AUGUST 19, 2011
1500 King Street, Suite 202
Alexandria, VA 22314-2730
Sharon Bulova (NVTC)
Maureen Caddigan (PRTC)
John Cook (NVTC)*
Frederic Howe (PRTC)
John D. Jenkins (PRTC)
Paul Smedberg (NVTC)
Susan Stimpson (PRTC)
Jonathan Way (PRTC)
Christopher Zimmerman (NVTC)
Fairfax County
Prince William County
Fairfax County
City of Fredericksburg
Prince William County
City of Alexandria
Stafford County
City of Manassas
Arlington County
Wally Covington (PRTC)
Thelma Drake
Paul Milde (PRTC)
Suhas Naddoni (PRTC)
Gary Skinner (PRTC)
Prince William County
Stafford County
City of Manassas Park
Spotsylvania County
Jerry Logan (PRTC)*
Spotsylvania County
Marc Aveni (PRTC)
Harry Crisp (PRTC)
Mark Dudenhefer (PRTC)
Brad Ellis (PRTC)
Jay Fisette (NVTC)
Frank C. Jones (PRTC)
Rob Krupicka (NVTC)
Michael C. May (PRTC)
Jeff McKay (NVTC)
Martin E. Nohe (PRTC)
Kevin Page
John Stirrup (PRTC)
City of Manassas
Stafford County
Stafford County
City of Fredericksburg
Arlington County
City of Manassas Park
City of Alexandria
Prince William County
Fairfax County
Prince William County
Prince William County
Donna Boxer – VRE
Rich Dalton – VRE
Al Harf – PRTC staff
Ann King – VRE
Mike Lake – Fairfax County DOT
Lezlie Lamb – VRE
Bob Leibbrandt – Prince William County
April Maguigad – VRE
Jennifer Mouchantaf – VRE
Sirel Mouchantaf – VRE
Dick Peacock – citizen
Lynn Rivers – Arlington County
Mike Schaller – citizen
Brett Shorter – VRE
Alex Sugatan –VRE
Rick Taube – NVTC staff
Dale Zehner – VRE
* Delineates arrival following the commencement of the Board meeting. Notation of exact
arrival time is included in the body of the minutes.
Chairman Bulova called the meeting to order at 9:35 A.M. Following the Pledge of
Allegiance, roll call was taken.
Approval of the Agenda – 3
Ms. Caddigan moved, with a second by Mr. Smedberg, to approve the amended
agenda. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Howe,
Jenkins, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Approval of the Minutes of the June 17, 2011 Operations Board Meeting – 4
Mr. Jenkins moved, with a second by Mr. Howe, to approve the minutes. The vote in
favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Howe, Jenkins, Smedberg,
Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Chairman’s Comments – 6
Chairman Bulova reported that overall average daily ridership is 18,377, which is 1,700
more per day than last year. Another way to look at it is that VRE had 4.5 million
passenger trips over the last year, which is 484,000 more than the previous year. For
July, ridership averaged 18,910 passenger trips. Two of the Top 20 ridership days
occurred in July, which is the first time that has happened in the middle of summer. She
also reported that the express train on the Fredericksburg line, which began on July 19,
2010, has had a very successful first year of service. Currently it is running with a fivecar train set and operating above 90 percent capacity.
Chairman Bulova stated that the VRE Strategic Retreat was held on July 29th. She
thanked everyone who participated. She observed that the hand held voting devices
were a useful way to bring the Board to consensus. She thanked VRE staff for their
hard work to make this a success. Mr. Way asked if there will be a formal report on the
Strategic Retreat and Mr. Zehner responded that the Board will receive the report at the
September Operations Board meeting.
Chief Executive Officer’s Report – 7
Mr. Zehner reported that for July on-time performance (OTP) was 92.5 percent for both
lines. For August, OTP is currently running at 89 percent on the Fredericksburg line
and 97 percent on the Manassas line. However, he predicts that the average OTP for
August will be above 90 percent.
Mr. Zehner stated that the Commonwealth has asked to have Mobile DMV offices
temporarily located at VRE stations. It would take up to 3-4 parking spaces. In
response to a question from Mr. Way, Mr. Zehner replied that there would be a
schedule where it would rotate among the stations. VRE would notify riders about the
schedule. Ms. Caddigan asked how long the DMV mobile units would stay at each
station and Mr. Zehner replied that it would probably be multiple days but these types of
details would need to be worked out with the Commonwealth. Mr. Smedberg suggested
advertising this ahead of time to VRE riders. In response to a question from Mr.
Zimmerman, Mr. Zehner explained that it would work logistically better at some stations
and VRE will work with the Commonwealth to find available parking spaces for this
service. Chairman Bulova noted that this seems favorable to the Board and asked staff
to keep them updated.
