VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS 1500 KING STREET | ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 703.684.1001 | WWW.VRE.ORG TABLE OF CONTENTS CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 2 ON TIME PERFORMANCE 3 RIDERSHIP UPDATE 3 MONTHLY CITATIONS UPDATE 4 RIDERSHIP CHART 5 ON TIME PERFORMANCE GRAPHS 6 TRAIN UTILIZATION 7 PARKING UTILIZATION 8 BICYCLE COUNTS 8 FINANCIAL REPORT 10 SYSTEM PLAN 2040 SYSTEM PLAN 2040 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS 10 RAIL OPERATIONS SAFETY UPDATE 11 CAPITAL PROJECTS 14 PROGRESS REPORT/PROJECTS UNDERWAY SPOTSYLVANIA ALEXANDRIA KING STREET PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL L’ENFANT STORAGE TRACK LORTON PLATFORM EXTENSION BROAD RUN TRAIN WASH BROAD RUN PARKING EXPANSION FACILITIES UPDATE NEW PASSENGER CARS ON TIME PERFORMANCE REASON FOR DELAYS On Time Performance (OTP) for the month of May 2014 decreased significantly to 85% in comparison to the first four months of 2014 which averaged around 95%. The Fredericksburg line realized 79% OTP while the Manassas line came in at 91%. Train delays were mainly caused by restricted speed orders; heat restrictions; passenger handling; and train interference issues. CSX experienced a mudslide near Baltimore which required the rerouting of many freight trains in the Northeast corridor. This impacted VRE’s on-time performance. In May, VRE operated 630 trains with 93 trains experiencing a delay over five minutes. More delays were experienced on the Fredericksburg line (62) due to the reasons stated above. 1% 13% 27% 34% 3% 22% “Other” includes those trains that were delayed due to late turns, weather, maintenance of way and schedule related issues, etc. Train Interference - 64 Restricted Speed - 81 Signal/Switch Failure - 6 Mechanical Failure - 3 Passenger Handling - 52 Other - 31 Note: There were a total of 237 delays during the month but only 93 late trains. The reason for the difference is that a train may encounter several delays during its operation which may or may not cause it to be late. For instance, a train could be late leaving Union Station waiting for another train to depart the station. During the course of its run it could also encounter a signal issue, yet still arrive at its final destination on-time. That train experienced two delays but was not “LATE” (arriving at its final destination later than five minutes). TRIP DELAYS SYSTEM-WIDE MARCH APRIL MAY Total delays 37 30 93 Average length of delay (mins.) 18 16 14 Number over 30 minutes 6 4 2 Total Days with heat restrictions 0/20 0/22 7/21 On-Time Performance 94% 96% 85% Total delays 20 19 62 Average length of delay (mins.) 17 19 14 Number over 30 minutes 4 3 2 93% 94% 79% Total delays 17 11 31 Average length of delay (mins.) 18 12 13 Number over 30 minutes 2 1 0 95% 97% 91% FREDERICKSBURG LINE On-Time Performance MANASSAS LINE On-Time Performance 2 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 RIDERSHIP UPDATE Total May 2014 ridership was 401,901, down from 425,375 in May 2013. However, there was one less service day this May (21) as compared to May 2013 (22). There were no “S” schedules operated in May 2014. The May 2014 average daily ridership was 19,138, another slight decrease (1%) from the average daily ridership of 19,335 in May 2013. RIDERSHIP MONTH-TO-MONTH COMPARISON DESCRIPTION MONTHLY RIDERSHIP May 2014 401,901 May 2013 425,375 Service Days (Current/Prior) 21/22 Ridership Percent Change (neg.)1.0% NORMALIZED MONTHLY CITATIONS UPDATE Keolis wrote 113 citations during the month of May, four more than in the month of April. VRE waived 48 citations after riders showed proof of purchase of a monthly ticket. Additionally, another 11 were dismissed either for a one time courtesy, per the conductor’s request, or other unique circumstances. Of the remaining 54 citations that went to court, five were found guilty, 13 were guilty in absentia, 13 were dismissed, 10 were prepaid and 13 were continued on to a later date for insufficient processing time. Zero were found to be not guilty. WAIVED CITATIONS VRE ACTIONS OCCURRENCES 48 Waived – One Time Courtesy 3 Waived – Per the request of the conductor 6 Waived – TVM Error Waived – Insufficient Information 0 0 0 2 6 0 TOTAL WAIVED CITATIONS 65 Waived – Per Ops Manager Waived – Unique Circumstances Waived – Insufficient Processing Time 10% 27% 27% 15% Waived – Passenger showed proof of a monthly ticket Waived – Defective Ticket FARE EVASION COURT ACTIONS 21% Guilty - 5 Guilty in Absentia - 13 Prepaid Prior to Court - 10 Cont. to Next Court Date - 7 Dismissed - 13 Not Guilty - 0 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 3 RIDERSHIP CHART DATE MSS AM MSS PM TOTAL MSS ACTUAL OTP TD FBG AM FBG PM FBG TOTAL ACTUAL OTP TD TOTAL TRIPS ACTUAL OTP TD 1 4,196 4,468 8,664 2 3,462 3,523 6,985 63% 5,119 5,204 10,323 79% 18,987 70% 75% 4,283 4,212 8,495 71% 15,481 73% 5 4,257 4,256 8,513 100% 4,857 5,134 9,992 100% 18,505 100% 6 4,508 7 4,633 4,671 9,179 75% 5,448 5,544 10,992 71% 20,171 73% 4,515 9,148 94% 5,483 5,619 11,102 79% 20,250 8 87% 4,436 4,560 8,996 94% 5,085 5,542 10,628 57% 19,624 9 77% 3,594 3,373 6,967 94% 4,438 