What Can Plants Tell Us?

What Can Plants Tell Us?
The newsletter for people interested in Wisconsin lakes
Lake Tides
Well, it’s already January, and my Olympian-sized triceps developed over three months
of rake-slinging are finally assuming their normal, more humble proportions. My tan
is gone too, and now all that’s left to attest to an entire summer of aquatic plant surveys
is what always remains: the data. The Fisheries and Habitat Research Program of the
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) collected data on 75 lakes in 2008,
and we now turn our once sun-kissed faces toward the glow of the computer screen. We
seek to answer some pressing questions that result from the presence of aquatic invasive
species (AIS), and specifically Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM). In case you’re unfamiliar
with our program and the specific goals we set regarding AIS, please allow me to bring
you up to speed.
Question #1 – How does EWM management affect aquatic plants?
Much of the management conducted in Wisconsin in the past can be roughly characterized as
“nuisance relief” and isn’t necessarily intended to aid in ecosystem restoration. Currently, we
see no relationship between the amount and frequency of management and the density and
frequency of EWM statewide. However, what about management that is conducted strategically,
with ecosystem restoration as its stated goal? Researchers are trying to answer this question in
22 strategically-managed lakes across the state by compiling treatment records, collecting plant
survey data, and harvesting biomass. As we track the populations of both EWM and native
plants over the next 10 to 15 years on these lakes, we’ll be able to see whether or not strategic
management can decrease the frequency and density of EWM and increase the frequency and
density of native plants over the long term. The study is also designed to assess the importance
of rapid response treatments, as well as identify regional management effects. The study is long,
but the results will be worth the wait!
Question #2 – Is control of EWM with 2,4-D improved by treating in
Photo by Frank Koshere
early spring?
We’re addressing this
question with an experiment
in Bayfield County, as well
as Madison’s Lake Monona
at Turville Bay. By applying
2,4-D (a popular weed killer)
to treatment areas in early
spring and comparing the
results to untreated controls,
we hope to help refine what
we consider best management
practices. The hypothesis
states that since EWM
generally emerges earlier
than native plants, early
Applying a granulated form of 2,4 D on the Pike Lake Chain.
spring treatments might be
more effective while concurrently avoiding the harmful non-target effects on natives. I, for one,
am looking forward to attending the 2009 Wisconsin Lakes Convention (March18-20) and the
(Continued on page 2)
Volume 34, No. 1 Winter 2009
Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
Lake Tides 34(1)
Photo by Frank Koshere
how to identify them, check out the aquatic
plant identification workshop with Susan
Knight on Wednesday morning at the Lakes
Convention (see page 6). If information about
plant sampling is more your style, I’ll be at
the workshop helping Susan; come talk to me
about joining us on a survey this summer!
Question #4 – What can we learn
from baseline aquatic plant data?
Ali Mikulyuk in the field.
The short answer is, quite simply, a lot. The
long answer involves an exhaustively verbose
discussion about remote sensing, runoff,
topography, AIS timelines, and modeling,
and that’s just barely scratching the surface.
Aquatic plant communities respond to a
number of different factors researchers like to
call independent variables. When we look at
the plant survey data (the dependent variable),
we can start to identify how plants respond to
variation in certain conditions. Some of the
things we know that affect aquatic plants are
landuse, invasive species presence, lake depth,
water clarity, shoreline development, aquatic
plant management, climate, lake hydrology,
geographical position, water chemistry, and
lake trophic status, among others. By relating
survey data to the changes observed in these
independent variables, we can start to build
a detailed picture of how plants in Wisconsin
respond to their environment, as well as how
they respond to human disturbance. It is,
perhaps, this increase in understanding how our
actions can affect the living things around us
that will be the most valuable result of all.
management and control session on Thursday
afternoon that will discuss some of these
findings! (see page 10)
Question #3 – How can we further
refine the statewide plant sampling
When compiled, the
[plant sampling] data
tells us where and how
much of a species is
present lakewide; it’s a
good method to track
changes that occur in a
lake over time.
Lake Tides 34(1)
If you have not heard of the Wisconsin
standardized protocol recommended for
baseline aquatic plant sampling, here’s the
quick version: Grid points (the number
of which is determined by lake size and
shoreline complexity) are located via GPS
on the surface of a lake. A long doublesided rake on a pole is scraped along the
bottom at each point to collect plant species
for identification and assessment. When
compiled, the data tells us where and how
much of a species is present lakewide; it’s a
good method to track changes that occur in a
lake over time. This past year, by sampling
absurdly late and early in the growing season
(handwarmers and parkas necessary), we were
able to examine the seasonality of submersed
aquatic plants. By identifying the time of
year that most species are present and when
they have a stable distribution within the
lake, we can better determine an appropriate
window of opportunity for good sampling. If
you are interested in different plant species,
especially their physical characteristics and
To get a big picture perspective, join me in
attending the Wisconsin Lakes Convention,
March 18-20 in Green Bay. The Wednesday
afternoon plenary session will cover aquatic
invasive species on a global scale. I hope to
see you there! For more information about this
year’s convention, see pages 5-15 of this issue
of Lake Tides, or visit the convention website
at http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/uwexlakes/
conventions. 
