SSHRC CURA 2010 Partner Requirements Community-University Research Alliances (CURAs) support the creation of alliances between community organizations and postsecondary institutions which, through ongoing collaboration and mutual learning, foster innovative research, training and the creation of new knowledge in areas of importance for the social, cultural or economic development of Canadian communities. If our CURA application is successful, it will secure funding for CUISR and the greater community to work together for a period of five years on Learning Local Governance: Reimagining Sustainable Communities. Benefits of partnership include the following: 1. The opportunity to shape research design and direction. 2. The ability to propose research projects meaningful and relevant to your organization. 3. Shared knowledge, resources, and expertise; capacity building; and strengthened decision-making and problem-solving. 4. CUISR-assigned student interns paired with faculty to conduct community based research. 5. Access to CURA financial resources to support attendance at annual workshops. 6. Partners that are a community based organization may be eligible to receive a salary replacement stipend for an investigator or co-investigator named on the proposal and Non-financial Notice of Award. contributions can include employee time, Stipends will cover up to 50% of the replacement cost of information resources, a partner researcher who devotes his or her time as an space, supplies, for investigator or co-investigator example. 50% is calculated on total salary costs including benefits and can be requested for each year of the award To play a role in Learning Local Governance, Partners .... May be a private, public or non-profit organization. Each must submit an electronic (PDF) letter of confirmation not exceeding one page. SSHRC requires that letters include the following: a statement that the partner has read the application and agrees to their role and level of participation in the CURA a statement that the partner is willing and able to complete activities assigned to it a statement confirming the partner's financial and non-financial contribution(s) please provide a financial value for non-financial contributions the email and full name of the primary contact to be identified in the formal application We would appreciate receiving your letter of confirmation by Friday, August 27, so that we may comply with the University’s internal matching funding deadline. Please address letters of confirmation to Professor Isobel M. Findlay at the following address: Community-University Institute for Social Research University of Saskatchewan R.J.D. Williams Building 432 – 221 Cumberland Avenue S7N 1M3 CUISR .... Building Healthy, Sustainable Communities