4,618 9,056 64% 16,023 80% 12 4,205 4,108 8,313 88% 5,025 4,948 9,973 79% 18,286 83% 13 4,389 4,545 8,934 100% 5,334 5,226 10,560 71% 19,493 87% 14 4,517 4,436 8,953 100% 5,259 5,351 10,610 79% 19,563 90% 15 4,354 4,474 8,828 94% 5,616 5,512 11,128 100% 19,956 97% 16 3,423 3,137 6,560 69% 4,228 4,363 8,592 64% 15,152 67% 19 4,146 4,298 8,443 94% 4,979 5,302 10,281 93% 18,725 93% 20 4,528 4,864 9,392 88% 5,624 5,825 11,449 79% 20,841 83% 21 4,457 4,516 8,973 100% 5,210 5,534 10,745 93% 19,718 97% 22 4,353 4,312 8,666 100% 5,240 5,650 10,891 79% 19,557 90% 23 2,893 3,418 6,311 100% 3,935 4,945 8,880 86% 15,191 93% 27 4,384 4,341 8,725 94% 5,322 5,144 10,465 71% 19,190 83% 28 4,583 4,623 9,207 88% 5,863 5,346 11,209 64% 20,416 77% 29 4,396 4,734 9,130 100% 5,425 5,412 10,837 100% 19,968 100% 30 3,748 3,579 7,327 100% 4,526 4,730 9,257 79% 16,584 90% 87,462 88,754 176,215 91% 106,302 109,162 215,465 79% 391,680 85% 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 26 31 Amtrak Trains: 1,119 Amtrak Trains: 9,102 Amtrak Total: Adjusted total: 177,334 Adjusted total: 224,567 Adjusted Total: 401,901 # of Service Days: 21 Full Service Days: 21 Manassas Daily Avg. Trips: 8,391 Adjusted Avg.: 8,444 Fred'burg Daily Avg. Trips: 10,260 Adjusted Avg.: 10,694 Total Avg. Daily Trips: 18,651 Adjusted Avg.: 19,138 Total Number of Service Days to Date: 230 Average Daily Riders to Date: 18,014 Total Trips This Month: 401,901 Prior Total FY-2014: 3,741,256 Total Trips FY-2014: 4,143,157 Total Prior Years: 62,422,463 Grand Total: 66,565,620 10,221 NOTE: Adjusted Averages and Totals include all VRE trips taken on Amtrak trains, but do not include “S” schedule days. * designates “S” schedule day 4 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 ON TIME PERFORMANCE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 100% 95% 90% 85% 5/2014 4/2014 3/2014 2/2014 1/2014 12/2013 11/2013 10/2013 9/2013 8/2013 7/2013 6/2013 5/2013 4/2013 3/2013 2/2013 1/2013 12/2012 11/2012 10/2012 9/2012 8/2012 7/2012 6/2012 5/2012 4/2012 3/2012 2/2012 1/2012 80% 5/2014 4/2014 3/2014 2/2014 1/2014 12/2013 11/2013 10/2013 9/2013 8/2013 7/2013 6/2013 5/2013 4/2013 3/2013 2/2013 1/2013 12/2012 11/2012 10/2012 9/2012 8/2012 7/2012 6/2012 5/2012 4/2012 3/2012 2/2012 1/2012 70% FREDERICKSBURG LINE MANASSAS LINE PERFORMANCE BY LINE 100% 90% 80% 5 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 TRAIN UTILIZATION AVERAGE RIDERSHIP FREDERICKSBURG LINE 150% MIDWEEK PEAK 120% 100% Capacity 90% 60% 30% 0% 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 AVERAGE RIDERSHIP MANASSAS LINE MIDWEEK PEAK 120% Midweek Peak 100% Average Ridership Capacity 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 322 6 324 326 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 328 330 332 325 327 329 331 333 335 337 PARKING UTILIZATION NUMBER OF SPACES FREDERICKSBURG LINE 1000 NUMBER IN USE Parking Spaces 800 600 400 200 0 FBG* LLR* BKV QAN RIP VRE Stations 2000 WDB LOR *Denotes stations with overflow parking available that is now being included in final counts Num in Use NUMBER OF SPACES MANASSAS LINE Num Spaces 1500 Parking Spaces NUMBER IN USE 1000 500 0 BRU MSS MPV BCV RRV BLV VRE Stations CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 7 BICYCLE COUNTS 25 No. of Bicycles Parked FREDERICKSBURG LINE MANASSAS LINE 20 15 10 5 0 FBG LLR BKV QAN WDB RIP LOR FRS* BRU MSS VRE Stations FINANCIAL REPORT MPV BCV RRV BLV *Denotes joint use facility—Riders of VRE and Metro cannot be differentiated. Num Spaces SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL RESULTS MEASURES DOLLARS Operating Ratio BUDGETED REVENUE 86,783,248 Budgeted Revenue YTD 73,909,436 Actual Revenue YTD 74,413,948 Cumulative Variance 504,512 Percent Collected YTD 86,783,248 Budgeted Expenses YTD 72,871,564 Operating Expenses YTD 69,620,970 NET INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS These figures are preliminary and unaudited. CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 55% 59% 504,512 3,250,594 Percent Expended YTD 8 ACTUAL 85.17% BUDGETED EXPENSES Cumulative Variance GOAL 85.75% 3,250,594 83.97% 80.22% 3,755,107 Fare income for the month was $10,611 above the budget – a favorable variance of 0.35%. The cumulative variance for the year is 2.00% or $671,063 above the adopted budget. Revenue in FY 2014 is up 7.7% compared to FY 2013. The government shutdown in October did not have a material effect on fare revenue. The transit subsidy decreased effective January 1, 2014 and has had an impact on fare revenue which has led to a slight softening of fare projections. A summary of the financial results (unaudited) follows. Detail on the major revenue and expense categories is provided in the attached Operating Budget Report. Amounts shown reflect the amended FY14 budget. FINANCIAL REPORT, CONT. FY 2014 OPERATING BUDGET REPORT, MAY 31, 2014 YTD VARIANCE CURR. MO. ACTUAL CURR. MO. BUDGET YTD ACTUAL YTD BUDGET Passenger Ticket Revenue 3,072,762 3,062,151 34,208,912 33,537,849 671,063 2.0% 36,600,000 Other Operating Revenue 2,930 13,888 168,346 152,112 16,234 10.7% 166,000 3,075,692 3,076,040 34,377,258 33,689,960 687,298 2.0% 36,766,000 - - 11,761,497 