By Ali Mikulyuk, Fisheries and Habitat
Research Program, Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources
Lake Fingerprints
Researchers Use Lake Data to Reveal a
Lake’s Structural Habitat Identity
It is no secret to anglers that certain species
of fish can be found in specific areas of lakes
depending on the species, the time of year, or
even the time of day. That is why anglers may
choose to fish for walleye by jigging off the
bottom in deeper water, cast for northern pike
among bulrush, or use top-water plugs for bass
near fallen trees along the shore. These simple
strategies are employed because certain species
of fish will associate with particular types of
habitat. And while biologists often debate
the basic functional definition of habitat, one
notion is universally accepted: habitat quality
and quantity affect both fish abundance and the
ability of anglers to catch fish. However, it is
still largely unknown how much and what type
of habitat is needed to keep a healthy balance.
while emerald shiners may school along littoral
zones having sand bottoms with very little
structure. Green frogs undergoing final stages
of metamorphosis are easy to spot on lily pads
in calm bays.
Photo by Sara Schmidt
In lakes, the majority of structural habitat is
concentrated in the nearshore area, or littoral
zone. The littoral zone, by definition, is the
shallow region of the lake where aquatic plants
may be found. These plants provide shelter
and more living space for all types of aquatic
organisms. Littoral zones are also the portion
of the lake where fallen trees provide overhead
cover for fish and homes for smaller creatures
such as insects or algae. The fallen trees and
aquatic plants exist above the lakebed, which
is made of anything from “muck” to sand and/
or gravel to large boulders. This variation
in bottom substrates also provides a certain
structural habitat for fish and other aquatic
organisms. And finally, the steepness or slope
of the littoral zone is also important when
considering structural habitat in this near-shore
region of lakes.
Alterations of these habitat types can have an
impact on the organisms that live there. For
better or worse, structural habitat in littoral
zones can be modified with relative ease. The
depletion of this habitat can occur as human
development along shorelines increases.
Greater numbers of homes and cabins along
lakeshores may lead to removal of shoreline
trees and other vegetation, as well as aquatic
plants in the littoral zone. To counteract this
dilemma, structural habitat is sometimes added
in the form of fish cribs and spawning reefs
along with harvested trees placed in shallow
water along the shore. This form of habitat
mitigation is relatively easy to do, and we feel
good about “improving” structural habitat in
lakes. But how does this affect the organisms
that live there?
It is the littoral zones of lakes where nearly all
lake-resident freshwater fish spawn. Moreover,
fish and other aquatic organisms relate to
different types of structural habitats during
certain stages of their life cycle. For instance,
young smallmouth and rock bass will assemble
near larger bottom substrates, such as cobble
and boulders. Bluegills and other panfish are
usually found swimming among water plants,
Watery fingerprints
reveal clear patterns
of littoral zone
habitat; in essence,
the habitat personality
of the lake.
Honestly, we don’t know. We lack biologically
based habitat assessment methods for these
nearshore areas. Ultimately, we are not
familiar with the type or amount of structural
habitat we have already lost or continue to
(Continued on page 4)
Lake Tides 34(1)
Photo by Robert Korth
can see a clear picture of the littoral zone
habitat revealed as a “fingerprint” unique to
each individual lake. Watery fingerprints
reveal clear patterns of littoral zone habitat;
in essence, the habitat personality of the lake.
Essentially, each graph provides an opportunity
to learn about a particular lake’s “habitat
Efforts to protect,
restore, and enhance
habitats will clearly be
guided by measuring
these [lake] fingerprints.
Research continues as we work to determine
the potential, limitations and compatibility of
a lake’s habitat. As the concept of creating
and using littoral zone fingerprints gets
developed and refined, there will be many
potential uses by biologists, landowners, and
lake visitors. These fingerprints will help to
locate rare habitats, show lake habitat diversity,
or determine which species of fish and other
semi-aquatic organisms can benefit from
particular habitats. In turn, this will aid people
in working with the particular habitat “capital”
that their lake holds. Efforts to protect, restore,
and enhance habitats will clearly be guided by
measuring these fingerprints. 
lose, nor do we have a good understanding of
how much habitat is needed to sustain most
species of fish. So how do we learn more
about the relationships between structural
habitat and aquatic organisms? The first step
is to better understand the habitat that exists
in littoral zones of lakes. The objective of
current research at the Wisconsin Cooperative
Fishery Research Unit, at UW-Stevens Point,
is to provide a framework for displaying and
measuring the complexity of this nearshore
habitat. To tackle this objective, we measured
depth, bottom type, and the abundance of
aquatic plants and downed trees in eleven
northern Wisconsin lakes. Combining the
data in a four-dimensional graph, researchers
Lake Districts
By Sara Schmidt, Graduate Research Assistant
and Michael Bozek, Wisconsin Cooperative
Fishery Research Unit Leader
We often get phone calls and emails from
Lake Tides readers with a variety of questions
about lake districts. Do you have a question
about lake districts that you would like to
see answered in Lake Tides? Send it to
uwexlakes@uwsp.edu so we can include it in a
future issue.
Q: What should lake districts do about board of commissioner representation when
their established boundaries cross a number of municipalities and the governing body
with the largest assessed value of property in the district changes from one year to the
A: One member of the governing body of the town, village, or city having the largest
assessed value of property in the district (appointed by that governing body) needs to have
representation on the board of commissioners. Sometimes the largest valuation changes from
one town to another given new assessments. When this happens, lake districts should see
that the representation shifts accordingly. Again, the municipality with the largest assessed
valuation gets an appointee to the board. If the valuation shifts, then the appointment power
shifts. Further, when several municipalities are within a lake district’s boundaries, it can be
a good idea for them to allow each municipality to appoint ex officio members to the board
to present their points of view and participate in discussions. Still, only the member of the
municipality with the largest assessed valuation would be allowed to vote.
