GRADUATE COUNCIL Minutes Thursday, April 23, 2009 3:30 p.m., Westside Hall Conference Room

Thursday, April 23, 2009
3:30 p.m., Westside Hall Conference Room
Council members attending: Drs. Berliner, Furia, Waxman, Kelley, Kinsey, Vetter, McNamee, MacKain, Howe, Janicki, Thomas,
Smith, Kuiper and Webster.
Approval of minutes of March 26, 2009: The minutes of March 26, 2009 were approved as submitted.
Graduate Faculty Update: The following faculty members have been approved since the last Graduate Council meeting.
College of Arts and Sciences
 Computer Science-Gur Saran Adhar, 1-year provisional appointment; David R. Berman, five year appointment;
Clayton Ferner, five year appointment; Curry Guinn, 1-year provisional appointment; Sridhar Narayan, five year
administrative appointment; Karl Ricanek, five year appointment; Devon Simmonds, five year appointment; Gene
A. Tagliarini, five year appointment; RonVetter, five year appointment.
 English-Cara Cilano, five year appointment; Nicholas Laudadio, five year appointment; Colleen A. Reilly, five
year appointment; Kathy Rugoff, five year appointment.
 Environmental Studies-Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui, initial three year appointment, Graduate Research
Faculty, three year appointment.
 Graduate Liberal Studies-Jenny L. Yates, initial three year appointment.
 Psychology-Caroline Clements, 5 year administrative appointment; Ruth Hurst, five year appointment; Carol
Pilgrim, five year administrative appointment; Kate Bruce, five year administrative appointment; Mark
Galizio, five year administrative appointment
Cameron School of Business
 Accountancy and Business Law-Faramarz Elikai, five year appointment; Pamela S. Evers, five year
appointment; Randall Hanson, five year administrative appointment; Daniel M. Ivancevich, five year
appointment; Susan H. Ivancevich, five year appointment; William A. Kerler, III, five year appointment;
Glenn Walberg, five year appointment.
 Economics and Finance-Cetin Ciner, five year appointment.
 Information Systems and Operations Management-Douglas M. Kline, five year appointment;
 Management and Marketing-Martha Andrews, five year appointment; Tammy G. Hunt, five year
administrative appointment.
Watson School of Education
 Program Director-Hank S. Weddington, five year administrative appointment;
 Elementary, Middle Level and Literacy Education-Tracy Hargrove, five year appointment.
 Educational Leadership-Joanne E. Nottingham, special-graduate teaching as needed appointment.
Internship Agencies Approved: The following internship has been approved.
 Habitat for Humanity, 20 N. 4th Street, Suite 200, Wilmington, NC 28401
New Business
A. Program and Curriculum Committee
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Geography and Geology
GGY 520, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, new course, approved
GGY 526 (426), Environmental Geographic Information Systems, credit hour and prerequisite change, approved
GGY 524 (424), Advanced Geographic Information Systems, credit hour and prerequisite change, approved
B. Other
Thanking outgoing members of Council - Barbara Waxman, Sally MacKain, Robert Smith and RuthAnne Kuiper.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. A reception for Graduate Council and graduate coordinators