11,761,497 - 0.0% 11,761,497 2,374,889 2,449,150 28,249,675 28,443,959 (194,284) -0.7% 32,654,748 5,585,703 $ % TOTAL FY14 BUDGET OPERATING REVENUE Subtotal Operating Revenue Jurisdictional Subsidy (1) Federal/State/Other Jurisdictional Subsidy Appropriation from Reserve Interest Income Total Operating Revenue - - - - - 0.0% 2,724 1,280 25,518 14,020 11,498 82.0% 15,300 5,453,305 5,526,470 74,413,948 73,909,436 504,512 0.7% 86,783,248 OPERATING EXPENSES Departmental Operating Expenses 5,155,278 5,368,278 58,053,969 61,341,935 3,287,966 5.4% 68,345,145 Debt Service 897,504 897,504 11,529,629 11,529,629 - 0.0% 13,594,559 Other Non-Departmental Expenses 25,549 - 37,372 - (37,372) Total Operating Expenses 6,078,331 6,265,782 69,620,970 72,871,564 3,250,594 4.5% 86,783,248 NET INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS (625,025) (739,312) 4,792,978 1,037,872 3,755,107 – – CALCULATED OPERATING RATIO 4,843,544 59% (1) Total jurisdictional subsidy is $16,428,800. Portion shown is attributed to Operating Fund only. FISCAL YEAR REVENUE PER MONTH 2014 2013 2012 2011 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 9 SYSTEM PLAN 2040 SYSTEM PLAN 2040 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS A Preliminary Operational Analysis of the service concepts outlined in the VRE System Plan 2040, adopted by the Operations Board in January 2014, is underway. The analysis includes the development of sketch-level schedules for future VRE operations coinciding with the three System Plan phases of investment: 2020 (Phase 1), 2030 (Phase 2) and 2040 (Phase 3). A refined set of ridership projections for future service concepts – Gainesville-Haymarket extension, expanded peak and off-peak service, and reverse peak service – is also being developed to better understand the potential rider response to the various service improvements. The analysis will inform on-going efforts to define future operational, rolling stock, station and rail infrastructure needs and develop a detailed implementation program to meet those needs. Initial analysis results support the anticipated System Plan ridership level of 50,000 daily trips by 2040 generated by both regional growth in population and employment and expanded VRE service to tap a greater share of commute-to-work travelers and new markets such as the Gainesville-Haymarket area. Short-term peak demand is expected to remain strong and can be supported by lengthening existing trains to expand the number of passenger seats. By 2020, however, 9- and 10-car trains will be necessary to carry the projected loads which place even greater pressure on midday and overnight storage capacity than today. With the addition of Gainesville-Haymarket service or reduced peak headways on the Manassas and Fredericksburg main lines, the number of daily trains needed to meet the expected ridership demand will exceed the limits of VRE’s railroad access agreement. The Preliminary Operational Analysis will be complete in July. The results will help define the specific scope and timing of the more complex, longer-term System Plan investments that must begin to be tackled in the coming months and years to sustain and grow VRE’s role as a regional rail provider. RAIL OPERATIONS SAFETY UPDATE Through our partnership with Virginia Operation Lifesaver (OL) as well as the national OL office, we received a large shipment of “See Tracks, Think Trains” campaign material and promotional items. These will be used throughout the summer to compliment various VRE safety outreach events such as railroad crossing safety blitzes and our recently commenced social media safety campaign, which awards prizes weekly to correct responses from our riders to safety and security questions. 10 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 CAPITAL PROJECTS SPOTSYLVANIA VRE has issued construction contracts for both the station and third track. Once the land purchase is completed by Spotsylvania County, VRE can issue notice to proceed (NTP) and construction work can begin on the station. Spotsylvania has asked VDOT to handle land acquisition for them. VDOT is proceeding with their land acquisition process. In the mean time, Third Track Project construction began in January and is progressing nicely. Aerials as of 5-24-2014. Fill operations for Third Track north of US 17 to Pedestrian Underpass at Benchmark Future Site of Spotsylvania Station and Parking Lot with Third Track fill operations north and south Future Site of Spotsylvania Station and Parking Lot with Third Track fill operations north and south Future Site of Spotsylvania Station and Parking Lot with Third Track fill operations north and south CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 11 CAPITAL PROJECTS, CONT. ALEXANDRIA KING STREET PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL PROJECT VRE issued a task order contract to Gannett Fleming for design & construction management work on the project. The project team is moving forward to accomplish the following milestones: • NEPA Documentation – Complete December 2012 - Complete • Public Information Meeting – Spring 2013 – Complete • Geotechnical investigation and