For more information on lake districts, see People of the Lakes: A Guide for Wisconsin Lake
Organizations, www.uwsp.edu/cnr/uwexlakes/districts.
Lake Tides 34(1)
2009 Wisconsin Lakes Convention
...at a glance
Wednesday, March 18
Registration Opens
Exhibit Hall Opens
9:00am-Noon Morning Workshop Block (5 offerings)
10:15-10:45am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
Noon-1:00pm Lunch (Welcome)
1:00-5:30pm Plenary Session - Aquatic Invasive
Species in an Era of Globalization:
Making Linkages Around the World
5:30-7:00pm Networking time
6:00-7:00pm Wisconsin Association of Lakes Meeting
7:00-8:00pm Special Topic Meetings
WI Lakes Convention Reception
Registration fee....................................about $165
(Wow - no price increase!)
Gas to Green Bay & back....................about $30
(Good thing for the online ride share!)
Accomodations.....................................about $100
(Thanks for including meals in registration cost!)
Getting our lakes back to balance......priceless
Thursday, March 19
Today’s technologies and our global culture
bring people together more than ever before
in human history. Worldwide linkages happen
in ways unimaginable just years ago. This
interconnectedness brings unintended consequences
to our nation’s waters, including the introduction of
aquatic invasive species (AIS). The looming troubles
posed by the rise of some AIS pose one of the greatest
challenges ever to face our lakes. With this in mind,
the 2009 Wisconsin Lakes Convention is called Back
to Balance, featuring an international symposium
on AIS. Experts from around North America will
gather to discuss the research, management options,
educational ideas and needed policy changes to deal
more effectively with this prevailing issue. The
goal of the symposium is to share this knowledge
with agency staff, lake citizens, businesses, elected
officials, and others to help get our lakes “back to
balance”. Envision the day when our tinkering
with the lake ecosystem is needed less, and human
disturbance is minimized. 
Friday, March 20
Registration & Exhibit Hall Open
9:00am-4:30pmWorkshops (two all-day workshops)
9:00am-Noon Morning Workshop Block (5 offerings)
9:50-10:10am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
Noon-1:30pm Lunch & Speaker
1:30-4:30pm Afternoon Workshop Block (5 offerings)
2:50-3:10pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
Help play a pivotal role in developing
Wisconsin AIS policy! Come learn and
share during these information-packed
three days.
Registration Opens
Exhibit Hall Opens
Plenary Session - Wisconsin’s Aquatic
Invasive Species Strategy: Smart
Prevention, Containment and Control
Lunch & Poster Presentation Session
Concurrent Sessions I
Concurrent Sessions II
Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
Concurrent Sessions III
Networking time
Lake Stewardship Awards Banquet
(all participants welcome)
Agenda subject to change.
Lake Tides 34(1)
Wednesday Workshops
A. Name That Plant! Aquatic Plant ID
Learning to identify the water plants in your lake can help with a variety of lake projects, such as aquatic plant
management plans, grants, or just add to the fun of learning more about water plants. This workshop will give a
hands-on, up close view of aquatic plant intricacies and differences to aid you in their identification. Learn how
plants survive underwater and how they contribute to the health of the lake ecosystem.
Presenters: Susan Knight, UW-Madison Center for Limnology Trout Lake Station and Ali Mikulyuk, WDNR
B. Lake Data on the Web
Interested in finding lake data on the web or producing maps for a report, newsletter or presentation? Want to
report your Clean Boats, Clean Waters, Citizen Lake Monitoring Network or LoonWatch data online? Join us
for this hands-on workshop and learn how to enter your lake data into the statewide database (SWIMS). Find out
what’s new on the DNR and UW-Extension Lakes websites, and discover how to create maps with the DNR’s
Surface Water Data Viewer. You’ll be able to produce professional looking maps using tools available online.
Presenter: Jennifer Filbert, WDNR and Maud LaMarche, UW-Extension Lakes
C. Limnology 101
This workshop will cover the basics of lake science and management. Issues such as eutrophication, the impact
of near shore development and the introduction of aquatic invasive species will be covered. Join us as we share
insights about the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics that make these watery gems so unique.
Learn why some lakes are green while others are blue. Understand why some are shallow and others deep, some
full of aquatic plants while others are less so. We’ll discuss the management challenges and opportunities we face
in leaving a lake legacy for future generations. Bring your lake questions and observations to share!
Presenters: Pamela Toshner and Buzz Sorge, WDNR
D. Consultants Roundtable: Improving Lake Management and Planning Services
Provided to Local Lake Organizations
Join us for a roundtable discussion of how to enhance and improve lake management and planning services
provided to local lake organizations, increase consistency among lake management plans and projects, and clarify
State expectations and requirements for Aquatic Plant Management (APM) and Lake Management Plan approval.
This workshop is especially designed for lake management professionals, lake planning consultants, aquatic
herbicide applicators, aquatic plant surveyors, and others involved in contracting for services as part of lake
planning, protection, and aquatic invasive species (AIS) grants. As a result, presentations will focus on the latest
AIS grant requirements as specified in NR198, elements of an “approved” lake management plan, recent changes
in the APM Guide, large-scale lake and APM project guidelines, the recently adopted Northern Region Strategy
to Protect Native Aquatic Plants and updated monitoring protocols. There will also be ample time for questions,
discussion, and suggestions for improving the State’s administration and oversight of grant-funded projects.
Presenter: Dwight Osmon, Hey & Associates, Inc.
