University of North Carolina Wilmington
FACT SHEET 2015-2016
About the CHHS
• Established by the UNCW Board of Trustees and the UNC Board of Governors in 2008; operational July 1,
• Created to provide UNCW a new mechanism to link and focus its health related research, professional
continuing education, health knowledge, dissemination and application.
• CHHS is home to the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences (SHAHS), the School of Nursing
(SON), and the School of Social Work (SSW).
• “Together We Make A Difference” – Interprofessional Collaboration, Community Engagement and
Impact, and Implementation Science.
CHHS Leadership Team
• Charles J. Hardy, Ph.D., M.S., Founding Dean, 3082 McNeill Hall, Voice 910-962-3317, Email
• Kathy D. Browder, Ph.D., M.S., Senior Associate Dean and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, 3081
McNeill Hall, Voice 910-962-3317; Email browderk@uncw.edu
• Justine J. Reel, Ph.D., LPC, CC-AASP, Associate Dean of Research and Innovation, 3076 McNeill Hall,
Voice 910-962-7341, Email reelj@uncw.edu
• Stephanie D. Smith, Ph.D., RN, Director, Office of Community Engagement & Impact and the Center for
Healthy Communities, 3078 McNeill Hall, Voice 910-962-3317, Email smithsd@uncw.edu
• Christopher Lantz, Ed.D., M.A., Director, School of Health and Applied Human Sciences, 151 Trask
Coliseum, Voice 910-962-2364, Email lantzc@uncw.edu
• Laurie Badzek, L.L.M., JD, M.S., RN, FAAN, Director, School of Nursing, 3024 McNeill Hall, Voice 910962-7410, Email badzekl@uncw.edu
• Stacey Kolomer, Ph.D., M.S.S.W., Interim Director, School of Social Work, 3098 McNeill Hall, Voice
910-962-2853, Email kolomers@uncw.edu
• Mark Werbeach, MS, B.A., Director, Office of Student Success, 1019 McNeill Hall, Voice 910-962-7211,
Email werbeachm@uncw.edu
• Nate Miner, M.S., B.A., Director, Office of Resource Management, 3076 McNeill Hall, Voice 910-9623317, Email minern@uncw.edu
CHHS Academic Programs
School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
• Bachelor of Arts in Athletic Training
• Bachelor of Science in Public Health Studies
• Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
• Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and Health Teacher Licensure
• Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism Management
• Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Therapy
• Master of Science in Applied Gerontology
• University Studies Course PED 101 Physical Activity and Wellness
School of Nursing
• Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Pre-licensure and RN-BS options)
• Bachelor of Science in Clinical Research (non-nursing health science degree)
• Master of Science in Clinical Research and Product Development(non-nursing health science degree)
• Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner Option
*Post Master’s Certificate awarded for both options
• Doctor of Nursing Practice (beginning Fall 2016)
School of Social Work
• Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
• Master of Social Work (MSW)
CHHS Accreditations
• Bachelor of Arts in Athletic Training
Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education
• Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
National Association of Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) through the Watson School of
Education and Program Approved by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
• Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism Management and Bachelor of Arts in
Recreation Therapy
Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT)
• Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
Program Approved by the North Carolina Board of Nursing
• Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
Program Approved by the North Carolina Board of Nursing
• Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW)
Council on Social Work Education
CHHS 5 Year Snapshot - Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)