utility locating – June 2014 • Design – Completion by early 2015 • Construction Advertisement – To be Determined • Construction – To be Determined L’ENFANT STORAGE TRACK VRE will meet with CSX soon to review the final design and approve the scope of work. HDR has completed the final wayside power design which VRE has forwarded to PEPCO and CSX for review and approval. LORTON PLATFORM EXTENSION VRE awarded a construction contract to Hammerhead Construction of Dulles, Virginia. Construction is expected to commence early summer of 2014. This project will extend the existing platform at the VRE Lorton Station by approximately 256 feet to accommodate longer VRE trains. VRE also executed an agreement with CenturyLink to relocate a communication line in the project area. BROAD RUN TRAIN WASH VRE has reviewed the 90% design documents. Plan submission to Prince William County and the City of Manassas is on hold while VRE seeks additional funding sources for construction. BROAD RUN PARKING EXPANSION VRE has reviewed the 30% design documents. Once the FTA approves the Categorical Exclusion (CE) application, design work will resume with the next milestone review at the 60% level. 12 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 FACILITIES UPDATE VRE facilities team has multiple projects underway and completed the following within the past month: 1. Landscaping at all stations 2.Installation of upgraded fire alert system at the Fredericksburg office 3.Repainting of the interior of the Fredericksburg office 4.Independent assesment of all VRE station facilities Projects scheduled to be completed within the 3rd Quarter of calendar year 2014. 1.Evaluate electrical power infrastructure at Broad Run; replace electrical lines as necessary. 2.Touch up paint at several stations 3.Elevator cab and hoist-way rehabiliation at Rippon and Franconia Springfield stations. 4.Roof repairs at Rippon Station. 5.Install network fire detection system at VRE Fredericksburg office. 6.Remove discarded ties and asphalt from the right of ways at various locations within the service area. 7.Install portable generator connections at all stations with elevators; long term all stations will be equipped for portable generator operations. 8.Correct drainage pipe slope at Crossroads maintenance and storage facility. NEW PASSENGER CARS Base Order (8) Gallery IV Cars The first four (4) new passenger cars arrived at VRE’s Broad Run Maintenance and Storage Facility on June 9, 2014. For the next two weeks VRE staff, contractors and the car builder will commission the cars and provide training for operators and maintenance personnel on the new features of the cars. The next four (4) new passenger cars are scheduled to be delivered in early July 2014. Option Order (7) Gallery IV Cars VRE modified the existing Contract with Sumitomo Corporation of America (SCOA) to add seven (7) options cars to the existing order. The Contract Amendment was finalized by the end of December 2013. The project kick off meeting was held on March 17th. Material purchases and the preliminary Buy America audit is currently underway. CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 13 COMMUTER STATIONS & PARKING PROJECTS Project & Code Alexandria - King St Pedestrian Tunnel Amtrak Joint Recapitalization Project Description Design and installation of a new pedestrian tunnel between the VRE/Amtrak and METRO stations and modifications to eastern platform to allow service from Track #1. Amtrak and VRE joint benefit recapitalization projects Broad Run Parking Expansion Environmental Analysis and Engineering to expand parking by 700 spaces FranconiaSpringfield Station Rehabilitation To make repairs & improvements to the Franconia Springfield Station Eastern Platform & Passenger Walkway Lorton Station Expansion Expansion of station by extending eastern platform and adding a second platform Rolling Road Platform Extension 250 Foot Platform Extension 100 Foot Canopy Exention Spotsylvania Station (New Station) Development of a new VRE station in Spotsylvania County (Station Only, NO Parking) near the Crossroads Yard COMMUTER STATION & PA Task Task Description Project Manager Board Item Number % of Total Task Completion Calendar Completion Date (Est.) Feasibility Study Prepare a feasibility study with limited survey to investigate challenges associated with designing, permitting and constructing a tunnel under a live CSX track. Norine Walker 8C-05-2012 95% 2nd Quarter 2013 Site Investigation Compile soils data and perform in-situ testing to prepare for final design phase and provide VDOT with environmental information. Eric Johnson 8H-10-2013 15% 2nd Quarter 2014 Receive including de in May to e work to b Design & Construction Administration Design & construction administration for pedestrian tunnel and modifications to east platform. Norine Walker 8F-12-2013 5% 1st Quarter 2015 Design ki meeting a Washington Union Terminal Rail Service Improvement Plan Joint study with Amtrak and MARC re: meeting current and forecasted growth for target years 2017 and 2030. Christine Hoeffner 100% Completed Upgrade and replace wayside power station for VRE storage tracks at Rich Dalton