Information for Researchers

Information for Researchers
The following information is for researchers intending to study collections at the Grant Museum of
Zoology UCL.
In order to be as helpful as possible we require as much specific information about the specimens
you require access to during your visit. The Grant Museum does have an online catalogue however it is not 100% comprehensive of the collection. In order
to get the most out of your visit we ask that a research appointment is made as far in advance as
Accessing the Museum
The Museum is available for research visits between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday. The Museum
is open to the public between 1pm and 5pm Monday to Saturday. Access to the Museum before
1pm is through the main entrance of the Rockefeller Building on University Street. Inform security at
the main desk that you have an appointment at the museum and you will be let through. During
opening hours, after 1pm, the main entrance to the museum is open. A map of the Museum’s
location can be found here.
The Research Visit
The Grant Museum can provide space, nitrile gloves and access to a mains power supply, however,
the Museum may not be able to provide extra equipment required (e.g. AV leads for laptops, lighting,
plug convertors for international visitors or measuring equipment). Please ensure you bring with you
all the equipment you may need to undertake research.
Please note the UCL guidelines for all electrical equipment being brought on site:
Any electrical equipment brought to UCL’s Premises must first be approved in writing by UCL. Such equipment must also comply with
UCL’s standard equipment supply which runs at 230/240 volts and 50hz and the equipment must also have a maximum load not exceeding
13 amps. Any electrical equipment brought in to the Premises must also have a valid PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) certificate dated
within one year of the date of the booking. Any equipment without a valid certificate may not be used.
Equipment not matching the above specification may not be used in the Museum space.
The Grant Museum likes to display the kinds of research that goes on in a zoological collection so
you may be working in the gallery space unless working with hazardous specimens or equipment.
Please take the time to explain your research to any of our visitors if they ask.
Before using specimens a member of Grant Museum staff will go over the general object handling
guidelines. You may not use any materials that may mark specimens (ink, paint or putty for holding
specimens in place).
Specimen Photography
Photography is permitted but its intended use must be discussed with museum staff beforehand.
There is a separate form for filming and photography which outlines the use of images and the
appropriate credit line. There is usually a charge for commercial photography. We ask that only LED
lighting is used to light specimens to prevent damage from UV light sources.
Grant Museum of Zoology UCL. Rockefeller Building University College London 21 University Street
London WC1E 6DE