Fall 2016 Course Availability

Fall 2016 Course Availability
Course that can be double-counted.
Requires a pre-requisite and/or co-requisite.
Both a double-count course & req. pre-req.
IL: Information Literacy
QLR: Quantitative and Logical Reasoning
WI: Writing Intensive
Italicized courses added in Catalogue 2016-2017
A. Composition (3-6 hours) depending on placement scores. Note: Students must complete ENG 100 or 101, and ENG 200 or 201, or ENG 103
ENG 100 or 101 College Writing and Reading I Global, I
ENG 103
College Writing and Reading (Adv) (IL)
ENG 200 or 201 College Writing and Reading II Global, II (IL)
B. Lifetime Wellness (2 hours)
PED 101
Physical Activity and Wellness
C. Mathematics and Statistics (3 hours) Courses in this category cannot be double counted with QLR.
CSC 131
CSC 133
MAT 101
MAT 102
MAT 111
MAT 112
MAT 115
Introduction to Computer Science (QLR)
Discrete Mathematical Structures (QLR)
Mathematics: A Contemporary Approach (QLR)
Mathematics: A Classical Approach (QLR)
College Algebra (QLR)
Trigonometry (QLR)
Pre-Calculus (QLR)
MAT 141
MAT 142
MAT 151
MAT 161
QMM 280
STT 210
STT 215
PBH 299
Concepts of Mathematics (QLR)
Concepts of Mathematics (QLR)
Basic Calculus w/ Applications I (QLR)
Calculus w/ Analytical Geometry I (QLR)
Statistical Analysis for Business and Econ. (QLR)
Intro to Stat: Health Science Application (QLR)
Introduction to Statistics (QLR)
Introduction to Biostatistics
GER 201-202
GER 301
JPN 101-102
JPN 201-202
LAT 101-102
LAT 201-202
PRT 101-102
RUS 101-102
SPN 101-102
SPN 120
SPN 201-202
SPN 215, 315
Intermediate German I & II
Advanced German
Introductory Japanese I & II
Intermediate Japanese I & II
Introductory Latin I & II
Intermediate Latin I & II
Introductory Portuguese I & II
Introductory Russian I & II
Introductory Spanish I & II
Fundamentals of Spanish
Intermediate Spanish I & II
Intermediate Spanish for Bilingual I, II
D. Foreign Language (3-6 hours) Proficiency at the 201 level (or higher) in a language previously studied or 2 semesters 101-102 in a new
ARB 101-102
ARB 201-202
ASL 101-102
CHN 101-102
FRH 101-102
FRH 115
FRH 120
FRH 201-202
FRH 215
FRH 301
FRH 302-303
GER 101-102
Introductory Arabic I & II
Intermediate Arabic I & II
American Sign Language I & II
Introductory Chinese I & II
Introductory French I & II
Intensive Introductory French
Fundamentals of French
Intermediate French I & II
Intensive Intermediate French
Grammar and Composition I & II
Introductory German I & II
E. First Year Seminar (3 hours)
UNI 101 or HON 110 First Year Seminar/First Year Honors Seminar (IL)
A. Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives (at least 6 hours) Note: No more than 3 hours from any one discipline
AFN 290
Literature of the African Diaspora
ART 105
Intro to Studio Art for Non-Majors
ARH 201
Ancient Through Medieval Art & Archaeology
ARH 202
Renaissance Through Early 20th Century
ARH 203
Survey of Non-Western Art
ARH 206
Artist in Film
CLA 209 (ENG 209) Classical Literature in Translation (WI)
CLA 210 (ENG 210) Mythology (WI)
COM 116
Performance of Literature
CRW 201
Introduction to Creative Writing
CRW 203 Forms of Creative Writing (WI)
ENG 110
Introduction to Literature (WI)
ENG 111
Introduction to Literature Global Emphasis (WI) ENG
211, 212
British Literature (WI – 211 only)
ENG 223, 224
American Literature (WI)
ENG 225, 226
World Literature (WI)
ENG 227
World Anglophone Literature (WI)
ENG 230
Women in Literature (WI)
ENG 232
African American Literature (WI)
ENG 233
The Bible as Literature (WI)
ENG 290
Themes in Literature (WI)
ENG 305
Professional Writing Review
FLL 230 (FST 230, WGS 230) Women in Film
FNA 101
Cultures of the World (Music & Dance)
FNA 102
Explorations in the Creative Process
FRH 321
FRH 322