the Coach yard 100% Completed Coach Yard Wayside Power Upgrade WUT Canopy Roof Repairs Repairs of canopy roof at WUT lower level platforms Rich Dalton 70% 4th Quarter 2014 Alexandria - King St Station Platform Elevation Raise west platform elevation Rich Dalton 0% TBD 90% 1st Quarter 2014 EA & PE Perform environmental analysis and engineering and provide construction administration to expand parking by 700 spaces Eric Johnson 11D-04-2011 30% 3rd Quarter 2014 Repairs & Improvements Infrastructure repairs and improvements to eastern platform and passenger walkway at VRE Franconia-Springfield Station. Kip Foster 9F-06-2011 100% Completed 3rd Quarter 2013 Flagging Services & Protection Provide flagging services during platform level repairs and overhead pedestrian bridge work. Kip Foster 9G-06-2011 100% Completed 2012 PE and Environmental EA and PE to extend the exiting platform and construct a second platform. Eric Johnson 10A–10-2010 100% Completed 4th Quarter 2012 Station Expansion Design Prepare construction documents and provide construction administration for 250' platform expansion with upgraded LED lighting Eric Johnson 8B–05-2012 90% 4th Quarter 2014 Platform Extension Construction Construction of 250' platform extension with upgraded LED lighting Eric Johnson 8B–03-2014 0% 4th Quarter 2014 Utility Relocation Relocate CenturyLink communications line to accommodate platform extension and future second platform Eric Johnson 8C–03-2014 0% 2nd Quarter 2014 Construction Management Services Provide construction management and inspection services during construction of platform extension Eric Johnson 9A–04-2014 0% 4th Quarter 2014 PE / Env Design Construction CM 250' Platform Extension / 100' Canopy Extension Kip Foster Station Design Design of the new platform and head house. Kip Foster 9F-06-2012 & 9G-06-2012 100% Completed 2nd Quarter 2013 Station Construction Construction of the new platform and head house. Kip Foster 9F-05-2013 0% TBD Macintosh HD:Users:Loren:Documents:VRE:CEO_Report:2014_June_CEOreport:Data:[2014-06 June CIP Progress 14 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 Feasibility stakeholde Amtrak h Project scopi 30% design design effort Substantial Permit clo Receive Constructio CSX fo Received B Receiv construction Contract exe ON & PARKING PROJECTS endar pletion (Est.) Status Quarter 013 Feasibility study was distributed to stakeholders Jan 2013. Comments received from all stakeholders. Preparing final draft addressing comments. Preparing for final design once VDOT provides approval of use of GEC contract. Quarter 014 Received Board approval in March 2013 to execute CSX force account agreement, including design review, flagging for field work and right-of-entry. Received Board approval in May to execute AECOM task order supplement to include additional soil borings. Field work to be scheduled following coordination with CSX, City of Alexandria and Amtrak. Quarter 015 Design kickoff meeting held in early February 2014. Currently arranging stakeholders meeting and design criteria meetings. Design will proceed once field work completed. Change Order, Budget & Schedule Change Notes & Updates Supplement No. 1, October 2013, $26,709. Supplement No. 2, May 2014, $85,752. Vendor Total Adopted CIP Budget Thru FY14 ($) Total Board Approved Funds ($) Contractual Total Commitment Expenditures s To-Date ($) To-Date ($) AECOM $ 10,226,000 $ 162,711 $ 147,919 $ 140,487 $ 173,648 $ 162,402 $ 29,718 AECOM Gannett Fleming $ - $ 1,814,559 $ 1,728,151 $ 10,156 TOTALS $ 10,226,000 $ 2,150,918 $ 2,038,472 $ 180,361 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 987,625 pleted Project completed. Final invoice received 2/28/14; payment authorized 3/20/14. Amtrak $ 1,000,000 pleted Project completed. Last invoice received 4/12/2013 Amtrak $ 750,000 $ 750,000 $ 750,000 $ 515,968 Quarter 014 Amtrak has spent all allocated budget, but performed only 70% of the work. Amtrak requesting additional $300k to complete the project. Project has been stopped; VRE and Amtrak reconciled work performed and payment up to the initial $600K project budget; Amtrak submitted revised agreement and estimate to complete the project on 6/2/14; currently under review by VRE. Amtrak $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 573,953 $ 278,867 $ - $ - BD Project scoping underway. Amtrak is in the process of writing an agreement to be submitted to VRE for review. rter 2014 Quarter 014 eted 3rd er 2013 pleted 012 eted 4th er 2012 30% design submitted. Awaiting FTA approval of CE application submitted in August. 60% design effort will begin after CE approval is obtained. Initial comments have been generated from the 30% design review. Substantial Completion and owner occupancy in June. Punchlist complete. Fairfax County Permit closed out. Contract closeout pending contractor response to closeout notification. Change Order # 1, Canopy Roof/Gutters/Downspouts, $39,230 --- Change Order # 2, Stringer Repair/Replacement, $47,440 --- Change Order # 3, Structural Steel Repairs/Rehab, $45,682 --Change Order # 4 - $4,928 - Window Jamb Rehab and Replacement --- Change Order # 5 - $222 - Gutter Repair Amtrak $ 278,867 TOTALS $ 2,628,867 $ 2,628,867 $ 2,350,000 $ 2,077,547 Dewberry $ 3,420,000 $ 2,031,263 $ 1,846,603 $ 384,272 TOTALS $ 3,420,000 $ 2,031,263 $ 1,846,603 $ 384,272 $ 455,950 $ 449,002 $ 448,779 $ 132,000 $ 124,765 $ 27,842 $ 587,950 $ 573,767 $ 476,621 Vista Contracting, Inc. $ No additional flagging expected. Force account estimate for flagging in the amount of $124,765. 