UNCW Military Affiliated Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2013 Dates you should know: May 10th & 11th—Commencement May 20th to June 20th—Summer Session I May 27th—Memorial Day (No Classes) June 26th to July 30th—Summer Session II July 4th—Independence Day (No Classes) Aug. 21st—Fall Classes Begin Inside this issue: Financial Aid & G.I. Bill Information 2 VA Student Walk-In Hours 2 Raytheon-SVA Scholarships 2 About the PERCH 3 SVO Information 3 Loved Ones of the Armed Forces 3 Got Your 6 Campaign 4 Memorial Day 4 Residency Status for Veterans When the average person hears H.R. 357, that probably doesn’t mean much. But to veterans, it means the difference between paying instate and out-of-state tuition. H.R. 357 is a bipartisan bill and if passed, could require any schools eligible for GI Bill education benefits to give veterans in-state tuition rates no matter their residency status. Student Veterans of America (SVA) has voiced its support for H.R. 357. Executive director of SVA, Michael Dakduk, testified on behalf of veterans on the need to grant in-state residency status to all veterans and beneficiaries of VA education benefits. ―The Post-9/11 GI Bill pays the highest in-state tuition and fees. Due to military obligations, many veterans are unable to establish in-state residency for the purposes of enrolling at a public university or college. Ultimately, this becomes a financial burden that leaves veterans vying for additional financial aid due to out-of-state residency status,‖ Dakduk said. "It's troubling to me that as a country we find no cost too great to send America’s sons and daughters off to war, yet when they remove the uniform some institutions find reasons not to give veterans the full support they have earned. Veterans served our nation in its entirety, not just one state. This bill reflects that.‖ Taken from www.studentveterans.org/index.php/media-news/95-sva-s-executivedirector-testifies-on-in-state-tuition.html. Congratulations Graduating Seniors! Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2013 Military-Affiliated Newsletter Important Information for Financial Aid and GI Bill If you plan on taking summer classes, make sure you get in touch with either your advisor or the appropriate contact for your PIN number during pre-registration. Each person has a different registration day and time for summer classes. To locate your time ticket for registration: 1. 2. 3. 4. Visit https://seanet.uncw.edu/. Click on ―Student Services & Financial Aid.‖ Next, click on ―Registration.‖ You should see ―Check Your Registration Status,‖ click on this link. 5. The next screen will ask you to select the term you wish to look up. Select Summer 2013. 6. On this screen, you should now be able to see the exact date and time that you can begin registering for summer classes. VA Student Walk-In Hours Mondays 3:00pm—4:30pm Tuesdays Noon—1:00pm Wednesdays 10:00am—11:30am Thursdays 2:00pm—4:00pm Military students need to submit class schedules each semester. VA Class Schedule Forms may be printed from the financial aid website and it is very important these do get completed, you will not receive any military monetary assistance without it. Also, if you are going to be taking hours in the summer, and want to obtain financial aid, you need to have a 12/13 FAFSA on file and complete a summer school application on OSFA’s website at www.uncw.edu/finaid. If you are going to be applying for financial aid for the 2013/2014 school year, you should have already started your FAFSA and you should have it finished as soon as possible. This can be done for free online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. If you need more information about financial assistance for the summer please contact the Financial Aid Office at (910) 962-3177. Want to stay up to date on deadlines for financial aid? Like the UNCW Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid page on Facebook. Raytheon-SVA Scholarships Student Veterans of America (SVA) and Raytheon have teamed up to provide scholarships to student veterans. There are three scholarships and each will be worth $10,000. The 2013 Scholarship application will close on July 12, 2013 at 11:59pm. Student veterans must complete the online application, answer two essay questions, attach all required documents, and have one letter of reference submitted prior to this deadline to be considered. Eligible students must: Be entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year of undergraduate study, or be enrolled in a graduate program for the 2013-2014 academic year. Be attending full-time at an accredited four-year university in the U.S. for the 2013-2014 academic year (if graduating in December, the award will be half the amount). Be enrolled in a science, technology engineering, or math program. Demonstrate a commitment to and passion for science, technology, engineering, and/or math. Demonstrate leadership and engagement in their community. Be a current student veteran, as proven by a DD FM 214 and transcript. Have received an honorable discharge, or is in good standing with his/ her branch of service. Visit www.studentveterans.org for more information. Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2013 Military-Affiliated Newsletter About the PERCH PERCH services, provided by the Office of the Dean of Students, contribute to the successful transition and university engagement of off-campus, non-traditional, graduate, and military-affiliated students by 910.962.3119 seahawkperch@uncw.edu www.uncw.edu/PERCH Located in with the Office of the Dean of Students, FUU 2017. • Providing Personal support • Delivering Educational opportunities • Connecting students to UNCW and Wilmington Resources • Arranging opportunities for Community development • Assisting with your off-campus Housing search Like Seahawks, when our students utilize PERCH services, they graduate and soar to new heights! Check out the PERCH on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ThePERCHUNCW or on Twitter at twitter.com/ThePERCH_UNCW. Student Veterans Organization The purpose of SVO is to foster support for all veterans of the Armed Forces, members