FRH 385 (FST 387)
FRH 420
FST 110
FST 200
FST 210
GER 209
MUS 106
MUS 111
MUS 114
MUS 115
MUS 116
MUS 117
MUS 118
MUS 150
MUS 184-187
PAR 316
SPN 321
SPN 322
SPN 323
SPN 422
THR 112
THR 121
THR 130
THR 136(PED 136)
THR 230
Survey of French Literature I
Survey of French Literature II
Introduction to French Cinema
Topics in French Literature
Concepts in Film
Introduction to Film Study
Moviemakers and Scholars Series
German Literature in Translation: Topic
Exploring Music
Music Theory I
Choral Music Literature
Survey of Music Literature
History of Jazz
American Music
History of Rock
Survey of Music History
Ensemble Courses (may be repeated)
The Philosophy of Art
Introduction to Spanish Literature
Introduction to Spanish American Literature
Intro to U.S. Latino Literature and Culture
Topics in Spanish American Literature
Introduction to Dance
Introduction to Theatre
Movement Exploration
Acting for Non-Majors
B. Historical and Philosophical Approaches (at least 6 hours) Note: No more than 3 hours from any one discipline.
ANT 207
CLA 330
HST 101, 102
HST 103, 104
HST 105, 106
HST 203
HST 204
HST 205, 206
HST 207, 208
HST 209
INT 200
MUS 351, 352
PAR 101
PAR 103
Women in Ancient Greece and Rome (WI)
Western Civilization
Global History
American History: United States
The Sea in History
Women in Modern America
History of Science I, II
Jewish History to 1492, 1492 – Present
African American History
Global Capitalism and Its Discontents (WI)
Introduction to Music History I, II
Invitation to Philosophical Thinking
Introduction to Religion
CLA 210 (ENG 210) Mythology (WI)
PAR 115
PAR 125
PAR 201, 202
PAR 205
PAR 211
PAR 213
PAR 215
PAR 225
PAR 230
PAR 231
PAR 232
PAR 235
PAR 236
PAR 238
PAR 240
Introduction to Ethics
Great Books of the World’s Religion
History of Western Philosophy I, II
American Philosophy
Philosophy of Human Nature
Women in Religion
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Primitive and Classic Religion
Asian Religions
Introduction to the Old Testament
Introduction to the New Testament
History of Christianity I
History of Christianity II: Modern
C. Scientific Approaches to the Natural World (At least 7 hours with one laboratory course*)
Courses in this category cannot be double counted with QLR.
Note: No more than 4 hours from any one discipline.
ANT 210
BIO 105*
Physical Anthropology
Concepts in Modern Biology
BIO 140, BIOL 140 Human Physiology (lab option)
BIO 150
Humans and Ecology
BIO 160
Genetics in Human Affairs
BIO 170
Biology of the Sea
BIO 190
Microbes and Human Society
BIO 201*
Principles of Biology: Cells
BIO 202*
Principles of Biology: Biodiversity
BIO 240*
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
CHM 101*
General Chemistry (QLR)
EVS 195, EVSL 195 Intro to Environmental Studies (lab option)
EVS 205
Global Environmental Issues
GGY 130*
Introduction to Physical Geography
GGY 230
Introduction to Weather and Climate
GLYL 100*
Earth Systems (lab)
GLY 101*
Principles of Geology
GLY 120, GLYL 120 Environmental Geology (lab option)
GLY 125
GLY 135
Natural Disasters
Prehistoric Life
GLY 150 (OCN 150) Intro to Oceanography (OCN Lab Option)
GLY 250 (OCN 250) Beaches and Coasts (IL)
PED 216* (EXS 216*) Human Anatomy and Physiology I
PED 217 (EXS 217) Human Anatomy and Physiology II
PHY 101*
Elementary College Physics I (QLR)
PHY 102*
Elementary College Physics II (QLR)
PHY 103
Great Ideas in Physics
PHY 104
Physics for Future Presidents
PHY 105*
Introduction to Physics
PHY 201*
General Physics I (QLR)
PHY 202*
General Physics II (QLR)
PHY 220
Physics of Music
PHY 260
Introduction to Astronomy
PSY 256
Brain and Behavior
D. Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors (at least 6 hours) Note: No more than 3 hours from any one discipline.