Mr. Logan and Mr. Cook arrived at 9:44 A.M. and 9:45 A.M., respectively.
Mr. Zehner also announced that a ceremony has been planned on August 23rd at the
Fredericksburg station to celebrate the completion of the station rehabilitation. VRE has
been managing this project over the last year and substantial improvements have been
Mr. Zehner stated that staff will brief the Board at the September meeting about
changing how VRE does maintenance on its equipment. The new locomotives have a
diagnostic system which measures over 400 parameters. The information is uploaded
through a modem every five seconds so the real-time status of each locomotive can be
seen. Problems can be diagnosed while the locomotive is in service. VRE is currently
in Phase I of this diagnostic system which should be fully implemented by September.
It will allow the maintenance repair cycle schedules to be compressed. VRE will also try
to reduce fuel consumption and maintenance costs and schedules.
Operations Board Member’s Time – 8
Mr. Way reported that the City of Manassas is in the process of instituting day-time
parking meters on the top two deck floors of the parking garage. There is enough
parking capacity that VRE riders will not be forced to use these spaces, but can park
there for a daily fee of $7.
VRE Riders’ and Public Comment – 9
Mr. Peacock stated that VRE has a lot to be thankful for, including new railcars, new
locomotives and great OTP. Taxpayers are getting a lot for their money. VRE has an
outstanding safety record over the last 19 years of service, including no fatalities. He
stated that the railroads have imposed fewer speed restrictions, which is an indication
that they are maintaining their tracks. However, Norfolk Southern flood restrictions
should be questioned. The 15 m.p.h. seems to be overly conservative since CSXT has
restrictions at 40 m.p.h. VRE should have a conversation with Norfolk Southern about
In response to a question from Mr. Zimmerman, Mr Zehner explained that there are
more water sources and flash flood areas along the Norfolk Southern corridor. If the
National Weather Service issues a flash flood warning, NS issues a speed restriction
even if there is no rain or water on the tracks. VRE crews are getting complaints from
passengers about these frequent speed restrictions. He will talk with NS about this
issue. Chairman Bulova suggested that an upcoming VRE seat notice include a
question and answer format article explaining the need for speed restrictions to
Consent Agenda – 9
Mr. Zimmerman moved, with a second by Ms. Caddigan, to approve the following
consent agenda items:
Agenda Item #9A: Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for Interior
Cleaning of Railcars.
Agenda Item #9B: Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for Exterior
Cleaning of Locomotives and Railcars.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Howe, Jenkins,
Logan, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Referral of Preliminary FY 2013 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the Commissions
– 10
Mr. Zehner reported that the Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to refer
the Preliminary FY 2013 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the Commissions for
their consideration, so that the Commissions, in turn, can refer these recommendations
to the jurisdictions for their review and comment. Resolution #10-08-2011 would
accomplish this.
Mr. Zehner reported that VRE staff met with the CAO Task Force in June and August to
discuss jurisdictional budget issues and concerns, as well as to review current VRE
projections. The most significant issue for FY 2013 is the potential for a major reduction
in federal support for transit, reflected in the formula funding that comes to VRE through
the state. Although the preliminary budget does not reflect a major reduction to federal
funding, VRE staff is preparing alternatives to accommodate a possible decrease. The
six-year reauthorization bill introduced in the House of Representatives assumed a 30
percent across the board reduction to surface transportation funding. For VRE, a
reduction of this size would translate into a $4.5 million decrease in formula funding and
could require significant increases in fares and subsidies plus major service reductions
to balance the budget. To put it into context, it would be equivalent to a 14 percent fare
increase, or 28 percent subsidy increase, or 33 percent in capital program cuts, or a
combination of these three to balance the budget.
Mr. Zehner stated that the FY 2013 preliminary budget totals $90.0 million. Assuming
no change to either fares or subsidy, $4.1 million of costs are currently unfunded. As in
the past, VRE will submit a balanced budget to the jurisdictions in the beginning of
December for evaluation prior to submission to the Operations Board later that month.
Mr. Zehner stated that staff predicts fuel prices will come down but VRE is also working
to reduce fuel consumption and will take advantage of fuel hedging opportunities. Staff
will also continue to monitor federal funding. SAFETEA-LU expires September 30,
2011 and the fuel excise tax must be renewed by September 30th. If it is not renewed, it
will result in 30 percent less funding for VRE.