E. Aquatic Invasive Species Management Tools and Guidance
Do you ever feel lost in the sea of ideas surrounding the management of aquatic invasive species (AIS)? Whether
you are currently coping with an invasive plant or animal, or are trying diligently to keep your lake free of them,
this workshop is designed for you. You need information to get a grip on AIS management. From contingency
planning to aquatic plant management planning, to state grant programs, to chemical treatment permits, we’ll
cover all the basics and more. This workshop will be based on information provided in the guidebook entitled,
“Aquatic Invasive Species: a Guide for Proactive and Reactive Management”. Workshop participants will receive
a copy of this citizen-oriented publication to keep for their own use.
Presenter: Carolyn Scholl, Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Department
Lake Tides 34(1)
Wednesday Plenary Speakers
Biological Invasions as a Form of Global Change:
The Freshwater Perspective
Dr. Anthony Ricciardi
We all live in a biological global village that has exotic species invasions increasing in frequency.
They are the second-leading threat to biodiversity and can dramatically affect ecosystem
processes, economic resources and human health. Come to the Aquatic Invasive Species
Symposium at the 2009 Wisconsin Lakes Convention and hear world-renowned invasive species
biologist Dr. Anthony Ricciardi. Tony hails from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where
he teaches a course on the ecology of species invasions. His expertise in assessing the causes and
consequences of aquatic invaders to freshwater ecosystems is often tapped by media worldwide.
Tony will use his background in population biology, community ecology and evolutionary
biology to examine the reasons why certain species are highly invasive and why some ecosystems
are more vulnerable to invasion than others. Resource managers lack the tools to anticipate
and prioritize invasion threats, because there are very few risk assessment methods or models
to predict the success and impact of aquatic invasions. Tony will highlight why a predictive
understanding of invasions is hindered by the peculiar interactions between an introduced species
and its new environment. He will discuss case studies that reveal some intriguing patterns that
can help guide our efforts toward methods of risk assessment and management strategies to deal
with this global challenge.
Aquatic Invasive Species: A Global Threat with Local Impacts
Dr. Philip Moy
Dr. Philip Moy has been a Fisheries and Nonindigenous Species Specialist for the University of
Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute since 1999. In that role, Phil works with Great Lakes commercial,
sport and charter anglers as well as inland lake groups to address fisheries and aquatic invasive
species (AIS) concerns. Join him as he brings our interest back to the Midwest region and the
aquatic hitchhikers that have threatened Wisconsin waters for over half a century. Phil will share
insights he has gleaned from monitoring the spread of invasive species in Wisconsin waters over
the last ten years and from producing a range of outreach and education materials, publications
and exhibits. He will turn our attention to the highly mobile recreating public that offers these
organisms a means of spreading, sometimes across great distances. Phil’s presentation will
review the pathways by which AIS have entered the Great Lakes, the impacts of some of these
species, and the mechanisms via which these organisms spread to inland waters. Phil will also
remind us how we can help with regional efforts to prevent the introduction and spread of AIS.
Wisconsin Lakes Photo Contest
Show us the beauty and uniqueness of your favorite Wisconsin
lake through the lens of your camera. You could win $100!
Just go to our website at http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/uwexlakes/
conventions, or contact Amy at 715-346-4744 to get the official
rules and an entry form to the Wisconsin Lakes Photography
Contest. Enter up to four photos (two in each category) that show
“people enjoying lakes” and “the natural features in and around
lakes and underwater.”
All photo entries will be displayed at the 2009 Wisconsin Lakes
Convention in Green Bay. Deadline: March 2, 2009
“American Toad on the Prowl,” taken by
Paul Skawinski, won second place in the
2008 Wisconsin Lakes Convention Photo
Contest in the ‘Natural features in and
around lakes and underwater’ category.
Lake Tides 34(1)
Ecosystem Impacts of AIS Spread by Shipping, Boating and Commerce
Dr. David Lodge
As Director of the Center for Aquatic Conservation at the University of Notre Dame, Dr.
David Lodge facilitates partnerships, educational opportunities, and outreach efforts with
resource managers, policy makers, and the public. An ecologist, David’s interest in the natural
environment grew from his childhood fascination with the fish, crayfish, insects and other
freshwater life of Georgia and Alabama where he grew up. In his current research, he examines
the impacts of global environmental changes on drinking water, recreation, fisheries, biodiversity,
and other ecosystem goods and services. Much of David’s research has a strong focus on
ecological forecasting to better inform environmental risk assessment, policy, and management.
David will present examples of analyses for prevention efforts targeting live organisms in
commerce, ship-vectored species in the Great Lakes, and recreational boater-vectored species in
inland lakes. Only with such information can policy-makers have increased confidence in the
value of allocating more resources for management responses to aquatic invasive species.
Movement of Invasive Aquatic Plants Through Water Gardening
Kristine Maki
Sales in the water garden industry have grown to approximately $1 billion per year. Leading
this growth trend are online mail-order sales of aquatic plants. Kristine Maki, the Aquatic
Invasive Species Coordinator for the Sawyer County Land and Water Conservation Department
in Hayward, Wisconsin, will lead us in a discussion that examines the issues of intentional sale of
illegal aquatic plants and unintentional shipment of such plants and other organisms. Kristy will
share results of research by her and colleagues that points to the sales of mail-order plants for
water gardens as possible pathways for the spread of invasive plants. She will provide a context
for considering the impact water gardening enthusiasts can have on giving aquatic hitchhikers a
ride. Kristy’s research findings clearly indicate the need to raise awareness among riparian land
owners, water gardeners, resource managers, and policymakers regarding the risks associated
with the sale and use of aquatic plants. Given the popularity of water gardening and the
accessibility of plants from all over the United States, there is significant potential to introduce a
new species that may become problematic.