ANT 105
ANT 205
ANT 207
CHHS 205
CHHS 210
COM 104
COM 105
COM 160
COM 220
CRM 105
CRM 110
Introduction to Anthropology
Human Societies
Introduction to Health and Human Services
Creating Happiness & Well-Being
Concepts in Communications Studies
Introduction to Communications Studies
Critical Issues in Contemporary Media
Interpersonal Communication
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Crime and Justice Issues
CRM 255 (SOC 255) Criminology
CRM 256 (SOC 256) Criminology (WI)
EBD 280
Entrepreneurship for Non-Business Majors
ECN 125
Survey of Economics
ECN 221
Principles of Economics-Micro
ECN 222
Principles of Economics-Macro
ECN 250
Capitalism and the Global Market Society
EDN 203
Psychological Foundations of Teaching
GGY 140
Introduction to Human Geography
MGT 350
Principles of Management
PED 345
PLS 101
PLS 202
PLS 217
PLS 303
PLS 304
PLS 341
PLS 342
PLS 403
PSY 105
SOC 105
SOC 215
SOC 220
SOC 256
SOC 336
SOC 337
SOC 346
SOC 433
SWK 235
SWK 335
Childhood Obesity
American National Government
Contemporary American Political Issues
Ethics and Leadership in Public Life
Political Behavior and Participation
Introduction to Public Policy Analysis (IL)
Latino Politics
Race and Politics in America
Public Opinion (WI & IL)
Introductory Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Modern Social Problems
Sociology of Death and Dying
Criminology (WI)
Sociology of Aging
Medical Sociology
Sociology of Religion
Sociology of Mental Illness
Intro to Soc. Work & Social Welfare System
Social Welfare Policies
E. Living in Our Diverse Nation (at least 3 hours)**Only one course may be double-counted in the LDN or LGS category.
AFN 130
ANT 330
COM 116
COM 211
COM 246
COM 302
ECN 328
EDN/L 200
EDN 265
EDN 407
ENG 230
ENG 232
ENG 344
ENG 355
ENG 356
ENG 357, 358
ENG 373
ENG 385
GGY 180
GGY 382
GRN 101
HON 211
HST 105
HST 106
HST 204
HST 208
HST 250
HST 280
MGT 350
Introduction to Africana Studies
The Immigrant Experience
Performance of Literature
Introduction to Storytelling
Communication w/ Deaf & Hearing Impaired Persons
Applied Qualitative Research (QLR)
Public Finance
Teacher, School, and Society
Culture, Advocacy and Policy for ESL Teachers
Theory & Practice in Teaching Foreign Language (K-12)
Women in Literature (WI)
African American Literature (WI)
Latino/a Voices in American Literature
Ethnic Literature in the United States
American Indian Literature
African American Literary Tradition I, II
Women’s Literary Traditions
Multicultural Young Adult Literature
World Regional Geography I
The Regional Geography of the U. S. (WI)