Mr. Zehner reviewed the major budget assumptions. Average daily ridership is
assumed at 18,850 passenger trips, service level remains at 32 trains (two nonrevenue) and fare revenue at 41 percent of the operating budget, which is the highest it
has ever been. On-time performance must remain high to sustain ridership and fund
critical portions of the operating budget. Individual Jurisdictional subsidies may
increase or decrease depending on the ridership survey. Full Spotsylvania subsidy
contribution begins in FY 2013 and the Spotsylvania credit of $2.3 million will be due to
VRE by August 31, 2012.
Mr. Zehner stated that state operating assistance is currently projected at $6.1 million.
This is down from the actual award of $6.9 million in FY 2012. State capital match is
projected at 50 percent. Mr. Zehner further explained that with DRPTs new process,
not all projects will be matched. Prior to this, DRPT matched all federal allocations. Ms.
Stimpson stated that she does not have a problem with DRPT looking at each project
individually but would like to see consistency in how they determine which projects will
be funded.
Mr. Zehner reminded the Board that the estimated average daily ridership for FY 2013
is 18,850. Seating capacity on peak trains is 22,370. However, parking becomes the
restricting factor because current parking capacity is 19,140. Outlying station parking
lots are at or near capacity.
Mr. Zehner expressed his concern that VRE not fall behind in maintenance and
facilities, as well as keeping the service levels high. Critical projects are the
Spotsylvania Third Track (already funded), mid-day storage at L’Enfant, and rolling
stock (a minimum of 15 railcars). Mr. Smedberg asked what is infrastructure renewal
and Mr. Zehner replied that it refers to station improvements. Mr. Way observed that
mid-day storage improvements at L’Enfant would allow two more trains and he asked
why VRE is not proposing this additional train service. Mr. Zehner explained that no
additional trains are planned until FY 2015. VRE does not have the operating funds or
equipment to run two more trains at this time. VRE wants the mid-day storage to be
completed so VRE is ready to go if the Operations Board decides to add service.
In response to a question from Mr. Way, Mr. Zehner explained that funding is in the
budget as a place holder for positive train control (PTC). Norfolk Southern and CSX will
have identical equipment for implementation of PTC. There will be pressure for VRE to
implement this. The railroads have to develop the system and then have it certified by
the Federal Railroad Administration.
Mr. Howe noted that Fredericksburg has parking limitations and asked if VRE can
canvas riders through the survey to ask passengers at the Fredericksburg Station if they
will shift to the Spotsylvania Station when it opens. Mr. Zehner stated that staff can
gather this information from other survey questions and then take that data and make
some projections. In response to a question from Mr. Harf, Mr. Zehner explained that it
still needs to be determined what zone the Spotsylvania station will be in. If the fare
increases, people will continue to go to the Fredericksburg station. If the price stays the
same for both stations, there will be no cost savings incentive to use one station over
the other.
Mr. Way asked what would be the additional cost for FY 2013 and subsequent years of
operating more service when mid-day storage is improved. Mr. Zehner stated that staff
will provide this information. Mr. Zimmerman stated that it is possible that with the HOT
Lanes construction, there may be available funding for traffic congestion mitigation.
Mr. Zimmerman moved, with a second by Mr. Smedberg, to approve Resolution #10A08-2011.
Ms. Caddigan requested that the following wording be added to Guideline #2: “and the
jurisdiction’s ability to replace federal funding with fuel tax revenue or other sources of
funding.” Mr. Zimmerman pointed out that the fuels tax revenue is only relevant to
PRTC jurisdictions and not to NVTC jurisdictions since all their fuels tax revenue is
dedicated to Metro, but he would gladly accept Ms. Caddigan’s wording as a friendly
amendment to the main motion.
The Board then voted on the amended motion and it passed. The vote in favor was
cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Howe, Jenkins, Logan, Smedberg,
Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Authorization to Issue a Task Order for On-Site Support at VRE Maintenance Facilities
– 10B
Mr. Zehner stated that the Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to issue a
task order to STV, Inc., under the MEC V contract, to provide on-site mechanical
process and audit support in an amount not to exceed $297,000, plus a 10 percent
contingency of $29,700, for a total amount not to exceed $326,700. Resolution #10B08-2011 would accomplish this.
Mr. Zehner explained that VRE is deploying several initiatives to reduce repair cycle
times, improve rolling stock reliability, reduce fuel consumption, and lower overall life
cycle maintenance costs. Through this task order, STV would provide on-site support
for audits and analysis to ensure VRE meets or exceeds established initiatives. This
task order will monitor mechanical operations, rolling stock availability and fleet
performance on a daily basis. It also includes audits of equipment, both before and
after routine maintenance and unscheduled repairs are performed by VRE contractors.
Finally, STV will audit VRE policies and Standard Operating Procedures to ensure
compliance and then recommend modifications where needed. This work will be
performed over a period of one year.