522,000 CSX Trans. TOTALS $ 522,000 Completed HDR $ 306,350 $ 278,500 $ 271,476 Quarter 014 HDR providing procurement assistance. HDR $ 103,400 $ 94,000 $ 87,694 Quarter 014 Received Board approval in March to award construction contract to Hammerhead Construction. Contract awarded in late April. Received Board approval in May to execute CSX force account agreement for design review and flagging during construction. Hammerhead Construction $ 991,980 $ 901,800 Quarter 014 Received Board approval in March to execute communications line relocation agreement with CenturyLink. Agreement executed in early April. CenturyLink $ 66,664 $ 60,604 Quarter 014 Received Board approval in April to execute task order with Gannett Fleming for construction management and inspection services during construction of platform extension. Task order executed in late April. Gannett Fleming $ 164,786 $ 149,805 eted 2nd er 2013 BD TOTALS TOTALS Permitting complete with Spotsylvania County. Contract executed and CE issued by FHWA. NTP to be issued once County acquires land. $ 2,820,000 $ 2,820,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 3,422,500 STV Hammerhead Construction TOTALS $ 3,422,500 $ 1,633,180 $ 1,484,709 $ 359,170 $ - $ - $ - $ 405,912 $ 369,011 $ 205,332 $ 2,583,900 $ 2,349,000 $ 51,638 $ 2,989,812 $ 2,718,011 $ 256,970 TAB 1 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 15 TRACK & INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Project & Code L'Enfant Storage Track Spotsylvania Third Track Expansion (Crossroads to Hamilton -­‐ Fredericksburg) Descrip0on Construct ~1,400 feet of Storage Track North of the L'Enfant Sta0on Planorm, including Wayside Power (Capacity of 2 Trainsets) TRACK & INFRASTRUC Task Task Descrip0on Project Manager Board Item Number % of Total Task Comple0on Calendar Completion Date (Est.) Storage Track Construc0on Construct ~1,400 of track north of L'Enfant Sta0on Eric Johnson 8B-­‐10-­‐2006 100% Completed 4th Quarter 2010 Wayside Power Design Design wayside power for stored train sets Eric Johnson 90% 1st Quarter 2014 Wayside Power Construc0on Construc0on of wayside power for stored train sets Eric Johnson N/A 30% 3rd Quarter 2014 Air Compressor Procurement Procurement and installa0on of air compressor equipment for new storage track air system (eVA). Eric Johnson N/A 100% Switch & Signaliza0on Design Design of storage track switches and signals Eric Johnson 9B-­‐06-­‐2011 90% 2nd Quarter 2014 Third Track Civil Design Environmental Analysis and Final Design Kip Foster 100% Completed 2nd Quarter 2013 Third Track Signal Design Signal design and engineering support Kip Foster 9E-­‐06-­‐2012 100% 1st Quarter 2014 Track & Signal Construc0on Construc0on of Signals Kip Foster 9H-­‐09-­‐2013 30% n/a Track Work & Structures Construc0on of Track & Structures Kip Foster 9C-­‐06-­‐2013 25% HDR subm Completed 3rd Air compre Quarter 2008 CSX prev 2014 Permik Cons Construct approximately 2.5 miles of third track leading to the new Spotsylvania Sta0on Clearing a Phase 1 4th Quarter 2014 Phase 2 trackwo 2nd Quarter 2015 Macintosh HD:Users:Loren:Documents:VRE:CEO_Report:2014_June_CEOreport:Data:[2014-06 June CIP Progress PLANNING, COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS PLANNING, COMMUNICATIONS & INF Project & Code Gainesville Haymarket Expansion Planning Descrip0on Expansion of VRE Service to Gainesville & Haymarket, VA Task Task Descrip0on Project Manager Board Item Number % of Total Task Comple0on Calendar Completion Date (Est.) G/H Expansion Analysis (Feasibility) Develop expansion alterna9ves for VRE Service to G/H Chris0ne Hoeffner 9D-­‐12-­‐2007 Complete Complete G/H Expansion Project Development, Environmental and Design Perform planning and project development ac9vi9es, environmental analysis and engineering design Chris0ne Hoeffner 0% TBD Construc9on (Future) Future Track Construc9on TBD 0% TBD 0% 6/30/16 Mobile Ticke9ng Development and Implementa9on of a Mobile Ticke9ng System Chris Henry System Planning Prepare system plan to cover 20+ year planning horizon Chris0ne Hoeffner 8H-­‐09-­‐2013 1st Quarter 2014 9F-­‐04-­‐2013 Macintosh HD:Users:Loren:Documents:VRE:CEO_Report:2014_June_CEOreport:Data:[2014-­‐06 June CIP Progress 16 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 $ VRE O ASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Total Expenditures To-­‐Date ($) Status Change Order, Budget & Schedule Change Notes & Updates Vendor Total Adopted Total Board Contractual CIP Budget Thru Approved Funds Commitments To-­‐ Date ($) FY14 ($) ($) eted 4th er 2010 Track Complete n/a CSX Trans. $ 830,000 rter 2014 HDR submiTed final wayside power design in early April. Design submiTed to PEPCO to design of electric service on Virginia Avenue and to CSX for review. Supplement to