 2014 Euromoney Conferences The Portugal Conference Outline 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism 5. Challenges ahead 2 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union Outline 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism 5. Challenges ahead 3 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme Economic and Financial Assistance Programme (EFAP) Main goals: Strengthen macro-financial stability, restore financial market confidence and relaunch sustainable growth Three pillars Stabilisation of the financial sector Fiscal consolidation Structural adjustment Financial sector workstreams Liquidity Solvency Supervision Resolution Balanced and orderly deleveraging Adequate capitalization Strengthen bank supervision Set up an updated bank resolution framework g g g Debt restructuring Corporate and household debt restructuring 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme Economic and Financial Assistance Programme (EFAP) Financial sector workstreams – Main instruments Liquidity Solvency Supervision Resolution ECB refinancing operations Regulatory measures Cross sector supervisory actions Resolution Fund Funding and capital plans Fund, financed by banks, intended to finance resolution measures. Forward looking reporting, submitted quarterly. Conventional measures FRFA VLTRO Collateral eligibility requirements Other Capital ratio minima (core Tier 1 of 9% by end 2011 and 10% by end 2012); own funds deductions. Bank Solvency Support Facility 12 € billion 5 • 30 September 2014 On-site inspections program (OIP), Special inspections program (SIP), Impairment analysis (ETRICC), Large clients business plans analysis (ETRICC 2). Recovery and resolution plans Information annually submitted by banks with the recovery measures and the relevant data in case of resolution The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union Stress tests Evaluates banks ability to endure adverse financial and economic scenarios. Forward looking. Outline 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism 5. Challenges ahead 6 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook There has been a sizeable adjustment of imbalances Net lender position (improvement of around 12 p.p. in the current and capital account between 2010 and 2013) Deleveraging is ongoing. Nevertheless, the level of indebtedness is still significant 4.0 Current and capital account (% GDP) Debt of the resident non-financial sector (% GDP) 400 350 2.0 300 0.0 250 -2.0 200 -4.0 150 100 -6.0 50 -8.0 0 -10.0 1999 2001 Households -12.0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 7 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2003 2005 2007 Non-financial corporations 2009 2011 General government 2013 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook The restructuring of the economy is proceeding Weight of exports in GDP increased 10 p.p. between 2010 and 2013 ; significant share due to young firms; export market share gains of 12 p.p. in 2011-13 Firms with highest labor productivity increased their domestic market share Demand components (as a % of GDP) Export decomposition by firms’ birth year 75.0 65.0 55.0 45.0 35.0 25.0 15.0 Private consumption Public consumption Investment Exports 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 -5.0 2007 5.0 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook Credit developments have been consistent with the adjustment Recent improvement in credit market conditions Credit flows have been channeled to the most dynamic and productive firms, notably exporting firms in the private sector, albeit there is high heterogeneity across firms Distribution of interest rate to non-financial corporations (new business), in percentage 30% Credit to non-financial corporations in the private sector (y-o-y rate of change, in percentage) 6.0 4.0 25% Jun-10 20% Dec-11 2.0 Jun-14 0.0 15% -2.0 -4.0 10% -6.0 5% -8.0 2010 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Interest rates (percentage) 9 • 30 September 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total credit Loans and debt securities - resident banks Loans to exporting firms by resident financial institutions The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook Strong and unprecedented fiscal consolidation effort in 2011-13 Around 8.5 p.p. improvement in the structural primary deficit The increase in the public debt ratio was mostly associated with debt deficit adjustments and rises in interest expenditures The composition of structural consolidation (in percentage points of trend GDP) 40 9 35 7 30 5 25 In p.p. of GDP In p.p. of trend GDP Breakdown of the change in the public debt ratio 20 3 15 1 10 -1 5 -3 -5 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Expenditure contribution Revenue contribution 10 • 30 September 2014 2013 Cum.: 20082013 Cum.: 20112013 -5 2008 2010 Primary balance effect Economic growth effect Total change The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2012 Cum.: 2011-2013 Interest expenditure effect Deficit-debt adjustments 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook Successful exit from the Assistance Programme in May 2014 Anchored on sounder fundamentals of the Portuguese economy, coupled with institutional progress on a European level Favorable evolution of risk perception as regards the euro area Improved access of residents to wholesale debt markets 10-year government bond yields Financial