Panel Discussion
The plenary session will be completed by a question and answer panel discussion with our
afternoon speakers. A moderator will lead the discussion with questions from the audience to our
panel of speakers for answers. We will wrap up around 5:30 p.m.
Save a Stamp, Register Online!
Save yourself some time and 42 cents by taking
advantage of our online convention registration.
You can even conveniently pay with a credit
card over our secure site. If you have any
questions, call us at 715-346-2116.
Lake Tides 34(1)
Thursday Plenary Speakers
Strategic management of aquatic invasive species (AIS) requires multiple tools and approaches,
including education and awareness, regulation and incentives, monitoring and surveillance, and
cost effective containment and control strategies. This morning’s plenary session will focus on
Wisconsin’s AIS Strategy and how these various tools and approaches are being implemented
at the statewide, regional, and local level. The session will close with an expanded panel of
experts discussing how Wisconsin could use these various concepts, tools and approaches more
effectively in the future.
Smart Prevention
Dr. Jake Vander Zanden
Dr. Jake Vander Zanden is an Associate Professor of Zoology and Limnology at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to teaching courses in Limnology and Ecology of Fishes, he has
been involved in a variety of national and international research efforts using science to improve
environmental management, ranging from controlling non-point source pollution, to conserving
Mongolia’s giant trout. Invasive species pose a threat to our ecosystems, both globally and here
in Wisconsin. There is an urgent need for research that will improve the effectiveness of onthe-ground aquatic invasive species (AIS) management. Jake will describe the smart prevention
framework for managing AIS and explain how it can be used to direct AIS management resources
more effectively. Smart prevention takes a regional approach, recognizing the fact that invasions
at a given lake are deeply influenced by what happens in surrounding lakes. In addition, smart
prevention focuses on the idea of ecosystem vulnerability. Incorporation of this approach into
the broader program of AIS education, outreach and management will help managers and citizens
make more informed decisions in the struggle against AIS.
Controlling and Managing Aquatic Invasive Species
Dr. Jennifer Hauxwell
Dr. Jennifer Hauxwell serves as Chief of the Aquatic Research Program for the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources, working closely with a great group of people involved with
the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership and the Fisheries Management Program. As a scientist for
the agency, Jen has worked primarily on aquatic plant ecology, effects of land use, and invasive
species management in lakes. Jen will review the state of the nation’s and Wisconsin’s research
on the control and management of AIS. She will explore the short-term successes and long-term
difficulties with containment and control of AIS, specifically invasive aquatic plants.
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia: A New Aquatic Invasive Species
Michael Staggs
Michael Staggs has been the Director of the Bureau of Fisheries Management for the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources since 1997. The bureau is responsible for managing and
regulating sport and commercial angling, game and non-game fish populations, and aquatic
habitat restoration and improvement in Wisconsin. Mike will illustrate how all of these
management tools, from Smart Prevention to the lessons learned from aquatic invasive plant
management, were brought to bear on a relatively new AIS threat in Wisconsin: viral hemorrhagic
septicemia (VHS). Learn more about the impact of AIS on our surface waters and our fisheries,
how are we dealing with viruses such as VHS, and what the future holds for our fish populations.
Lake Tides 34(1)
Thursday Concurrent Sessions
Understanding Impacts of Aquatic Invasive County/Regional Aquatic Invasive Species
Coordination Strategies
• Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinators: Valuable
Sociological and Economic Impacts of AIS
Effects of AIS on Property Values
Impacts of Invasive Animals on Lake Food Webs
Optimizing Smart Prevention Models in Wisconsin
Management & Control of Aquatic Invasive
Species – Research
• Long-term trends in Eurasian Water-milfoil
Parts of AIS Strategies
• Establishing a Communication Strategy
• Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission’s
Cooperative AIS Efforts
• Engaging River Enthusiasts in the Fight Against
Invasive Species
Invasives at the Water’s Edge & in the
Great Lakes
• Evaluation of Chemical Control Methods to Manage
• Draw-downs as a Management Tools for Aquatic
Invasives in Impounded Systems
• Managing Invasive Species in Wetlands: New
Invasives on the Horizon, Restoration & Biological
• Wisconsin’s Coastal Wetlands: Impacts of Invasives
& Restoration Challenges
• Status of Phragmites Management Along Lake
Michigan Shorelines
• Great Ships Initiative – the Pilot Ballast Water
Treatment Facility, Superior Harbor & Effectiveness
of Various Ballast Water Treatment Methods
Success Stories
• Innovation in Carp Management at Green Lake
• Success in Aquatic Invasive Species Youth Education
• Case Study: Unified Eagle River Chain Lakes
Commission – Challenges in Eurasian Water-milfoil
Friday All-day Workshops
F. Lake District Commissioner Training
Whether you are new to your lake district or a seasoned lake district commissioner, this workshop will help
you sort through the requirements of being a commissioner and operating a lake district. Topics covered
include: how to comply with open meetings and open records requirements, running board meetings and
annual meetings, voting requirements, and communicating with members. In addition, we will also cover lake
district budget specifics, bookkeeping practices, and funding methods, including mill levies, special charges,
and special assessments. Participants will receive a copy of “People of the Lakes: A Guide for Wisconsin Lake
Organizations” and have a chance to examine and discuss its contents.