Introduction to Gerontology
Hon Topical Sem: Living in our Diverse Nation
American History to 1865
American History since 1865
Women in Modern America
Jewish History from 1492 – Present
North Carolina Indian History
The History of Surfing
Principles of Management
MUS 116
MUS 117
MUS 184
NSG 405
NSG 408
PAR 205
PAR 225
PAR 242
PLS 340
PLS 341
PLS 342
PLS 351
PSY 271
RTH 286
RTH 372
SOC 304
SOC 325
SOC 336
SOC 346
SOC 350
SOC 380
SPN 215, 315
SPN 323
SPN 490
SWK 355
THR 369
WGS 210
WGS 212
WGS 280
History of Jazz
American Music
Jazz Ensemble
Community Health Nursing
Population & Community Health Nurisng
American Philosophy
Women in Religion
Religion in America
Blacks in American Politics
Latino Politics
Race and Politics in America
Urban Government and Politics
Psychology of Human Diversity
Assistance in Dog Training I
Recreation Therapy and Behavioral Health
Popular Culture
Racial and Ethnic Group Relations
Sociology of Aging
Sociology of Religion
Gender and Society
Social Classes
Intermediate SPN for Bilingual Speakers I, II
Intro of U.S. Latino Literature and Culture
Service Learning and Research: Hispanics in NC
Issues in Diversity for Generalist Practice
American Canon
Introduction to Women’s Studies
Sexuality and Gender
Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies
F. Living in a Global Society (at least 3 hours)**Only one course may be double-counted in the LDN or LGS category.
AFN 290
ANT 105
ANT 206
ANT 208
ANT 327
ARH 203
BIO 150
BIO 160
COM 344
CRW 314
ECN 326
ENG 100, 200
ENG 111
ENG 225, 226
ENG 227
ENG 341
ENG 342
ENG 343
ENG 359
ENG 370, 371
EVS 195
EVS 205
FNA 101
FRH 304
FRH 322
FRH 421
FST 375
FST 378
FST 382
FST 383
GGY 130
GGY 140
GGY 181
GGY 215
Literature of the African Diaspora
Introduction to Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Language and Culture
Globalization and Cultural Change
Survey of Non-Western Art
Humans and Ecology
Genetics in Human Affairs
Intercultural Communication
Theory and Practice of Literary Translation
Comparative Economic Systems
College Writing & Reading I, II: Global (IL – 200)
Introduction to Literature: Global Emphasis (WI)
World Literature I, II (WI)
World Anglophone Literature (WI)
Postcolonial and Third World Literature
Studies in Non-Western or Non-Canonical
Studies in Postcolonial Literature
World Indigenous Literatures and Film
European Literature I, II
Introduction to Environmental Studies
Global Environmental Issues
Cultures of the World (Music & Dance)
French for Commerce (IL)
Survey of French Literature II
French Immigrant Narratives (WI)
Studies in Global Film Study
History of New Wave Cinemas
Contemporary Latin America Cinema
Introduction to Latin America Cinema
Intro to Physical Geography
Introduction to Human Geography
World Regional Geography II
The Digital Globe (IL & QLR)
GGY 230
Intro to Weather and Climate
GLY 120
Intro to Environmental Geology
GLY 125
Natural Disasters
GLY 250
Beaches and Coasts
HON 212
Hon Topical Sem: Living in a Global Society
HST 101
Western Civilization
HST 102
Western Civilization from 1650
HST 103
Global History, 1500-1848
HST 104
Introduction to Global History since 1848
HST 203
The Sea in History
HST 207, 208
Jewish History to 1492, 1492 - Present
HST 209
African American History
HST 270
Global Issues in Historical Perspective
INB 300
International Business
INT 105
Introduction to International Studies
INT 200
Global Capitalism and Its Discontents (WI)
INT 311
Film & Feminine Ideal in Post-Communist Eastern & Central European Cinema
INT 316
Global Protest Movements
MUS 106
Exploring Music
NSG 480
Transcultural Health Care
OPS 377 (INB 377) International Operations Mgt. (OPS 377 – WI)
PAR 125
Great Books of the World’s Religions
PAR 230
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
PAR 232
Asian Religions
PLS 111
Politics and Gov’t in Global Perspective
PLS 218
Ethics in International Affairs
PLS 220
Introduction to International Relations
PLS 222
Contemporary International Political Issues
PSY 270
Cross-Cultural Psychology
RTH 480
Senior Seminar in Recreation Therapy
SOC 240
Individuals and Societies in a Global World
SOC 336
Sociology of Aging
SOC 350
Gender and Society
SPN 311
Spanish Civilization
SPN 312
Spanish-American Civilization
SPN 412
Topics in Spanish American Civilization
Revised February 23, 2016