Account Balance and changes in assets and liabilities 20 25 16 20 14 15 In percentage of GDP 18 12 10 8 6 4 Change in assets Change in liabilities Balance 10 5 0 -5 -10 2 -15 0 2007 2008 US 2009 Germany 2010 UK Source: Thomson Reuters 2011 Italy 2012 Spain 2013 France 2008 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014H1 Notes: an increase in net liabilities to nonresidents corresponds to a financial inflow and an increase in net assets corresponds to a financial outflow. Portugal on to the Sources: INE and Banco de Portugal 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook A gradual recovery has been observed in Portugal since mid-2013, in the context of a modest and uneven recovery in the euro area Resilient exports but still relatively weak investment dynamics Labor market developments have been relatively favorable Year-on-year rate of change of GDP (per cent) 3 Unemployment rate (per cent) 20 2 18 1 16 0 14 -1 12 -2 10 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2014Q2 2014Q1 2013Q4 2013Q3 2013Q2 2012Q4 2012Q3 2012Q2 2012Q1 6 2011Q4 2014Q2 2014Q1 2013Q4 2013Q3 2013Q2 2013Q1 2012Q4 2012Q3 2012Q2 2012Q1 2011Q4 2011Q3 2011Q2 2011Q1 -5 2011Q3 Euro area 12 • 30 September 2014 Portugal Euro area 8 2011Q2 -4 2013Q1 Portugal 2011Q1 -3 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook The latest macroeconomic projections for Portugal GDP growth close to the euro area Gradual recovery of domestic demand and strong export dynamics Sustained correction of macroeconomic imbalances 140 2013 2014(p) 2015(p) 2016(p) Gross Domestic Product -1.4 1.1 1.5 1.7 Private Consumption Public Consumption GFCF Exports Imports -1.7 -1.8 -6.6 6.1 2.8 1.4 -0.2 0.8 3.8 4.6 1.5 -1.4 3.7 6.1 4.8 1.5 0.2 3.9 5.6 5.5 120 110 100 90 80 70 13 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2016(p) 2015(p) 2014(p) 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 60 2008 Source: Banco de Portugal. GDP Private consumption GFCF Exports 130 Projection June 2014 Outline 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism 5. Challenges ahead 14 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector The banking sector is undergoing a balance-sheet repair… Reduction of total assets, with a significant contraction of credit to customers partially offset by an increase of debt instruments held (mainly holdings of public debt). Change in the financing structure, with a decrease in market based sources partially compensated by an increase in customers' deposits and Eurosystem refinancing. Assets (Billion €), at end of period 600 532 513 496 500 Bank financing structure (Billion €), at end of period 600 460 449 400 300 200 100 Other Assets 500 Investment in Credit Institutions Capital Instruments Debt Instruments 400 Credit 0 2010 2011 2012 15 • 30 September 2014 2013 2Q 2014 532 513 496 460 449 Capital & Others 300 Resources from Central Banks Interbank Market 200 Securities 100 Deposits 0 2010 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2011 2012 2013 2Q 2014 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector … characterized by a strong deleverage process Significant decrease of LTD ratio, chiefly driven by the credit reduction. Significant reduction of the commercial gap Loan-to-Deposits (LTD) ratio, at end of period 140 140 128 120 117 400 114 300 100 80 200 60 40 100 20 0 0 2010 2011 2012 16 • 30 September 2014 2013 Deposits (left axis) 2Q 2014 Credit (left axis) Credit at risk (left axis) LTD ratio € Billion 160 500 158 € Billion 180 Commercial gap, at end of period 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 133 98 70 2010 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2011 2012 43 35 2013 2Q 2014 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector NPL ratio increased, also due to supervisory action, but this trend is now reverting The ratio of credit at risk maintains an upward trend. Recent developments are partially justified by a denominator effect (deleveraging), since the flow of new overdue and non-performing loans has been reduced since mid-2012. Despite the increase in the credit at risk, the respective coverage ratios remained relatively stable throughout the period. Credit at risk ratio by institutional sector, at end of period PrivateResident Sector Non-financial corporaions Housing Credit at risk coverage ratio by institutional sector, at end of period Consumpionandoher purposes PrivateResident Sector Non-financial corporaions Housing Consumpionandother purposes 90,0 20,0 80,0 18,0 16,0 70,0 14,0 60,0 Per cent Per cent 12,0 10,0 50,0 40,0 8,0 30,0 6,0 20,0 4,0 2,0 10,0 0,0 0,0 2010 2011 2012 17 • 30 September 2014 2013 1Q 2014 2Q 2014 2010 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 2011 2012 2013 1Q 2014 2Q 2014 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector Cross-sectional inspections carried out by BdP in 2011-2014 SIP (2011) OIP (2012) ETRICC (2013) ETTRIC2 (2013-2014) All credit portfolio Construction and Real Estate portfolio Credit portfolio, excluding mortage, consumer and public administration loans 12 economic groups Reference date June 2011 June 2012 April 2013 September 2013 Scope universe € 281 billion € 69 billion € 93 billion € 9,4 billion Sample for individual analysis € 70 billion € 39 billion € 53 billion € 8,4 billion 5 516 2 856 2 206 227 # BdP resources 69 31 27 18 # external resources 226 98 191 37 16 Dec 2011 3 Dec 2012 2 Aug 2013 28-Mar-2014 Scope # of analysed