Presenters: Judy Jooss, County Supervisor, and Jeff Thornton, SE Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.
G. Running an Effective Lake Organization
Could you use some tips about how to make your lake organization more effective, sustainable, and fun? This
workshop will answer questions about running effective meetings, working with local governments, tax and nonprofit issues, and insurance. If you have questions about Robert’s Rules of Order, 501(c)(3), liability insurance
for your organization or Board, or how to keep your organization fresh and vibrant – this workshop is for you!
Participants will receive a copy of “People of the Lakes: A Guide for Wisconsin Lake Organizations” and have a
chance to examine and discuss its contents with the presenters.
Presenters: Dan Hill, UW-Extension/UW-Madison; Fred Kluss, IRS; Rob Krohlow, Horton Group
Lake Tides 34(1)
Friday Morning Workshops
H. “Clean Boats, Clean Waters” Training
Volunteers have been an integral part of protecting Wisconsin lakes for over two decades. With so many water bodies and
so few state resources, we rely heavily on volunteer efforts to educate boaters about aquatic invasive species (AIS) and
how to prevent their spread. Come join us for the “Clean Boats, Clean Waters” workshop and become a one of the 1,100
volunteers who have been trained to conduct watercraft inspections! We will discuss the latest AIS, what can be done
to prevent their spread, and how you can get your community involved. Sharpen your inspection skills by role playing
how to talk with people at the boat landing and discover the subtle differences between native and non-native invasive
aquatic plants through hands-on plant identification. The watercraft inspection handbook, containing AIS distribution
information, contacts, and more, and a kit of resources to aid inspection efforts will be available on-site for a $25 fee.
Presenter: Erin Henegar, UW-Extension Lakes
I. Succession Planning of Family Land/Legal Updates Session
There are several legal tools a landowner can use to protect conservation values on his or her property. Attorney Bill
O’Connor will review material and ideas relating to families working through land succession planning. Come learn
about land protection fundamentals and the difference between easements, bequeaths, donations, and bargain sales.
See how you can leave a land legacy for future generations to cherish! Then, in a second session, legal counsel for the
Wisconsin Association of Lakes Bill O’Connor will discuss recent court cases of interest to lake people. This session will
also include discussions on pending legislation affecting lakes and lake organizations and a question/answer session for
attendees to quiz the veteran water lawyer.
Presenter: Bill O’Connor, Wheeler, Van Sickle & Anderson, S.C.
J. Working with Media: Getting Them on your Side and Putting your Best Foot Forward
Get the tips, training and take-home materials you need to get your story on air, online or in print. Learn how to cultivate
relationships with the media. We will discuss what kind of stories reporters are looking for, how and when to pitch them,
what photos, audio files and other eye and ear candy you can offer, and the steps you can take to ensure the media’s story
is accurate. The session concludes with a dynamic presentation about TV interviews and on-camera practice so you leave
with the confidence and tips to look good on TV and sound great!
Presenters: Mary Farmiloe and Lisa Gaumnitz, WDNR
K. Regional Approaches to Smart Prevention
If you were intrigued by Dr. Jake Vander Zanden’s plenary presentation on smart prevention, join us for this workshop to
learn how to apply the techniques in your region! Assessments of lake vulnerability are a potentially useful tool for those
engaged in prevention efforts. This information can help guide prevention activities in vulnerable locations and needs to
get into the hands of the citizens and resource managers working on our lakes. In this workshop, we will create a template
for an AIS management strategy document based on the concepts of vulnerability and prevention. We will also discuss
the merits of adopting a more regional approach to prevention and assess the barriers to implementing such an approach.
Presenter: Jeff Maxted, UW-Madison Center for Limnology
L. An Integrative Approach in the Management of Phragmites
Wetlands, lake shorelines and riparian zones are important ecological habitats. This hands-on workshop will investigate
the status of the invasive phragmites and will present the current techniques and strategies employed to manage its longterm impacts. Participants will practice hands-on techniques in managing this common shoreline invasive (weather
conditions permitting). The focus of the workshop will be on presenting current management techniques of phragmites
and the long-term management of ecological systems, which may have multiple invasive plant species present. We will
discuss how to incorporate best management strategies for your site to minimize the spread of invasives, as well as the
importance of developing an integrated site management plan and a schedule for regular site monitoring.
Presenter: Ingrid West, UW-Extension Environmental Resources Center at UW-Madison
Lake Tides 34(1)
Friday Afternoon Workshops
M. Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Through the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network
Join us for this aquatic invasive species monitoring workshop, where you will learn how to identify aquatic invasive
species, receive ideas on how to organize an effective monitoring team, learn where and when to look for the invasives,
and find out what to do if you suspect that you have found an invasive plant or animal. You will take home the following:
a manual covering the aspects you learned at the workshop, user-friendly identification keys (such as watch and wild
cards, pamphlets, laminates, etc.), a hand lens for looking at the “smaller” identification characteristics, display samples,
collection bags, and, most importantly, the confidence to go out and begin monitoring yourself! Your take-home items and
new found confidence will help you to share your knowledge with all your fellow lake lovers.
Presenters: Laura Herman, UW-Extension Lakes, Jay Schiefelbein and Brenda Nordin, WDNR
N. County Roundtable Discussion
Calling all county staff and county-wide lake associations! After three info-filled days, take this opportunity to chew
things over with your county-based colleagues from around the state. This roundtable workshop will give you a chance
to network with your peers in an informal setting and bring forward topics that you would like to discuss. The roundtable
will focus primarily on aquatic invasive species issues, but all topics are welcome.
