11/13/2008 Queens College Course and Faculty Evaluation Roster Logout Semester: Spring 2 0 0 8 Depart ment: E N G L I SH Course: I ntro T o P oetry Code: 0079 Sect ion: 1 M 3 WA Instruct or: H ugh E nglis h For the ins truc tor and c las s or lab s ec tion lis ted above, pleas e res pond to all of the following items . A . Communication 1 . T he ins truc tor c learly pres ented c ours e requirements and objec tives early in the s emes ter. Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able 2 . T he ins truc tor's pres entations were c lear. Strongly dis agree D is agree 3 . T he ins truc tor's c ommand of s poken E nglis h is good. Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree 4 . T he ins truc tor is enthus ias tic about the c ours e material. Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree B. Exams, A ssignments and Grading 5 . T he ins truc tor made it c lear what the exams would c over. Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree 6 . T he ins truc tor provides us eful c omments on as s ignments and exams . Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree 7 . T he ins truc tor returns as s ignments /exams within a reas onable time. Strongly dis agree D is agree 8 . Reading as s ignments were valuable. Strongly dis agree D is agree 9 . O ther as s ignments (e.g., written, oral, s tatis tic ) were valuable. Strongly dis agree D is agree C. Facult y Int eraction with Students 1 0 . T he ins truc tor is res pec tful of s tudents . Strongly dis agree D is agree 1 1 . T he ins truc tor is c onc erned about s tudents ' progres s . Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree 1 2 . T he ins truc tor is available outs ide of c las s . Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree 1 3 . T he ins truc tor enc ourages s tudents to as k and ans wer ques tions . Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree D. Outcomes 1 4 . I learned a great deal in this c ours e. http://webdev.oct.qc.cuny.edu/facult… 1/3 11/13/2008 Queens College Strongly dis agree D is agree N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able D is agree N either agree nor dis agree A gree Strongly agree N ot applic able 1 5 . I enjoyed the c ours e. Strongly dis agree E. Course Inf ormation 1 6 . H ow diffic ult was the c ours e? N ot at all diffic ult Somewhat diffic ult M oderately diffic ult V ery diffic ult E xtremely diffic ult 1 7 . T he pac e at whic h the ins truc tor c overed the material was : T oo s low Somewhat s low J us t about right Somewhat fas t T oo fas t 1 8 . T he work load for this c ours e was : V ery light L ight M oderate H eavy V ery heavy F. Background Inf ormat ion 1 9 . I s this c ours e required for your major or minor? Y es No 2 0 . What is your c las s level? Fres hman Sophomore Junior Senior G raduate/C ertific ate P rogram Student N on- D egree 2 1 . What grade do you antic ipate rec eiving in this c ours e? A B C D P N C /F INC O ther 2 2 . What is your c urrent G rade P oint A verage? L es s than 2 .0 2 .0 - 2 .4 9 2 .5 - 2 .9 9 3 .0 - 3 .4 9 3 .5 or above G. Comment s (Optional) 23. P leas e explain why you would or would not rec ommend this ins truc tor to a friend. Max 600 chars 24. What did you like the mos t about this c las s ? Max 600 chars 25. What, if anything, c ould the ins truc tor have done to improve the c las s ? http://webdev.oct.qc.cuny.edu/facult… 2/3 11/13/2008 Queens College Max 600 chars Next For tec hnic al as s is tanc e, pleas e c ontac t the H elp D es k by email (help@ qc .c uny.edu), phone (7 1 8 -9 9 7 - 4 4 4 4 ), or in pers on (D ining H all, Room 1 5 0 ). http://webdev.oct.qc.cuny.edu/facult… 3/3