GEC V Task Order 7 in the amount of $8,600 executed in late December 2012. HDR $ -­‐ $ 50,925 $ -­‐ $ 688,480 $ 208,390 Kaeser Compressors, Inc. $ -­‐ $ 37,531 CSX Trans. $ 250,000 endar pletion (Est.) Quarter 014 NVE Wayside power construc0on to follow PEPCO's design and construc0on of electric service. eted 3rd Air compressor system delivered and stored at Crossroads Yard. Installa0on no longer included in scope of work. Inves0ga0ng alternate uses for equipment. er 2008 Quarter 014 CSX previously an0cipated comple0on of track and signal modifica0on design in May 2013. Design work con0nues as of early June 2014. CSX expects to complete design and provide es0mate in approximately one month. Will seek Board approval for CSX construc0on force account agreement once es0mate received from CSX. TOTALS $ 3,219,000 $ 706,000 $ 442,794 $ 50,884 $ 37,531 $ 225,000 $ 126,821 $ 3,219,000 $ 1,080,000 $ 1,707,936 $ 866,420 eted 2nd er 2013 Permikng complete, agency construc0on no0fica0ons issued. Design plans circulated for signature. Final Revision completed. Construc0on Plans circulated to contractors and other stakeholders. Pre-­‐Construc0on Conference held December 19, 2014. STV $ 817,703 $ 743,366 $ 396,034 rter 2014 Signal Design for Phase 1 and Phase 2 complete. Design checked by CSX. Signal Construc0on underway. CSX Trans. $ 1,009,800 $ 917,400 $ -­‐ $ 20,522,611 $ 20,522,611 $ -­‐ $ 8,880,073 $1,710,972 n/a $ 32,500,000 CSX Trans. 100% design completed. Signal Construc0on Underway. Clearing and Grubbing complete. Crash Wall construc0on completed. Drainage Extensions preparing to start. Construc0on Pads for 4th 014 Phase 2 trackwork in process. Borrow Material Fill Opera0ons for New Third Track Embankment and Trackbed con0nuing. Retaining Wall arter 2015 construc0on has begun. CA # 1 -­‐ Access from Crossroads Pkwy ($112,715) CA # 2 -­‐ Load Test for Micropiles ($47,900) CA # 3 -­‐ Subgrade Stabiliza0on ($86,583) CA # 4&5 -­‐ Weather Extensions (0me only) CA # 6 -­‐ Proposed Sta0on Site Fill ($155,899) Abernathy Construc0on Corp TOTALS $8,475,890 $ 32,500,000 $ 31,230,187 $ 30,659,267 $ 2,107,006 TAB 2 S & INFORMATION TECH. PROJECTS endar pletion (Est.) mplete Status Change Order, Budget & Schedule Change Notes & Updates Vendor Feasibility Study Completed on 9/28/2009 Aerial Survey Deferred to NEPA/PE. Revised Consultant Responsibility for Cost Es9ma9ng from Belstar to VHB/DMJM VHB BD $1,500,000 allocated in FY14 NVTA regional funding. Awai9ng execu9on of a project agreement with NVTA. BD Future Construc9on Related to Expansion 0/16 rter 2014 TBD Funding Sources TBD VRE Ops Board adopted plan 1/17/14. Brochure complete. Final report under review by VRE. $ 3,037,338 GEC task order ($35,000) for supplemental public outreach/communica9ons support issued 9/30/13 Contractual Total Commitments Expenditures To-­‐Date ($) To-­‐Date ($) $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ 3,037,338 $ 1,537,338 $ 1,397,338 $ 1,042,749 GlobeSherpa TOTALS Total Board Approved Funds ($) $ 1,537,338 $ 1,397,338 $ 1,042,749 TBD TOTALS Project Kick0ff Mee9ng 05/29/14 Total Adopted CIP Budget Thru FY14 ($) $ -­‐ $ 3,510,627 $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ 3,510,627 $ -­‐ $ -­‐ P.B. $ 185,000 $ 150,000 $ 185,000 $ 176,163 TOTALS $ 185,000 $ 150,000 $ 185,000 $ 176,163 TAB 3 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 17 YARD PROJECTS YARD PROJE Project & Code Broad Run Yard Train Wash and Crossroads Yard Warehouse Task Task Descrip0on Project Manager Board Item Number % of Total Task Comple0on Calendar Completion Date (Est.) Crossroads Warehouse Design Conceptual and final design of new Crossroads warehouse. Eric Johnson 10D-­‐04-­‐2012 100% Completed 4th Quarter 2012 Crossroads Warehouse ConstrucIon ConstrucIon of new Crossroads warehouse. Eric Johnson 11E-­‐04-­‐2011 100% Completed 2nd Quarter 2013 Broad Run Train Wash Design Conceptual and final design and construcIon administraIon for Broad Run train wash Eric Johnson 9D-­‐06-­‐2012 90% 3rd Quarter 2014 TBD TBD n/a n/a Kip Foster 9C-­‐01-­‐2013 100% Completed 3rd Quarter 2013 Descrip0on Design and construcIon of Broad Run Yard train wash and Crossroads Yard warehouse. Broad Run Train Wash Future ConstrucIon/InstallaIon Work related to Broad Run train wash ConstrucIon Yard Fall ProtecIon InstallaIon of fall protecIon systems at Broad Run and Crossroads yards Review o County a s Macintosh HD:Users:Loren:Documents:VRE:CEO_Report:2014_June_CEOreport:Data:[2014-­‐06 June CIP Progress ROLLING STOCK PROJECTS Project & Code Passenger Railcar Procurement PosiQve Train Control (PTC) Descrip0on To Acquire Fineen (15) New Railcars from Sumitomo to add to the exisQng VRE Passenger Car Fleet To install and implement PosiQve Train Control (PTC) for all VRE LocomoQves ROLLING STOCK PR Task Task Descrip0on Project Manager Board Item Number % of Total Task Comple0on Calendar Completion Date (Est.) New Railcar Manufacture (8 cars) Base Order of 8 New Passenger railcars Rich Dalton 10C-­‐01-­‐2012 80% 1st Quarter 2016 New Railcar Manufacture (7 cars) OpQon Order of 7 New Passenger railcars Rich Dalton 8B-­‐11-­‐2013 0% 1st Quarter 2018 New Railcars