Presenters: Julia Solomon, UW-Extension and WDNR, and Earl Cook, WAL
O. Groundwater Part Deux: Ordinance Development
Many high capacity wells have been installed in areas that draw upon aquifers which also provide groundwater to lakes
and streams and many more are envisioned in those areas. A disruption of the flow of groundwater may alter the water
budget of a body of water, changing the chemistry and temperature of the water. Such changes have the potential to
disrupt an ecosystem and pave the way for invasive species. This workshop will examine the status of state regulations
governing approval of high capacity wells, the significance of the public trust doctrine, and the potential harm done by
permitting high capacity wells without proper regard for their impact on waterways and aquatic species.
Presenter: Daniel Bach, Lawton & Cates, S.C.
P. Aquatic Invasive Species Cuisine: Eating Your Way Toward Healthier Lakes
Eat your way to healthier lakes…by helping control aquatic invasive species with your stomach! Several of our common
aquatic hitchhikers provide us with tasty opportunities for making culinary delights. These include rusty crayfish,
common carp, rainbow smelt, watercress, the terrestrial nemesis garlic mustard, and others. This workshop will take
attendees through assorted recipes, and together we will sample the tasty results, like crispy carp cakes with lemon dill
beurre blanc and smoked smelt-filled filo cups with capers and spicy mayonnaise. Wash your hands before you arrive, as
the chef may put you to work!
Presenter: Patrick Goggin, UW-Extension Lakes
Q. Educating for Stewardship: Inspiring and Engaging Youth
Educating the next generation of lake leaders, conservationists, environmentalists, and resource preservationists is an
important responsibility of THIS generation! Teaching, mentoring and inspiring the young people who will assume the
stewardship of our lakes and their surrounding natural habitats is a worthy and extremely important goal for all of us. This
workshop will highlight a variety of hands-on, project-based learning experiences that have actively engaged youth in
learning about lakes, shorelands, and watersheds. We’ll explore many ways to involve youth in protecting and managing
your community lakes, using examples of collaborative efforts that have involved K-12 teachers, lake organizations, DNR
specialists, college teachers and researchers, county land and water conservation departments, and others. Curriculum and
resource materials, funding ideas, and ways to meet state DPI academic standards will be included.
Presenters: DuWayne Behnke, Wisconsin River Academy; Mary Jo Fleming, Lake Wissota Association; Jeremy
Williamson and Amy Kelsey, Polk County Land and Water Resource Department; Patty and Dave Zerger, Longfellow
Elementary School Sheboygan; and Heather Weigelt, Heckrodt Wetland Reserve
Lake Tides 34(1)
Convention Registration Form
Please fill out both sides of this registration form.
31 Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention - Back to Balance
An Aquatic Invasive Species Symposium
KI Convention Center, Green Bay
20, 2
h 18-
Daytime Phone: (
Affiliation (Lake Org., etc.)
I am a WAL member q (For more info. on the Wisconsin Association of Lakes, go to www.wisconsinlakes.org)
Registration fee includes major meals, breaks and materials. Regular
Wednesday, March 18 (see back of this form)
q $65
Thursday, March 19
q $80 Friday, March 20 (see back of this form)
q $65
Full convention, Wednesday-Friday, March 18-20
q $185 (save $25 with the 3-day package!)
Late Registration Fee (after March 11, 2009) q $15
Early Bird (by March 1)
q $60
q $70
q $60
Check for
meals q
Lodging Information:
KI Convention Center/Hotel Sierra
333 Main Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
(888) 695-7608 or (920) 432-4555
$105 double or queen
$115 king
$20 for each additional person up to 6 maximum
Price includes full breakfast and 2 hours
of complimentary beverages each evening.
Please refer to the Wisconsin Lakes
Convention when reserving your room.
Registration Fee:
Workshop Fee:
(See other side of form)
Late Fee (if applicable):
Total Enclosed:
Payment method: q Check
q Credit Card
Check one: q Visa q Master Card
Cardholder’s Name
Card No.
Or register and pay online at
Nearby Holiday Inn: (920) 437-5900 ($85/night)
Nearby Days Inn: (920) 435-4484 (reasonable)
You will receive confirmation and
additional information upon registering.
No refunds issued after March 15, 2009.
Please fill out both sides of this registration form.
Mail this form with your check (payable to UW-Extension Lakes) or credit card information to:
UWEX Lakes, UWSP/CNR, 800 Reserve Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481 (715) 346-2116 uwexlakes@uwsp.edu
Or register and pay online at www.uwsp.edu/cnr/uwexlakes/conventions.
Lake Tides 34(1)
Workshop Sign-up
Register early to save your spot!
Online registration available with
secure payment options at
Wednesday a.m.
Friday all-day
Please indicate your first and second choice.
We will try to accommodate your first choice.
___A. Name That Plant! Aquatic Plant ID
___F. Lake District Commissioner Training
___G. Running an Effective Lake Organization
Limit: 25 Additional Fee: $30
see descriptions on pages 10
___B. Lake Data on the Web
If you sign up for one of these all-day
workshops, please DO NOT sign up for any
of the Friday half-day workshops below.
Limit: 20
___C. Limnology 101
___D. Consultants Roundtable: Improving Lake
Management and Planning Services
Provided to Local Lake Organizations
___E. Aquatic Invasive Species Managament
Tools and Guidance
Friday a.m.