of the Reserves, National Guard and their spouses. Membership in the Student Veterans Organization is open to any degree–seeking student who is a veteran of the armed forces, a member of the Reserves, National Guard, or the family member of any military service member. If this sounds like something for you, contact the Jenna Drescher, SVO President, at jmo3955@uncw.edu for more information. SVO also has a Facebook page. Like their page to stay up to date on information and events for UNCW Military-Affiliated Students. SVO Executive Board Elections were held on March 20th. These are the members of the newly elected Executive Board: President Jenna Drescher, jmo3955@uncw.edu Vice President Corey Carmichael, rcc5948@uncw.edu Treasurer Nate Armstrong, nja8047@uncw.edu Secretary Dave Wolff, dbw1339@uncw.edu Loved Ones of the Armed Forces (L.O.A.F.) L.O.A.F. (Loved Ones of the Armed Forces), is a student organization that exists to develop relationships between those who are affiliated with those serving in the military. The club will bring people together and will allow them to further discuss the military from a loved ones point of view. The students will be able to ask others questions and receive answers as a way to learn more. The organization will also allow students to be able to tell stories of their loved ones and be able to open up to a group of people that understand them. They will be able to have a chance to speak during the club and give updates or just tell stories that everyone will enjoy. The organization will also allow students to raise money for those who are currently in the military, as well as veterans with disabilities. The students will raise money, create care packages, write letters, support larger organizations in the community and do other community service to help those who have served. For more information, contact Kelsey Pastore at kmp7397@uncw.edu or McClellan Lang at mml7079@uncw.edu. Page 3 Got Your 6 Campaign The saying ―Got your six‖ means ―I’ve got your back‖ in the military. It originated in World War I when fighter pilots would reference a pilot’s rear as the six o’clock position. The Got Your 6 campaign is about bringing America together and bridging the civilian-military divide, so that veterans and their families are recognized as civic assets and leaders. Got Your 6 unites top veteran-focused nonprofit organizations with the entertainment industry. As the wars draw close to an end, it is projected that we will see an influx in veteran students. It is estimated that more than one million service members will exit the military over the next five years and re-enter civilian life. Got Your 6 focuses on six key pillars of veteran reintegration: jobs, health, housing, leadership, family, and education. Student Veterans of America and the Pat Tillman Foundation and their partners are coordinating to collect pledges from colleges and universities. By June 2014, they want to collect 500 pledges to implement or enhance resources, programs, and policies to support student veterans. As a university, UNCW strives to make the best accommodations for veterans that it can. That is why UNCW has made the commitment to and has signed the Got Your 6 pledge. Nate Hupman, former Student Veterans Organization (SVO) president, helped pull this all together. ―After attending the Student Veterans of America National Conference in January, I had learned about the Got Your 6 Campaign and knew right away it was something I felt the University should be a part of. In the February Military Task Force Meeting, I brought this subject to attention for the Board to know about and explained how it would be beneficial to the University to be a part of it. I was later informed that the idea had been pushed up the chain and that Chancellor Miller was going to sign UNCW into the campaign,‖ Hupman said. Hupman went on to say that he was ―not only proud of the Student Veterans Organization as a whole for what we have accomplished this year and this achievement, but also UNCW as a whole in their support of Veterans in all aspects of being involved with the University.‖ Taken in part from www.gotyour6.org/about/history. Memorial Day Memorial Day History General John Logan, head of an organization of Union veterans, officially proclaimed Decoration Day on May 5, 1868 as a time to decorate the graves of those who had died in the war. The day was first observed on May 30, 1868 when flowers and small American flags were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Following World War I, the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring those who died fighting in any war. In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday and placed it on the last Monday in May. “Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.” -General John Logan National Moment of Remembrance Congress passed and the president signed into law The National Moment of Remembrance Act in December 2000. The National Moment of Remembrance encourages all Americans to pause for a moment of silence at 3:00pm local time on Memorial Day and honor those who have died in 48th Annual Memorial Day Observance Aboard services to the United States. Battleship North Carolina ―Flags In‖ Monday, May 27th—5:45pm Every year for the past 40 years, the 3rd U.S. People from all across the State will gather together on the Infantry has honored America’s fallen heroes by deck of the Battleship to pay their respects. Guest speaker for placing American flags on the graves at Arlington this observance is Rear Admiral Steven H. Ratti, Commander National Cemetery and the U.S. Soldier’s and Fifth Coast Guard District. An emotional ceremony, preceding Airmen’s Home National Cemetery just prior to Memorial Day weekend. Flags are also placed at the and concluding with military musical arrangements provided by Tomb of the Unknowns by the Tomb Sentinels. This the 440th NC Army National Guard Band, and a 21-gun salute. The public is invited to this free event. tradition is known as ―flags in. Soldiers remain in the cemetery throughout the weekend, ensuring that a www.battleshipnc.com/Events/MemorialDay flag remains at each gravestone. Page 4