On site engineering through warranty administraQon under MEC V Rich Dalton Engineering Oversight task order STV-­‐0038 under MEC V (7 Cars) 10A-­‐01-­‐2014 0% 4th Quarter 2017 New Railcars On site engineering through warranty administraQon under MEC V Rich Dalton Engineering Oversight task order STV-­‐0017 under MEC V (8 Cars) 9E-­‐02-­‐2012 68% 4th Quarter 2015 PosiQve Train Control PosiQve Train Control for all locomoQves and cab control cars (total Rich Dalton InstallaQon and 41), as mandated by the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008. Infrastructure 9E-­‐09-­‐2013 0% 1st Quarter 2015 9A-­‐03-­‐2013 5% 1st Quarter 2014 Oversight Oversight -­‐ PosiQve Train Control for all locomoQves and cab control cars, as mandated by the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008. Macintosh HD:Users:Loren:Documents:VRE:CEO_Report:2014_June_CEOreport:Data:[2014-­‐06 June CIP Progress 18 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 Rich Dalton Manufa Contract Amen Kick Off meeQn C Task order RD PROJECTS alendar mpletion te (Est.) Status pleted 4th rter 2012 pleted 2nd rter 2013 Final payment issued in early April. uarter 2014 Review of Broad Run train wash 90% design completed. Plan submission to Prince William County and City of Manassas on hold while seeking addiIonal construcIon funding. STV to submit recommendaIons for Crossroads train wash modificaIons shortly. Total Adopted CIP Budget Thru FY14 ($) Total Board Approved Funds ($) Contractual Commitments To-­‐Date ($) Total Expenditures To-­‐Date ($) Change Order, Budget & Schedule Change Notes & Updates Vendor STV Task Order #3 Supplement #1 for $146,414 for addiIonal Crossroads warehouse engineering services STV/RWA $ 629,248 $ 619,334 $ 619,311 Contract Amendment No. 1 -­‐ MulIple change orders increasing Contract amount by $124,409 and Contract Ime by nine days. Contract Amendment No. 2 -­‐ MulIple change orders increasing Contract amount by $87,774 and Contract Ime by 173 days. Trinity ConstrucIon Group, Inc. $ 2,600,000 $ 2,092,364 $ 2,125,632 $ 5,723,959 Supplement No. 1 -­‐ Increased contract amount by $3,864 for third party construcIon cost esImate. STV/RWA n/a pleted 3rd rter 2013 $ 307,513 $ 283,421 $ 174,875 TBD TOTALS Contract Closeout complete. Change Order / Contract Amendment # 1 ($14,896) issued. Increased contract amount from $154,074 to $168,970. $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ -­‐ $ 5,723,959 $ 3,536,761 $ 2,995,119 $ 2,919,818 Industrial Turn Around $ 230,000 $ 169,482 $ 168,970 $ 168,970 CorporaIon (ITAC) TOTALS $ 230,000 $ 169,482 $ 168,970 $ 168,970 TAB 4 STOCK PROJECTS alendar mpletion te (Est.) uarter 2016 uarter 2018 Total Adopted Total Board Contractual CIP Budget Thru Approved Funds Commitments FY14 ($) ($) To-­‐Date ($) Total Expenditures To-­‐Date ($) Sumitomo -­‐ Nippon Sharyo $ 23,140,000 $ 21,240,000 $ -­‐ Contract Amendment Executed; preliminary delivery schedule submiZed by SCOA/Project Contract Amendment Executed 12/19/2013 to increase the contract amount Sumitomo -­‐ and order of cars. Kick Off meeQng held on March 20, 2014 Nippon Sharyo $ 14,805,714 $ 14,805,714 $ -­‐ Status Change Order, Budget & Schedule Change Notes & Updates Vendor Manufacturing of 8 base order passenger railcars final assembly in process The car numbers are designated as V820 -­‐ V827; the first four (4) cars are enroute from Chicago to VRE's Broad Run Maintenance and Storage FacilQy; the last four (4) cars are scheduled to ship in June 2014 -­‐ delivery has been delayed to resolve technical issues with emergency lighQng system. $ 39,419,714 uarter 2017 Kick Off meeQng held on March 20, 2014; reviewing project schedule milestones and CDRL submiZal list The car numbers are designated as V828-­‐834 STV $ 892,500 $ 849,245 $ 29,563 uarter 2015 ConQnuing to provide manufacturing and engineering oversight STV conQnues to provide oversight of the car construcQon in IL. Resident inspector acQve at Rochelle operaQon 5/5/2014 STV $ 1,474,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 980,410 TOTALS uarter 2015 Preparing contract documents for WRE AuthorizaQon to award a sole source contract to Wabtec was approved by both Commissions on 10-­‐3-­‐13, preparing sole source documentaQon and Scope of Work -­‐ under final legal review -­‐ 6/3/2014 uarter 2014 Task order issued on March 13, 2013 to STV for engineering and oversight work for implementaQon. MEC IV Task Order 0026 PTC ImplementaQon oversight -­‐ DefiniQon Phase -­‐ Matrix of tasks was reviewed and approved by VRE for plan development and preparaQon underway for scope of work including hardware pricing and quotes, STV is also developing back office operaQon; updated 6/3/2014 $ 39,419,714 $ 40,312,214 $ 38,144,959 $ 1,009,973 WRE $ 8,821,989 $ 7,980,877 $ 550,645 $ 49,782 STV TOTALS $ 8,821,989 $ 7,980,877 $ 550,645 $ 49,782 TAB 5 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 19 NOTES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 NOTES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CEO REPORT | JUNE 2014 21 1500 KING STREET | ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 | 703.684.1001 | WWW.VRE.ORG