Friday p.m.
see descriptions on pages 6
Please indicate your first and second choice.
We will try to accommodate your first choice.
Please indicate your first and second choice.
We will try to accommodate your first choice.
___M. AIS Monitoring Through the Citizen Lake
___H. Clean Boats, Clean Waters Training
Limit: 25
___I. Succession Planning of Family Land/Legal
Updates Session
___O. Groundwater Part Deux:
___J. Working with Media: Get Them on Your
Monitoring Network
Limit: 25
___N. County Roundtable Discussion
Ordinance Development
Side and Put Your Best Foot Forward
___K. Regional Approaches to Smart Prevention
___P. AIS Cuisine: Eating Your Way Toward
Healthier Lakes
Limit: 30
___L. An Integrative Approach in the Management
of Phragmites
Limit: 30 Additional Fee: $30
___Q. Educating for Stewardship:
see descriptions on pages 11
Inspiring and Engaging Youth
see descriptions on pages 12
Please fill out both sides of this registration form.
Mail this form with your check (payable to UW-Extension Lakes) or credit card information to:
UWEX Lakes, UWSP/CNR, 800 Reserve ST, Stevens Point, WI 54481
(715) 346-2116 uwexlakes@uwsp.edu
Or register and pay online at www.uwsp.edu/cnr/uwexlakes/conventions.
Lake Tides 34(1)
Celebrate Wisconsin’s Lake Stewards
Please join us in celebrating the 2009 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award winners and new nominees at
our banquet and awards ceremony on Thursday evening, March 19, at the Wisconsin Lakes Convention.
The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership presents the annual Lake Stewardship Awards to recognize the
extraordinary volunteer and professional efforts to protect and improve our lakes.
People are nominated for Stewardship Awards by their peers — what a meaningful way to say, “Thank
you!” to the people in your community who work so hard to care for our lakes. Winners of these awards
join a select group of women, men, students, and organizations whose unmatched dedication, vision,
and commitment ensure that Wisconsin’s legacy of lakes will be safe and secure for generations to
The Stewardship Awards represent our best collective effort to honor and celebrate all the incredible
work that goes into securing a bright future for Wisconsin’s lakes. Don’t miss this opportunity to pay
tribute to all those who are doing extraordinary things for Wisconsin’s lakes!
There’s still time to nominate a deserving person or group for a Wisconsin Lake
Stewardship Award. Nominations are due by January 26, 2009. To learn more
visit: www.uwsp.edu/cnr/uwexlakes/conventions
February 25, 2009 – Conservation Lobby Day, Madison.
Share your lake conservation values with Legislators!
For more information: www.conservationvoters.org
March 1-4, 2009 – Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society Annual
Conference. Chicago Hotel and Executive Meeting Center, Lisle, IL.
For more information: www.mapms.org/MAPMSConf2009.html
March 5, 2009 – Wisconsin Ground Water Association (WGWA) 2009
Spring Conference. “Ground Water - What is Known and What is Practiced”
Held at the Ramada in Stevens Point, WI preceeding the annual meeting of the
AWRA. For more information: www.wgwa.org
Make sure to stay upto-date on upcoming
lake events with the
online Lake Events
Calendar at www.uwsp.
March 5-6, 2009 – American Water Resources Association (AWRA) 2009
Wisconsin Section Meeting. “Wisconsin’s Changing Water Resources”
Held at the Ramada in Stevens Point, WI, immediately following the WGWA
Conference. For more information: www.awra.org/state/wisconsin
March 27-29, 2009 – Lake Home and Cabin Show, Madison.
For more information: www.lakehomeandcabinshow.com/wisc
May 1, 2009 – Grants Deadlines.
Lake Protection and Lake Classification Grants
River Protection Planning Grants
River Protection Management Grants
Lake Tides 34(1)
Lake Tides -- 905032
College of Natural Resources
University of Wisconsin
800 Reserve Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Volume 34, No. 1
Winter 2009
What Can Plants Tell Us?...........1-2
Lake Fingerprints........................3-4
Lake District Q&A...........................4
2009 WI Lakes Convention..........5-15
Agenda At-a-Glance...........5
Wednesday Workshops....6
Plenary Speakers..........7-9
Concurrent Sessions.....10
Friday Workshops.....10-12
Registration Form.....13-14
Lake Stewards...............15
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable-based ink.
Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
Published Quarterly
Internet: www.uwsp.edu/cnr/uwexlakes
E-mail: uwexlakes@uwsp.edu
Phone: 715-346-2116
Editor: Amy Kowalski
Design & Layout: Amy Kowalski
Regular Contributors: Patrick Goggin, UWEX
& Carroll Schaal, WDNR
Contributing Editors: Robert Korth & Erin
Henegar, UWEX
Photos by: Robert Korth (unless otherwise noted)
Illustrations by: Carol Watkins, Chris Whalen
n the depth of winter I
finally learned that there was
in me an invincible summer.
~ Albert Camus
The contents of Lake Tides do not necessarily
reflect the views and policies of UW-Extension,
UWSP-CNR, the Wisconsin DNR or the
Wisconsin Association of Lakes. Mention of trade
names, commercial products, private businesses or
publicly financed programs does not constitute
endorsement. Lake Tides welcomes articles, letters
or other news items for publication. Articles in
Lake Tides may be reprinted or reproduced for
further distribution with acknowledgment to the
Wisconsin Lakes Partnership. If you need this
material in an alternative format, please contact
our office.
Lake Tides 34(1)