entities Public release Reinforcement of impairment and provisions levels deemed necessary as a result of the inspection exercise. Impairments and Provisions € 838 billion € 861 billion € 1 127 billion € 1 003 billion 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector The solvency ratios have clearly increased… Core tier 1 reached 12.3% at end 2013, clearly above the 10% minimum defined under the Economic and Financial Assistance Programme. (As of Jan 2014 there is a new framework, fully aligned with CRD IV, introducing the common equity tier 1 (CET1) concept) The increase in core tier 1 ratio was driven both by a reduction in RWA and reinforced capital position (with public capitalization having a considerable role) Solvency and leverage ratios Contributions to the Core Tier 1 ratio change 2010 - 2013 12 5 10 4 Percentage points Percentage 14 8 6 4 Dec2010 Dec2011 Solvency ratio Core Tier 1 Leverage ratio (Tier 1 / total assets) 19 • 30 September 2014 Dec2012 Dec2013 Solvency ratio regulatory minimum EFAP minimum for Core Tier 1 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 3 RWA 2 1 Core Tier 1 0 2010-2013 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector … but profitability remains under pressure, despite the recent recovery of the net interest income Banks results have been declining as a reflection of the challenging economic and financial scenario (GDP, unemployment, low level of interest rates). Nevertheless, excluding BES group, the profitability of the banking system improved significantly in the first half of 2014 when compared to the same period in 2013 Banking sector returns 1,0 0,5 % 7,7 -6,3 -5,5 -0,4 -0,3 -8,4 -11,6 3,8 0,5 0,3 0,0 -0,5 -0,5 -1,0 -0,8 -26,5 -1,8 2010 2011 2012 Return on Equity (ROE) 2013 1H 2013 1H 2014 Return on Assets (ROA) - rhs The lighter shaded number and dotted line are BdP estimates for the ROE and ROA excluding BES group 20 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union -1,5 -2,0 % 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector BES resolution • BES Group was the 3rd largest banking group in PT, with total assets of about € 81 bn, representing almost 50% of Portuguese GDP • Unexpected losses unveiled in late July triggered a breach in solvency ratios which further and irreparably aggravated the liquidity shortfall • On 3 August BdP created “Novo Banco” and transferred thereto most of the business of BES, which was left as a “bad bank” and shall be wound up • Capital requirements of Novo Banco were estimated at € 4.9 bn, after prudent adjustments and targeting a CET1 ratio of 8.5% 5yr spread : Diferential vis-à-vis DE p.b. Eurostoxx and PSI 20 index 110 300 Early signs point to no systemic implications and sovereign contagion 250 200 150 100 Portugal Espanha Itália 100 = 1st july 2014 100 90 80 50 Euro stoxx 50 0 1/Jul 21 • 12/Jul 23/Jul 3/Ago 14/Ago 25/Ago 70 01-Jul-14 12-Jul-14 23-Jul-14 PSI20 03-Ago-14 14-Ago-14 25-Ago-14 Outline 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism 5. Challenges ahead 22 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism Single Supervision Mechanism - Institutional framework ECB National Competent Authorities (NCA) Euro Area Responsibility for the oversight of the SSM functioning and for ensuring supervisory consistency Direct Supervision of Less Significant Banks SSM Common Supervisory Framework Supervisory Decisions over All Banks: exclusive competence or use of specific powers Decision to Directly Exercise Supervision Assistance to the ECB in the Supervision of Significant Banks Exclusively Competent for Supervisory Tasks not conferred on the ECB Direct Supervision of Significant Banks 23 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union NCA other Member States (optional – close cooperation agreement) The supervisory framework will mirror the one applied within the Euro Area, but the ECB will exercise its tasks indirectly always by instructions to the NCA 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism Single Supervision Mechanism – Operational framework GOVERNING COUNCIL SUPERVISORY BOARD ECB Intermediate Structures (DGs) a JST for every significant banking group responsible for all supervisory tasks JST Coordinator NCA sub-coordinators ECB/NCA staff 24 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union Outline 1. The Economic and Financial Assistance Programme 2. The ongoing adjustment of the Portuguese economy: recent developments and the macroeconomic outlook 3. Balance sheet repair: the adjustment of the banking sector 4. The Single Supervision Mechanism 5. Challenges ahead 25 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union 5. Challenges ahead • Improving long-run growth is of the essence i) Need to sustain (and enlarge) the reform momentum ii) Investments in physical and human capital are key • The adjustment of accumulated imbalances will continue to characterize the Portuguese economy i) An orderly and gradual deleveraging process needs to be sustained ii) A smooth intermediation process is crucial to an efficient allocation of resources • Fulfilling the current European commitments is the adequate policy from an intertemporal perspective Even under conservative macroeconomic assumptions, fulfilling the Fiscal Compact ensures debt sustainability • Restoring profitability in the banking sector is crucial 26 • 30 September 2014 The Portuguese Banking System in the transition to the Banking Union