Mr. Howe moved, with a second by Mr. Way, to approve Resolution #10B-08-2011.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Howe, Jenkins,
Logan, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Authorization to Amend the Contract for the Fredericksburg Station Infrastructure
Repairs Project – 10C
Mr. Zehner reported that the VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to
amend the contract with Trinity Construction Group for the Fredericksburg Station
Infrastructure Repairs Project by up to $60,000, for a total amount not to exceed
$2,158,442. Resolution #10C-08-2011 would accomplish this.
Mr. Zehner explained that the original scope was limited to the amount of available
funding provided via a federal earmark. However, construction costs completed to-date
continue to be lower than anticipated, allowing a second phase of additional work to be
performed within the existing budget. The additional work would address areas
requiring additional concrete and miscellaneous metal repairs outside of the original
project scope. Funding for this contract amendment is an earmark that cannot be used
for other projects.
Mr. Howe moved to approve Resolution #10C-08-2011. Ms. Stimpson and Mr. Logan
jointly seconded.
Mr. Logan stated that the station repairs look great but there is concrete work at the
ramp that could use some repair. It looks like there is exposed concrete and rough
framing work still there. Mr. Mouchantaf stated that it is part of the old platform and is
not part of the rehabilitation project.
The Board then voted on the motion and it passed. The vote in favor was cast by Board
Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Howe, Jenkins, Logan, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way
and Zimmerman.
Authorization to Issue a Task Order for Engineering and Design Work for Positive Train
Control (PTC) – 10D
Mr. Zehner explained that approval of Resolution #10D-08-2011 would authorize him to
issue a task order to STV, Inc., under the MEC V contract, to provide engineering and
design work for PTC implementation in the amount of $123,000, plus a 10 percent
contingency of $12,300, for a total amount not to exceed $135,300.
Mr. Zehner explained that the Rail Safety improvement Act of 2008 mandates the
implementation of PTC by 2015. VRE is working with CSX and NS to align VRE’s
efforts with their PTC implementation plans. The projected phase-in for the CSX
corridor is 2013. This is the more aggressive schedule of the two host railroads.
Positive Train Control allows for train separation or collision avoidance; line speed
enforcement; temporary speed restrictions; and rail worker wayside safety.
Mr. Zehner stated that the future installation of PTC equipment has already been
accounted for in VRE’s new fleet of locomotives. However, since VRE’s fleet of cab
cars was procured prior to 2008, the cab cars do not have the same provisions as the
new locomotives. Therefore, STV will provide the necessary engineering and design
work to install on-board PTC equipment in the cab cars, as well as overseeing the
installation of the PTC equipment once VRE procures the required equipment and
installation services at a later date.
Mr. Way asked if VRE is getting ahead of itself and implementing something that won’t
work or is not reliable. Mr. Zehner explained that VRE must make progress towards the
2015 deadline because it is a federal mandate. This is the first step in the process.
VRE won’t get ahead of what the railroads are doing. It is a system that will be installed
on all freight and commuter rail systems across the country. CSX will test the system
and will not allow VRE to use it until they are satisfied with the system.
Mr. Smedberg moved to approve resolution #10D-08-2011, with the addition of adding
wording in the second whereas clause that this is mandated by 2015. Ms. Caddigan
seconded the motion. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan,
Cook, Howe, Jenkins, Logan, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Authorization for Grant Billing Support Services – 10E
Mr. Zehner reported that the Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to
amend the existing personal service contract for grant tracking and billing support
services by $10,000, for a total amount not to exceed $60,000, and to conduct a
competitive procurement and thereafter execute a new personal service contract for
grant tracking and billing support services in a cumulative amount not to exceed
$150,000 over a period of three years. Resolution #10E-08-2011 would accomplish
In response to a question from Mr. Smedberg, Mr. Zehner explained that grant
accounting is not automated. Ms. Boxer clarified that the billing process is electronic.
Mr. Jenkins moved, with a second by Mr. Way, to approve Resolution #10E-08-2011.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Cook, Howe, Jenkins,
Logan, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Chairman Bulova announced that the next meeting will be held on September 16th. She
also stated that the executive committee met following the Strategic Retreat and has
formed an ad hoc evaluation committee. Mr. Smedberg and Ms. Stimpson were
appointed committee members. The committee was formed to create a process for the
evaluation of VRE’s CEO, which will be modeled after the process used in Fairfax
County. At the September Board meeting evaluation forms will be distributed to Board
Without objection, Chairman Bulova adjourned the meeting at 10:45 A.M.
Approved this 16th day of September, 2011.
Sharon Bulova
Paul Smedberg
This certification hereby acknowledges that the minutes for the August 19, 2011 Virginia
Railway Express Operations Board Meeting have been recorded to the best of my
Rhonda Gilchrest